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Cost of war


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"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower

April 16, 1953

What is being spent on war as we speak... or type. :)

Cost of War

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Nobody ever said war is cheap. But you have to remember that it was war that took us out of the great depression. National security has to come first and then we can focus more on feeding the hungry. They kinda both go hand and hand. Evil men like Hussien and Bin Laden can care less about the hungry.

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Yea, If we couldn't protect ourselfs another country could take us over and starve us as well.


There's a small difference between defending ourselves (Afghanistan) and a pre-emptive attack on a sovereign nation under false pretenses. (Iraq) There are times when war is a necessity. The war to run the Taliban from Afghanistan and try to capture or preferably kill Osama Bin Laden is one of those times. Settling an old score with Saddam Hussein WASN'T one of those times.

One of the first things that I taught my son was how to protect himself and to not back down from bullies. However, I also taught him the common sense to not go out looking for a fight.

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What false pretenses? All the info we had said he still had WMD's, which still has not been officially disproved, because we know he did have them, just what did he do with them is something that has to be proved. With his hatred of the US, it does not take a genius to figure out he was supporting terrorism. A soverign nation? Hardly. The man was evil and murdered innocent people. He improsined, starved, and murdered children. The children part alone is enough for me take him out of power. Sometimes we do have to be the watchdog of the world and protect those that need protecting. It will and has cost us lives, but if democracy can work in Iraq, it will be worth it. They did not have the means to stand up for theirselves, we helped them and now they have the chance to make it work. Every country on this planet deserves that chance. Does that mean we need to invade other countries like that. That is a hard question to answer because every situation is different, thus you have to pick your fights wisely. That is why we dropped the bomb on Japan instead of invading which would have cost way too many lives on both sides and we may have came out on the short end of that battle. War is not pretty, but if the cause is just, it is worth it.

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