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Sheila Jackson Lee has died

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She was actually a very nice expression of how you are supposed to act in Congress. She will be missed. 

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While they are all bad, pancreatic cancer is one of the worst.:no:  

Thought this was noteworthy"

"While we rarely agreed on policy, I always enjoyed our spirited debates about law and policy, and I counted her as a friend," U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican who served with her on the judiciary committee for seven years, said in a statement.
Governor Greg Abbott, a conservative Republican, posted on X that his wife "Cecilia and I will forever remember Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee," adding that "her legacy of public service and dedication to Texas will live on."
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz posted: "I'm deeply saddened by the passing of my friend & colleague Sheila Jackson Lee. She was a tireless advocate for Houston."

She will be missed.

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Such a tough end. Godspeed to her family, friends and colleagues. 

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Not a fan of her policies and rhetoric by a long shot, but I pray for peace for her family and friends.  

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