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Bad Cops

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16 minutes ago, WillMunny said:

A policeman in Centre, AL was arrested, charged, and fired for planting drugs on people, and then arresting them.

His fellow officers suspected him, and told their police chief of their suspicions.  The chief set up a sting operation, and caught the cop.

The cop was arrested, charged, and fired.  Then they had to review all his cases and free the "traffickers" he set up with planted drugs.  Now all of those people are suing.

This cop ruined people's lives, just so he could receive commendations for busting "drug traffickers".

This happened recently.  I routinely drive thru that town.  He could have stopped me and planted drugs in my car.  Or yours.

Centre police officer arrested for allegedly planting evidence (wbrc.com)

My question…can we make sure this loser never works as a cop again? 

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4 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

My question…can we make sure this loser never works as a cop again? 

I hope they do.  Hopefully, he will spend a lot of time in prison.

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Cop's actions here ended up getting him fired.


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Posted (edited)

idiot cop verbally and physically assaults woman during routine traffic stop. 

The cop gets fired after admitting he escalated the issue because she was recording.

But, he gets re-hired at another department.


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This cop stops a driver and refuses to explain why the stop was made.  Then the cop escalates to using pepper spray, for a simple traffic stop when the driver just asked why he was stopped.  This is the kind of cop who is on a power trip and probably idolizes the nazi philosophy.


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Cocky cop gets what he deserved.


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Idiot cops racially profile a Black man, demanding ID for no good reason.  See their faces when they find out he is an FBI agent.


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Posted (edited)

Another crazy cop escalates a routine traffic stop into an experience reminiscent of Nazi Germany.


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Cop on a power trip aggressively arrests 69-year-old veteran, and gets fired afterward.


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Posted (edited)

Unfortunately, the problem is a whole lot worse than just a "few bad apples".

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Cop assaults a man during routine traffic stop, and was suspended without pay as a result.


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This isn't violent, and no arrest was made.  But this is the perfect example of how street cops don't even know the law, and escalate things towards violence and arrest for no justifiable reason.  Watch how the street cop doesn't know the law, but his supervisor shows up and deescalates the situation immediately, by telling the street cop that the "suspect" is completely within his rights.


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More of the same (street cops don't even know the law...see previous post).


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Posted (edited)

This happened on July 4th.  A man was taking his young son for an early morning walk, like he did every day.  Then cops showed up and demanded an ID with no suspicion of a crime being committed.  The man knew his rights, and knew he was not required to show ID, or even give his name.

The cops threw him to the ground, cuffed him, and detained him for no justifiable reason.

The cops are now under state investigation after hundreds of angry calls from citizens who eventually saw the body cam video.

Watch the kid (who has autism) react (at the end of the video below) when his dad is thrown to the ground by these Nazi cops.

Oklahoma is not a "stop and identify" state, where police can demand the name of pedestrians, and even in those states, officers need a reasonable suspicion that the person is involved in a crime.

Oklahoma Cops Under Investigation for Slamming Innocent Dad to the Ground for 'Suspicious' Walk With Son (yahoo.com)


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Racist cop vs. minority.  The cop got fired for this.


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Another corrupt trying to illegally demand ID without suspicion of a crime being committed.  On a minority, who happens to know his rights and shuts the cop down.

I am continually amazed at the number of cops who don't know the law, or don't care about the law.


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This cop is insane.  He barges into a woman's home without a warrant.  It was all caught on video.  The cop was eventually charged and admonished by a judge.

The cop resigned but was hired by another police force.  He was eventually fired by them for another violation.


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Sherriff recently held a press conference to report that he had an officer arrested for "public corruption".

Police chief 

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Deputy who had a history of unnecessary force was fired.  Victim has sued.

When cops do stupid things and victims sue, it's you and me that pay the damages via tax dollars. 


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Posted (edited)

Alabama police officer uses stun gun on handcuffed Black man who was not resisting. 

The cop even taunts him and asks "Do you want it again?".  And laughs at him.

The cop has been put on leave.


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