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Humor me and answer a question...

Guest Tigrinum Major

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Unfortunately I am occasionally guilty of some of the above. When I discover that I have made such an egregious error, I castigate myself.

I'll bet that hurt. Did you use a sharp knife, or one of the new chemical methods?

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Oh, just thought of another one..."mute point" instead of "moot point." There have been numerous occasions when I wish a point couldn't talk, or at least have that be true of the person who was attempting same.

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When I see "We had dinner with the Long's." I want to stab my eyes out.

How about quotations? When I see "We had dinner with the Long's," I want to stab my eyes out.


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Bama education at its finest. It's supposed to be "too" as in also. This would be the case used in this sentence. As in... I am a ROH TAHD FAN! Yeah, me too!

Guess humor is lost on you.


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When I see "We had dinner with the Long's." I want to stab my eyes out.

How about quotations? When I see "We had dinner with the Long's," I want to stab my eyes out.


Quotations are often used to denote that the words enclosed are not mine. If you knew anything about quality journalism, you'd understand this.

I have a variety of forks if you're short on piercing utensils.

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I think he was noting your lack of proper punctuation. You put a period after "Long's" when it should have been a comma.

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I think he was noting your lack of proper punctuation. You put a period after "Long's" when it should have been a comma.

Well, hell. I need glasses. Those little black dots all look the same to me these days.

Seriously? I can't read the writing on a prescription bottle, have no idea what the instructions on most heat and eat meals say, have no hope of reading the health information or contents on most items. Calories? Who knows. Can't read any of that. Stand around like people I've always made fun of, moving the things back and forth and putting them under brighter lights to no avail.

Maybe I should get some forks. Apologies Savoy.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I do believe this is one of the signs of the Apocalypse, folks.

Everybody better get right with the Lord!

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