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Louisiana law isn't about Ten Commandments. It's Christian nationalist bait for Supreme Court.

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From the second article:


Is this the excuse the left uses for the utter leftist agenda in our schools?



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17 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

From the second article:


Is this the excuse the left uses for the utter leftist agenda in our schools?



So are crosses are crucifixes ok in classes ok? Starting each class with the Lord’s Prayer or nicene creed? Bible classes? 

I’m simply curious where you see the line is in public schools. What are the rules separating church and state? Or are there any?


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1 minute ago, auburnatl1 said:

So are crosses are crucifixes ok in classes ok? Starting each class with the Lord’s Prayer or nicene creed? Bible classes? 

I’m simply curious where you see the line is in public schools. What are the rules separating church and state? Or are there any?


The government got rid of prayer in schools, where have you been?  We have moved beyond that now.  

Public schools should be for public education; pride flags, BLM posters and political bumper stickers should not be allowed if religious creeds are not allowed as these are ideologies that not everyone agrees with.

It is simple, elementary schools especially should be just for learning the basics of education.  Interjecting societalistic thoughts in a child when they not (most are not) ready for such thoughts is not what public education should be about IMO.  

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5 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

The government got rid of prayer in schools, where have you been?  We have moved beyond that now.  

Public schools should be for public education; pride flags, BLM posters and political bumper stickers should not be allowed if religious creeds are not allowed as these are ideologies that not everyone agrees with.

It is simple, elementary schools especially should be just for learning the basics of education.  Interjecting societalistic thoughts in a child when they not (most are not) ready for such thoughts is not what public education should be about IMO.  

I asked where your line was, not the current situation.

So this is let’s make a deal? You drop the pride flag, I’ll drop the 10 commandments..

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4 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

I asked where your line was, not the current situation.

So this is let’s make a deal? You drop the pride flag, I’ll drop the 10 commandments..

It’s not up to us is it.  Are ideologies appropriate to be promoted in public education?

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15 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

It’s not up to us is it.  Are ideologies appropriate to be promoted in public education?

Heres the irony. Just like the deficit, people simply scream ideology, tmz fluff topics, and ofcourse blame - meanwhile the ship everyone is on is sinking.

So what exactly is the purpose of a school? 


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Louisiana is latest Ground Zero for christofacist ****ery

the zealots are just getting started

Jun 23
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the christofascists — those god-bothering zealots hell-bent on turning America into a Handmaid’s Tale theocracy — are up to their ****ery again.

Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

Gov. Jeff Landry signed legislation on Wednesday requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom in Louisiana, making the state the only one with such a mandate and reigniting the debate over how porous the boundary between church and state should be.

check out Jeff Landry, the smug governor of Louisiana, as he signs the bill — because we’re going to have to make up a whole new commandment just for him.


thou shalt not sit there like a useless sack of s*** as the child you’re using as a prop faints and falls to the ground behind you.


this poor kid was probably hungry — because it turns out that Landry is one of the 15 Republican governors who earlier this year rejected $2.5 billion in federal aid for low-income families.

The Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer, or Summer EBT program, offers each child of an eligible family $40 per month, accessible via an EBT card, which can be used at grocery stores that accept Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program benefits.

In a stunning move, 15 governors have said they will reject those funds. That’s not a typo: These state leaders will turn down resources that can help alleviate child hunger in their very own communities.

thou shalt not refuse to help the needy because you’d rather participate in a cruel political stunt.

after the law was signed, the stupidest dumb****s in America rushed to find the nearest camera to stand in front of so they could s*** out their useless hot takes.


“I don’t think that it’s bad to have something that says honor your father and mother so that you will live a long life. I think that is the first commandment that has a promise attached to it. I don’t think that it’s bad to teach children that adultery is something that you should not do. and also listed in the ten commandments, thou shalt not steal, and maybe the left and some of these are having a meltdown over having that right there listed in our classrooms, thou shalt not steal, is because government hates competition and they don’t want our children to realize that’s something you shouldn’t be doing.”

shut the **** up, Handy Oakley. I just got off the phone with god, and she told me she made up a new commandment just for you.

thou shalt not play lap hockey in a crowded theater.

oh, and she wrote one for your husband, too.

thou shalt not expose your junk to a bunch of teenage girls in a bowling alley.

oh my god, Handy Oakley is so ******* stupid — listen to her self-satisfied laugh as she spews the insipid line about government hating competition, like it’s the funniest thing anyone’s ever said.

also, what the **** is Handy talking about when she says “honor your father and mother so that you will live a long life. I think that is the first commandment that has a promise attached to it.” I had to go look it up, because I don’t remember any nonsense about living a long life — because there isn’t. it’s “honor thy father and thy mother” and that’s it. was Handy home-schooled? is that the problem?

I swear, these people make me want to drink paint thinner straight from the can.

and of course the biggest attention hog in the multiverse couldn’t keep his fool mouth shut.


“who likes the ten commandments, by the way, going up in the schools? they think it’s such a bad thing. I said has anyone read the … thou shalt not steal, thou shalt— has anybody read this … incredible stuff, just incredible, they don’t want it to go up.”

hey ****face, do we need to clarify just what some of these commandments mean? do we need to write sub-commandments just for you?

thou shalt not steal … from a charity for cancer-stricken children.
thou shalt not steal … from the contractors you refuse to pay.
thou shalt not steal … from the students at your scam university.

in fact, is there a commandment that Donny Convict hasn’t broken? ok, maybe the one about thou shalt not kill — but considering Donny’s ******-up response to the covid pandemic, that one’s out the window, too.


remember Roy Moore? twenty-three years ago, he was named Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. the very first thing he did was have a two-and-a-half ton monument bearing the Ten Commandments installed in the rotunda of the State Judicial Building. the ACLU took him to court to have the monument removed, and won.

Moore was later removed from office for judicial misconduct, because of course he was. he then ran for Senator, and that’s when we all found out about his fondness for hanging out at the local mall and hitting on teenagers.

thou shalt not perv on 16-year-old girls, what the **** is wrong with thee?

hypocrites, the whole ******* lot of them.


there’s a lie that the chrstofascists keep pushing as their rationale for shoving their zealotry in our faces: “the ten commandments are the basis for all US law.”

you hear this over and over, and it’s bull****.

as Thom Hartmann points out in his Friday post, only two of the commandments have anything that aligns with with US law: don’t steal, and don’t kill — that’s it.

Our laws don’t, as do the Ten Commandments:

— Specify a single god who must be worshiped,
— Demand a ban on graven images (statues, crucifixes, and pictures of deities),
— Require us to take a Sabbath day off work every week or be put to death,
— Mandate that children “honor” their parents or be stoned to death,
— Make it illegal for men to “covet” other men’s wives or sleep with unmarried women,
— Or criminalize telling a lie except under oath (in fact, corporations have recently asserted the explicit “right to lie” under the First Amendment, and Trump averaged a lie every 3 minutes in his last speech).

you’ll note that when christofascists like Handy Oakley and Donny Convict extol the virtues of putting the ten commandments in schools, they pretty much only mention thou shalt not steal. they don’t want to remind everybody that over half of the commandments talk about the establishment of a religion.

check out the first two commandments: I am the Lord thy God and Thou shalt have no other gods before me — our founders were horrified by this s***, and that’s why they put a stop to it in the very first clause of the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

putting up a display that says thou shalt have no other gods before me in a government-funded school is blatant violation of the First Amendment — which is why civil liberties group have already filed suit.

Four civil liberties groups will sue the state of Louisiana after Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed a law Wednesday that calls for the Ten Commandments to be displayed in school classrooms. The new rule applies to any school that accepts state money, including colleges and universities.

The American Civil Liberties Union, its Louisiana chapter, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Freedom from Religion Foundation announced they intend to file a lawsuit to block enforcement of House Bill 71. The measure, authored by Rep. Dodie Horton, R-Haughton, requires the Ten Commandments be displayed in each classroom. The poster or framed document dimensions must be at least 11 inches by 14 inches.

here’s where the christofascist ****ery kicks in — because lawsuits are exactly what the god-botherers wanted. they can’t wait for this thing to go all the way to the Supreme Court — and for Heaven-Appealin’ Sammy and Aunt Lydia Barrett and all the other bought-and-paid-for Federalist Society hacks to get their hands on this case.

the christofascists will high-five each other as all the “originalists” on the Court — the ****bags who insist on a quote-unquote “strict reading of the Constitution” — twist themselves into rhetorical pretzels in order to rationalize why Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion doesn’t actually mean Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

and make no mistake, the christofascists are just getting warmed up.

Supporters of the Louisiana law now hope that other states will follow its example.

Ms. Horton, a Republican, is a member of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers, a group formed in 2020 to advance explicitly Christian values and legislation among elected officials. The group is working to adopt her bill as one of its pieces of model legislation, so that members in other states can push through similar laws.

how long before one of these god-mad dipshits introduces a prayer in school bill?

just add it to the ever-growing christofascist shopping list, along with a national abortion ban, the outlawing of birth control, the end of divorce, and on and on — coming to a Project 2025 near you, should Donny Convict realize his dream of becoming King ****face the First.

it’s just another one of the ten thousand reasons to keep this willing tool of the christofascists from ever holding office again.

hey, Donny held a hate-rally last night in a half-filled auditorium in Philadelphia, and one of his worshipers held up this sign:


I’m going to go out on a limb here and postulate that it’s not Joe Biden’s fault that this clueless loser is an un****able incel.

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34 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

Heres the irony. Just like the deficit, people simply scream ideology, tmz fluff topics, and ofcourse blame - meanwhile the ship everyone is on is sinking.

So what exactly is the purpose of a school? 

It is a lot like the deficit, special interest groups are dictating what is to be emphasized in school.  Is gender studies really necessary in school or is it an agenda item?  Is the 1619 project real history or is it an agenda?

Are those metrics that are in you post based on either of the two subjects above?  If not, why are we wasting the student’s time teaching them?  The educational system need an overhaul and the teacher’s union has the system it wants in place.  It will be difficult to change for the better.

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46 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

It is a lot like the deficit, special interest groups are dictating what is to be emphasized in school.  Is gender studies really necessary in school or is it an agenda item?  Is the 1619 project real history or is it an agenda?

Are those metrics that are in you post based on either of the two subjects above?  If not, why are we wasting the student’s time teaching them?  The educational system need an overhaul and the teacher’s union has the system it wants in place.  It will be difficult to change for the better.

I agree. I was also implying the gov of Louisiana is doing a classic magician’s sleight of hand trick - distracting the masses by fighting damn heathens supposedly for the good of the kids, but in reality disguising that he’s completely failed them and has no plan otherwise.

A lot of that going around these days.

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3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

The government got rid of prayer in schools, where have you been?  We have moved beyond that now.  

Public schools should be for public education; pride flags, BLM posters and political bumper stickers should not be allowed if religious creeds are not allowed as these are ideologies that not everyone agrees with.

It is simple, elementary schools especially should be just for learning the basics of education.  Interjecting societalistic thoughts in a child when they not (most are not) ready for such thoughts is not what public education should be about IMO.  

One says you must worship god and indirectly condones slavery.

The other is upholding our 14th amendment and the right for equal protection for all.

I don’t think they are comparable.  They at least don’t belong in the same bucket.  Religions are more than “ideologies not everyone agrees with”.

I’ll field arguments to remove BLM or pride flags from schools, but I reject arguments evoking the first amendment to do so.



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We are a secular nation that has no business at any time forcing a religious view on anyone. I am as Christian as anyone. I think we need to preach a sermon with our lives. We have far far far too many people that just love words. They go to Country Club Churches and DO nothing. Play dress up, buy cars & trucks & guns to impress the GOBs.

They say a lot of righteous-sounding words that mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. 

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