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Cutting off your nose to spite your face

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It is going to be a mess no matter what happens.  That is unfortunate.  There are candidates that could get into the race like Secretariat's run at Belmont, but instead of doing what is needed, some will be selfish.  Some will complain if the VP isn't the choice, but not stop to think about what little influence they will have if and when she loses.  Now isn't the time to worry about me me me. Put a moderate white guy at the top of the ticket that has that riz as they say.  Focus on the battle ground states or buckle up for a 4 year burning of anything and everything that doesn't benefit the President.

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Couldn’t happen to a better party. One down, one to go. 😂 

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3 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

Couldn’t happen to a better party. One down, one to go. 😂 

I'm all for reform, but you cannot destroy a country simply for the sake of burning it to the ground.  We all have to work together to make it work.  That means compromise and that means respecting each other, even when we don't understand the other's motives.

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21 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

I'm all for reform, but you cannot destroy a country simply for the sake of burning it to the ground.  We all have to work together to make it work.  That means compromise and that means respecting each other, even when we don't understand the other's motives.

I agree with this. I do feel like it was easier before the Obama era. It was mainly about policy differences. When Rush and Fox started constantly talking about how Obama is a Muslim terrorist and how he wasn’t born here, things started getting nasty. Throw is freak shows like Marge and things have just gotten *****d quickly. 

Im obviously biased, but if the republicans would stop being such weirdos, things would calm down. Like stop worshipping Putin and Erdogan. Stop attacking trans people (they’ve always been here), stop trying to strip rights. Easy stuff, really. Oh and hold your leaders accountable. There used to be a time that attacking war veterans and their families and being a SA’er was disqualifying.

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56 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

I'm all for reform, but you cannot destroy a country simply for the sake of burning it to the ground.  We all have to work together to make it work.  That means compromise and that means respecting each other, even when we don't understand the other's motives.

Those days are in the past. We need a better option with fresh perspective. Compromise is kryptonite for the current duopoly. 

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43 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

Those days are in the past. We need a better option with fresh perspective. Compromise is kryptonite for the current duopoly. 

We don't currently have that option, much as many of us would like. So what do you suggest in the meantime? Is it burning it all down, as 9377 said?

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46 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

We don't currently have that option, much as many of us would like. So what do you suggest in the meantime? Is it burning it all down, as 9377 said?

We don’t have the option because we don’t have the conviction to truly force the option. This country has lost its resolve to effectively demand what we want. We’re sheep I suspect. 

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41 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

We don’t have the option because we don’t have the conviction to truly force the option. This country has lost its resolve to effectively demand what we want. We’re sheep I suspect. 

I'm not sure what you want to force feed people and expect them to say thank you may I have another...  In most ways, people have never had a better quality of life than what we have seen over the past 30 years.  The problems are not new.  We have an out of control budget that is preyed upon by vultures of all types.  People need good paying jobs, they need health care, their children need to believe in a future that is brighter than the present and communities must be safe.  People have to work together to achieve those things.  One thing is not negotiable.  People must respect each other, including people they have little in common with.

People have always argued.  We are an extremely large country with a very diverse population.  That isn't a weakness, unless we allow it to be.  It can be an incredible strength.  All of the culture war nonsense does nothing but give people something to fight about.  Our social norms today are nothing resembling what they were in 1965.  That is a good thing.  We have evolved as a society and corrected many wrongs. We are a better country today than we were then.  We have to continue to grow to be better in 50 years than we are today.

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1 hour ago, AU9377 said:

I'm not sure what you want to force feed people and expect them to say thank you may I have another...  In most ways, people have never had a better quality of life than what we have seen over the past 30 years.  The problems are not new.  We have an out of control budget that is preyed upon by vultures of all types.  People need good paying jobs, they need health care, their children need to believe in a future that is brighter than the present and communities must be safe.  People have to work together to achieve those things.  One thing is not negotiable.  People must respect each other, including people they have little in common with.

People have always argued.  We are an extremely large country with a very diverse population.  That isn't a weakness, unless we allow it to be.  It can be an incredible strength.  All of the culture war nonsense does nothing but give people something to fight about.  Our social norms today are nothing resembling what they were in 1965.  That is a good thing.  We have evolved as a society and corrected many wrongs. We are a better country today than we were then.  We have to continue to grow to be better in 50 years than we are today.

We’re correcting wrongs by often times creating new wrongs. Led for years to believe divisiveness is desirable because of the “other” side. This country isn’t any better. Pockets of it might be on one hand, but other areas are NOT! Why? Because we accept their lies and put our heads in the sand while they (the political class) continue to use us as pawns to improve their positions. I’m over it! I’m no longer going to just blindly follow with a vote for the status quo. I haven’t for several years, and I will continue to expect better from the people who are supposed to act in the best interest of the US Citizen, while also expecting future citizens to follow our rule of law as they either work here, or aspire to become an American. 

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