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State Legislator Confronts 'liberal College Campus

Tiger in Spain

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And the reason that this is a majority conservative state is because the majority of the people of this state have never left their small towns or their small town mentality! Awareness comes through EXPOSURE. Awareness of other cultures, concepts, and people who are DIFFERENT comes from being exposed to those cultures, concepts, and people -- and hence, more of an understanding comes from that exposure. FEAR comes from IGNORANCE. And conservativism is based in fear. It is the fear of change that leads conservatives to always stay stuck in the mindset of yesterday. "This is how things have always been done --- so this must be the right way!" Slavery is a good example of this. Not until AWARENESS came about did people wake up and realize that slavery was wrong. It's the same way with most of the other things that conservatives hold dear: religion, heterosexuality, paternalism. It is the extreme fear of change that has created conservatives...Liberals aren't afraid of change...they embrace it. They embrace diversity and acceptance of ALL people, not just those who are deemed "moral"...

And...my guess as to why your college professors were more liberal is because they have more of an AWARENESS of the issues. They've had exposure time and time again to the issues -- and the people who are affected by those issues -- that you've only conceptualized in your head. THAT'S why their liberal and you are conservative. THAT'S why you'll NEVER get it.

I think this has to rank as one of the most arrogant, condescending posts I've seen in an awfully long time. For a "free thinker" you sure have a rather black/white, compartmentalized, narrow view of others and how they came to their opinions.

Thanks for giving me a heads up. I know now to take pretty much everything you say much less seriously. We have some good people here who are liberal and make me think and examine my beliefs. You are not among them.

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