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Biden has dropped out of the 2024 race

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11 hours ago, AU9377 said:

I have seen a Superior Court judge appointed in order to get him out of the State House.  Usually it is the result of connections, but sometimes those connections are due to who they marry or who their dad knows.  It is what it is...  It will never change because it is a perk of the office holder. 

I’ve got a story I’ll tell on here after this deposition 

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53 minutes ago, homersapien said:

You think Trump is more "fit" for the job?

Toss up. I really don’t know much about her. Seems to have been irrelevant as border czar. Hard to get past the laugh. Princess of virtue signaling during the days of mask. All masked up while charging a car and no other person in sight. My bet is she doesn’t even own an electric vehicle. 

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2 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

You're right.  She stays plenty fit jumping in and out of the bed all the time.


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2 hours ago, AUDub said:

It’s pretty funny. Over on political talk at tigerdroppings they’re whacking threads and banning individuals doing it. Chicken stickied a post telling people to knock it off but of course TD being TD that just sent it into overdrive. 

This forum has the most relaxed and strictest standards of any I’ve been on. Can’t curse but can say racist/sexist stuff. Others are the opposite, you can curse but get banned for racism/sexism, etc. 

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2 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

You're right.  She stays plenty fit jumping in and out of the bed all the time.

Yeah, well...I don't like her. But if that is how she stays fit....kudos to her. 

Never really liked that whole jogging thing anyways. Running for fun? Pfft....

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32 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Toss up. I really don’t know much about her. Seems to have been irrelevant as border czar. Hard to get past the laugh. Princess of virtue signaling during the days of mask. All masked up while charging a car and no other person in sight. My bet is she doesn’t even own an electric vehicle. 

But what do any of those things have to do with being fit for office? Besides her record as border czar. 

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1 minute ago, Didba said:

This forum has the most relaxed and strictest standards of any I’ve been on. Can’t curse but can say racist/sexist stuff. Others are the opposite, you can curse but get banned for racism/sexism, etc. 

Sounds like they need a meeting of the minds. Calling on the AuFamily deep state! 

Im less concerned with the racist/sexist banter. I like watching them make disgusting fools of themselves with no filter.

But I should be able to call them a m*therf*c**** piece of sh*t racist c*nt without having to bleep out my words.

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6 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Dude, these two candidates aren’t even close. Good lord. You can make the argument that both political parties are a net negative for the country, but she’s strong, intelligent, and deserving. She’s not a fraud. She knows law and policy, and shes forward thinking. Contrast that to the low IQ, 78 year old doom and gloom, crybaby a** predator she’s running against. The two are polar opposites in every single metric.

It’s hard to see her as nothing but a bag of wind and laughs. I know she’s not “dumb”, but she’s no leader. At least she hasn’t shown it yet. 

Edited by autigeremt
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2 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

Pretty simple for me. I can't speak for everyone and don't try to.

I enjoyed & was proud of my country & liked what my country stood for from 2017 to 2020 when Trump was president.

I absolutely am disgusted and ashamed by what our country has turned into from 2021 until now after Biden/Harris.

I want them gone "badder than a hog needs slop" & I want Trump back.

I can understand policy disagreements but in one term  each youre bouncing between pride and shame of country?  Trump… inspires you?



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3 hours ago, Didba said:

But what do any of those things have to do with being fit for office? Besides her record as border czar. 

That border deal is a big one. It’s not like she’s had a lot of jobs as VP. 

Edited by autigeremt
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31 minutes ago, Didba said:

But what do any of those things have to do with being fit for office? Besides her record as border czar. 

I suppose a failed grade in her task as border chief is a bad mark. The laugh and phoniness is a personal beef.

She will get the opportunity to prove fit. Of course democrats will defend her as ready for job regardless. We have been told for months that Joe was up to the task then poof. Amazing how shocked everyone became in just 10 minutes. Feel sort of sorry for Biden. Everything is ok now. Heard this morning that Clooney is back in step with donations. 

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3 hours ago, DAG said:

That’s fine. I am more or so critiquing your argument about an open mic when Trump is awful when he doesn’t have someone to monitor what he says but that is also his appeal as well. There are definitely people who aren’t happy with the Biden administration, especially in the middle class. I also think you are seeing an uptick of minorities than normal support republicans for this reason, specifically economical reasons. 

Trump is like a broken record on his speeches.  Everybody listening knows what he is going to say, but that's what conservatives want to hear.

He goes to different cities to let the people know that they are on his mind & heart.

He has a good strategy in going & spending way more time in the swing states, and states like Virginia, NY, NH, PA where he has an outside chance to turn the vote his way.  He has no real need to spend a bunch of time campaigning in AL, MS, LA.  He is going to win those states hands down.

The Dems had their strategy to win last time & they did.  The Republicans better have revamped their plans dramatically this time to win.

People on this forum get too angry, too personal and can't take a joke fwiw a lot of the time.

And to your point on economics.  The point nobody can argue is that American Citizens (young & old) could afford the 2 most essential resources of everyday life when Trump was in office.  Now unless you are somewhat wealthy, you have to struggle to pay your bills, buy gas, and groceries.

I happen to be in the category that I don't struggle, but I don't live comfortably either.  I can pay my bills & all, but just don't have enough money left over to enjoy any additional luxuries.  And I personally know a whole bunch of people in the same boat I am.

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1 hour ago, auburnatl1 said:

I can understand policy disagreements but in one term  each youre bouncing between pride and shame of country?  Trump… inspires you?



Most of the time. Yes.

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13 hours ago, AU9377 said:

I have seen a Superior Court judge appointed in order to get him out of the State House.  Usually it is the result of connections, but sometimes those connections are due to who they marry or who their dad knows.  It is what it is...  It will never change because it is a perk of the office holder. 

Okay, so once upon a time, I’m appearing before a state judge in a hearing to appoint a temporary administrator over someone’s estate so they can request a defense from the decedent’s insurance company in a civil matter, we can have an actual estate to name in the lawsuit, and the decedent’s insurance policy will be on the hook instead of the estate’s property. 

We have to do this bc in Texas you cannot directly sue insurance companies. also known as the “no direct action doctrine.”

The judge, who had been an ADA for twenty years before he was on the bench, looks at me and asks “well I just don’t understand why y’all just don’t directly sue the insurance company.”  I couldn’t believe what I heard and just managed to say as politely as possible “… because we can’t, your honor, Texas does not allow direct actions against insurance companies…”

I went back and forth with him explaining the doctrine and he just goes “well… I’ll take your motion under advisement and I’ll have to do some research.” Then proceeds to deny our motion within twenty minutes of the hearing. 

and this is why it’s bad to elect judges not based on merit. 

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42 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

Now unless you are somewhat wealthy, you have to struggle to pay your bills, buy gas, and groceries.

This is the hard truth right here. It’s bad for a lot of folks and people are sick of it. They really want change (generally speaking). The average person is over the mud slinging from both parties and want to know how they are going to afford groceries or purchase a house , etc, etc. 

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11 minutes ago, DAG said:

This is the hard truth right here. It’s bad for a lot of folks and people are sick of it. They really want change (generally speaking). The average person is over the mud slinging from both parties and want to know how they are going to afford groceries or purchase a house , etc, etc. 

and all they have to look back on is what things were like in 2020 at this time. $1.80 gas, 2.7% interest rates……etc. I wish it wasn’t orange salad. 

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14 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

and all they have to look back on is what things were like in 2020 at this time. $1.80 gas, 2.7% interest rates……etc. I wish it wasn’t orange salad. 

I mean to be fair, the pandemic had a huge impact on those things. Especially gas prices. 

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32 minutes ago, Didba said:

Okay, so once upon a time, I’m appearing before a state judge in a hearing to appoint a temporary administrator over someone’s estate so they can request a defense from the decedent’s insurance company in a civil matter, we can have an actual estate to name in the lawsuit, and the decedent’s insurance policy will be on the hook instead of the estate’s property. 

We have to do this bc in Texas you cannot directly sue insurance companies. also known as the “no direct action doctrine.”

The judge, who had been an ADA for twenty years before he was on the bench, looks at me and asks “well I just don’t understand why y’all just don’t directly sue the insurance company.”  I couldn’t believe what I heard and just managed to say as politely as possible “… because we can’t, your honor, Texas does not allow direct actions against insurance companies…”

I went back and forth with him explaining the doctrine and he just goes “well… I’ll take your motion under advisement and I’ll have to do some research.” Then proceeds to deny our motion within twenty minutes of the hearing. 

and this is why it’s bad to elect judges not based on merit. 

Georgia attempts to have it both ways.  Initially, the judge is appointed and then has to run for re-election.  Anyone qualified can run against them.  The problem is that the governor appoints.  Even with the best governors, the process becomes a way to pay back favors and garner future IOUs.  I'll admit, if I was governor I would do the same to some degree.  There is a qualifications commission involved, but they rank finalists more than make decisions.

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3 hours ago, autigeremt said:

It’s hard to see her as noting but a bag of wind and laughs. I know she’s not “dumb”, but she’s no leader. At least she hasn’t shown it yet. 

Hell, we (USA) are currently without a leader.  

The President of the United States dropped out of the race in a twitter post, and he provided no specific reason. 48 hrs pass and not a single press conference? He chose to post a tweet rather than face the country, and he's been missing from the public eye for 2 days while also delaying his return to DC an extra day?  

Does none of this seem odd or bothersome to anyone? IF he can't act in his official capacity as POTUS, then put Kamala in office immediately.  At least show a semblance of attention to detail and strength as a nation.  

Edited by JerryAU
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15 minutes ago, Didba said:

I mean to be fair, the pandemic had a huge impact on those things. Especially gas prices. 

I would also like to just point out that if prices increased at the same rate of inflation, nobody would have even noticed anything. Corporations are literally raking in unprecedented profit margins, while simultaneously decreasing labor costs (wage growth). 

This is why so many people feel broke af all the time.



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1 hour ago, ArgoEagle said:

Trump is like a broken record on his speeches.  Everybody listening knows what he is going to say, but that's what conservatives want to hear.

He goes to different cities to let the people know that they are on his mind & heart.

He has a good strategy in going & spending way more time in the swing states, and states like Virginia, NY, NH, PA where he has an outside chance to turn the vote his way.  He has no real need to spend a bunch of time campaigning in AL, MS, LA.  He is going to win those states hands down.

The Dems had their strategy to win last time & they did.  The Republicans better have revamped their plans dramatically this time to win.

People on this forum get too angry, too personal and can't take a joke fwiw a lot of the time.

And to your point on economics.  The point nobody can argue is that American Citizens (young & old) could afford the 2 most essential resources of everyday life when Trump was in office.  Now unless you are somewhat wealthy, you have to struggle to pay your bills, buy gas, and groceries.

I happen to be in the category that I don't struggle, but I don't live comfortably either.  I can pay my bills & all, but just don't have enough money left over to enjoy any additional luxuries.  And I personally know a whole bunch of people in the same boat I am.

Everyone shares a little responsibility for affording their lifestyle.  I have very good friends that are whining constantly about paying their bills.  What they don't talk about is the fact that they drive SUVs and trucks that are less than 5 years old, live in a house that they paid close to $500k for, take several vacations every year, never say no to the kids wanting something and I could go on and on. 

There has never been a time when living with that level of debt was comfortable.  My parents certainly never lived like that and they were what I would consider to be upper middle class based on income and assets. 

The Federal government can force interest rates down but, without a change in spending habits, inflation would likely spike.  Every government action comes with increased deficit spending.  One day, Americans will be forced to face the fact that we have been living in a bubble that we keep putting more air into without dealing with the problems that require it in the first place.

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5 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

The only way to fix the prices of everyday goods in America and thus improve the quality of life for Americans is by regulating the free market and prohibiting price gouging. That’s it. That’s all you can do. And thats certainly not going to be done by a Republican. It goes against every single ethos they stand for. It’s sad that more Americans don’t understand the little power anyone has over pricing. In a perfect world, the prices would increase with the inflation, but here we are with companies holding record profits while Americans struggle.

Ah yes, give the government more power and they’ll fix it.  Reagan said it best - more .gov won’t fix the problem, more .gov IS the problem.   The government is what created this problem to begin with.  

4 hours ago, homersapien said:

Surprise, surprise, surprise! :-\

(And what a brilliant tactic when you're a Trump supporter. :laugh:)

Yes, between Harris being an ethnic minority and a woman she should be immune from all criticism, right?  To criticize her makes you racist, sexist, or both?   What if she’s just an idiot because that’s who she is?  


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7 minutes ago, GoAU said:

Ah yes, give the government more power and they’ll fix it.  Reagan said it best - more .gov won’t fix the problem, more .gov IS the problem.   The government is what created this problem to begin with.  

Yes, between Harris being an ethnic minority and a woman she should be immune from all criticism, right?  To criticize her makes you racist, sexist, or both?   What if she’s just an idiot because that’s who she is?  


To say that she slept her way to the top when she’s been elected 3 times to her positions, and that she sounds like nails on a chalk board are all the old hits when it comes to sexist dog whistles. You mf’s aren’t fooling anyone with this crap. We’ve seen it all before. It’s not working. Come up with common sense solutions to problems and start acting like adults and maybe people will start taking you as something other than the regressive clowns that you are. 

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