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Remembering 9/11


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“Time is passing.  Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th.  We will remember every rescuer who died in honor.  We will remember every family that lives in grief.  We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children.”  - George W. Bush


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i have never really gotten over it. it hit me hard.those brave cops and firefighters and the poor of folks jumping out windows. and i do not believe we got those responsible? W let bins family go claiming the fbi was there and everything checked out. i still think many responsible are still out there but it is just a guess. i will live with the horror of 9-11 until i pass. and if i am wrong on info someone straighten me out.

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The individuals/group who planned and executed this attack, including their supportors and believers, should be considered enemies of the U.S. forever.

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4 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i have never really gotten over it. it hit me hard.those brave cops and firefighters and the poor of folks jumping out windows. and i do not believe we got those responsible? W let bins family go claiming the fbi was there and everything checked out. i still think many responsible are still out there but it is just a guess. i will live with the horror of 9-11 until i pass. and if i am wrong on info someone straighten me out.

My son was 10 years old at the time. I remember him crying when he saw those people jumping out of windows.

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In a day that was filled with such immense sadness, the one thing that I can't even begin to wrap my head around is what must have been going through the minds of the people that were trapped above where the planes hit the towers...going from initial bewilderment to "is there a way down?" to "there is no way down" and realizing that you're going to die and die very soon, it's just a matter of how. That to me is the definition of terror. I'll never forget seeing the people jumping to their deaths.

It also feels like the last time the country truly came together, even if it was only for a brief time.

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It's always been strange to me that with the many movies made about Pearl Harbor, nothing solid has been made about 9/11. For a decade after the narrative was "it's too soon" which never made since either. Probably be called a film by haters these days. Sad.

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Seems like yesterday a fellow worker stuck his head in my office and said that an airplane just hit the WTC. Fast forward to the afternoon and was walking through a grocery store. Place was as quiet a church mouse and everyone had a look of shock and sadness. Horrible day.

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