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Where is Mike Pence? Did he betray his country?

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8 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

All right.  So I honestly don't know who Bob Casey is.

Next point:  I (wish) that every candidate running for President was a devout, born again Christian who put God 1st, and country second, and tried to live a righteous life, BUT, we both know the 2 men we have now as candidates do not fit that description.

I'm not expecting moral perfection. 

I'm also not falling for this lesser of two evils argument because we have primaries where this isn't the case.  If Republicans and especially evangelical Christians valued good morals and high character, they had options.  They chose to vote for an immoral, unfit man long before this so-called "binary choice" came into being.


8 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

You also left out a couple of scriptures that apply here.   God said "Give unto Caesar (government), what is Caesar's, and to God what belongs to God."

Jesus answered a question cleverly that was meant to be a trap.  And if we're going to try to read this literally and as a prescriptive it would be "money" or "taxes," not "government.  Jesus is not making some endorsement of leaving your faith and morals out of your political decisions.



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1 hour ago, ArgoEagle said:

Awwww man!  Here comes the gang mentality.  You got 4 of em on you now brother.

They have even called  Texas Tiger's evil twin brother Titan Tiger in for reinforcement.

I hope you survive the beating!

They do hate an alternate point of view.

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51 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I'm not expecting moral perfection. 

I'm also not falling for this lesser of two evils argument because we have primaries where this isn't the case.  If Republicans and especially evangelical Christians valued good morals and high character, they had options.  They chose to vote for an immoral, unfit man long before this so-called "binary choice" came into being.


Jesus answered a question cleverly that was meant to be a trap.  And if we're going to try to read this literally and as a prescriptive it would be "money" or "taxes," not "government.  Jesus is not making some endorsement of leaving your faith and morals out of your political decisions.



Well we apparently disagree on our religious interpretations as well as our political views.

Since I already have several posters to argue with on this forum & don't really want any more then I will bid you God's speed & ado.

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49 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

They do hate an alternate point of view.

It's not for the faint of heart sometimes brother🙂

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57 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

They do hate an alternate point of view.

Such persecution.  I don't know how you hold it together.

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3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Because that man is senile and running the country.

I didn’t vote for him so I’m not accountable or responsible for that. 


3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

People are so concerned about Trump that they give a pass to Biden and the Dems

Disliking one candidate is not giving the other candidate a pass. Two things can be true at the same time. 

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15 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Such persecution.  I don't know how you hold it together.

It is difficult, but “I will endeavor to preserve”.

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24 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

Well we apparently disagree on our religious interpretations as well as our political views.

Well, just for the record you're not just disagreeing with me, but with the Puritan pilgrims who came to this country from England and many if not most of our Founding Fathers who at the very least saw it as not just their right but their duty to bring their faith to politics and at the most saw America as a "shining city on a hill" meant to bring the Gospel to the nations.

God never says he's given over government to worldly powers and Christians shouldn't concern themselves with it.

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28 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Well, just for the record you're not just disagreeing with me, but with the Puritan pilgrims who came to this country from England and many if not most of our Founding Fathers who at the very least saw it as not just their right but their duty to bring their faith to politics and at the most saw America as a "shining city on a hill" meant to bring the Gospel to the nations.

God never says he's given over government to worldly powers and Christians shouldn't concern themselves with it.

I believe we are to follow the laws of our land, unless they go against the commandments of God (meaning for example: there is a law that says I must stop at traffic lights when they are RED.   But if my government told me I could not attend church any more, then I would defy my government and obey God Almighty's Law.

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1 hour ago, ArgoEagle said:

I believe we are to follow the laws of our land, unless they go against the commandments of God (meaning for example: there is a law that says I must stop at traffic lights when they are RED.   But if my government told me I could not attend church any more, then I would defy my government and obey God Almighty's Law.

Do you defy your own urges obey all of God's laws? Also, God's law does not specifically say you have go to church.

Edited by creed
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1 hour ago, ArgoEagle said:

I believe we are to follow the laws of our land, unless they go against the commandments of God (meaning for example: there is a law that says I must stop at traffic lights when they are RED.   But if my government told me I could not attend church any more, then I would defy my government and obey God Almighty's Law.

So you’re good with Muslims, Hindu, Native Americans, etc… disobeying laws that go against their God? Seems like that kind of selectivity could become problematic for the law and order crowd. 

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5 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

No.  I'm calling the GOP to be actually a good party with leaders of character, not an immoral one whose only appeal is "well, I might be a scumbag but the other guy is worse."


Actually they did, just as they did in 2016 and 2020.  But the sheep keep voting for the wolf anyway.


“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34)

Scripture calls on all us to submit ourselves to governing authorities as ministers of the Lord (Romans 13:1; 1 Peter 2:13)

It further says “Whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves” (Romans 13:2)

But also, governing authorities themselves are not exempt from the rule of law and must submit to the nation’s statutes, rather than mocking them (Romans 13:1; 1 Peter 2:14; Proverbs 19:28-29; 2 Samuel 12:7; Mark 6:17-18)

This is the baseline for a Christian approach to politics.

Some are willing to excuse or overlook immoral or illegal conduct by unrepentant public officials so long as the economy seems good, or they get the SCOTUS judges they want, or they have the views they like on immigration, etc.  But tolerance of serious wrong and immoral conduct by leaders scars the conscience of the culture, encourages unrestrained immorality and lawlessness in the society, and will surely result in God’s judgment if we persist in it (1 Kings 16:30; Isaiah 5:18-25).

The bottom line is this:  Moral character matters to God and should matter to all citizens, especially God’s people, when choosing public leaders.  Rather than make excuses when it's "our guy" we should all expect our government leaders to live by the highest standards of morality both in their private actions and in their public duties, and serve as models of moral excellence and character.  Regardless of what the other party does, we are to live by the conviction that character does count in public office, and to elect those officials and candidates who, although imperfect, demonstrate consistent honesty, moral clarity and the honorable character.

One of noticeable things about maga was during the primaries there were very few posts about Desantis, Haley, ect. Crickets. Always about Biden - Biden was forcing them to vote for Trump. Never made any sense. The thing that maga will never be able to shake outside their community is that they had far less morally corrupt, smarter, and non nut case options - put another way, superior - and they were all curb stomped.

It isn’t about Biden. Never was. That’s a smoke screen. Just pure Trump man love adoration. By evangelicals no less.

Edited by auburnatl1
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47 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

One of noticeable things about maga was during the primaries there were very few posts about Desantis, Haley, ect. Crickets. Always about Biden - Biden was forcing them to vote for Trump. Never made any sense. The thing that maga will never be able to shake outside their community is that they had far less morally corrupt, smarter, and non nut case options - put another way, superior - and they were all curb stomped.

It isn’t about Biden. Never was. That’s a smoke screen. Just pure Trump man love adoration. By evangelicals no less.

Prior to your regular posting there were numerous topics about Desantis. “ Trump on steroids” etc. Do the search.

You are correct in not about about Biden and Trump adoration by “ evangelicals” imo. Telling isn’t it. You would think everyone in DC is pure as a Snow White virgin before Trump.

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24 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Prior to your regular posting there were numerous topics about Desantis. “ Trump on steroids” etc. Do the search.

You are correct in not about about Biden and Trump adoration by “ evangelicals” imo. Telling isn’t it. You would think everyone in DC is pure as a Snow White virgin before Trump.

DeSantis was trying to out-Trump Trump. 

I think he was offering himself up as a Trump clone - with less legal baggage.  It was naive'.

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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Say again?

Saying he is correct in adoration for Trump by evangelicals. They think DC is a cess pool.

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Just now, SaltyTiger said:

Saying he is correct in adoration for Trump by evangelicals. They think DC is a cess pool.

Nevermind.  I studied a bit and figured it out. Thanks

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Just now, homersapien said:

DeSantis was trying to out-Trump Trump. 

I think he was offering himself up as a Trump clone - with less legal baggage.  It was naive'.

Pretty sure you agreed that he would be worse than Trump.

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17 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Pretty sure you agreed that he would be worse than Trump.

Possibly.  It's logical.

A somewhat less crazy, more capable, and younger autocrat certainly has the potential to be worse than Trump.

Edited by homersapien
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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

Nevermind.  I studied a bit and figured it out. Thanks

You are welcome. Want to get into stories about immoral leaders in Washington.

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9 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

You are welcome. Want to get into stories about immoral leaders in Washington.

That second sentence is not. 

But if you want to discuss immoral leaders, I'm game.  I'll even parse what I perceive to be the differences between Trump and DeSantis.

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2 hours ago, creed said:

Do you defy your own urges obey all of God's laws? Also, God's law does not specifically say you have go to church.

Hebrews 10:25. Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is (some being sinners & Christians who no longer attend church.   Also Psalm 122:1. I was glad when they said unto me, let us go unto the House of The Lord.

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1 hour ago, Gowebb11 said:

So you’re good with Muslims, Hindu, Native Americans, etc… disobeying laws that go against their God? Seems like that kind of selectivity could become problematic for the law and order crowd. 

I don't acknowledge their gods.  Just mine.

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9 minutes ago, homersapien said:

That second sentence is not. 

But if you want to discuss immoral leaders, I'm game.  I'll even parse what I perceive to be the differences between Trump and DeSantis.

Immoral leaders would be endless. Never recall your thinking to be a big difference between Trump/Desantis. 

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Just now, SaltyTiger said:

Immoral leaders would be endless. Never recall your thinking to be a big difference between Trump/Desantis. 

Again, your second sentence, isn't.

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