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A Seasonal Joke

Jenny AU-92

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During his sermon one Sunday, the preacher told his congregation that the entire range of human experience could be found in the Bible. He confidently stated, "If anything can happen to humans, it is described somewhere in the Bible."

After the service, a pregnant woman came up to the preacher and said, "I don't think the Bible mentions anything about hormonal pregnant women."

The preacher told the woman he was certain he could find a reference to pregnancy hormones somewhere in Scripture. During the following week, he searched diligently, book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter, and verse-by-verse.

On the following Sunday, the woman came up to him and asked, "Did you find any references in the Bible?"

The preacher smiled, opened his Bible, and began to read, "... and Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem..."


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"... and Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem..."

I don't think that act is exclusive to pregnant women only. ;)

I think you are right...........that is why men have selective hearing. :lol:

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"... and Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem..."

I don't think that act is exclusive to pregnant women only. ;)

I think you are right...........that is why men have selective hearing. :lol:

Maybe ya'll are the reason for us having to be hormonal! ;)

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"... and Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem..."

I don't think that act is exclusive to pregnant women only. ;)

I think you are right...........that is why men have selective hearing. :lol:

Maybe ya'll are the reason for us having to be hormonal! ;)

Yep, we do that cause we really like having our butts chewed on daily.


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I don't know - men do lots of stupid stuff so often and repeatedly, that we females just assume that you MUST enjoy getting your butts chewed, or else you wouldn't do the same stupid stuff over and over and over...

Hey wannabe, isn't it funny that most women don't see other women as hormonal...? I think you are right, proximity to testosterone has a lot to do with the degree of raging hormones.

After all, proximity to testosterone got me in the fix I am in right now, didn't it? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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"... and Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem..."

I don't think that act is exclusive to pregnant women only. ;)

I think you are right...........that is why men have selective hearing. :lol:

Yeah, it never fails to amaze my wife that I can hear something said in another room but don't have a clue what she just said while sitting beside me on the same couch.

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