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Message from the (current) Majorettes


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Feel free to lock this thread after i post this. I doubt any response is worth it, I just want people to read this.

To Whom It May Concern:

As captains of the Auburn University Tiger Eyes, we issue this statement in hopes to answer any questions and to clarify any misunderstandings regarding our existence and purpose in the Auburn University Marching Band.

We first would like to recognize that our purpose as Tiger Eyes is to serve as student representatives of Auburn University, supporters of Auburn football, and proud members of the Auburn Marching Band.

In 2005, Auburn fans were first introduced to a new concept of thought when it comes to the visual aspects of the marching band. The Tiger Eyes are collectively composed of three different lines, consisting of twirlers, flags, and dancers. We are the "visual" ensemble of the AUMB, and we add the sights to the phenomenal sounds of the band that entertain fans at every AU football game. Each line has a different specialty to give to the visual effect of the band: dancers dance, flags spin flags, and twirlers twirl batons. Our choreography is designed to elevate the talents of each line while, at certain times, perform as one unit to extend an even more dramatic visual effect for the band.

As captains this year, we have set five goals for the Tiger Eyes. Our first goal and focus is to maintain as one cohesive unit that works for the betterment of the band. Above our membership and allegiance to the Tiger Eyes, we first and foremost consider ourselves proud members of the Auburn University Marching Band. We realize that the band can exist without us, but we cannot exist without the band. Therefore, we are very grateful to be apart of this program.

Secondly, we have aimed to begin and end each halftime show together on a common prop among all three lines. Although this may be a new concept for the Auburn family, we feel this adds much more visual effect to the performance level of the band as a whole.

Our third goal is to present ourselves in the most professional manner possible. We feel this can best be achieved by performing in matching uniforms. The word “uniform,” to us, entails many things, including dress, hair, makeup, jewelry, and footwear. We believe if we are to fulfill our first goal of performing as one cohesive unit, all of these uniform pieces should be the same. We should ultimately look like one uniform, polished ensemble.

Our fourth goal is for ourselves as young college students. Since its formation, many lifelong friendships have been established between girls among all three lines of the Tiger Eyes. Positive relationships have been formed with other members of the band, outside of the Tiger Eyes, as well. This level of camaraderie reiterates our desire for whole-hearted unity and fairness and equality amongst us.

Our fifth and final goal for this year is to elevate the skill level of each line’s talent to the highest degree. Not only do we feel that existing as one cohesive group will raise our ability level and push further than ever before, but also, we stand positively behind all the decisions that have been made by the band staff. The decision to alter our footwear and hairstyle helps make possible our goal of increasing skill level.

In the past few weeks, it has unfortunately been brought to our attention that there have been conflicting ideas concerning the Tiger Eyes. We acknowledge those who have come before us, we respect and appreciate their hard work and commitment they once gave to the Auburn band. Nevertheless, we stand in full support and agreement to our current goals. It would be incredibly disheartening to know that, as Auburn students, we are not supported by our family. While change is never easy, it is inevitable. We would appreciate your understanding and continued support as we move forward in our goals as the Tiger Eyes, the visual ensemble of the Auburn University Marching Band. Thank you, and War Eagle!

Tiger Eyes Captains 2006

Rebecca Petty, Megan Robertson, Mary Margaret Shoultz

Now that is a good way to address the issue

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Ok, we now have a response to the last few weeks of pounding the Auburn message boards by the former majorettes. This is what the current Tiger Eyes have to say about it. If you want the perspective of those who are unhappy about it, you can search the forums for the topics on the majorettes.

BOTTOM LINE: We're done having this board essentially spammed with this tired topic. People have had their say, on two different threads that went several pages. The issue is causing divisions in the Auburn family over a matter of taste, not a matter of critical importance and we're just not going to allow it anymore. We understand that not everyone will agree, but that's just the way things are. If you want to hash this out more or express your feelings on the matter, contact the powers that be at Auburn or talk to each other via email.

Future posts about this subject will be locked and/or edited and the poster will be referred to this post.

Thank you.

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