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Donutboy, TigerAL, etc.


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My signatures were a direct result of the one that MDM4AU uses with the crying baby as the seal of the Democratic Party. I notice that he wasn't mentioned (Wonder why?) but when ALL political signatures are ended, mine will be as well. Don't ask just one political view to be quiet. That is SO Bush!! As for using the signature in the football forum, if someone can tell me how to have my signature show up ONLY in this forum, I'd be happy to do it. If not, I guess the people in the football forum that gladly accept the conservative political signatures will have to "get over it", as I was told by a moderator when I reported about a conservative calling me no-nut boy the first time.

I can't believe you reported that to a mod. What a libbie! :lol::lol:;)

Something tells me thats not the first time I've been reported.

I just couldn't help myself, the rhyme was just too much to pass up. I am genuinely shocked that it offended you so greatly. I would apologize but at the moment it would be insincere, and I'm not an insincere person. Maybe after I quit laughing so hard I'll feel bad about it. TOUGHEN UP DUDE!

Okay, I'm sorry I offended you.(It is possible to be amused and sincere I have discovered)

Ditto! Give me a break! I am telling the principal on you!!!! Donutboy is all about the truth, just as long as it goes along with his perception of what the truth is. He starts an awful lot of posts that anti-conservative so far to the extreme that he makes other liberals like TigerAl look like Pat Robertson (j/k TigerAl, not a flame on you :lol: ). He twists stories into something they are not and does not talk about the positive news about what Bush has done, but then is hypocritical as one of those that cry that FoxNews is not "fair and balanced" as their motto says. He seems so bitter towards conservatives, all I can figure is one must have stolen his girlfriend at one time in his liberal life. Donutboy, there is more to life then politics and bashing conservatives. BTW, the economy is on the rise at record rates,unemployment is down, and the world is less one evil, child murdering dictator that supports terrorists. Geez, George W. Bush is such a horrible, evil man. :roll:

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My signatures were a direct result of the one that MDM4AU uses with the crying baby as the seal of the Democratic Party. I notice that he wasn't mentioned (Wonder why?) but when ALL political signatures are ended, mine will be as well. Don't ask just one political view to be quiet. That is SO Bush!! As for using the signature in the football forum, if someone can tell me how to have my signature show up ONLY in this forum, I'd be happy to do it. If not, I guess the people in the football forum that gladly accept the conservative political signatures will have to "get over it", as I was told by a moderator when I reported about a conservative calling me no-nut boy the first time.

I can't believe you reported that to a mod. What a libbie! :lol::lol:;)

Something tells me thats not the first time I've been reported.

I just couldn't help myself, the rhyme was just too much to pass up. I am genuinely shocked that it offended you so greatly. I would apologize but at the moment it would be insincere, and I'm not an insincere person. Maybe after I quit laughing so hard I'll feel bad about it. TOUGHEN UP DUDE!

Okay, I'm sorry I offended you.(It is possible to be amused and sincere I have discovered)

You know if someone here called me no nut boy it would be like water off a ducks back, but thats just me. Call me secure.

Wait just a darn minute. I called him no-nutsboy first. :angry:

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My signatures were a direct result of the one that MDM4AU uses with the crying baby as the seal of the Democratic Party. I notice that he wasn't mentioned (Wonder why?) but when ALL political signatures are ended, mine will be as well. Don't ask just one political view to be quiet. That is SO Bush!! As for using the signature in the football forum, if someone can tell me how to have my signature show up ONLY in this forum, I'd be happy to do it. If not, I guess the people in the football forum that gladly accept the conservative political signatures will have to "get over it", as I was told by a moderator when I reported about a conservative calling me no-nut boy the first time.

I can't believe you reported that to a mod. What a libbie! :lol::lol:;)

Something tells me thats not the first time I've been reported.

I just couldn't help myself, the rhyme was just too much to pass up. I am genuinely shocked that it offended you so greatly. I would apologize but at the moment it would be insincere, and I'm not an insincere person. Maybe after I quit laughing so hard I'll feel bad about it. TOUGHEN UP DUDE!

Okay, I'm sorry I offended you.(It is possible to be amused and sincere I have discovered)

You know if someone here called me no nut boy it would be like water off a ducks back, but thats just me. Call me secure.

Wait just a darn minute. I called him no-nutsboy first. :angry:

Sorry cctau, I promise I'm not trying to step on your turf here. I had no idea.

I promise you that if I saw your original name calling incident it slipped my mind. I don't think I saw it. It just came to me for some reason.

Let me see here. Two guys come up with the same name( well mine was nonutboy) for a poster at wen in a total coincidence. Is it the rhyme or is it something else?????????

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Let me see here. Two guys come up with the same name( well mine was nonutboy) for a poster at wen in a total coincidence. Is it the rhyme or is it something else?????????

VAST RIGHT-WINGED CONSPIRACY!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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My signatures were a direct result of the one that MDM4AU uses with the crying baby as the seal of the Democratic Party. I notice that he wasn't mentioned (Wonder why?) but when ALL political signatures are ended, mine will be as well. Don't ask just one political view to be quiet. That is SO Bush!! As for using the signature in the football forum, if someone can tell me how to have my signature show up ONLY in this forum, I'd be happy to do it. If not, I guess the people in the football forum that gladly accept the conservative political signatures will have to "get over it", as I was told by a moderator when I reported about a conservative calling me no-nut boy the first time.

I can't believe you reported that to a mod. What a libbie! :lol::lol:;)

Something tells me thats not the first time I've been reported.

I just couldn't help myself, the rhyme was just too much to pass up. I am genuinely shocked that it offended you so greatly. I would apologize but at the moment it would be insincere, and I'm not an insincere person. Maybe after I quit laughing so hard I'll feel bad about it. TOUGHEN UP DUDE!

Okay, I'm sorry I offended you.(It is possible to be amused and sincere I have discovered)

You know if someone here called me no nut boy it would be like water off a ducks back, but thats just me. Call me secure.

Actually tiger88, I didn't report your slur. Whether intentional or not, you were not the first to use it. Sorry to disappoint. I DID report the motherless child reference though after my signature was deleted for using the biblical term for donkey, just as a way of asking why it was acceptable when mine wasn't.

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My signatures were a direct result of the one that MDM4AU uses with the crying baby as the seal of the Democratic Party. I notice that he wasn't mentioned (Wonder why?) but when ALL political signatures are ended, mine will be as well. Don't ask just one political view to be quiet. That is SO Bush!! As for using the signature in the football forum, if someone can tell me how to have my signature show up ONLY in this forum, I'd be happy to do it. If not, I guess the people in the football forum that gladly accept the conservative political signatures will have to "get over it", as I was told by a moderator when I reported about a conservative calling me no-nut boy the first time.

I can't believe you reported that to a mod. What a libbie! :lol::lol:;)

Something tells me thats not the first time I've been reported.

I just couldn't help myself, the rhyme was just too much to pass up. I am genuinely shocked that it offended you so greatly. I would apologize but at the moment it would be insincere, and I'm not an insincere person. Maybe after I quit laughing so hard I'll feel bad about it. TOUGHEN UP DUDE!

Okay, I'm sorry I offended you.(It is possible to be amused and sincere I have discovered)

Ditto! Give me a break! I am telling the principal on you!!!! Donutboy is all about the truth, just as long as it goes along with his perception of what the truth is.

No, all personal attacks do is demonstrate your lack of debating skills. Of course, this seems to be the accepted norm for conservative politics, from "Femi-Nazi" for feminists to "Tree Hugger" for environmentalist and of course there's always the tactic of questioning the first lady's sexuality on the sly. There is no room for demeaning someone in a true debate. This isn't talk radio where the only rules are to demean liberals in any way possible. We actually have rules in this forum which go for both sides of a debate. I haven't demeaned any of you and I expect the same coutesy, as does David. If you're too mature to debate like a grown person, I'd suggest you find another forum where name-calling is acceptable behaviour.

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What about Neo-con, whiney conservatives, etc, etc, etc. There wouldn't be a double standard here, would there? ;)

How about AL's "think outside the box" anytime someone has a differing opinion (namely me :rolleyes: ) . Are we supposed to believe that that is acceptable debate talk?

Don't go lumping all conservatives together and DANG-sure don't try to act like you liberals stick to the highest of standards when posting information or in many cases, MISINFORMATION! ;) We all, including you, know better! :P

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What about Neo-con, whiney conservatives, etc, etc, etc. There wouldn't be a double standard here, would there? ;)

How about AL's "think outside the box" anytime someone has a differing opinion (namely me :rolleyes: ) . Are we supposed to believe that that is acceptable debate talk?

Don't go lumping all conservatives together and DANG-sure don't try to act like you liberals stick to the highest of standards when posting information or in many cases, MISINFORMATION! ;) We all, including you, know better! :P

I've never made a personal attack on these forums and I expect the same consideration. If you have a problem with another poster, take it up with them. There's a good deal of difference between slurring a person's name to indicate that they may have been neutered and asking someone to "think outside the box." I honestly don't see how someone asking you to think outside the box can be considered a personal attack but if you have a problem with it, take it to PM or report it.

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I think everyone needs to loosen the elastic on their panties a little and quit taking offense at every slight, real or perceived.

Then YOUR view is in contrast to that of the site owner. Care to back up and read his comments on the issue? Loosen the elastic their panties? That's real good coming from an administrator!!

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I think everyone needs to loosen the elastic on their panties a little and quit taking offense at every slight, real or perceived.

Then YOUR view is in contrast to that of the site owner. Care to back up and read his comments on the issue? Loosen the elastic their panties? That's real good coming from an administrator!!

Allow me to clarify. First of all, thank you TigerAl for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

Now, I am addressing my "panties" comment to everyone. It applies to liberals and conservatives. It applies to Auburn fans, LSU fans, Georgia fans, bammer fans, and all others who participate on this site.

People feel very strongly about their views. Debate will get heated. It will often be quite sarcastic and stinging. What we do discourage, and will reign in if you can't do it for yourselves, is personal attacks. Does this mean we want to know about or will pounce upon any and every instance where someone might seem to be calling someone else a smart-alec name? No. We don't moderate that way. At least unless we feel it has gotten out of hand. We prefer that adults act like adults. This means that your argument consists of more than just pejoratives and personal slams. It also means, however, that you don't get bent out of shape just because an argument contains some kind of slight or smart-alec name.

It's called balance.

And all sides need to learn it.

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Sorry Titan, but I've always wanted to use that one, but the opportunity never presented itself in the right way!!!

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My signatures were a direct result of the one that MDM4AU uses with the crying baby as the seal of the Democratic Party. I notice that he wasn't mentioned (Wonder why?) but when ALL political signatures are ended, mine will be as well. Don't ask just one political view to be quiet. That is SO Bush!! As for using the signature in the football forum, if someone can tell me how to have my signature show up ONLY in this forum, I'd be happy to do it. If not, I guess the people in the football forum that gladly accept the conservative political signatures will have to "get over it", as I was told by a moderator when I reported about a conservative calling me no-nut boy the first time.

I can't believe you reported that to a mod. What a libbie! :lol::lol:;)

Something tells me thats not the first time I've been reported.

I just couldn't help myself, the rhyme was just too much to pass up. I am genuinely shocked that it offended you so greatly. I would apologize but at the moment it would be insincere, and I'm not an insincere person. Maybe after I quit laughing so hard I'll feel bad about it. TOUGHEN UP DUDE!

Okay, I'm sorry I offended you.(It is possible to be amused and sincere I have discovered)

You know if someone here called me no nut boy it would be like water off a ducks back, but thats just me. Call me secure.

Actually tiger88, I didn't report your slur. Whether intentional or not, you were not the first to use it. Sorry to disappoint. I DID report the motherless child reference though after my signature was deleted for using the biblical term for donkey, just as a way of asking why it was acceptable when mine wasn't.

You are good for a laugh if nothing else. You do nothing whatsoever to dispel the stereotype of libbies as shivering bed wetters. Here I 'll save you the time.


BTW surely you are intelligent enough to see the difference between saying a word in your text and having it stick out in your sig???? :roll:

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Donuthead, the reason nobody takes you seriously is because you never post nothing worth debating. Be more like TigerAL and post something worth taking the time to debate. I have had several debates with TigerAl, because he posts some good stuff, even if I do disagree with him most of the time. He is also mature enough to not take the jabs personal and go running of to mod and he sure the heck does not question the integrity of a admin. He has been around alot longer then you and even though alot of us are conservative and disagree with him, we respect him for his maturity. All it seems like you do is post topic after topic of anti-conservative gibberish everyday and all of it us meaningless junk. Try using some more credible info. Now, if you can't take the jabs in fun, then maybe you need to post elswewhere. There are times when some people do become gutless and get personal behind a keyboard and most of the time, we all will let that person know they have crossed the line. The admin and mods do a pretty good job at that. But when somebody calls you a name that they my call the best friend in a jokingly way, you need to chill. When we debate, we are not stanging up in front of a national audience, so we will poke and jab a little at each other. Most of the time it is all in fun. Don't take it so personal. You made a comment about somebody commenting about TigerAls post on the Bush going to Iraq thread. You got on them for poking at TigerAl and "twisting something nice into something negative". First, I would like to ask you where your nice post was about that topic? Instead your first and only post was to flame another post for their own comment. Looks to me like you were not going to be a classy liberal like TigerAl and make a nice post about it all, but instead you decided to start three more new anti-Bush/conservative topics. Real classy fella :roll: . Secondly, I am sure TigerAl does not need you to speak for him. Do you get the point yet of why nobody takes you seriously? I doubt it. :lol:

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