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Tony Blair: Secret Weapons Sites Found


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Tony Blair says "massive evidence" of secret weapons laboratories have been unearthed in Iraq.

The Prime Minister made the announcement in an interviewed on the British Forces Broadcasting Service.

He said the Coalition's Iraq Survey Group - which is hunting for weapons of mass destruction - made the discovery.


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Key part of the article:

Mr Blair, without going into detail, told the British Forces Broadcasting Service that the findings were part of an interim report produced by the survey group several months ago.

Remember how we went through all this several months ago and no weapons were ever discovered? Now we have Blair trotting out old evidence that says the same-old same-old. Is there some purpose here? Could he possibly try and be specific, or is he just going to keep trafficking in the vagueries of inaccurate old intelligence that led nowhere? Most importantly, where are the weapons? If he's going to actually go to the trouble to dredge up all these dusty old reports, don't you think he should tell us about SOME new development to back it up? Otherwise, he's telling absolutely nothing. He's just rehashing the same old stuff he said in the first months after the war, stuff that never led to any WMD discoveries at all. Hohum.

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