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Upgraded to Vista yesterday


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oh the never ending debate of pc's vs. macs. No PC user will ever convince a mac user that the pc is better and no mac user will ever convince a PC user that the mac is better. It's a personal choice. I'm very glad that I chose the PC route. I have no desire to ever switch to mac...EVER. I've had pc's now for over 20 years and i've NEVER had a virus cause a hardrrive crash. My wife and I together have 6 pc's running in the house and all on the internet and sharing printers and never had any problems.

Now, back on the actual topic of the thread. I have no desire to upgrade to Vista at all, mainly because of the hardware requirements for vista to run properly. Over time it may be necessary, but that will be years down the road. All my applications that i use run beautifully on XP and I see no reason to fix something that isn't broken....

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I find that it depends on what you use the machine for. I have always used a PC....I grew up on PCs.... I could build one with my eyes closed and I know most of the software backwards and forwards. Thus the reason I have a PC...I have nothing against Macs, I have used Macs and they are every bit as capable. However I enjoy the software variety that a PC offers relative to the Mac. I am also a hardcore gamer ...try finding games for Mac. Again its just my preference and the use of the machine. For instance my father-in-law is a professional photographer....his studio is pure digital, he no longer shoots anything with film, all he has in his office is Macs. PC's could not even touch what he uses those Macs for....again use of the machine.

Getting back on topic, I concur with what ranger had to say regarding the Vista upgrade. I had the beta version and for the most part it is a GUI graphical interface upgrade, with some security issues being addressed as well. If you are running a stable OS right now I wouldnt bother with the upgrade, until like ranger said, the first service pack comes out. Trust me..I have a subscription to Microsoft Action Pack they sent me Vista Business the day it came out, I am not going to be making the switch until some updates have been released.

Also make note as ranger said that not only does your system ram need to be upgraded but also your graphics card ram minimally should be 128k to fully run everything.

Eventually as with all operating systems we will have to switch to Vista but from what I've read and played with, albeit minimally, it seems to be improved over XP and XP has been the best OS to date.

by the way a little humor towards the PC side...the reason Macs dont have to worry about virus software to bog it down is because nobody gives a crap about making a virus to invade a Mac because no one cares about a Mac let alone uses one.

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I realize you were mainly being a smartass, but the security through obscurity argument doesn't really tell the story with regard to viruses and Macs. The real reason is that Mac OS X is by nature a more secure OS, being built on an open source Unix foundation that has been around for a very long time. The FreeBSD Unix code that forms the foundation for Mac OS X has been poked and prodded by expert programmers for over 30 years. So most of the most obvious holes in OS X were actually closed years ago.

Plus, given that many hackers these days are challenge and fame driven, cracking a BSD-based system would be the fastest way to show off your skills. That plus the fact that even 6 years later there still hasn't been a true OS X virus out in the wild even as Apple's profile and marketshare has increased makes it an even more attractive target.

Granted, there is a grain of truth to attacking Windows more often to cause more disruption, but it's also because it's easier to do to the average Windows system than it is a Mac system right out of the box. I have no real desire for Mac to become the dominant OS because I do realize that it's nice to let Windows walk around with the big target on its back. But I like the platform and want it to do well for years to come and I like real competition in the marketplace. I think it brings out the best innovations and is good for consumers.

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Like I said before I have no problems with Apple, I think they are great company...It is just my personal preference to use a PC...Its what I know...bottom line! Apple does make some amazing products (Ipod is by far best out there, not even any comparison to microsoft's creation) and some of their LCD screens are to die for.

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Good gosh, throw some "12 national championships" or "5 in a row" talk into this.

Next thing you know, a couple of you are going to be in a field, hitting a scanner with a baseball bat, while one of you is clinging like grim death to a red Swingline.

When's Wham touring again? You and Richard Simmons getting back-stage passes? :poke:


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oh the never ending debate of pc's vs. macs. No PC user will ever convince a mac user that the pc is better and no mac user will ever convince a PC user that the mac is better. It's a personal choice. I'm very glad that I chose the PC route. I have no desire to ever switch to mac...EVER. I've had pc's now for over 20 years and i've NEVER had a virus cause a hardrrive crash. My wife and I together have 6 pc's running in the house and all on the internet and sharing printers and never had any problems.

Now, back on the actual topic of the thread. I have no desire to upgrade to Vista at all, mainly because of the hardware requirements for vista to run properly. Over time it may be necessary, but that will be years down the road. All my applications that i use run beautifully on XP and I see no reason to fix something that isn't broken....

Exactly! Like I said, I have used both and I see no reason of either to claim they are that much better then the other. I lean towards PC because of availabilty of products, but that is the only reason.

I bought a 1 GB stick of memory last night at Staples and they installed it for me this morning. Since my video memory needs 128 MB allocated to it, he left one of the 256 MB sticks in the other slot (I had two slots with 256 MB in each one). That leaves me with 1.12 GB dedicated to the system and I am a very happy camper now. I then downloaded some updated firmware for Vista from the Compaq website, such as an updated BIOS driver, audio driver, etc. and now Vista is running like a well oiled machine.

The only reason I went ahead and upgraded to Vista was to just be ahead of the game a little bit this time. Eventually I would have had to use it anyway, especially with the school upgrading to it also. I had already planned on upgrading to a 1 GB memory sometime soon anyway, so upgrading to Vista just expedited that by a few months. I am liking some of the new security features on it and the GUI is more user friendly then previous Windows versions. But, like I said, if it bothers you to tweak things like that or have to download updates, I would suggest in waiting until you have to buy a new system that will already have it pre-installed. But then again, usually even with a system out of the box, there are still updates that need to be made since they system was built and packaged.

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i am hijacking this thread for a moment.

titan, are you using the apple firewall in the system?

Yeah. Why?

i did not know if it was a third party firewall. if there is such a thing. i found it suprisingly odd that all i had to do was click the "turn on" icon. i thought it can't be that simple.

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Funny video of a guy trying to write a script using vistas voice recognition software...

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i am hijacking this thread for a moment.

titan, are you using the apple firewall in the system?

Yeah. Why?

i did not know if it was a third party firewall. if there is such a thing. i found it suprisingly odd that all i had to do was click the "turn on" icon. i thought it can't be that simple.

That's pretty much it. Though to be fair I don't think it's that much different for the built-in firewall in Windows.

There are third party ones available for the Mac if you prefer more control over specific aspects. My DSL modem also has a firewall and I run it too just to be safe. Even though the Mac is harder to crack, there's no such thing as an impenetrable computer if someone is knowledgeable and determined enough.

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Funny video of a guy trying to write a script using vistas voice recognition software...

Now, that's funny. Keyboard class would be best. I took accounting in HS instead of typing, I wished I had taken typing. I peck with the best of them though. I'll take a keyboard class one day.

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Almost got my first virus on my old IBM lappy today. Fortunately Norton caught it. I have the firewall on and I didn't open any email from anyone I didn't know. I've only been online for a few minutes and been here and to a couple of news sites and my corporate email. I downloaded a pdf I had to review but that was it. Norton quarantined it but couldn't clean it because it is associated with an email. I can't tell which one because none are showing attachments. Strange deal.

Something called "Downloader". It was in a setup.exe file. Did I dodge a big bullet or a little one?

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Funny video of a guy trying to write a script using vistas voice recognition software...

Now, that's funny. Keyboard class would be best. I took accounting in HS instead of typing, I wished I had taken typing. I peck with the best of them though. I'll take a keyboard class one day.

I took 2 years of accounting and 2 years of typing in HS...Loved both classes

Get mavis beacon teaching typing or if you are of the game persuasion, get mario teaches typing...and learn something..lol.

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I installed Vista on a secondary partition (technically it was a primary partition for any geeks trying to catch me on that) at work to fool around with... decided the thing was unusable until I switched everything to classic. I hate wading through and getting used to a somewhat changed GUI, that to me at least seems like a bigger pain to get around in.

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