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Pro Football


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Like a lot of people who grew up in Alabama, I never really got into Pro Ball. Maybe cause the state has never had a team. Maybe b/c the Titans were not around yet. Maybe b/c I thought it was stupid...why get into it when you have Saturday afternoons on the Plains!?!

But now, because I'm bored...because AU's season is a L O N G five months away...I need your help. If I ever get into pro football, WHO DO I PULL FOR AND WHY?

So who's your favorite team and why should I go buy their jersey?

I appreciate your help. I'm determined to finally pick a team and start cheering somebody on.


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Like a lot of people who grew up in Alabama, I never really got into Pro Ball. Maybe cause the state has never had a team. Maybe b/c the Titans were not around yet. Maybe b/c I thought it was stupid...why get into it when you have Saturday afternoons on the Plains!?!

But now, because I'm bored...because AU's season is a L O N G five months away...I need your help. If I ever get into pro football, WHO DO I PULL FOR AND WHY?

So who's your favorite team and why should I go buy their jersey?

I appreciate your help. I'm determined to finally pick a team and start cheering somebody on.


Pull for several. I'm a Redskins/Bucs/Dolphins/Falcons/Panthers/Colts/Seahawks fan. These teams have some of my favorite AU alumnae. This way it doesn't matter who you pull for....you always have a friend on the field.

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That's as good a way to do it as any...I keep tabs on certain :au: players that I liked watching and that's about it.

The NFL is great to take a nap to on Sunday afternoons, though...it's a nice relaxing day after the intensity of college football.

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I used to follow it more closely than I do now. I became a HUGE RAIDERS fan the second BO signed the contract. Followed them for a very long time after that, and will again, if they can ever get a decent coach and find a way to dump Al Davis. Teams I want to be successful are: Tampa Bay (Carnell) Miami (Ronnie Brown) used to hate miami until Ronnie got there, now I have to pull for them. First time for everything. Falcons sort of, and now slowly, VERY slowly becoming a Saints fan since i live here now. (have always hated the saints, mainly because i was always forced to watch them locally in pcola as the early game EVERY sunday if i wanted to watch football. I hated that.

Teams I totally DESPISE and will never root for EVER: DALLAS, Denver, and Indianapolis.

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I've been a Jaguars fan ever since they came into the league, mainly because I was young then and wanted to root for a new team. I still like the Jags, though they don't have any AU ties like many other NFL teams.

Since I've been in college, I have started rooting for the Falcons since that is the closest team geographically and I like their running game. I acually got the chance to go to a game this fall when they hosted Tampa Bay. I rooted for Caddy to do well and honestly wouldn't have cared if either team won. I suppose that's the good thing about NFL football if you're a hard core college fan... it doesn't matter who wins as long as there is a former AU player on that squad!

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Da Bears!

Why? Because they are always fun to watch, they have Brian Urlacher, they have the colors orange and blue. You got James Belushi as a fan, Mike Ditka (always makes me smile) and of course, the Superbowl Shuffle....

So, Go Bears! And, as with the Chicago Cubs, there is always next year.... :thumbsup:

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i like the saints cause i love the city of new orleans, always kinda liked the bucs and now cause of caddy, steelers cause i always have liked them and the skins for their arsenal of former AU players.

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The Saints. It's usually an exercise in futility. But it will be so worth it when/if they ever win the Superbowl.

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Always have been, and always will be a Pittsburgh Steelers fan.

Jack Lambert was my hero growing up, and Bradshaw is funny as hell.

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I have always been a Steelers fan. When I was a kid my older brother was a Cowboys fan and hated Pittsburgh. I always had to be different than him. (Except Auburn, it’s a family thing.) As for reasons to like them I would have to say their blue-collar style. They have always been that type of team since I can remember. I know in the 70’s they were blessed with superb athletes. (Chuck Noll and 9 players from the 70’s are members of the NFL hall of fame) but since then they haven’t been one of your traditional big money teams but somehow find a way to be in the hunt most years. They always seem to plug someone into the system and still compete. They always seem to lose their players to free agency. I’m not old enough to remember those glory days of the 70’s (I barely remember them beating the Rams in Super Bowl XIV) but I’ve enjoyed following them over the years. I have always been and will always be a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. However the love I have for Pittsburgh doesn’t even compare to my love for Auburn.

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My team is the Titans because I lived in Nashville for their entire existence there. Jeff Fisher is a class guy and after a great stretch from 1999-2003 including a Super Bowl appearance, they look to be on their way back with one of the most exciting players in football, Vince Young.

Couple that with the possibility that we'll either get rid of the headache that is Pacman Jones or get a truly reformed version of him back next season and you've got a really fun, hard-nosed team to watch.

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My team is the Titans because I lived in Nashville for their entire existence there. Jeff Fisher is a class guy and after a great stretch from 1999-2003 including a Super Bowl appearance, they look to be on their way back with one of the most exciting players in football, Vince Young.

Couple that with the possibility that we'll either get rid of the headache that is Pacman Jones or get a truly reformed version of him back next season and you've got a really fun, hard-nosed team to watch.

I live in Nashville too, and titan tiger is right....The Titans are fun to watch. I hated them when I moved here, but they grow on you fast. They are now My team. You wouldnt believe how this city changes when they are winning. AMAZING. :au:

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i just honestly can't really get into pro sports. baseball is about the only pro sport i really get into. college football and basketball are way more exciting than pro. i watch pro football but i just cant get as excited about it as college ball.

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I've liked the Steelers ever since I was in elementary school, but there's no pro team that I follow nearly as much as I follow Auburn. Again, i've lived all eighteen years of my life in Alabama, so i've never really had a team to follow. There was a period when I was younger that I followed the Titans(when Steve McNair and Eddie George were both on the team) and there were about two seasons that I followed the Falcons. I can say that I have become more interested in pro football recently though.

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Interesting replies so far. Yeah, just following AU players is always a good thing...I certainly do that. I'm kinda leaning toward the Colts. I think Peyton Manning is a heck of a quarterback...even if he did wear ugly orange in college. Then again, when I lived in Lousville, KY for 4 years, I met some cool Bengal fans...always fun to pull for the underdog. But now I live 45 minutes from the GA dome...so maybe I should just pull for the Falcons...but I might feel like a Homer for doing so.

Ahhhh...why am I putting this much thought in to it?!? College football is still WAY much better.

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But now I live 45 minutes from the GA dome...so maybe I should just pull for the Falcons...but I might feel like a Homer for doing so.

being that atl is a pretty big bandwagon city, i doubt anyone would fault you for being a falcons fan. if you ever wanted to go to games, there's always plenty of tickets around, and if they ever win big you can just mimic the braves fans and state 'i was a falcons fan back when they had william andrews and steve bartkowski'. :poke:

seriously, the falcons would be a good choice since you live there. since you're local, you'll get lots of info about them that you won't get about other teams. having more info about them is bound to peak your interest some.

since it's the 'dead' time in cfb, you may want to try and catch some of the falcons' practices. when i was in nashville, i watched the titans workout a few times and it was pretty cool.

personally, i've always been a titans fan. i was an oilers fan back when they had earl campbell and dan pastorini, then with warren moon and earnest givens, and after years of NOTHING in nashville except AAA baseball and vanderbilt, BANG, my favorite team moves to town. until i moved to memphis, i had season tickets which was great, adn i was actually at the wild card game against buffalo for the 'music city miracle'. since '00 there hasn't been a LOT to cheer about, but like titan said, they've got a young team with a great playmaker, and they'll definitely be making some noise soon.

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being that atl is a pretty big bandwagon city, i doubt anyone would fault you for being a falcons fan. if you ever wanted to go to games, there's always plenty of tickets around, and if they ever win big you can just mimic the braves fans and state 'i was a falcons fan back when they had william andrews and steve bartkowski'. :poke:

What is funny about this statement is it is true and that is when I stopped being a falcons fan.

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I stopped being a Falcons fan when the front office sold their soul to get Ron Mexico. I can honestly say with my right hand raised and my left on a stack of bibles while standing on my granddaddy's grave that I was a Falcons fan back when being a Falcons fan wasn't cool (the Bartkowski/Andrews years). They don't have that same appeal now.

I am not a big NFL fan at all, but I do follow the Texans somewhat. I love the underdog. I can watch the Steelers (my alma mater's uniforms were identical to the Steelers when I was a young 'un) and Packers. I admire how the Packers have resisted wussing out by building a dome. They still play the game the way God intended; outdoors in the elements.

Sundays back home were usually spent out in the yard playing football with the other boys (and some rather tough girls) in the neigborhood, recreating plays from the day prior. Lynnwood subdivision had some killer talent in the 10-14 year league.

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(and some rather tough girls) in the neigborhood, recreating plays from the day prior.

I thought they used to call you one of the "tough girls"?

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"A mans gotta know his limitations" - Clint Eastwood :big:

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Redskins is my favorite team, because they have more number of :au: players. My next favorite is Tampa Bay., coz of Cadillac and I like the intensity of Coach Gruden's coaching....

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