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Prothro Link Anyone?


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I'm wanting to show my co-workers what happened...and yes, I know what your thinking...why would you want to watch it again. I don't, but feel they need to see it to fully understand what this poor guy went through. Anyone know where I can find the clip? Thanks.

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What happened? He just landed terribly wrong.

I don't get the paper, but apparently The Birmingham News carried a still photo of the injury yesterday guaranteed to sicken anyone that saw it, at least according to Mike Raita.

I did watch it happen live on TV. Just tell your friends to imagine the worst, and it was uglier than that. They don't need to see it.

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sorry, we're not allowing pics or links to those pics. there are places to find those shots, we're just not going to be a conduit for it.

Here is a link to some pics.

I know posting the pics on here is wrong but if the link is wrong also please let me know.

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