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Best beer pong table ever?


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Beer pong is a game loosely based on ping pong (or not so loosely depending on where in the nation you go to college).

Allow me to explain.

Beer Pong rules:

Required Materials -

1 large table (at least 6 feet in length)

22 Solo Cups (more if you so please for a larger game)

10 cups filled about 1/4 with beer

2 cups filled about 3/4 with water (not for drinking)

2 ping pong balls

Set Up -

Arrange the cups into two pyramids of 10 cups (base of 4, then 3, then 2, then 1) on each side of the table. Fill these cups with about 1/4 volume of beer. Place one cup to the side of each pyramid with about 3/4 volume water (for rinsing off ping pong balls during play). You will need either two players or two teams of two players.

If you wish to add more players, you may add more cups of beer to the playing field but you must still have the triangular shape.

Rules of Play -

I am going to assume that you are playing with two teams of two people for the rules.

Determine which team is to go first (coin flip, rock/paper/scissors, etc...). Each person on the team chosen to go first will then take a ping pong ball and, one at a time, toss the ball across the table with the objective of getting the ball into one of the opponents cups. If the ball lands in a cup, one of the opponents must drink the beer in that cup and set the empty cup to the side. The next player from the first team will then throw his ball with the same objective. If both players are to successfully throw their balls into the opponents cups, the team earns another turn and the balls are returned to them and play continues. Otherwise, the second team will then take their shots at the first team's triangle. After each time the ball is thrown, it is common courtesy to rinse the ball off in the cup of water so that there are no stray hairs/dust balls/anything else floating in the beer that players are to drink. There are some instances where a ball may bounce off the rim of a cup or off an opposing player and land in another cup, in these cases the shot is counted and the cup must be removed from play and the beer subsequently consumed. However, if the ball bounces off of anything, it may be slapped away by the defending team.

How to Win -

The last team remaining with cups still on the table is the winner and their opponent is obliged to drink the remaining beer from the winning teams cups. (although some players prefer to finish their own beer).

Optional rules -

There are many rules that have been added to the rules of play to make the game more interesting, the following are a few of the more popular ones.

-The Elbow rule - a player's elbow may not pass over the edge of the table when making a throw. If it does, any cups made are left on the table and the player loses his/her turn. A third-party judge is sometimes needed to make decisions on this.

-The Bounce rule - if a player bounces a ball off the table and into one of the opponent's cups, his/her team earns another 2 shots.

Bounce rule options:

-Instead of 2 extra shots, you may choose to play so that 2 cups are taken off the table and subsequently consumed

-The Spinning rule - Sometimes, a ball that lands in a cup will spin around the interior of the cup. In this case some people choose to allow certain methods of getting the ball out of the cup before it lands in the beer. Method 1 - blowing into the cup while the ball is spinning may force the ball out of the cup. This is usually only allowed if the defending player is a girl. Method 2 - using two fingers to scoop the ball out of the cup quickly while it is still spinning around the cup is sometimes allowed. Males or Females are allowed this option. (See: Girls blow, Guys finger). If the ball is successfully removed from the cup, the cup remains in play and play continues.

- The Drinking Cup rule - If a player finds themselves in a position in which they cannot consume the beer fast enough, it is okay for them to have one cup in which they may consolidate all of the beer they are to drink. However, this cup must remain in the player's hand or on the table at all times. If a stray ball is to bounce into the drinking cup, the game is automatically won by the thrower's team. The drinking cup may be defended in any way (move the cup, slap the ball away, cover the cup with your hand, etc...).

Now, in some parts of the nation, it is argued that the previously described game is not called Beer Pong, but rather Beirut. Why? I don't know, it's mostly a northeastern thing. However, they describe the game Beer Pong as a normal game of ping pong in which each player has a full beer on the table. If a ball is to land in someone's beer, they are required to consume the beverage before play can continue. This is supported in the movie Beerfest in which a game such as described is referred to as Beer Pong. However, in Auburn, Beer Pong refers to the game mentioned above.

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Awww, come on man, it took me like 25 minutes to type those rules straight out of my head. You had to go the easy way...

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I love a good game of beer pong, but I think I'm more of a fan of flip cup.

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From collegehumor.comcollegehumor.b09af24da539908521885c6d053e3890.jpg

I need to go back to church and pray some more.

If I didn't have so many bad memories riding the porcelon bus after a game of beer pong, then I would say that's a great table. The memory is so overwhelming for me that I may go and :puke::puke::puke::puke::puke: now.

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Dont you guys just play a**hole anymore? or quarters? Man I feel old too.

by a*******, do you mean President and A**holes old man? :poke:

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I played my fair share of beer pong at Auburn, but we just cleared off a table. Someone has a lot of time on their hands to create something like this. I love it!

Damn I miss college.

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Dont you guys just play a**hole anymore? or quarters? Man I feel old too.

by a*******, do you mean President and A**holes old man? :poke:

I bet none of you can roll a quarter off your nose and ring the shot glass either.....Geez what is the youth of America being taught?

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Back in MY days at Auburn (which was only 6 years ago, '96 - double ought) we never played beer pong. We always played President and A**holes and Circle of Death. Circle of Death left me holding on to the floor trying not to fall off one time.

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I love a good game of beer pong, but I think I'm more of a fan of flip cup.

me too!!!! I love flip cup. We play at our tailgates. Its a great game for gameday. We played last year (2005 season) at my friends tailgate and had it 3 tables long (about 30 people on each side). It was insane. We also did an Auburn vs. Georgia game. I recommend it for tailgating.

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I don't want to brag, but I was the funnel fight Champion of Auburn for two years. No one ever beat me and I retired due to graduation.

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Dont you guys just play a**hole anymore? or quarters? Man I feel old too.

by a*******, do you mean President and A**holes old man? :poke:

I bet none of you can roll a quarter off your nose and ring the shot glass either.....Geez what is the youth of America being taught?

OMG, that's probably the first thing I learned at Auburn (I was deadly within the first month). I never was good at drinking games, so I got so good at rolling the quarter off my nose no one wanted to play me any more.

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Back in MY days at Auburn (which was only 6 years ago, '96 - double ought) we never played beer pong. We always played President and A**holes and Circle of Death. Circle of Death left me holding on to the floor trying not to fall off one time.

Amateur games.

I was over P&A by the time I got to College.

If you've never played Suits, you have never lived.

This is true. Still my favorite.

I don't want to brag, but I was the funnel fight Champion of Auburn for two years. No one ever beat me and I retired due to graduation.

And that was the pinnacle our college drinking irresponsibility.

We invented that game, by the way.

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Amateur games. I was over P&A by the time I got to college.

Agree 100%. It brings back tons of memories of high school, though.

Some other good games:

Hi-Low - great 2 person game if you are bored

The Gauntlet - only one person can play at a time, but it is fun to watch people get screwed. I am commonly known as one of the worst players of this game. I've gone through 4 1/2 decks of cards before I finished.

Power Hour (60 min.) or Century Club (100 min.) - seems easy at first, but by the end you are begging it to be over.

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presidents and a-holes, and really, any other card game is for small parties of 15 ppl or less. Or, they're also good for starting parties with. But when you have a lot of people together, beer pong, flip cup, chugging contests, etc... are where its at. I don't think I've ever played a game of flip cup I didn't like. And beer pong gets even better when you're playing a couple of good lookin' girls and they start trying to distract you...

We started playing one version of flip cup in which each team had three players and each player had a partner/opponent on the other side of the table. Instead of taking turns drinking, if you're partner made a cup, you had to drink it and then throw the ball. It was kinda like three games of single player beer pong going on at once at one table with something like 28 cups on each side...

I've also seen games of 200 cup beerpong in which the games lasted almost all night and they had people tagging in and out.

I've always wanted to have a beerlympics party with a bunch of different events going on.

The events I'd pick would be:

Beer pong (Solo, Double, and the Triple game described above.)

Flip Cup

40 oz. Chug

F--- the dealer

Presidents and A-holes

Kegstand Survivor (Longest stand wins)

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Power Hour (60 min.) or Century Club (100 min.) - seems easy at first, but by the end you are begging it to be over.

I used to have actual software for playing this game.

It was awesome.

There was a timer that counted down to the next minute, and also a random quote about beer or drinking, then when the minute was over, you'd hear a loud belch, letting you know it was time to drink.

It was cool cause you didn't have to concentrate and stay huddled around a clock.

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Power Hour (60 min.) or Century Club (100 min.) - seems easy at first, but by the end you are begging it to be over.

I used to have actual software for playing this game.

It was awesome.

There was a timer that counted down to the next minute, and also a random quote about beer or drinking, then when the minute was over, you'd hear a loud belch, letting you know it was time to drink.

It was cool cause you didn't have to concentrate and stay huddled around a clock.


Nowadays we have software that plays 60 sec. clips of music from your own collection and sometimes gives a little alarm or sound effect to indicate the transition. You can even download hour-long mp3 files with nothing but 60 sec clips that people have put together if you go on ares or limewire.

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