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Enough already about the LGBT folks, how about the people who are singled out in Matthew 5:31-32. There's a lot more of these folks sinning in society, and they flaunt it everyday.

Edited by creed
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11 hours ago, homersapien said:

You are a 40-year old idiot.

No honor in that.

So I'm afraid you need to take a break from this forum man.  You are going to have a stroke if you keep living your whole life on here.

First of all, what I said was tongue in cheek.  It was a reference to Mike Gundy (which I looked up on the internet by the way), yelling this out at the media years ago when they attacked one of his players. If you will look I referred to Salty as a young kid, which I know he's not.

By the way you are in the Sub-Forum titled (Political Smack Talk).  That means people are free to give opinions, make some light hearted jokes, etc. You don't have to hire a lawyer & give indisputable proof of every statement you make on here.

There's another Sub-Forum called Politically Speaking where people only talk about (serious) issues & back up what they say with links, quotes, memes, etc.  You should hang out there more; I believe it would be better for your health brother.  Speaking of that, I am sorry to hear about your wife's health issues & will pray for both of yall's well being.

I read a few of your replies in which you called me an idiot, and a fool.   You also called Salty a liar, and gave him a big FU.

You have accused several of us Christians of not showing brotherly love, but you are spewing out a lot of hate yourself.

Hypocritical at best.

Edited by ArgoEagle
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13 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

So I'm afraid you need to take a break from this forum man.  You are going to have a stroke if you keep living your whole life on here.

First of all, what I said was tongue in cheek.  It was a reference to Mike Gundy (which I looked up on the internet by the way), yelling this out at the media years ago when they attacked one of his players. If you will look I referred to Salty as a young kid, which I know he's not.

By the way you are in the Sub-Forum titled (Political Smack Talk).  That means people are free to give opinions, make some light hearted jokes, etc. You don't have to hire a lawyer & give indisputable proof of every statement you make on here.

There's another Sub-Forum called Politically Speaking where people only talk about (serious) issues & back up what they say with links, quotes, memes, etc.  You should hang out there more; I believe it would be better for your health brother.  Speaking of that, I am sorry to hear about your wife's health issues & will pray for both of yall's well being.

I read a few of your replies in which you called me an idiot, and a fool.   You also called Salty a liar, and gave him a big FU.

You have accused several of us Christians of not showing brotherly love, but you are spewing out a lot of hate yourself.

Hypocritical at best.

this is a hard time for all of us argo regardless of which side you fall on. we are all worried about the country and we all struggle with things. homie loves me by the way and i am one of the biggest jack wagons on the fam. but i sure am charming and good looking. YOU know you love me as well argo tho i am sure it is times we would love me to go the hell away right? grins. you have a great weekend. and rumor says jj needs to wash those nasty feet. as an aside i am not sure i could wash another mans feet to be completely honest.

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25 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

this is a hard time for all of us argo regardless of which side you fall on. we are all worried about the country and we all struggle with things. homie loves me by the way and i am one of the biggest jack wagons on the fam. but i sure am charming and good looking. YOU know you love me as well argo tho i am sure it is times we would love me to go the hell away right? grins. you have a great weekend. and rumor says jj needs to wash those nasty feet. as an aside i am not sure i could wash another mans feet to be completely honest.

Everybody loves Fifty.  Have a great weekend brother.

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3 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

Everybody loves Fifty.  Have a great weekend brother.

i am either loved or hated on here argo but i own it. i do try to help the board tho. you as well argo. i honestly wish us all happiness and peace.

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1 hour ago, ArgoEagle said:

So I'm afraid you need to take a break from this forum man.  You are going to have a stroke if you keep living your whole life on here.

First of all, what I said was tongue in cheek.  It was a reference to Mike Gundy (which I looked up on the internet by the way), yelling this out at the media years ago when they attacked one of his players. If you will look I referred to Salty as a young kid, which I know he's not.

By the way you are in the Sub-Forum titled (Political Smack Talk).  That means people are free to give opinions, make some light hearted jokes, etc. You don't have to hire a lawyer & give indisputable proof of every statement you make on here.

There's another Sub-Forum called Politically Speaking where people only talk about (serious) issues & back up what they say with links, quotes, memes, etc.  You should hang out there more; I believe it would be better for your health brother.  Speaking of that, I am sorry to hear about your wife's health issues & will pray for both of yall's well being.

I read a few of your replies in which you called me an idiot, and a fool.   You also called Salty a liar, and gave him a big FU.

You have accused several of us Christians of not showing brotherly love, but you are spewing out a lot of hate yourself.

Hypocritical at best.


I call you an idiot;  you identify people destined to burn in hell simply for who they love, and I'm the one who needs self-awareness.  :-\

And don't give that "love the sinner hate the sin" BS.

That's a weak rationalization to mask the inherent evil of such a religious belief.

Edited by homersapien
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10 hours ago, homersapien said:


I call you an idiot;  you identify people destined to burn in hell simply for who they love, and I'm the one who needs self-awareness.  :-\

And don't give that "love the sinner hate the sin" BS.

That's a weak rationalization to mask the inherent evil of such a religious belief.

Where has it been claimed that someone will “ burn in hell”?

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16 hours ago, creed said:

Enough already about the LGBT folks, how about the people who are singled out in Matthew 5:31-32. There's a lot more of these folks sinning in society, and they flaunt it everyday.

That passage is about divorce. Yep, people sinning. Got lots of pastors and other religious leaders "sinning" with minors, married women, children and teens and little boys.

You got anything specifically about Gay/Lesbian -- anything at all?


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On 6/13/2024 at 10:45 PM, AURex said:

Back to the original topic (I know, yep, this is AUF and we never want to actually discuss the OP)

I lived in SF for 6 years working at UCSF (yeah, look it up). For most people. SF is "gay city" right?

I also lived in Houston for 4 years. That was the #2 gay city in the U.S. at the time.

Did I ever feel oppressed or offended by gay guys or lesbians? As a hetero, did I ever feel ill at ease around gay/lesbian folks, I worked with gay/lesbian folks. Was that ever an issue? Wifey and I had friends who were gay/lesbian. Was that ever uncomfortable for us?

When I moved to NY to take a top administrative job, I recruited a gay guy as my #2. Did I have a single second thoughts or regret?  Nope! He went on to become a #2 at a major university and I went on to become a top university administrator. We've remained friends.

I just don't get this hate aimed at who people love and want ti spend their lives with. Especially when promulgated by fanatical religious zealots who are themselves going deep with underage girls, multiple congregational wives, choir boys, etc.

I dont get why anyone even cares. I really don't. 

I have watched too many people mistakenly calling all the sins that they don't participate in the "real sins." You cannot do that biblically. 

Romans 3:23 King James Version

23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

My sins are not greater, nor lesser than anyone else's sins. There is no hierarchy of sins. There is no ranking order. This is a light bulb test. You are either SINLESS or a SINNER. Newsflash, you are a sinner.

If you sinned, and we all do, everyday, then you are in need of a savior. You can give away everything, donate to charity, live your best life and when it comes down to it, you are still standing beside Cain. Your sin-covered, blood-covered hands can't make the price to get back to God. You are 100% powerless to get to God. Nothing you or any man or woman can do will get you into heaven. The price is sinlessness. That means you have to find someone sinless to get you into Heaven, to even submit what you have done FOR GOD TO GOD for you. 

Cain gave a very nice sacrifice, that was 100% rejected by God because it wasn't what God commanded to be given. Abel's sacrifice was accepted because he simply followed what God had asked. We don't get to make up our own salvation path. That is not how this works. 

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11 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

Where has it been claimed that someone will “ burn in hell”?

:-\  What's "judgement day" supposed to be about?


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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

:-\  What's "judgement day" supposed to be about?


 My understanding is a final judgement. By Jesus rather than God. Based on your “works” rather than weighted between good and bad deeds.

I have a real problem with ministers and Christian’s using it and hell as “scare tactic”. Baptist seem to be a most fault and often use it unknowingly imo. 

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On 6/13/2024 at 9:07 PM, homersapien said:

I didn't think so.  Ya'll have no patience whatsoever.  

Or perhaps it's a subliminal appreciation for the fact time is not on your side. ;D

Remember, you are older than me!😃

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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:

Each community’s right to do that. But there are consequences. People “vote with their feet” and will move if they disagree strongly enough with a local culture. Add to that that business’s hate controversy and will not  headquarter in cites/states that have the perception of it -> less high paying jobs. Which (side note) imo has directly impacted much of the Deep South, resulting in brain drain - losing a critical portion of any population and a spiral into poverty.


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1 hour ago, auburnatl1 said:

Each community’s right to do that. But there are consequences. People “vote with their feet” and will move if they disagree strongly enough with a local culture. Add to that that business’s hate controversy and will not  headquarter in cites/states that have the perception of it -> less high paying jobs. Which (side note) imo has directly impacted much of the Deep South, resulting in brain drain - losing a critical portion of any population and a spiral into poverty.


Interesting to see South Carolina with such a gain….maybe because Brother Homer’s advanced mind it counted multiple times? 

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Just now, SaltyTiger said:

Interesting to see South Carolina with such a gain….maybe because Brother Homer’s advanced mind it counted multiple times? 

South Carolina’s chamber of commerce’s has kicked butt. First they got bmw to put their US headquarters near Greenville and it’s exploded from there. Plus proximity to Charolette and Atlanta airports doesn’t hurt.

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1 minute ago, auburnatl1 said:

South Carolina’s chamber of commerce’s has kicked butt. First they got bmw to put their US headquarters near Greenville and it’s exploded from there. Plus proximity to Charolette and Atlanta airports doesn’t hurt.

South Carolina has been booming for years. When we lost the textile industry they didn’t skip a beat. They were diversifying prior to the loss.

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1 minute ago, SaltyTiger said:

South Carolina has been booming for years. When we lost the textile industry they didn’t skip a beat. They were diversifying prior to the loss.

Haley didn’t get enough credit for what’s going on there (it’s why she took the confederate symbol off the state flag -> business). Bitching about social and racial issues may be a fun past time, but high paying jobs in your area just seems more useful. 

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3 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

Haley didn’t get enough credit for what’s going on there (it’s why she took the confederate symbol off the state flag -> business). Bitching about social and racial issues may be a fun past time, but high paying jobs in your area just seems more useful. 

It was a calculated risk.  But good for her.

"South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Thursday signed into law a measure to remove the contentious Confederate battle flag from the state Capitol, the culmination of a years-long movement that was reignited by the murders of nine members of a historically black church in Charleston."


Then there was this:


Nikki Haley went from Confederate flag removal to omitting slavery as Civil War cause

January 8, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: What was the cause of the United States Civil War?

NIKKI HALEY: Well, don't come with an easy question, right? Yeah, I mean, I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run - the freedoms and what people could and couldn't do.

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Thank you. And in the year 2023, it's astonishing to me that you answer that question without mentioning the word slavery.


SHAPIRO: What might have motivated her, in that setting, to answer the question that way?

MCCAMMON: Well, as you know, Haley is running for the Republican nomination against the overwhelming front-runner, Donald Trump, who has repeatedly and from the beginning of his first run for president in 2016, used racially charged rhetoric to appeal to their party's base. And Haley is also certainly aware, particularly having grown up in the Deep South, of the fact that many Americans, particularly on the right, still don't fully acknowledge the centrality of slavery as the cause of the Civil War.

And, you know, it was just Saturday that former President Trump said, during an event in Iowa, that the Civil War might not have been necessary, that it could have been ended through negotiation. I'm not sure how you negotiate about something like slavery. But it just shows that Republican politicians are hesitant in many cases to speak directly about this in front of their voters. You hear Haley focusing on ideas like limited government and individual freedom - ideas that are much more popular with the voters she's trying to reach. And she has walked her statement back to some degree. At another event in New Hampshire, she was asked to explain why she had not identified slavery as the cause of the Civil War.

HALEY: I was thinking past slavery and talking about the lesson that we would learn going forward. I shouldn't have done that. I should have said slavery. But in my mind, that's a given that everybody associates the Civil War with slavery.


She is a politician, first and foremost. (But light years better than Trump.)

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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

It was a calculated risk.  But good for her.

"South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Thursday signed into law a measure to remove the contentious Confederate battle flag from the state Capitol, the culmination of a years-long movement that was reignited by the murders of nine members of a historically black church in Charleston."


Then there was this:


Nikki Haley went from Confederate flag removal to omitting slavery as Civil War cause

January 8, 2024

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: What was the cause of the United States Civil War?

NIKKI HALEY: Well, don't come with an easy question, right? Yeah, I mean, I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run - the freedoms and what people could and couldn't do.

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Thank you. And in the year 2023, it's astonishing to me that you answer that question without mentioning the word slavery.


SHAPIRO: What might have motivated her, in that setting, to answer the question that way?

MCCAMMON: Well, as you know, Haley is running for the Republican nomination against the overwhelming front-runner, Donald Trump, who has repeatedly and from the beginning of his first run for president in 2016, used racially charged rhetoric to appeal to their party's base. And Haley is also certainly aware, particularly having grown up in the Deep South, of the fact that many Americans, particularly on the right, still don't fully acknowledge the centrality of slavery as the cause of the Civil War.

And, you know, it was just Saturday that former President Trump said, during an event in Iowa, that the Civil War might not have been necessary, that it could have been ended through negotiation. I'm not sure how you negotiate about something like slavery. But it just shows that Republican politicians are hesitant in many cases to speak directly about this in front of their voters. You hear Haley focusing on ideas like limited government and individual freedom - ideas that are much more popular with the voters she's trying to reach. And she has walked her statement back to some degree. At another event in New Hampshire, she was asked to explain why she had not identified slavery as the cause of the Civil War.

HALEY: I was thinking past slavery and talking about the lesson that we would learn going forward. I shouldn't have done that. I should have said slavery. But in my mind, that's a given that everybody associates the Civil War with slavery.


She is a politician, first and foremost. (But light years better than Trump.)

Haley and graham are in the same position - traditional republicans in a state overrun by maga. Either sell your soul or go the way of Liz Cheney. There’s no 3rd option.

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30 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Interesting to see South Carolina with such a gain….maybe because Brother Homer’s advanced mind it counted multiple times? 

Well, I am planning to move back, so expect a shift.

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Just now, homersapien said:

Well, I am planning to move back, so expect a shift.

Hopefully enough to move us into the gain column. Thought I read you mentioned a move back. 

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Just now, SaltyTiger said:

Hopefully enough to move us into the gain column. Thought I read you mentioned a move back. 

Well, if I've had a significant effect - as you suggested - on South Carolina, Alabama should be easy.  Hell, I bet Tuberville is worried. ;D

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4 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Well, if I've had a significant effect - as you suggested - on South Carolina, Alabama should be easy.  Hell, I bet Tuberville is worried. ;D

Ps both Haley and graham can win in the general - where they get whacked is the primaries. Bad news - you’ll have to register to the gop to have an impact. Please post a pic of the form, it’ll be a collectors item.

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14 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Well, if I've had a significant effect - as you suggested - on South Carolina, Alabama should be easy.  Hell, I bet Tuberville is worried. ;D

Tubs wouldn’t know. When he is not in DC he lives on the Florida coast.

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