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Blount County AL Youth Minister Arrested on Multiple Rape and Child Abuse Charges

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Here's yet another reminder to people especially to Conservatives...to Republican politicans....to groups like Moms for Liberty....etc

That the REAL danger to your children isn't from the gay couple across the street....it isn't at the Gay pride parade....the danger isn't from the cross dressers...or from books about gay/trans in the school library....it's not from the trans people..

The REAL Physicals and Emotional danger to your kids are from the people who you would never expect. They are from your friends, within your own family...in your schools...and YES...Especially inside your Church. They are from people who look like you and believe like you and worship the same God that you do. 


The article says he was a youth minister, but I am also seeing reports that this mans wife was the actual official youth minister of the church and he was a helper/volunteer teacher. 


This vile scumbag is charged with raping a young teenage girl between 7-15 different time, including inside the church building itself....They are saying other child victims are coming forward and he's also believed to have fathered a child from yet another teen girl. 


His Facebook profile is still up and he makes himself look like an every day family man. pictures of his kids, sweet love postings towards his wife....TONS of religious postings, bible verses, and the such....just a normal, white, Christian family man in rural Alabama....except....  

And this isn't a one off...Al.com has these stories MULTIPLE times a month of seemingly normal, professional men who are respected in their communities being discovered committing horrific crimes against children.  







Don't be so busy "protecting" your family from what politicians and even your Church tell you are dangers to them that you ignore the people who 'actually' are dangerous and have easy access to your kids.  

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10 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Don't be so busy "protecting" your family from what politicians and even your Church tell you are dangers to them that you ignore the people who 'actually' are dangerous and have easy access to your kids.

So true:




They come in all forms of life.

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Great examples! 

political activists like LibsofTikTok and Jordan Peterson want you to focus on specific ‘boogyman’ political groups and ideologies as being dangers to your children. 

while the real dangers are the regular, nonpolitical people your children see,  interact with, and trust in person every day. 

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25 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Great examples! 

political activists like LibsofTikTok and Jordan Peterson want you to focus on specific ‘boogyman’ political groups and ideologies as being dangers to your children. 

while the real dangers are the regular, nonpolitical people your children see,  interact with, and trust in person every day. 

Who is more influential than a writer/creator of children’s programming?  These people I listed that were arrested for child porn were/are held up as the cream of the crop of their ideology which is more popular than your favorite *boogeyman* religious leaders.  I agree that you have to be careful of any *grownup* that are in contact with your children, but it is not limited to preachers.

Jordan Peterson has been studying psychology for a long time and is respected in his field.  I know you don’t agree, but he does know what he is talking about.

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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Great examples! 

political activists like LibsofTikTok and Jordan Peterson want you to focus on specific ‘boogyman’ political groups and ideologies as being dangers to your children. 

while the real dangers are the regular, nonpolitical people your children see,  interact with, and trust in person every day. 

Generalizations Generalizations everywhere - Everywhere - quickmeme

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5 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Who is more influential than a writer/creator of children’s programming?

This thread is about a freaking pastor. 

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5 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Generalizations Generalizations everywhere - Everywhere - quickmeme

No. He’s absolutely right.

I was raised in an era where “stranger danger” and such was the common thing. The reality is that vast, VAST, majority of abuse comes from people the children trust.

A daycare provider, a pastor, a teacher, a coach etc etc ad nauseam.

There are freaks in all walks of life. 

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5 hours ago, AUDub said:

No. He’s absolutely right.

I was raised in an era where “stranger danger” and such was the common thing. The reality is that vast, VAST, majority of abuse comes from people the children trust.

A daycare provider, a pastor, a teacher, a coach etc etc ad nauseam.

There are freaks in all walks of life. 

Maybe, just maybe, the perps go to target-rich environments??? Maybe they are just faking it to find targets. Not everyone in a church is a pedo. Not every teacher is a pedo. Not every daycare worker is a pedo. 

Maybe the pedos go to where the kids are? You know, like hunters go to the woods and fishermen go to the lake...

Coffee was making huge, dumb, broad, sweeping, bull**** generalizations. IE Being non-political is a tell? Only Political people are good? REALLY??? REALLY???????

Of course not! No thinking person believes that s***.

Edited by DKW 86
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12 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Here's yet another reminder to people especially to Conservatives...to Republican politicans....to groups like Moms for Liberty....etc

Just a stupid comment.

Newsflash: Assault from pedophiles isn't restricted to a party or organization. Most of the victims don't have a political bone in their body due to age. 


12 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

That the REAL danger to your children isn't from the gay couple across the street....it isn't at the Gay pride parade....the danger isn't from the cross dressers...or from books about gay/trans in the school library....it's not from the trans people..

Another stupid comment without basis.

Any of those could and have been a danger to children in the past. 

12 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

The article says he was a youth minister, but I am also seeing reports that this mans wife was the actual official youth minister of the church and he was a helper/volunteer teacher. 

This vile scumbag is charged with raping a young teenage girl between 7-15 different time, including inside the church building itself....They are saying other child victims are coming forward and he's also believed to have fathered a child from yet another teen girl. 

You got one or two things right, he is a vile scumbag. I hope he rots in prison. Unfortunately, this does happen in churches too. 


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5 hours ago, AUDub said:

No. He’s absolutely right.

I was raised in an era where “stranger danger” and such was the common thing. The reality is that vast, VAST, majority of abuse comes from people the children trust.

A daycare provider, a pastor, a teacher, a coach etc etc ad nauseam.

There are freaks in all walks of life. 

Nope. This statement alone should give one pause: That the REAL danger to your children isn't from the gay couple across the street....it isn't at the Gay pride parade....the danger isn't from the cross dressers...or from books about gay/trans in the school library....it's not from the trans people..

Of course, there were other stupid comments as well. 

Thankfully, you got the last three or four sentences correct

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:

Maybe, just maybe, the perps go to target-rich environments??? Maybe they are just faking it to find targets. Not everyone in a church is a pedo. Not every teacher is a pedo. Not every daycare worker is a pedo. 

Maybe the pedos go to where the kids are? You know, like hunters go to the woods and fishermen go to the lake...

Coffee was making huge, dumb, broad, sweeping, bull**** generalizations. IE Being non-political is a tell? Only Political people are good? REALLY??? REALLY???????

Of course not! No thinking person believes that s***.

Now take everything you think I said and put it back into the context of my entire post. Why would I mention politics not being a ‘tell’? Could it be because i talk about in the rest of the post about how the political culture wars are influencing so much of what people claim or assume are the real dangers to children? 

the rest of your post I 100% agree with and is in fact the point I your making is in full agreement with my post. 

Edited by CoffeeTiger
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7 hours ago, AUDub said:

This thread is about a freaking pastor. 

Coffee made it about conservative/Republicans in his post.   Fair game.  It isn’t, as @AUFAN78points out, about political views. its about creeps using their influence with the youth to exploit them.

People like this gravitate to jobs that influence children.  Parents have to be vigilant.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Coffee made it about conservative/Republicans in his post.   Fair game.  It isn’t, as @AUFAN78points out, about political views. its about creeps using their influence with the youth to exploit them.

People like this gravitate to jobs that influence children.  Parents have to be vigilant.

(@DKW 86 @AUFAN78   Here's another post maybe simplifying the point I'm trying to make in the opening.) 


You're right....it ISNT about politcs! 

But Wait? Which political party in America makes 'protecting children' a central part of it's platform and talks about it all the time? 

REPUBLICANS! You may eagerly yell out with your hand waving in the air. 


Now......How do Republicans say and campaign that they will protect the children? What do the activists say? What do the politicians make laws against? What do they campaign on? 

1. Keeping transgender women out of womens bathrooms

2. drag show bans

3. keeping sex education out of schools 

4. Books about gay/trans/sex being banned from libraries children have access to. 

5. banning teachers/schools from teaching or talking about gay/trans/sex issues. 


Noble and needed agenda items you may say, eagerly nodding in agreement with those items. 



Where and how are children in real life...in our everyday communities actually being harmed and abused? 

How often are trangendered people assaulting women in public restrooms? sure, it's possible...it may happen on rare occasions around the nation....but how common/likely is it? 

How often are kids being abused because they were taught about gay issues or sex in school by a teacher? '

How often are kids being abused by the ideas they read in books in the school library?

What tangible impact are all these laws and rules, primarily pushed by Republicans, actually having on protecting kids? 

Whose more likely to abuse any given child in America? A trangendered, a drag performer, a liberal activist...........or is it a community member, a teacher, a clergy member, a family friend, your own family members? 

which of these groups do you see local news articles wayyy, wayyy too often about in child abuse cases? And cases like the one in my opening post aren't making national news as much. they stay relatively local. They are also happening every day..all across the nation...to an untold number of children. 


Yet....The gays!...The Books!...The Trans!....Must protect the children!!! We're such good and noble people thinking about the children!.....yet....where are the children actually...in real life....being abused? 





Edited by CoffeeTiger
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14 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Who is more influential than a writer/creator of children’s programming?  These people I listed that were arrested for child porn were/are held up as the cream of the crop of their ideology which is more popular than your favorite *boogeyman* religious leaders.  I agree that you have to be careful of any *grownup* that are in contact with your children, but it is not limited to preachers.

Jordan Peterson has been studying psychology for a long time and is respected in his field.  I know you don’t agree, but he does know what he is talking about.

Yes to this.   You can't take 1 example of a wolf in sheep's clothing within a church, that fooled a whole church full of legitimate called church leaders into thinking he was a legit man of God that was called to teach young people & turned out to be a despicable piece of trash & lump him in with all of, or a group of churches.  I guarantee you that the youth director at my church would never commit a horrendous act like this.

And I know he is not the only one; I know there are more posers out there in churches pretending to be good, when they are evil at heart. That's up to the leaders of the church to discern & to weed these phonies out!

That does not however, diminish the sinfulness of Gay Pride Month.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, ArgoEagle said:

Yes to this.   You can't take 1 example of a wolf in sheep's clothing within a church, that fooled a whole church full of legitimate called church leaders into thinking he was a legit man of God that was called to teach young people & turned out to be a despicable piece of trash & lump him in with all of, or a group of churches.  I guarantee you that the youth director at my church would never commit a horrendous act like this.

And I know he is not the only one; I know there are more posers out there in churches pretending to be good, when they are evil at heart. That's up to the leaders of the church to discern & to weed these phonies out!

That does not however, diminish the sinfulness of Gay Pride Month.

(these are all links regarding Church sexual abuse issues in Alabama Churches. There are more...and every state has their own lists) 

















Nobody is saying that all church pastors are abusing kids or that this happens at every church. of course it doesn't. A majority of churches never have abuse scandals or issues. But Unfortunately it does happen often enough that I think it shows that overall church leadership doesn't do a good job of weeding  out these bad wolves in sheep's clothing, and that maybe procedural or cultural changes need to take place within American churches 

Perhaps it needs to be more common for Churches to not only warn about sin and dangers outside of the walls of their Church, but to also openly acknowledge that dangers and evil can reside inside the Churches too. 

If a Church pastor or leader is accused of sexual impropriety, maybe Churches need to stop putting those people into "church Rehab/restoration" programs and then reinstating them into their leadership positions. 

Churches should do thorough background checks on who they hire or choose as their leaders.

Maybe Churches need to institute strict policies where it's forbidden for church leaders or teachers to ever be along with any individual children without others present and forbid church pastors/member from communicating with minors through phones or social media on an individual basis. 

parents and church leaders also always need to let the children in their congregations know and feel comfortable in coming forward and being open if an adult ever makes them feel uncomfortable or acts strangely or inappropriately with them...even if that adult is their pastor or youth minister or a trusted member of the church.  


Churches are one of the very very few places in our society where many parents are comfortable with and let their guard down with unsupervised strangers having control and personal interactions with their children. There aren't any real established national rules or laws or guidelines in how children should be protected or safeguarded and some churches are much more vigilant in regards to child safety than others are.  





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2 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

(@DKW 86 @AUFAN78   Here's another post maybe simplifying the point I'm trying to make in the opening.) 


You're right....it ISNT about politcs! 

But Wait? Which political party in America makes 'protecting children' a central part of it's platform and talks about it all the time? 

REPUBLICANS! You may eagerly yell out with your hand waving in the air. 


Now......How do Republicans say and campaign that they will protect the children? What do the activists say? What do the politicians make laws against? What do they campaign on? 

1. Keeping transgender women out of womens bathrooms

2. drag show bans

3. keeping sex education out of schools 

4. Books about gay/trans/sex being banned from libraries children have access to. 

5. banning teachers/schools from teaching or talking about gay/trans/sex issues. 


Noble and needed agenda items you may say, eagerly nodding in agreement with those items. 



Where and how are children in real life...in our everyday communities actually being harmed and abused? 

How often are trangendered people assaulting women in public restrooms? sure, it's possible...it may happen on rare occasions around the nation....but how common/likely is it? 

How often are kids being abused because they were taught about gay issues or sex in school by a teacher? '

How often are kids being abused by the ideas they read in books in the school library?

What tangible impact are all these laws and rules, primarily pushed by Republicans, actually having on protecting kids? 

Whose more likely to abuse any given child in America? A trangendered, a drag performer, a liberal activist...........or is it a community member, a teacher, a clergy member, a family friend, your own family members? 

which of these groups do you see local news articles wayyy, wayyy too often about in child abuse cases? And cases like the one in my opening post aren't making national news as much. they stay relatively local. They are also happening every day..all across the nation...to an untold number of children. 


Yet....The gays!...The Books!...The Trans!....Must protect the children!!! We're such good and noble people thinking about the children!.....yet....where are the children actually...in real life....being abused? 

I am not a Republican. I don’t even get making Vance a VP. 

But there are some things parents will object to: like not informing them that their prepubescent children are talking about being trans in the elementary school. Juvenile kids don’t get to demand expensive meds and psychiatric care without parental input. I have zero issues with your points except maybe the trans queens in front of public school kids. The horror of watching what even offended good liberals at some points is over the top I don’t care who you are. As for LGB community, even they are repelled by the TQIA bunch. The LGBs worked too hard to be accepted by mainstream America to watch the crazies destroy all that hard work. I have three plus close friends that are trans. I fully accept the decisions they made post adolescence. I do not endorse the non-rational thinking of a somebody that is still watching Sesame Street, Ninja Turtles, and sitting in Santa’s lap for their life altering decisions. 

I totally get the rest of what you are saying tho. By shear numbers the hetero community is doing the real majority of harm. That doesn’t mean we should just focus on them however. We focus on eliminating all of it. 

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4 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

As for LGB community, even they are repelled by the TQIA bunch. The LGBs worked too hard to be accepted by mainstream America to watch the crazies destroy all that hard work. I have three plus close friends that are trans. I fully accept the decisions they made post adolescence. I do not endorse the non-rational thinking of a somebody that is still watching Sesame Street, Ninja Turtles, and sitting in Santa’s lap for their life altering decisions. 

Ding Ding Ding.  Decision post adolescence is, of course, their choice and are mature enough to understand what is involved.  Prepubescent decision making of a child that can be easily manipulated is the issue.

People and companies that have had years of trust built are using that trust to influencing the young.  It is similar to preists and clergy using their position of trust to manipulate children.  Both are reprehensible.

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2 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

(these are all links regarding Church sexual abuse issues in Alabama Churches. There are more...and every state has their own lists) 

















Nobody is saying that all church pastors are abusing kids or that this happens at every church. of course it doesn't. A majority of churches never have abuse scandals or issues. But Unfortunately it does happen often enough that I think it shows that overall church leadership doesn't do a good job of weeding  out these bad wolves in sheep's clothing, and that maybe procedural or cultural changes need to take place within American churches 

Perhaps it needs to be more common for Churches to not only warn about sin and dangers outside of the walls of their Church, but to also openly acknowledge that dangers and evil can reside inside the Churches too. 

If a Church pastor or leader is accused of sexual impropriety, maybe Churches need to stop putting those people into "church Rehab/restoration" programs and then reinstating them into their leadership positions. 

Churches should do thorough background checks on who they hire or choose as their leaders.

Maybe Churches need to institute strict policies where it's forbidden for church leaders or teachers to ever be along with any individual children without others present and forbid church pastors/member from communicating with minors through phones or social media on an individual basis. 

parents and church leaders also always need to let the children in their congregations know and feel comfortable in coming forward and being open if an adult ever makes them feel uncomfortable or acts strangely or inappropriately with them...even if that adult is their pastor or youth minister or a trusted member of the church.  


Churches are one of the very very few places in our society where many parents are comfortable with and let their guard down with unsupervised strangers having control and personal interactions with their children. There aren't any real established national rules or laws or guidelines in how children should be protected or safeguarded and some churches are much more vigilant in regards to child safety than others are.  





You made several good points here.

Being a deacon at my church I can tell you that if our Pastor was caught doing immoral acts towards children, there would be an immediate convening of all the deacons & he would be asked to leave our church (immediately) & not ever come back.   We would at that point let God deal with him from that point forward.

Unfortunately, I'm quite sure there have been many cases where the leaders of a particular church have chosen to sweep something like this under the rug & the children of that church, their parents, and the church as a whole have paid the price for it.

And unfortunately people equate all churches with the action of 1 bad apple that gets exposed.

Edited by ArgoEagle
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4 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

Yes to this.   You can't take 1 example of a wolf in sheep's clothing within a church, that fooled a whole church full of legitimate called church leaders into thinking he was a legit man of God that was called to teach young people & turned out to be a despicable piece of trash & lump him in with all of, or a group of churches.  I guarantee you that the youth director at my church would never commit a horrendous act like this.

And I know he is not the only one; I know there are more posers out there in churches pretending to be good, when they are evil at heart. That's up to the leaders of the church to discern & to weed these phonies out!

That does not however, diminish the sinfulness of Gay Pride Month.

You are absolutely free to believe that someone being gay is a great sin.  You simply are not allowed to use the hand of the government to impose religious views that restrict someone's ability to enjoy the freedoms that every other man and woman enjoys.  Doing so would make us a theocracy.

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34 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

You are absolutely free to believe that someone being gay is a great sin.  You simply are not allowed to use the hand of the government to impose religious views that restrict someone's ability to enjoy the freedoms that every other man and woman enjoys.  Doing so would make us a theocracy.

How did I do that?  Or were you just making a statement?

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6 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

(@DKW 86 @AUFAN78   Here's another post maybe simplifying the point I'm trying to make in the opening.) 


You're right....it ISNT about politcs! 

But Wait? Which political party in America makes 'protecting children' a central part of it's platform and talks about it all the time? 

REPUBLICANS! You may eagerly yell out with your hand waving in the air. 


Now......How do Republicans say and campaign that they will protect the children? What do the activists say? What do the politicians make laws against? What do they campaign on? 

1. Keeping transgender women out of womens bathrooms

2. drag show bans

3. keeping sex education out of schools 

4. Books about gay/trans/sex being banned from libraries children have access to. 

5. banning teachers/schools from teaching or talking about gay/trans/sex issues. 


Noble and needed agenda items you may say, eagerly nodding in agreement with those items. 



Where and how are children in real life...in our everyday communities actually being harmed and abused? 

How often are trangendered people assaulting women in public restrooms? sure, it's possible...it may happen on rare occasions around the nation....but how common/likely is it? 

How often are kids being abused because they were taught about gay issues or sex in school by a teacher? '

How often are kids being abused by the ideas they read in books in the school library?

What tangible impact are all these laws and rules, primarily pushed by Republicans, actually having on protecting kids? 

Whose more likely to abuse any given child in America? A trangendered, a drag performer, a liberal activist...........or is it a community member, a teacher, a clergy member, a family friend, your own family members? 

which of these groups do you see local news articles wayyy, wayyy too often about in child abuse cases? And cases like the one in my opening post aren't making national news as much. they stay relatively local. They are also happening every day..all across the nation...to an untold number of children. 


Yet....The gays!...The Books!...The Trans!....Must protect the children!!! We're such good and noble people thinking about the children!.....yet....where are the children actually...in real life....being abused? 





That still needs to be cleaned up, but I consider it progress. 

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2 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

You made several good points here.

Being a deacon at my church I can tell you that if our Pastor was caught doing immoral acts towards children, there would be an immediate convening of all the deacons & he would be asked to leave our church (immediately) & not ever come back.   We would at that point let God deal with him from that point forward.

Unfortunately, I'm quite sure there have been many cases where the leaders of a particular church have chosen to sweep something like this under the rug & the children of that church, their parents, and the church as a whole have paid the price for it.

And unfortunately people equate all churches with the action of 1 bad apple that gets exposed.


Letting “God deal with him” is the equivalent of doing nothing.  God didn’t protect the children to begin with, he sure as hell isn’t protecting them in the future.  Simply letting “God deal with him” is not a case of one bad apple.  It is a case of an organization whose management enables abuse.


While this thread is full of examples that these people are in all walks of life, there is one significant difference:  clergy have laws protecting them from mandatory reporting.


In Alabama, for example, clergy aren’t required to report abuse if knowledge of it was gained during confidential communication.


I.e, clergy aren’t legally obligated to report abuse in some circumstances, so you can “let god handle it”.  In other words, enabling an abuser to abuse again somewhere else.



Just curious, what other crimes would you theoretically let god handle instead of the police?


Edited by Aufan59
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2 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

How did I do that?  Or were you just making a statement?

I was simply making a statement.

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1 hour ago, Aufan59 said:


Letting “God deal with him” is the equivalent of doing nothing.  God didn’t protect the children to begin with, he sure as hell isn’t protecting them in the future.  Simply letting “God deal with him” is not a case of one bad apple.  It is a case of an organization whose management enables abuse.


While this thread is full of examples that these people are in all walks of life, there is one significant difference:  clergy have laws protecting them from mandatory reporting.


In Alabama, for example, clergy aren’t required to report abuse if knowledge of it was gained during confidential communication.


I.e, clergy aren’t legally obligated to report abuse in some circumstances, so you can “let god handle it”.  In other words, enabling an abuser to abuse again somewhere else.



Just curious, what other crimes would you theoretically let god handle instead of the police?


Did you see the part about dismissing him immediately?  Some of you guys just leave me scratching my bald head.

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