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Donald Trump shows himself to be the classless human we know him to be.

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I would not cast stones in glass houses regarding news channels. 

They all have lost their way. 





I do not trust any of them and have not for a while. 

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2 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

Don't know where you're going with this, but if it's negative toward my wife, I would love to see you go tell her face to face..  I'll get the popcorn out for that show.

I think he’s pointing out that you’re watching three shows a night (3 hrs) and they just so happen to be the biggest most bias disingenuous pieces of human excrement on the entire planet. 

Just a guess, but that’s what I’m thinking.

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1 minute ago, wdefromtx said:



This one recently had to pay out a $787 million dollar lawsuit for knowingly lying to their viewers about the legitimacy of a presidential election. The other ones say things that don’t fit a right wing narrative. 

Just pointing that out. Carry on.

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8 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

Don't know where you're going with this, but if it's negative toward my wife, I would love to see you go tell her face to face..  I'll get the popcorn out for that show.

I wasn't even thinking about your wife...she's not the one posting.  What I was pointing out is that you're watching 3 hours per night of propaganda that is scientifically proven to make people less informed.

And I didn't even mention the >$700 million dollar misinformation settlement....

I will say this...if your wife watches Fox all day as you represent, she is probably one angry person with some weird ideas.


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3 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

This one recently had to pay out a $787 million dollar lawsuit for knowingly lying to their viewers about the legitimacy of a presidential election. The other ones say things that don’t fit a right wing narrative. 

Just pointing that out. Carry on.

Delusional you are......

I use Biden's cognitive state as exhibit A. Gaslighting anyone? Lying to hide the truth? Wrongful headlines to deceive..... 

They both have a narrative. 

It's all trash! Both have their cult followers. I am guessing you are one of them?


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4 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Delusional you are......

I use Biden's cognitive state as exhibit A. Gaslighting anyone? Lying to hide the truth? Wrongful headlines to deceive..... 

They both have a narrative. 

It's all trash! Both have their cult followers. I am guessing you are one of them?


Ahh Fox hasn’t told you about their lawsuit yet, huh? Well I’m here to help, friend. Now go take that “delusional” claim and shove it right up your heinie hole.


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6 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Ahh Fox hasn’t told you about their lawsuit yet, huh? Well I’m here to help, friend. Now go take that “delusional” claim and shove it right up your heinie hole.


I know all about that. I have higher standards than you apparently, I prefer both sides to be honest and not drive a narrative. 

I guess I thought too much of you, especially being a civil guy. 😀

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8 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

 I have higher standards than you apparently

Not if you listen to Faux News😂

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9 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

, I prefer both sides to be honest and not drive a narrative. 


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42 minutes ago, economystupid said:

I wasn't even thinking about your wife...she's not the one posting.  What I was pointing out is that you're watching 3 hours per night of propaganda that is scientifically proven to make people less informed.

And I didn't even mention the >$700 million dollar misinformation settlement....

I will say this...if your wife watches Fox all day as you represent, she is probably one angry person with some weird ideas.


She is not angry much at all. She does have a few weird tendencies about her.  But she is a natural red head so if you told her she was weird & angry to her face I would feel sorry for you.

I don't believe in grouping people into scientifically proven anything.  God made us all wonderfully different in our own ways, otherwise if we were all the same the world would be a very boring place to live.

Interestingly enough, my pastor did a Wednesday Night Bible Study last week about how science has proven the Bible to be true throughout history.  I wish you could have been there.

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36 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Not if you listen to Faux News😂

Actually, I try to take in news from all the outlets and then try to decipher what is really happening.

Which is sad because the news has become just a form of biased brainwashing entertainment. I want better than that. 

So yeah, I do have higher standards than you if you think it is ok to lie just because someone else does. 



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1 minute ago, wdefromtx said:


So yeah, I do have higher standards than you if you think it is ok a lie just because someone else does. 



wtf are you even on about? When did I say that it was ok to lie? 

And you’ll never admit it, but I in no way believe that you just flip from corporate media station to corporate media station and then proceed to sit and do research to verify falsehoods. Who the hell are you trying to kid?😂

Come on man. I can tell by how aggressively you’re cucking for Faux News that you’re a total Stan. 

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32 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

wtf are you even on about? When did I say that it was ok to lie? 

And you’ll never admit it, but I in no way believe that you just flip from corporate media station to corporate media station and then proceed to sit and do research to verify falsehoods. Who the hell are you trying to kid?😂

Come on man. I can tell by how aggressively you’re cucking for Faux News that you’re a total Stan. 

LMAO, just block me if you don't want to have a rational conversation. I don't care if you believe if I listen to both sides, I do, and it is pretty apparent from conversations on here. You fail to engage in rational conversation, you jump to conclusions, see past what one is saying only because you absolutely have to have them think lock step with you. You can't fathom someone being moderate you loathe it. It becomes clearer each time you write something. 

I am 100% damn sure I do more research than you regarding falsehoods. I challenge you to go and look at my posts and point out something you can refute that I have latched on to some falsehood.  

Your silence is deafening regarding left leaning new sources lying. You are so hell bent on Fox News, Fox News, you don't realize (or maybe you do) you are doing the exact same thing as you accuse others. Until you denounce what the left biased media does you are saying it is ok to lie. Will you denounce it? You can't point at me on this one, as I have always said both sides (meaning Fox too.... just in case I need to spell it out) lie. 

Also, me saying that both sides lie is not cucking for Fox news, that makes no sense whatsoever. For starters, I even say Fox News lies, and secondly just because you heard some idiot on FB or wherever use cucking in a sentence to bash someone is stupid and absurd to try to stretch the meaning to supporting Fox. Stay in your vocabulary lane bro. 

You people just get mad and start name calling and pout like a kid that gets upset at the sandbox and takes their toys home. Sound familiar? Self-reflection might do some good. 

But, as I said put me on ignore or just go away if you aren't capable of rational conversation without the need to start the insulting, please start acting your age, not your show size. 



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6 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

LMAO, just block me if you don't want to have a rational conversation. I don't care if you believe if I listen to both sides, I do, and it is pretty apparent from conversations on here. You fail to engage in rational conversation, you jump to conclusions, see past what one is saying only because you absolutely have to have them think lock step with you. You can't fathom someone being moderate you loathe it. It becomes clearer each time you write something. 

I am 100% damn sure I do more research than you regarding falsehoods. I challenge you to go and look at my posts and point out something you can refute that I have latched on to some falsehood.  

Your silence is deafening regarding left leaning new sources lying. You are so hell bent on Fox News, Fox News, you don't realize (or maybe you do) you are doing the exact same thing as you accuse others. Until you denounce what the left biased media does you are saying it is ok to lie. Will you denounce it? You can't point at me on this one, as I have always said both sides (meaning Fox too.... just in case I need to spell it out) lie. 

Also, me saying that both sides lie is not cucking for Fox news, that makes no sense whatsoever. For starters, I even say Fox News lies, and secondly just because you heard some idiot on FB or wherever use cucking in a sentence to bash someone is stupid and absurd to try to stretch the meaning to supporting Fox. Stay in your vocabulary lane bro. 

You people just get mad and start name calling and pout like a kid that gets upset at the sandbox and takes their toys home. Sound familiar? Self-reflection might do some good. 

But, as I said put me on ignore or just go away if you aren't capable of rational conversation without the need to start acting your age, not your show size. 



I don’t really want to read through your dumb rambling post. I get it. Both sides are bad and there are no acts or lies greater than others. Blah blah blah. Same bullsh*t you all say daily.

I don’t want to ignore you. Your stupid both sides posts make laugh. You guys are an entertaining bunch. 😁

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2 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

I don’t really want to read through your dumb rambling post. I get it. Both sides are bad and there are no acts or lies greater than others. Blah blah blah. Same bullsh*t you all say daily.

I don’t want to ignore you. Your stupid both sides posts make laugh. You guys are an entertaining bunch. 😁

Aaaaannnndddd there it is. 

Run from the sandbox. I seriously hope you don't have this attitude in your professional world. That would be pretty scary. 

Glad I could be some entertainment, watching you loons get bent out of shape is fun and thanks for showing you cannot reason with a liberal. Can't reason with the right a lot of the times, but they don't get so bent out of shape, especially on these boards. 

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7 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

Aaaaannnndddd there it is. 

Run from the sandbox. I seriously hope you don't have this attitude in your professional world. That would be pretty scary. 

Glad I could be some entertainment, watching you loons get bent out of shape is fun and thanks for showing you cannot reason with a liberal. Can't reason with the right a lot of the times, but they don't get so bent out of shape, especially on these boards. 

Haha. Man you’re super bent out of shape. Who you trying to fool. All because I don’t believe that you watch all the news sources equally. Just own it man. You’re a Fox gulping righty. There’s no sense in trying to skirt it. Be proud.

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3 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Haha. Man you’re super bent out of shape. Who you trying to fool. All because I don’t believe that you watch all the news sources equally. Just own it man. You’re a Fox gulping righty. There’s no sense in trying to skirt it. Be proud.

You can think whatever BS you want.

I won't lose sleep at night over what some dips**t deranged troll thinks. 



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2 minutes ago, wdefromtx said:

You can think whatever BS you want.

I won't lose sleep at night over what some dips**t deranged troll thinks. 




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3 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:


Civil, first homer and now you. I leave you libs alone for 5 mins and look at the trouble you get into.

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Just now, wdefromtx said:

Right-back-at-ya GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

I’m just teasing you man. I literally woke up today and decided I was going to be as brazen and obnoxious as Donald Trump is just to see how you guys would react. I learned that you guys really hate obnoxiousness unless it is targeted at libs.

Now you know how infuriating it it is to watch Trump do it.

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2 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

Civil, first homer and now you. I leave you libs alone for 5 mins and look at the trouble you get into.

I can’t help it. I enjoy a little chaos. 

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21 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

That’s what they love about him. He channels their inner a**hole. 


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wdefromtx has been typing for like 10 mins. He’s about to lay into me!


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