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Official American Idol Thread

Jenny AU-92

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My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me.

Sanjaya is thru to another week. I'm off to find a strong rope and a solid limb. If Haley gets kicked off I lose my eye candy and I'm not sure I can go on.

I was so glad to see Haley stay and yes she is very easy on the eyes :)

Sanjaya? he keeps making it through, pretty soon the judges wont comment on his singing because it doesnt matter what he does! Stop the insanity

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My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me.

Sanjaya is thru to another week. I'm off to find a strong rope and a solid limb. If Haley gets kicked off I lose my eye candy and I'm not sure I can go on.

I was so glad to see Haley stay and yes she is very easy on the eyes :)

Sanjaya? he keeps making it through, pretty soon the judges wont comment on his singing because it doesnt matter what he does! Stop the insanity

i think simon eluded to that on tuesday evening.

sangaya will last another week perhaps 2.

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Ok, I'm not at all surprised when Sanjay makes it thru anymore.

I'm convinced that the great majority of the voters are female. I really thought Haley would be gone cause the ladies wouldn't want to see a hottie get by on short skirts and hot legs, but I was wrong. I thought this was one of Gina's better performances.

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I agree, Gina did a really good job but alas that freaking no talent wankstain is still on there.

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This show is so hard to predict I thought for sure Phil would be going home! Gina was one of my favorites I hope she does well! I guess Sanjaya is going to be around for awhile, He wasnt even in the bottom 3 :puke:

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I haven't watched since the Birmingham episode, and I don't really care, but I think I want to start voting every day for Sanjaya only because it bothers people who care so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With every week its getting harder to pick who will get voted off! In the next 3 weeks the show should get very good! hell Sanjaya keeps moving on I guess anything can happen!

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All of Dell computer customer service reps can get back to their job. Because the Brown people lost their idol.

Goodbye Sanjaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Even the audience cheered when he got the boot.

Bet Hailey is pissed.

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Yeah. It was pretty amazing. I want to do more than just give money at some point. Maybe go over to Africa or other impoverished areas and do something more hands on to help. But money is important too.

I think they said the average cost for saving someone from malaria in Africa is around $1. So even if all you could afford was $5, that's roughly five people you saved from a completely preventable deadly illness.

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