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Jordan Hare having issues


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where were the adults the two games prior to the USC game? I saw all the students there.

I stated: Why does the student section empty out after halftime? I don't think I have ever seen it full until the end of the game. Just curious.

I was just asking where the students go after the half, not that they don't show up! They show up in mass and it looks great!!! I was just wondering where they go after the half. By the 4th Quarter the student section is almost empty.


when it's a blowout not everyone is like me and cares what the back ups do or wants to stay when we are killing the clock-i do wish they would stay-but you were insinuating that the students weren't loyal by leaving early and i said the same could be said about the adults who don't even make it to the blowouts-can you really say you have never seen the student section full until the end of the game?

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As for this earlier quote:  I guess standing makes it easier for you guys to leave in the third quarter? 

I so agree. Why does the student section empty out after halftime?  I don't think I have ever seen it full until the end of the game.  Just curious.


I admit that the student section does empty out around the 4th quarter for blowout games. But to say you've never seen it full at the end of the game makes me think you haven't been to very many games. This year is was full to the end for Tech. Last year it was full til the end of LSU and UGA for sure. Probably others that I can't remember. And you can bet it will be packed til the end for Alabama.

As for myself, I'm a junior and have never EVER left a game early. I was one of the few still sitting in the stands of our 23-0 loss to USC at the end 2 years ago. I'll be there til the end if we are up by 70 or down by 70.

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Well, let's get to the real bottom line . . . You've eaten some nachos, chips & cheese, maybe a dog to go with it.  Tailgating before the game, you've downed some fried chicken, beer and a big bowl of pork & beans. 

Now, they say natural gas is in short supply, but you're in the middle of a section with AU driving, and have natural gas to spare.  Do you stand and rip or sit and rip? 

PT, I'd ask that you provide your expertise first!   :big:


If you sit and rip...you can blame the person in front of you without them knowing!!!


By sitting and ripping....it will refurberate off those cozy metal seats,allowing you to blame it on someone else.

By standing and ripping....IF you keep it quiet? you can let the wind catch it and watch the faces of those down wind....priceless!!!! :big:

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Hey Tig, a whistle??? :blink:

What for?  I would imangine an usher would come over anyway and stop that because of the ban on noisemakers.  Although watching the guy attempt to blow the tushy trumpet would have been hilarious. :D

Anyway, I've got one more story.  This one time, at band camp.....


And of all possible noisemakers, a whistle seems the most inappropriate since if heard on the field it might be confused with a ref's whistle and interfere with the course of the game! I'd say that would definitely be grounds for police intervention.

It may be trite, but I've found it works well for me:

In any human interaction, the best rule of thumb is...THE GOLDEN RULE.

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where were the adults the two games prior to the USC game? I saw all the students there.

I stated: Why does the student section empty out after halftime? I don't think I have ever seen it full until the end of the game. Just curious.

I was just asking where the students go after the half, not that they don't show up! They show up in mass and it looks great!!! I was just wondering where they go after the half. By the 4th Quarter the student section is almost empty.


when it's a blowout not everyone is like me and cares what the back ups do or wants to stay when we are killing the clock-i do wish they would stay-but you were insinuating that the students weren't loyal by leaving early and i said the same could be said about the adults who don't even make it to the blowouts-can you really say you have never seen the student section full until the end of the game?


good point, and I agree with you there. I have been to some real close games over the years when the students have stayed and may have helped because of the noise!! I guess I was just meaning this year, next time I will try to remember to make myself clearer. But I agree with you, a lot of old folks leave early too!

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As for this earlier quote:  I guess standing makes it easier for you guys to leave in the third quarter? 

I so agree. Why does the student section empty out after halftime?  I don't think I have ever seen it full until the end of the game.  Just curious.


I admit that the student section does empty out around the 4th quarter for blowout games. But to say you've never seen it full at the end of the game makes me think you haven't been to very many games. This year is was full to the end for Tech. Last year it was full til the end of LSU and UGA for sure. Probably others that I can't remember. And you can bet it will be packed til the end for Alabama.

As for myself, I'm a junior and have never EVER left a game early. I was one of the few still sitting in the stands of our 23-0 loss to USC at the end 2 years ago. I'll be there til the end if we are up by 70 or down by 70.


You think wrong then, I have been a season ticket holder since 1989 and been to every single game since then. I stay til the bitter end. I have been a loyal fan since the early 70's and the Barfield years! Ugh, that was a time. Good for you not leaving! I am with you, I stay no matter what!

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Well, let's get to the real bottom line . . . You've eaten some nachos, chips & cheese, maybe a dog to go with it.  Tailgating before the game, you've downed some fried chicken, beer and a big bowl of pork & beans. 

Now, they say natural gas is in short supply, but you're in the middle of a section with AU driving, and have natural gas to spare.  Do you stand and rip or sit and rip? 

PT, I'd ask that you provide your expertise first!  :big:


My experience is that most attorneys (AUesquire excluded) are full of......uh...gas.....no matter what they have to eat so I avoid sitting or standing next to them :big::big::big:

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To those who are younger than 30 - a group that I'm in myself - take a minute and think about something...

Who do you think puts the money on the table to make Auburn football happen? Well, if you didn't just scream "ALUMNI!" then you don't know much about Auburn. The so-called "old folks" that you complain and whine about are the ones who have been faithful to this wonderful thing called Auburn that we have all come to love and cherish...faithful for longer than many of us, including me, have been alive. It's their hard earned money that have funded the team in many ways, including stadium expansions and upgrades that have allowed more of us to enjoy the game in person. Their money has helped to build the west-side upper deck in 1972, the east side upper deck in 1985, the additions to the east-side upper deck in 2004, and the renovations over the 2005 off-season (to be continued after the Iron Bowl this year). If it weren't for the older alumni, your experience at Jordan-Hare would pale in comparison to what it is now - if you could even find a ticket and enjoy the experience.

Stop whining and start enjoying. You have the PRIVLEDGE of attending some of the greatest sporting events in history every Saturday of every fall. Instead of finding fault with those who watch the game with you and who share your love for the home team, have a little understanding for them. Not everyone has the ability to stand for 4 hours with a 20 minute break at halftime. Not everyone has the lungs to yell and scream for 4 hours without going hoarse or making themselves sick. Not everyone can sit in the sun for hours on end without having to get up and seek the shade. If you can do all these things, you will be enjoying every minute of the action while they are having to miss it.

In my opinion, your ticket gives you the right to a place to sit in the stadium - that's why the provide enough bleachers and seats to accomodate 87,451 butts. If you prefer to stand, and those around you don't like it, feel free to wander the confines of JH and find a place to watch from. I have found that you are free to stand at the top of all upper deck sections with no complaints from anyone. The ramps are also a great spot. Maybe you can find a seat in a section where everyone is standing...after all, no one actually checks to see if you're in the correct seat. There are multiple solutions - find one and stop acting like a child.

And to those who are complaining about the vendors, many of them are children (or teenagers) who are performing the task on a volunteer basis (boy scout troups, etc). Are you really going to complain about this? And if you want them to move so YOUR row can see, what about the row above/below you? Now THEY can't see. Unless the vendor leaves the stands or lies on the stairs like a snake would, someone's view is going to be impaired for a short time. Get over it. It happens at all types of sporting events. If you can come up with a way to fix that, please contact your local architect as they would be thrilled to hear about it.

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You must have been in what I refer to as the cheering-impaired section if they never stood at all.

The cheering-impaired sections (you know who you) are notoriously silent and I don't like sitting there, unless it's raining and that's about the only perk I can think of then. :lol: They don't stand because they can't. They don't stand because it's beneath them. :big:

They do the golf clap and at the very most say with clinched teeth "Repel them! Repel them!"

To stand an entire game is a little ridiculous though, especially if it's on TV.

I like to stand, when it is appropriate and always with those behind me in consideration, afterall, that is not exactly the best view of anyone. :big:

As for being told to sit down, if you were the only one standing, you should have sat down. Plus, that game was just not a barn-burner that required the 12th man on their feet screaming till through the 4th quarter.

My disclaimer to my entire post is if you are rows 2-5, you just about do not have a choice but to stand if you are on either sideline.


Hey guys I read your posts all the time but havent commented much.

I just wanted to let everyone in on my game experience at Jordan Hare.

During the 1st quarter I was approached by a officer and told that I must sit down.

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To those who are younger than 30 - a group that I'm in myself - take a minute and think about something...

Who do you think puts the money on the table to make Auburn football happen?  Well, if you didn't just scream "ALUMNI!" then you don't know much about Auburn.  The so-called "old folks" that you complain and whine about are the ones who have been faithful to this wonderful thing called Auburn that we have all come to love and cherish...faithful for longer than many of us, including me, have been alive.  It's their hard earned money that have funded the team in many ways, including stadium expansions and upgrades that have allowed more of us to enjoy the game in person.  Their money has helped to build the west-side upper deck in 1972, the east side upper deck in 1985, the additions to the east-side upper deck in 2004, and the renovations over the 2005 off-season (to be continued after the Iron Bowl this year).  If it weren't for the older alumni, your experience at Jordan-Hare would pale in comparison to what it is now - if you could even find a ticket and enjoy the experience.

Stop whining and start enjoying.  You have the PRIVLEDGE of attending some of the greatest sporting events in history every Saturday of every fall.  Instead of finding fault with those who watch the game with you and who share your love for the home team, have a little understanding for them.  Not everyone has the ability to stand for 4 hours with a 20 minute break at halftime.  Not everyone has the lungs to yell and scream for 4 hours without going hoarse or making themselves sick.  Not everyone can sit in the sun for hours on end without having to get up and seek the shade.  If you can do all these things, you will be enjoying every minute of the action while they are having to miss it.

In my opinion, your ticket gives you the right to a place to sit in the stadium - that's why the provide enough bleachers and seats to accomodate 87,451 butts.  If you prefer to stand, and those around you don't like it, feel free to wander the confines of JH and find a place to watch from.  I have found that you are free to stand at the top of all upper deck sections with no complaints from anyone.  The ramps are also a great spot.  Maybe you can find a seat in a section where everyone is standing...after all, no one actually checks to see if you're in the correct seat.  There are multiple solutions - find one and stop acting like a child.

And to those who are complaining about the vendors, many of them are children (or teenagers) who are performing the task on a volunteer basis (boy scout troups, etc).  Are you really going to complain about this?  And if you want them to move so YOUR row can see, what about the row above/below you?  Now THEY can't see.  Unless the vendor leaves the stands or lies on the stairs like a snake would, someone's view is going to be impaired for a short time.  Get over it.  It happens at all types of sporting events.  If you can come up with a way to fix that, please contact your local architect as they would be thrilled to hear about it.



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