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I was listening to In the Zone Sports radio today in Columbus and one of the DJ's said something that made me stop and think for a second... and then laugh.

They said, "Now I know you don't like to hear about it, but we have to talk about it, the Alabama Head Coach search. The other day on a Birmingham Radio talk show (he was referring to finebaum) they did an interview with stallings and although he didn't say he wanted to coach at Alabama, he did hint that he might be interested. Stallings said that no one had approached him about the job but that he'd be honored if they did."

Please, how pitiful would it be if Bama reverted back to an old coach just to have someone in the spot. Granted, stallings is the only one to have had any success since the bahr, but really... I mean how would it look if Auburn said "Geez, Mr. Dye, we really need a head coach right now..."

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I was listening to In the Zone Sports radio today in Columbus and one of the DJ's said something that made me stop and think for a second... and then laugh.

They said, "Now I know you don't like to hear about it, but we have to talk about it, the Alabama Head Coach search. The other day on a Birmingham Radio talk show (he was referring to finebaum) they did an interview with stallings and although he didn't say he wanted to coach at Alabama, he did hint that he might be interested. Stallings said that no one had approached him about the job but that he'd be honored if they did."

Please, how pitiful would it be if Bama reverted back to an old coach just to have someone in the spot. Granted, stallings is the only one to have had any success since the bahr, but really... I mean how would it look if Auburn said "Geez, Mr. Dye, we really need a head coach right now..."

PLease, bring back Stallings and the NCAA will open up a branch office in Tuscaloser.

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Stallings denied interest in the job on some show this week.

A name I'm hearing (rumored to be in Tuscaloosa today) is Tommy Bowden.

Can we get a picture of their respective wive's hair? Otherwise, how can we be expected to assess their candidacy?

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Stallings denied interest in the job on some show this week.

A name I'm hearing (rumored to be in Tuscaloosa today) is Tommy Bowden.

Wow, there really is a God, and he LOVES Auburn.

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Stallings denied interest in the job on some show this week.

A name I'm hearing (rumored to be in Tuscaloosa today) is Tommy Bowden.

If bammer fans thought that Shular had a horrible offense bring back Stallings!

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Stallings denied interest in the job on some show this week.

A name I'm hearing (rumored to be in Tuscaloosa today) is Tommy Bowden.

Can we get a picture of their respective wive's hair? Otherwise, how can we be expected to assess their candidacy?


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For Stallings to be successful, wouldn't you have to hire Bill Curry first? Let him recruit for a few years, bring Stallings in and let him win then? Seems like that's what happened before! :P

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