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Marco Rubio

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Rubio made a great point about NATO.  Trump would never get out of NATO as congress would have to vote on that, but sometimes a little incentive to give your fair share is needed.  Dems used the narrative Trump wants to get out of NATO like the false *hands up, don’t shoot* BS from years ago.  Untrue, but it sounds good.

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Even Bruce Pearl knows Biden is heading us into more and more conflict:



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On 7/2/2024 at 12:53 PM, I_M4_AU said:

Rubio made a great point about NATO.  Trump would never get out of NATO as congress would have to vote on that, but sometimes a little incentive to give your fair share is needed.  Dems used the narrative Trump wants to get out of NATO like the false *hands up, don’t shoot* BS from years ago.  Untrue, but it sounds good.

How many 5 star generals have to quit and state in detail why Trump is misguided and lacks the fortitude necessary to lead effectively before you believe them? Trump has told multiple people of his desires concerning NATO , none were to make it stronger.

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16 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

How many 5 star generals have to quit

All the woke ones.  Any other question?

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41 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

All the woke ones.  Any other question?

Define woke. At least three of my ROTC peer group from Auburn made general. Two of them are 3 Stars. Those stars are not earned by being woke or playing politics at all. They are the best of the best, the brightest of the brightest, and possess a level of competence and leadership capabilities unsurpassed anywhere. They are also some of the most insightful people at reading others and assessing their leadership. The fact that so many of them have identified Trump for who he really is, should not be taken lightly or ignored. They know the dangers of people like him being in charge and they continue to sound the alarm. 

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4 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

Define woke.

Mark Milley is the definition of woke in the military.  He is retired now, but a lot of what he taught and fought for is still there.  CRT and DEI has no place in the military, only merit based promotions and ideals.  JMO.


7 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

They know the dangers of people like him being in charge and they continue to sound the alarm. 

In the 4 years Trump was president did they ever disobey an order given to them by Trump?  If not; why not?  If he was so dangerous?

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24 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

They are also some of the most insightful people at reading others and assessing their leadership.

 Do they asses leadership skills by skin color?  Think Kamala Harris as an example.  I don’t expect you to answer, but I’m sure Gen Milley has studied White Rage and would lean toward skin color for promotions and that would be woke.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Mark Milley is the definition of woke in the military.  He is retired now, but a lot of what he taught and fought for is still there.  CRT and DEI has no place in the military, only merit based promotions and ideals.  JMO.

Some commonly held “non-woke” beliefs shattered in the military:

*black soldiers aren’t brave enough to fight (common notion in WW1 and WW2)
Half of my platoon was black or Hispanic and they fought as well as anyone  

*gays in the military will erode our capabilities to fight.
You think the Taliban thinks our capabilities are eroded?

*women can’t serve in combat roles  
Now they’re graduating from Ranger school and serving in frontline units) I served with some fabulous female soldiers and leaders in the Army  

Theres plenty of room in the Military to promote diversity and history proves it. I’m proud of leaders who care enough about prejudice to address it, and prove the misguided beliefs wrong.  


3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

In the 4 years Trump was president did they ever disobey an order given to them by Trump?  If not; why not?  If he was so dangerous?

Because they swore an oath to obey all lawful orders. Lawful can also mean unsound or irrational and be called out by the Generals for that.  


2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do they asses leadership skills by skin color?  Think Kamala Harris as an example.  I don’t expect you to answer, but I’m sure Gen Milley has studied White Rage and would lean toward skin color for promotions and that would be woke.

Do you assess leadership skills by skin color? Are we to assume that Bryan McDonald/Marci Rubio is only being considered for VP candidate because they’re a minority? Is Secy Of Defense Lloyd Austin (also an AU grad 👍🏼) only in his role because he’s black? I don’t think it’s my place to make that call. 

Edited by Gowebb11
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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

Theres plenty of room in the Military to promote diversity and history proves it. I’m proud of leaders who care enough about prejudice to address it, and prove the misguided beliefs wrong.  

That’s great and I’m all for it.  The problem is when you specifically address the promotions because of *White Rage* or DEI you loose the credibility.  Those soldiers should be promoted for what they have accomplished, now because Milley and others brought up diversity, anyone who is promoted will be thought of as a diversity hire and that is unfair to the one being promoted.  Just reward and promote on merit and don’t bring up the other.  It isn’t hard.

40 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

Because they swore an oath to obey all lawful orders. Lawful can also mean unsound or And there was appropriate pushback: which was met by Trump firing them and name calling them. 

There was pushback when Biden withdrew from Afghanistan too, but the over riding issue was optics of getting out by the 20 year anniversary of 9-11.  That was some sound thinking there.  There was appropriate pushback and Biden said he didh’t hear any of that pushback.  I wonder what will be said after Biden gets out of office.

So which is better?  Were any genderals fired for the Afghan debacle?  Should they have been?

We had no wars started in 4 years with Trump as president.  If I am a peace loving man, that’s who I want in the WH.

I agree the Trump is a 7th grade bully and I wouldn’t want to work for him, but the military signs up for country not the president.   The generals and advisors are the ones that have to clearly make their thoughts known before any action is taken.  They have to agree if they are going to put their troops in harms way.


Edited by I_M4_AU
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56 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

Are we to assume that Bryan McDonald/Marci Rubio is only being considered for VP candidate because they’re a minority?

You forgot Dr Ben Carson.  They could be an asset to Trump, but he wouldn’t come out and say he was going to hire an African American female as VP and limit his selection by 70% or so.  These VP candidates are one of what 10 or so people?  The Dems are the one that flaunt DEI at every turn and deminish the accomplishments of the applicant by doing so.

1 hour ago, Gowebb11 said:

Is Secy Of Defense Lloyd Austin (also an AU ROTC grad 👍🏼) only in his role because he’s black?

He is in Biden’s cabinet so it is assumed.  I would hope he is fully qualified and will show it by his deeds.

1 hour ago, Gowebb11 said:

I don’t think it’s my place to make that call.

If Biden would just keep his mouth shut about DEI and hiring the first African Americans VP or an African American Supreme Court Justice, which limit his choices, he would me much better off, but pandering is Joe’s style.

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I don’t agree with Carville a lot, but he is spot on here:



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On 7/2/2024 at 11:53 AM, I_M4_AU said:

Rubio made a great point about NATO.  Trump would never get out of NATO as congress would have to vote on that, but sometimes a little incentive to give your fair share is needed.  Dems used the narrative Trump wants to get out of NATO like the false *hands up, don’t shoot* BS from years ago.  Untrue, but it sounds good.

From the word go on NATO, trump was right that NATO was essentially the US paying for everything and Europe getting the benefits. He demanded that the Germans et al do their due diligence. Anyone claiming that trump was leaving NATO is just a SF. That was never true. 

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On 7/4/2024 at 4:54 PM, Gowebb11 said:

Define woke. At least three of my ROTC peer group from Auburn made general. Two of them are 3 Stars. Those stars are not earned by being woke or playing politics at all. They are the best of the best, the brightest of the brightest, and possess a level of competence and leadership capabilities unsurpassed anywhere. They are also some of the most insightful people at reading others and assessing their leadership. The fact that so many of them have identified Trump for who he really is, should not be taken lightly or ignored. They know the dangers of people like him being in charge and they continue to sound the alarm. 

NATO maybe the lone thing trump did right.

trump did not attend the morning status reviews for the military. He pointedly did not read nor understand the situation reports either. Was he unprepared? Yes. Will he be unprepared? Probably. But please don't come here and tell us that President Sh!tz-His-Pants is any better. We are not even sure Joe knows what day it is. 

Biden just told GS that he was tired and feeling bad. Tired from what? 6-7 day stint at Camp David prepping for the debate????? REALLY? Most of us would call that a lazy week in a Gatlinburg chateau. That is what wore him out? He only works 6 hours a day if you count the long lunch. 

Factually: How do two parties look around the US and manage to find these two cosmic losers as nominees??????

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On 7/4/2024 at 3:49 PM, AU9377 said:

How many 5 star generals have to quit and state in detail why Trump is misguided and lacks the fortitude necessary to lead effectively before you believe them? Trump has told multiple people of his desires concerning NATO , none were to make it stronger.

How many five star generals quit? You heard of any?

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On 7/4/2024 at 5:06 PM, I_M4_AU said:

All the woke ones.  Any other question?

You mean anyone that won't kiss the ring or ass as it may be......,

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On 7/6/2024 at 10:30 AM, jj3jordan said:

How many five star generals quit? You heard of any?

Were they 4 stars?  There were so many that I forgot their rank. 

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2 hours ago, AU9377 said:

You mean anyone that won't kiss the ring or ass as it may be......,

Read this today that defines woke pretty good:


the realization by each group that the other will respond in equal measure (or worse) if attacked. Now imagine that the West has decided to throw away this defining dynamic that shapes this fundamental historical reality. Defending what is ours is rooted in our genes; it is a central feature of our human nature. But the West has said that we are so progressive, so empathetic, so enligteneed that we are not bound by pediastrian biology. Hence, we will not defend our culture; we will not defend our heritage; we will not defend our religion; we will not defend our women; we will not defend our children; we will not defend our values. According to our Western leaders, only barbarians worry about such defensive concerns. We are open, tolerant, kind, compassionate, welcoming. No amount of evidence can convince us that other groups might do us harm. And hence, we brainwash our children who become our politicians; we rejoice in the rape of our societies because this proves that we are kind. It is a mixture of what I discussed in The Parasitic Mind and what I'll be presenting to the world in my next book Suicidal Empathy. I frankly am running out of optimism; I'm bereft of hope. I fight every day at great personal and professional cost. But how can you change anything when your society is hellbent on committing orgiastic suicide?

This is why a military should never go *woke*, but only if want to defend your way of life.  If you are progressive and believe other groups will never do us harm you are an idiot and deserve what you get.

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