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Trump is increasingly demented

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convicted felon Little Donny ****face’s brain is leaking out of his ears. this is painfully obvious to anyone who is not a delusional MAGA cultist. we’ve all seen him short-circuit mid-sentence, as his eyes bulge and his hands play that invisible accordion. we’ve listened as he confuses Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden with Barack Obama. we’ve endured the bewildering gibberish about boats and batteries and sharks.

the guy is lost in a thick haze of dementia, and growing worse with each passing day.

but at the same time, let’s not forget that Donny has always been dumber than a bag of dicks. he doesn’t know s*** about s***.

he believes windmills cause cancer. he thinks Frederick Douglass is alive. he hasn’t the slightest ******* clue how tariffs work. more than once, Donny had to be talked out of dropping a nuke into the middle of a hurricane.

Stupid J. Mc****ingidiot was at it again in another late-night posting frenzy on his failing app.

the galaxy’s preeminent authority on bleach injection decided to weigh in on bitcoin, the imaginary money whose only practical use is paying criminals to commit crimes.


“VOTE FOR TRUMP! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC. Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!”

let’s unpack this ****pile of dumb.

Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC.””

first of all, does Donny understand what bitcoin mining is? does he grasp that bitcoins are generated by computers solving complicated equations, or does he imagine that right now, grizzled old bitcoin miners are digging underground in bitcoin mines in the hills of Kentucky?


CBDC is digital currency issued by a bank, rather than anonymously generated by computers. criminals hate this because the lack of anonymity makes it hard to, y’know, use it to pay for crimes.

Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left.”

aha! this is the reason Donny is suddenly pro-bitcoin. last week, Joe Biden vetoed legislation that had been promoted by the cryptocurrency industry.

The resolution would have repealed the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Staff Accounting Bulletin 121, which sought to force financial institutions that are holding crypto to keep the digital assets on their own balance sheets, as Coindesk recently explained.

I guarantee Donny doesn’t have a ******* clue what any of those words mean. all he knows is that Sleepy Brandon is going to put all those brave bitcoin miners in Kentucky out of their jobs.

all Donny knows is that if Sleepy Brandon is against it, he has to be for it.

the rest of that line, the China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left — that’s just boilerplate Trumpian scare-tactic Democrats are commies gibberish.

“We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!!”

made in the USA? does Donny imagine there are bitcoin factories, with freshly-minted bitcoins coming off a conveyor belt?


does he think bitcoins are a tangible thing you can hold in your hand? does he imagine that you can dive into a pile of bitcoins like some high-tech Scrooge McDuck?


bitcoins are generated by networks of computers connected to the internet. you can’t constrain their production to any one country. it’s a ******* ludicrous thing to say. but Donny doesn’t understand that.


no, he imagines those bitcoin factories running 24/7, their chimneys belching smoke, churning out bitcoin after bitcoin — each one with MADE IN THE USA stamped on the back of it.

It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!”

this might be the stupidest thing Donny has ever said. bitcoin mining wastes massive amounts of energy, and causes significant pollution.

Crypto has a dirty little secret that is very relevant to the real world: it uses a lot of energy. How much energy? Bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency, currently consumes an estimated 150 terawatt-hours of electricity annually — more than the entire country of Argentina, population 45 million. Producing that energy emits some 65 megatons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually — comparable to the emissions of Greece — making crypto a significant contributor to global air pollution and climate change.

bitcoin mining doesn’t lead to quote-unquote “energy dominance” — in fact, it does the exact opposite.

Donald Trump doesn’t understand any of this — because Donald Trump doesn’t understand anything. he simply lacks the capacity for coherent thought.

he needs to be kept far from the levers of power — because his ignorance is the world’s most dangerous weapon.

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