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Progression of Bamer thought,,,,,,,,,Stealing Recruits


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This is how I see it. I don't have a problem with ALabama fans thinking their program history, tradition, coaching legacies (no matter how they were achieved), and over all national perception was better than Auburn in the past. I not only don't have a problem with that, I agre with it 110%. What I do have a problem with, is that Bama fans still live in that era today and still think that what happened 20 to 30 years ago still carries the program in the present. I also belive that if you think that ALabama has a better program, better national perception, and overall respect than Auburn has over the last 3, 5 or 7 years or so....you are badly mistaken.

This is what chaps Auburn peoples ass. Not the fact that Alabama had a great tradition at one time, but they still live in that era and they feel Auburn fans feel inferior. This is just simply not the case and will never be that way again!

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Well superior in your field of study...we dont know what he's studying. But per national rankings, UA and AU alternate just about every year. So thats a push. Better coaches? Id tend to think the majority of the country would say Saban is a better coach than CTT. He has more hardware than does CTT. But either way, its not like CTT vs Saban would be a REASON to not go to Alabama. Players in the NFL? Well we have Chris Samuels, Wesley Britt, Evan Mathis, Justin Smiley. THats off the top of my head. National prestige or national ranking? Because Alabama has more national prestige. Thats not me being an ass...and none of it has to do with what weve done the last 5 years...but its fact. I'll give you homey atmosphere. I wont give you co-eds. Thats another push.

Saban better than Tuberville? Bah. You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? If the majority of the country would say that they don't know squat about football. Only Texas and USC have won more games than AU over the last five. And that includes three of Saban's LSU years (and Miles has done more with LSU than Saban did record-wise).

Players in the NFL? You listed a bunch of stand-arounders and left off the ONLY guy you have with any name pop, Shaun Alexander. On the other side, let's try: Karlos Dansby (starter, AZ), Dontarrious Thomas (starter, MN), Heath Evans (starter, NE), Carnell Williams (starter, TB), Ronnie Brown (starter, MIA), Jason Campbell (starter, WA), Marcus McNeil (starter, SD), Rudi Johnson (starter, CN), Willie Anderson (starter, CN), Takeo Spikes (starter, BUF), Kendall Simmons (starter, PIT), Tim Carter (starter, NYG), Reggie Torbor (starter, NYG), Wayne Gandy (starter, NO), Carlos Rogers (starter, WA). And then you can add: Marcus Washington, Fred Beasley, Jeno James, Rob Bironas, Chris Gray, Fred Beasley, Tony Richardson, Jay Ratliff...

National prestige? Bah. National joke. There's a difference. What you used to be isn't prestige.

Coeds? You need to open your eyes. There are some good looking girls in Tuscaloosa, but they are far outnumbered any day in Auburn. There's no competition.

Just so you are not corrected by a Bama fan....I believe BG and TM are discussing OL players at the next level...

crap...too late...

Well, I missed the boat on that one. Either way, it's still an argument BG can't win. They have Samuels. He's at the very edge of his prime. The rest of the O-line he listed are, yes, stand-arounders. That he even put one of the many underachieving Britts on the list pretty much makes his entire point laughable.

They have Samuels and a bunch of fat bodies. Auburn has Simmons, Gandy, McNeil, James, Riley, Gray... It's typical Bama. Their ONE guy is allegedly "better" than Auburn's six or seven. Bah.

There's no evidence, empirical or otherwise, to suggest that Saban is a better college coach than Tuberville. To say flatly that he is (as some Bama fans are inclined to argue) is balderdash. Tuberville has already done everything Saban did at LSU and more with the exception of having one of the teams ranked above him on the last weekend of the season lose. And Saban didn't do that, so he can't take credit for it.

What's funniest to me is that the majority of BG's "facts" are reduced to the same perpetual line: "Go to any football board and put a poll on there and see what they say..." Yes, that is truly the end-all and be-all, the alpha and the omega of sport. The "football board poll". It's like a man law. A "football board poll" cannot be disputed. Oh, DARN, Auburn lost to Alabama in football this season. There was a poll on TideSports.com and 87% of the respondents thought Alabama would win. And Joe McKnight is going to become a Tider. 64% of those polled said so. This is the essence of bama fandom. A poll on a sports board.

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The rest of the O-line he listed are, yes, stand-arounders.

I have to take exception to this. Even just standing around would have allowed the Britt boys to block better than they did while in turdtown.

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I will agree with my Auburn brethren. I willalso say that it is not just because they are my Auburn brethren. The worst part of being an Auburn fan is having to deal with Bama fans. they are the most arrogant and delusional fans in the nation. This whole thread has been hijacked by coments of supremacy and dominance. I may just be too young to remember when we were building our legacy of bad football teams. (I am 31 so in 75 I cant say I remember what the heck was going on until 80) The idea that we are all inferior and scared is a comon them from the Bama fans on here. Here is a the best part THEY ARE SCARED TO DEATH THAT WE WIN AGAIN THIS YEAR.

And with that in mind look back at this thread we are arguing a moot point. THey have not STOLEN any recruits and if they do so be it. If you dont want to be at Auburn then dont be. But unlike Bama fans I dont condem the kids I wish them luck and I also dont say that they werent good enough for us anyway. The idea that Bama is looked at as a better program I guess means that the coaches that turned the Tide down were just too scared not to live up to the Ber.

HOGWASH on all this crap. I cant wait to beat that same bunch of listless assclowns this year. Because remember this BAMA you WERE better than usnow the proof is in the records and dont give me the probation crap either or poor coaching. If this were true you would have to take all games that BAMA won and were favored to win out of the total count. Oh and good luck to Sarah Jessica Parker on her heisman journey next season. But always remember that you come to Auburn in november and that does not look good for you right now.

Damn I just wasted a whole 2 paragraphs due to actual facts and BAMA fans cant comprehend actual facts DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!



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Yeah, if you find out that the school is superior in your field of study, if the school has better facilities, if the school has better coaches, if the school has landed more players in the NFL at my position, if the school has more national prestige, has a more homey atmosphere, has better co-eds .....need I go on?

By this description, i soon expect us to be taking verbals from plenty of lifelong AU fans.

I see one as a lean towards Bama. To outright claim the others is just downright smug.

Sucks to your auntie.

Sucks to your ass-mar.

You can't use literary quotes from "Lord of the Flies" in arguments with 'Bammers. The furtherest they got in school was "see Spot run".

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This thread for the reading impaired Bama fans.

1/20/07 6:45:18 pm

Saban is great! He is stealing recruits from Auburn

(1/20/07 10:31:51 pm )

Jared Cooper is coming to BAMA now! And ANY OTHER RECRUIT we want! AUBURN will never beat bama again! Saban is great

(1/21/07 4:10:09 pm )

Cooper's a lifelong Bama fan and after meeting Saban and this great staff he will sign with BAMA.

(1/21/07 6:38:46 pm )

Cooper now has a full-ride offer out of the gate from Auburn.

(1/22/07 8:10:33 pm )

Looks like Cooper is staying with the Tigers. Canceled all other in home visits.

(1/22/07 8:20:03 pm )

there are much better players out there for us! We didn't want him anyway!!

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BG, Harper started not even 4 games this year I believe

He's a rookie...he won the starting job. (And he was doing a bang up job i might add) and he then blew out his ACL.

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This is how I see it. I don't have a problem with ALabama fans thinking their program history, tradition, coaching legacies (no matter how they were achieved), and over all national perception was better than Auburn in the past. I not only don't have a problem with that, I agre with it 110%. What I do have a problem with, is that Bama fans still live in that era today and still think that what happened 20 to 30 years ago still carries the program in the present. I also belive that if you think that ALabama has a better program, better national perception, and overall respect than Auburn has over the last 3, 5 or 7 years or so....you are badly mistaken.

This is what chaps Auburn peoples ass. Not the fact that Alabama had a great tradition at one time, but they still live in that era and they feel Auburn fans feel inferior. This is just simply not the case and will never be that way again!

I have the problem with the fact that Bear Bryant didn't have the marbles to play Auburn at Auburn. I have a problem with the fact that he recruited players just to keep Auburn from getting them. Today there is parity in college football and I don't believe Bryant would have the same record had he done things fairly. Legion Field - what a joke. Alabama played so many games there each year. Bryant was afraid to come to Auburn. Congratulalions to Pat Dye who beat Bear his second year and who would not put up with Alabama being afraid to come to Auburn. The only reason Saben came to Alabama is because he couldn't make it coaching in the NFL, and Alabama gave him the bank and is still giving him the bank. Personally, I think the whole deal makes Alabama look pathetic. If it isn't about money, then why is Saben accepting it? He gets to offer coaches high amounts of money to work under him. However, it appears that some coaches won't work for him no matter how much Saben offers.

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I dont think you grow up a "lifelong ____ fan" and play for the team's bitter rival when you are offered the same scholarship.

Do you all HONESTLY think any of you would have taken a scholarship from Bama over AU coming out of high school?

Thats because you are so drowned in kool-aid that you refuse to see the toilet that bammers program still sits in.

Maybe nick will save you maybe he won't. Until he does (AND IF HE DOES) your program is still in the crapper and you may lose some more life long fan/possible recruits. Of course, the longer the turd nation stays in the toilet the fewer lifelong fans there will be to go to superior rival programs.

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BG, Harper started not even 4 games this year I believe

He's a rookie...he won the starting job. (And he was doing a bang up job i might add) and he then blew out his ACL.

He was playing ok, BG...he wasn't playing "great"

His injury was unfortunate but he still has a LOT to learn

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He was playing ok, BG...he wasn't playing "great"

His injury was unfortunate but he still has a LOT to learn

He was starting in the NFL as a rookie. I think that merits kudos...at least for the purposes of this thread.

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Yeah, if you find out that the school is superior in your field of study, if the school has better facilities, if the school has better coaches, if the school has landed more players in the NFL at my position, if the school has more national prestige, has a more homey atmosphere, has better co-eds .....need I go on?

By this description, i soon expect us to be taking verbals from plenty of lifelong AU fans.

I see one as a lean towards Bama. To outright claim the others is just downright smug.

Sucks to your auntie.

Sucks to your ass-mar.

Well superior in your field of study...we dont know what he's studying. But per national rankings, UA and AU alternate just about every year. So thats a push. Better coaches? Id tend to think the majority of the country would say Saban is a better coach than CTT. He has more hardware than does CTT. But either way, its not like CTT vs Saban would be a REASON to not go to Alabama. Players in the NFL? Well we have Chris Samuels, Wesley Britt, Evan Mathis, Justin Smiley. THats off the top of my head. National prestige or national ranking? Because Alabama has more national prestige. Thats not me being an ass...and none of it has to do with what weve done the last 5 years...but its fact. I'll give you homey atmosphere. I wont give you co-eds. Thats another push.

Alright, first and foremost, I was being broad in my interpretation. Your original quote was "how can anyone grow up a fan of a school, then commit to their bitter rival, blah, blah, blah. I simply stated a list of reasons why. Your response shows that...

A. You DO NOT think those are valid reasons, and were being an sarcastic smug little twit OR

B. You think your university is superior in those facets and are being a delusional smug little twit

I had no intention of making this a pi$$%ng match, but you've forced my hand.

Field of Study...

Can't judge, we don't know. (That should've been your first clue that I wasn't interested in a pi$$%ng match).

Better coaches...

Tuberville, Hugh Nall. Hugh Nall is HIGHLY respected in his field. He's landed around 6-8 players in the NFL. Advantage Auburn.

Players in the NFL...

Offensive Lineman rookie of the year M. McNeil, Kendall Simmons, Willie Anderson..zzzz. Considering Nall was close to some of these, he gets the recruiting edge. Advantage Auburn


Advantage Alabama

National Prestige...

An 18 year old kid was playing w/ Legos when Bama was relevent on the national scene; Power Rangers when the Bama was relevent in the SEC. Advantage Auburn

Homey atmosphere...




BG, I used to respect you, but now I just see you as a smug litte twit with a stick up his posterior. Suddenly, you're inept administration hires a guy with a viable resume, and you act like you rule the roost before he's even coached a game. And you wonder why your fanbase is the laughing stock of college football.

Good riddance.

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BG, I used to respect you, but now I just see you as a smug litte twit with a stick up his posterior. Suddenly, you're inept administration hires a guy with a viable resume, and you act like you rule the roost before he's even coached a game. And you wonder why your fanbase is the laughing stock of college football.

Because I dont agree with you I'm being smug? I think its funny that you guys are always telling me that I need to grow thick skin...yet whenever I dont agree with everything you say...YOU guys are the ones who get all sensitive.

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I don't know if this has been posted but...

Cooper has a final decision: It's Auburn

I didn't read the whole thread but this proves once again that bama fans in general are delusional in their "crawl through broken glass," recruit stealing mentality.

Cooper said at one point in an interview with rivals that when it comes down to it, you have to put rivalries behind you and go where you have the best options.

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BG, I used to respect you, but now I just see you as a smug litte twit with a stick up his posterior. Suddenly, you're inept administration hires a guy with a viable resume, and you act like you rule the roost before he's even coached a game. And you wonder why your fanbase is the laughing stock of college football.

Because I dont agree with you I'm being smug? I think its funny that you guys are always telling me that I need to grow thick skin...yet whenever I dont agree with everything you say...YOU guys are the ones who get all sensitive.

No, I'm calling you smug for saying this...

By this description, i soon expect us to be taking verbals from plenty of lifelong AU fans.

I think I've accurately described the only TWO ways you can take that comment. Both are smug and both are insulting.

My attempt was to bring up reasons why a player would want to sign with AU (Bama fan) or Bama (AU fan). You decided to make it a pi$$%ng match in order to satisfy your inflated ego.

For this, my opinion of you is that you are a smug litte punk.

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For this, my opinion of you is that you are a smug litte punk.

Again with the name calling. I swear you guys have no imagination.

When you listed all those reasons...YOU were the one who suggested all of those things were better than Alabama...not me. I only flipped around the EXACT same thing that you suggested.

So I say the same exact thing you said...but im a "smug little punk" and you are a saint?

By the way...Im 6'4" 225 so little may not be what you are looking for.

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For this, my opinion of you is that you are a smug litte punk.

Again with the name calling. I swear you guys have no imagination.

When you listed all those reasons...YOU were the one who suggested all of those things were better than Alabama...not me. I only flipped around the EXACT same thing that you suggested.

So I say the same exact thing you said...but im a "smug little punk" and you are a saint?

By the way...Im 6'4" 225 so little may not be what you are looking for.

This is such a waste of keystrokes. I've already told you that I was NEVER implying Auburn was superior in those assertions. I was simply stating reasons that SOME PLAYERS choose CERTAIN COLLEGES, because you couldn't think of a reason why someone would turn down their "favorite" college team for a bitter rival. YOU decided to make it a pi$$%ng match by declaring UAT superior to Auburn on those accounts.

You smug LITTLE punk. Don't throw ht/wt stats at me and act like I'm trying to fight. No one's tougher than an internet bully. You're showing your a$$ BammerGrad. It ain't pretty.

Try some of this...


...You'll feel better.

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You smug LITTLE punk. Don't throw ht/wt stats at me and act like I'm trying to fight. No one's tougher than an internet bully. You're showing your a$$ BammerGrad. It ain't pretty.

Try some of this...

I wasnt trying to be an internet bully...thats about the dumbest thing anyone can do. I was trying to lighten the mood and help you get up the courage to remove the wad from your panties.

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I dont think you grow up a "lifelong ____ fan" and play for the team's bitter rival when you are offered the same scholarship.

Do you all HONESTLY think any of you would have taken a scholarship from Bama over AU coming out of high school?

Are you being funny or serious. Right off the top of my head I can think of Cooper Wallace, Tommy Trott, Brandon Cox, and Courtney Taylor. Over the years there are many more including a somewhay unknown named:

Bo Jackson

Can you think of any the other way?

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Are you being funny or serious. Right off the top of my head I can think of Cooper Wallace, Tommy Trott, Brandon Cox, and Courtney Taylor. Over the years there are many more including a somewhay unknown named:

Bo Jackson

Can you think of any the other way?

Lets go down the list...

Cooper Wallace, Tommy Trott, Courtney Taylor = all went to AU while we were under NCAA sanctions. Taylor wasnt offered as a WR.

Brandon Cox didnt get an offer from Fran because Fran was recruiting option QBs. BC all but BEGGED for a scholly offer. We offered Brandon Avalos instead (smart).

Some idiot from Alabama told Bo Jackson that he would be like 3rd on the depth chart and that we had plenty of RBs.

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