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Bad Cops

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Just now, homersapien said:

Sorry, I meant that to mean morale, not moral.  My apologies.

I do think you have issues with cynicism, negativity and nihilism, which is what I meant by "attitude".

I don't think you have any moral issues, just the opposite.  I think your underlying morality contributes to the attitude. You expect better.  So do I.


I expect a lot better. 

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38 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

I was an officer prior to becoming a medic. 👀🤪

And as I said, I have interacted with a lot of really good LEOs.  It's not their fault the profession attracts sociopaths. 

Same goes for the other professions on the list, including politicians.

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Stupid cop arrested a man (physically pulled him out of his vehicle) after a traffic stop, for not "rolling his window down all the way", which he is not legally required to do.

The cop was fired, and a successful lawsuit was filed by the victim.


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Cops (in most states) can't demand your ID just because of a "suspicion".  Rather, they must have a reasonable suspicion that you are committing or are about to commit a specific crime, and they must articulate to you what that crime is.  They can't just "demand an ID at will".  Or even your name/address.

This cop didn't know that, and made a false arrest.  The guy who was arrested filed a lawsuit and won.


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Posted (edited)

Man wins $20 million lawsuit after cops BROKE HIS NECK during an arrest.  As a result, he is paralyzed from the waist down.


Edited by WillMunny
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Posted (edited)

16-year-old kid schools a cop in the law after she falsely told him he had to identify himself without suspicion of committing a specific crime.

I am continually dismayed by the number of cops who don't know the even basic laws.


Edited by WillMunny
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Cop thinks he can detain a person for "officer safety" reasons, which is not a law.


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Another example of a street cop who doesn't even know the law.  He tries to demand ID from someone who was legally filming from a public place.  The cop threatens arrest unless the man IDs himself, and the man asks for the cop's supervisor.  When the supervisor comes, he schools the cop telling him there is no problem.

Bad cops like this are the reason for so many false arrests.  Notice how he says "I don't care what the Supreme Court says"... 


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Cop threatens arrest for recording in public, then demands ID, without citing a crime.  When his supervisor comes, he schools the cop.

This is the kind of cop who escalates for no reason.


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Another idiot cop doesn't even know the law.  He tries to falsely arrest and taser a man for "not providing ID", until his supervisor tells him he can't do that.


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Cops overstepping their bounds and trying to illegally demand ID from a man for no reason.  The man stands up for his rights and makes fools out of the cops.  It's hilarious.


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Rinse and repeat: another stupid cop thinks he can illegally ID a citizen who was committing no crime.


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Illegal detainment by cop, who eventually gets schooled and put into his place by his supervisor.


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Cops try to illegally ID a man, and eventually back down because the man knows his rights.

These are the kind of cops who escalate for no reason, and make false arrests.


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Little Bill really did a number on you didn’t he. :poke:

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Little Bill really did a number on you didn’t he. :poke:


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This is one of the worst nazi, racist cops I've ever seen.  She criticizes a man and passenger for their tattoos, and for looking like "gang members not from around here".


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These idiot cops stopped a young girl.  The cops stupidly parked their car on railroad tracks, then handcuffed the girl and placed her in the squad car.

Then a train came and demolished the squad car, with the young girl still inside.


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More nazi cops.


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Another nazi cop mistreating and falsely arresting a minority teenager.


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4 hours ago, homersapien said:

And this thread is also important. :bow:

It illustrates the problem, even if depressing.

Thanks.  I've always believed that the vast majority of cops were good cops, with just a few bad apples.  However, with all the video evidence we now have, I believe the ratio is closer to 50-50.  And the only way things are gonna improve is if we open our eyes and see it for what it is, and demand change.

My goodness, I can only imagine how bad things were when cops didn't have to worry about being recorded.

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A policeman in Centre, AL was arrested, charged, and fired for planting drugs on people, and then arresting them.

His fellow officers suspected him, and told their police chief of their suspicions.  The chief set up a sting operation, and caught the cop.

The cop was arrested, charged, and fired.  Then they had to review all his cases and free the "traffickers" he set up with planted drugs.  Now all of those people are suing.

This cop ruined people's lives, just so he could receive commendations for busting "drug traffickers".

This happened recently.  I routinely drive thru that town.  He could have stopped me and planted drugs in my car.  Or yours.

Centre police officer arrested for allegedly planting evidence (wbrc.com)

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