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Hamas vs Palestinians

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17 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Not for me to say. 

You really like to talk big, but are happy leaving the responsibility to others. How does it feel to be this guy:



24 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

All it would take to end all bloodshed in this war is for HAMAS to give up.

Well, it doesn't appear they're gonna do that, so what do you suggest? Should Israel just carpet bomb Gaza to make sure they kill everything? That might take Hamas out. Do you condone trying it? 

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6 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

You really like to talk big, but are happy leaving the responsibility to others. How does it feel to be this guy:



Well, it doesn't appear they're gonna do that, so what do you suggest? Should Israel just carpet bomb Gaza to make sure they kill everything? That might take Hamas out. Do you condone trying it? 

Do really believe you or I have a say what Israel or HAMAS does?  Of course we don’t.  We are bystanders, a lot like football fans sitting on the sidelines rooting for our team.

I would like to see Israel eliminate HAMAS in Gaza (all the leaders have ran away) and vet the next government that takes over with the help of some of the more moderate Middle Eastern countries.

I want to see terrorists lose.  It doesn’t happen often.

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6 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do really believe you or I have a say what Israel or HAMAS does?  Of course we don’t.  We are bystanders, a lot like football fans sitting on the sidelines rooting for our team.

I would like to see Israel eliminate HAMAS in Gaza (all the leaders have ran away) and vet the next government that takes over with the help of some of the more moderate Middle Eastern countries.

I want to see terrorists lose.  It doesn’t happen often.

You may not have a say, but you have an opinion. Suspiciously, you often don't share it when the questions become uncomfortable. Almost like you just want someone else to take care of bad things so they will go away and you can move on with your happy life without the consequences weighing on your conscience.

And it's difficult for those things to go away when there are people who object to the potential consequences, isn't it? Would be much easier if there was someone in office who would promise to easily take care of it for you, bully their way to what they want, and make you feel better about it, whether they actually take care of it or not.


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55 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

You may not have a say, but you have an opinion. Suspiciously, you often don't share it when the questions become uncomfortable. Almost like you just want someone else to take care of bad things so they will go away and you can move on with your happy life without the consequences weighing on your conscience.

And it's difficult for those things to go away when there are people who object to the potential consequences, isn't it? Would be much easier if there were someone in office who would promise to easily take care of it for you, bully their way to what they want, and make you feel better about it, whether they actually took care of it or not.


Your virtue signaling knows no bounds.  I am not a head of state and what I believe has no bearing on world issues.  It is what I believe.

I believe Biden appeased Iran and Kamala is right their with him and will continue to be.  That approach will cost more lives than facing the problem head on.

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5 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Your virtue signaling knows no bounds.  I am not a head of state and what I believe has no bearing on world issues.  It is what I believe.

I believe Biden appeased Iran and Kamala is right their with him and will continue to be.  That approach will cost more lives than facing the problem head on.

lol....when it's shown you don't care about others, you always go to the "virtue signaling" defense.

You treat caring as if it's a weakness, and that showing compassion will cost more lives in the long run. Many here dispute that, and think that these actions will actually fuel the next generation of Hamas, while simultaneously eroding support for Israel around the world. Does that sound like a recipe for reducing deaths?

Of course, you've already admitted in other threads that you don't really care what happens from here on, because future generations will figure it all out for themselves, right? While technically true, it matters what the "figure it out" entails, but I guess like everything else, you consider it to be simple.



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14 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

Of course, you've already admitted in other threads that you don't really care what happens from here on, because future generations will figure it all out for themselves, right. While technically true, it matters what the "figure it out" entails, but I guess like everything else, you consider it to be simple.


The post before this section is just opinion and we differ in that opinion.  This section is only partially true.  I have actually helped fuel the generation that will figure it out and taught them to think for themselves and they are passing it along to their children.  I guess I have more faith in that generation than you.

You shouldn’t worry so much.

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10 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Kamala had a meeting with him afterwards and said the cease fire needs to happen immediately.  She said that Israel has a right to exist and the U.S. will fund them to defend themselves.  What she didn’t say is we will fund them to eliminate those that attacked them without provocation.

In what world are Biden/Kamala not backing and funding Israel? We continue to give them weapons and money to slaughter women and children in Palestine. 

The UN, Amnesty International, and many other groups have said Israel is committing war crimes. And almost every other country agrees. 

It's bizarre you can despise our own country's current leaders but can't even entertain the idea that one of our allies might have a bad one. 

Our Congress gave Netanyahu a standing ovation. That Fetterman slob wore a suit for once in his life. Netanyahu then lectured us on our country's protesters, while the IDF bombs hospitals, shoots aid workers, and rapes and murders children. 

I promise you in 5, 10, or 20 years, the Israel-Palestine "conflict" will widely be considered a dark historical event. You and I both are already giving our tax dollars to buy weapons for the mass slaughter. What more do you want?


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