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"UA has three losses to teams with a COMBINED ONE LOSS!!!"

NOT TRUE... Arky lost to VANDERBILT and VANDY has lost twice... Arky lost to Vandy with home field advantage....

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We are to some extent unproven. I remember the same kind of talk from this board before the GT game. The same thing could also happen Saturday. However, I think we have improved greatly and possibly could be a good team. Firenutt has a point about playing at ARK. We have not won by more than 5 points except for the first game (31-10).

Ark played UAT very close (down by 4 at one point in the 4th Qtr) and ran for more than 230 yards. I see this as a dangerous game because we don't really know how good our O is. Ark running game will give us all we want and more. They have used that formula time and time again to wear us out defensively. This time though I think we can win but close (13-7). Cox must show improvement and the OL must have a good day. Our D has to find some help to stay off the field in this one. A good running game that is the benefactor of turnovers like in the GT game can control time and will eventually wear out our D.

Firenutt, you must hope your one dimensional team has some help from our O.

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AU team that has not left its couch all season and has lost to its only credible opponent.


Only credible opponent???? Georgia Tech was definitely a credible opponent, but was South Carolina not also.. I guess ya'll must not be credible then, seeing as they have the same freaking record as ya'll with one more win, because they played one more game than ya'll. So I guess ya'll aren't credible, by your definition. And ya'll have lost at home, so ya'll obviously aren't unstoppable with the home field advantage either.

I am not discrediting the 'Backs at all, but you can't go around saying that we have only played one credible opponent, if you're trying to imply that ya'll are better than the rest of the teams we played.

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Here you have it folks, firenutt point is valid. Hold them to under 200 yards rushing and you WIN. Case in point. Arky v. USC

ARky v. USC stats

USC held the mighty Hog running attack to 197. Even when down by 3 TDs in the first half.....they STILL HAD to run the ball, why NO passing game.

2nd case in point...ARky v. Vandy

Arky v. Vandy stats

Vandy held ARky to 194 rushing yards, but hey Arky did have 204 passing result L

BUT then again...they did have 237 yards rushing against Bama, but only 89 passing, again same result L.

Arky v. Bama stats

I am not even going to look at the 2 wins to Arky's credit against patsies b/c I know they would have rushed for over 200..

Nope sorry not that valid. Yes, we can play on the road and yes we will stop the run. I will say IMO this is the overall fastest D Arky will have seen. I think this is the best D Arky has seen. We do have some young guys playing, but a lot of them played last year, like pretty much the entire D, OL, and WRs.

We will hang at least 30 on ya and you will be lucky to score 14. You will not rush for over 175, yes the lowest output of the year.

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Fire Nutt

Guess you are saying you like Houston Nutt?

Why did someone have to mention Vanderbuilt and run Firenutt away? I was starting to enjoy his drible. I say they keep it within 10 points at the half and fold in the third as Auburn pulls away for a three TD lead or more.

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AU team that has not left its couch all season and has lost to its only credible opponent.


Georgia Tech was definitely a credible opponent, but was South Carolina not also..


No, IMO. Blake Mitchell (#1 USC QB) was hurt, big difference in QB play between the 2 QBs...

A big :arky: OL + a big :arky: RB (McFadden) could cause us some problems up front. That is if they decide to just line up and run it straight at our smallish front 7. GT had little problem doing this, we are quick but small (relatively speaking).

Having said that:

:au: 38

:arky: 17

It's very difficult to beat anyone with a one dimensional offense.


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:sc: got 445 yds passing against the :arky: D. :blink:

Borges must be close to peeing his pants right now.

Look for the "Pass to set up the run" from :au: on Saturday.

We are not getting much respect in the polls. It would not surprise me to see us open the O up quite abit from here on out.

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My score of 31 was more so to stir the pot a little. All in fun. I will strongly disagree with you though. This one will be close. Remember, while UA has some stats that are "padded" (Mizzou St., La Monroe) AU does too and HAS NOT LEFT HOME ALL SEASON!!! Five weeks in and that is the ultimate stat booster!! Right now I am convinced that AU is a team that is totally unproven. If they show up in Fayetteville and put up anywhere near the numbers they have ALL SEASON AT HOME, then I will change my point of view. UA has played at USC, was spanked, and went to your girlfriends house, Alabama, and almost pulled it out. Do not let this team confuse you!!! UA has three losses to teams with a a COMBINED ONE LOSS!!!! Go into a hostile enviroment and things change.!!! With  that said, I whole heartedly believe we suck but AU is far from being anything to brag about.....yet!!!


Well...sometimes things don't change...and then sometimes, you go to Knoxville and beat Tennessee 34-10!!! :P

AU 31-

UA 17


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See you on Sunday when its 19 of 21. Make sure you show up.



No doubt about it. I will be here,...Will you?


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Ladies and Gentlemen, Firenutt has left the forum!!!

Good bye.....hey maybe Nutt can get a job at Ole Miss in a couple of years

UA :arky: = UA :ua: = Ole Miss

Right? Tim :roflol:

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At no point did I call our DEFENSE consistent. They are anything but that. They are awesome one second and the next they suck. My whole discussion has leaned towards the argument that Arkansas has proven whether it is against the #1 team in the nation ON THE ROAD or at home against Mizzou st., the running game is incredible. That is in total contrast to an AU team that has not left its couch all season and has lost to its only credible opponent. Which all ties in to my original post....can you play on the road and can you stop the run?


He makes two very good points: Can Auburn play well on the road and can they stop the run? There is no evidence we can do either yet. I feel it will be a very close game with Auburn pullng it out late. If our coaches pull a "sit and hope" offense out after getting ahead, we could be in trouble. Two turnovers and we could lose also. Auburn has to make the piggy QB throw the ball, in order to win. :au:

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my answers: who knows and yes.

and i don't really need to get into this right now, but no, sc couldn't put 30 on us in a 60 minute game. and no, they aren't the best offense ever. they aren't even the best offense in the 21st century. gimme 2001 miami over that one anyday: dorsey at qb, davenport at fb, portis and gore at tb (with magahee rotting on the bench), shockey and winslow at te, andre johnson at wr, and an offensive line that was better than sc's. they could and did play all of their best players on the field at the same time, and dorsey was just as good as leinart in college (won't be close in the nfl).

this auburn defense (and last year's for that matter) is completely underrated. last year's defense was the only defense in the last 15 years that could stack up to 2003 lsu, 1992 bama, or 2000 oklahoma. best four defenses in the past 20 years. and this year's defense (while not on that level) is one of the best 5 in the nation this year.


Georgia Tech hung 23 on us and you don't think USC could put up 30? That is not even sane!

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Firenutt has returned. I figured all along it was Aubie7 and the chicken little regime. PowerI will chime in next with some hogrelated pseudonym and their roster will be complete.

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Firenutt has returned. I figured all along it was Aubie7 and the chicken little regime. PowerI will chime in next with some hogrelated pseudonym and their roster will be complete.


Sorry to dissapoint your wee little mind numbnutt! But I don' t post by other names.

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Right....."The Sky is FALLING! ! !" :big:

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Firenutt has returned. I figured all along it was Aubie7 and the chicken little regime. PowerI will chime in next with some hogrelated pseudonym and their roster will be complete.


Sorry to dissapoint your wee little mind numbnutt! But I don' t post by other names.


No need for namecalling , and in the future, please do not refer to any medical conditions I may, or may not have.

We now return you to your paranoid sky is falling programming.

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When I first started reading this thread, I figured it was gonna be a bunch of crap. And the first post by firenutt was just that. However, after reading some of our intelligent posters posts, I do feel liek we have our work cut out for us in Fayetteville.

However, our defense will be able to stop the run. I think it proved that with Norwood and Miss. State and their awesome rushing attack. They had a total of 81 net yards rushing against our "small and unproven" defense. In all of their other games, they are averaging over 115 yards a game. Oh wait, I forgot we played at home so that had nothing to do with it. Firenutt must not have been there, but an 11:30 game in JH might as well be a mutual site. Nobody's loud; everyone's hung over from the night before. And by half time, there's only about 40,000 fans there anyways, which I'm figuring will be more than actually want to come see the Hogs get dismantled on Saturday.

Furthermore, although some of our players are unproven, are coaches aren't. They are not going to let this team have another letdown after what happened at the GA Tech game. And to say that GA Tech barely counts as a credible opponent makes you sound like an idiot, firenutt. Apparently you were still celebrating your win over Murray State and didn't watch the game in JH that night. GA Tech played better than your Hogs ever did with Matt Jones that night.

I'm done..engouh ranting...Saturday will prove it all!!


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aubie7, let me rephrase. if the offense doesn't turn the ball over 5 times, no offense in the nation can score 30 on us. tech shocked us early (certainly not sc's specialty with those pathetic first half performances) and kicked field goals the rest of the way, the last two scores came on drives of 14 yards and 9 yards. so i'd hardly put those on the defense. look i'll be the first one to say we didn't play well that game, but ball threw for 170 yards on 35 attempts. that's not too shabby on defense, and we've already gotten a lot better on that side of the ball. i said before the season and i'll say now: if we score 24 points, we win every single game.

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Firenutt has returned. I figured all along it was Aubie7 and the chicken little regime. PowerI will chime in next with some hogrelated pseudonym and their roster will be complete.


Sorry to dissapoint your wee little mind numbnutt! But I don' t post by other names.


No need for namecalling , and in the future, please do not refer to any medical conditions I may, or may not have.

We now return you to your paranoid sky is falling programming.



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:sc:   got 445 yds passing against the  :arky: D.  :blink:

Borges must be close to peeing his pants right now.


hahaha, Very true :big:

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I rarley make my way on to opponents boards because it does nothing but stir things up but here is my two cents anyway. I will tell you guys the same thing I shared on another AU board, if you can stop the run you win. If you can't stop the run, you lose. That simple. By "stop the run" I mean under 200 yards on the ground. I know you know how nice it is to have interchangeable backs with your recent success but these Pigs have a 4 back rotation that includes two freshman and one sophmore Parade all americans and lead the  SEC in rushing and place third in the nation in that category. The QB, Robert Johnson, is the worst man under center in the history of football. He is not even good enough for the Sun Belt  and would be third string at most JUCO's. He runs to the sidelines like a little girl and throws to the closest reciever on that sideline. He is horrible. If you take away YAC, his longest pass all season is about 12 yards due to him running scared to the sideline and in turn throwing it to a reciever who is also running towards the sidelines. So, again, stop the run and you win. Auburn, like Arkansas, has yet to beat a decent team. Sorry, South Carolina does not count and UA will also handle USC at home. How will an unproven Auburn hold up on the road in a hostile enviroment FOR THE FIRST TIME ALL SEASON? We will see!!! :arky:   UA 31 AU24


Honestly man, you should know better than to come on here and talk crap to these guys. Expecially when your team isnt that great. Yes you have a running game.........but thats it.

No Matt Jones=Losing Record

I said that last year, without Matt Jones..... :arky: does not have much.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, Firenutt has left the forum!!!

Good bye.....hey maybe Nutt can get a job at Ole Miss in a couple of years

UA  :arky: = UA  :ua: = Ole Miss

Right? Tim  :roflol:


Wow, what logic. I didnt know :ua: was being compaired to :om: now.

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