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1 hour ago, jj3jordan said:

 Instead of complaining about the military just thank them for giving you the privilege and right to complain. 

Tell Tuberville that. Nobody attacks our military more than he does. He's the one constantly complaining that our military is too woke, too weak, doesn't have the right people, etc. 



Edited by CoffeeTiger
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47 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

If you are talking about warfighters then not everyone is equally opportuned. Instead of complaining about the military just thank them for giving you the privilege and right to complain. 

Effective civilian control of the military  is a founding, bedrock principle of democracy in the United States.  There is a responsibility that goes hand in hand with that principle.  That includes not making the military subject to the whims of political partisanship.

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1 hour ago, jj3jordan said:

If you are talking about warfighters then not everyone is equally opportuned. Instead of complaining about the military just thank them for giving you the privilege and right to complain. 

I’m not complaining about the military. You’re an embarrassment to the military, though. Equal opportunity is simply that. One still is required to have the skills necessary for the job to be in the job. You’re simply not denied the opportunity due to race, as much as you would like to do that.

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19 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

I’m not complaining about uthe military. You’re an embarrassment to the military, though. Equal opportunity is simply that. One still is required to have the skills necessary for the job to be in the job. You’re simply not denied the opportunity due to race, as much as you would like to do that.

He's obviously confusing providing equal opportunity with (granting) equal qualifications. Two completely different things.

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Whenever someone with a Conservative mindset hears "equal opportunity" or "diversity" most of them immediately picture in their heads unqualified and unintelligent minorities being given jobs and promotions over more well qualified white people. 

The reality is that diversity and equal opportunity is instead focused on making sure well qualified minorities are given the same opportunities and chances to be hired for jobs and promotions that their white counterparts are given. This may include searching out and advertising to places and people the organization may not have typically looked at in the past to encourage more minorities to apply and be made aware of certain opportunities. This can also include mandating that certain open position have to consider/interview well qualified minorities when in the past only white men were ever considered or interviewed in the past.

These step have to be taken because most good jobs and positions in America have historically only belonged to white men who would in turn only hire other white men, etc. This isn't about putting unqualified minorities in good jobs, its encouraging more minorities to get good education and training by making sure they are given opportunities to use that training and to make good money with it.



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29 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

The reality is that diversity and equal opportunity is instead focused on making sure well qualified minorities are given the same opportunities and chances to be hired for jobs and promotions that their white counterparts are given

This article begs to differ:



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31 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

This article begs to differ:



Well, first that article doesn't dispute anything I said, and #2That article is nothing but the Free Beacon giving conservative political opinions about data it only links to. The actual Data from Bloomberg is a lot more interesting and informative. you can find it here:  https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-black-lives-matter-equal-opportunity-corporate-diversity/

You can see from the data that a large majority of those new hires (and the ones that went to majority of minority candidates) were low level jobs like labor, retail, sales, etc) White people still were the large majority beneficiary of high level and high paying jobs in those companies, although minorities did see a modest 2% gain in executive position. 


People of color make up a minority of the US population, and in most cases are underrepresented at big US companies. In 2021, Hispanic, Asian and Black people made up a vast majority of the added workers — a trend that, analysts say, is necessary to overcome their historic underrepresentation.


White people still hold a disproportionate share of the top, highly paid jobs in the US at S&P 100 companies. But the share of executive, managerial and professional roles held by people of color increased by about 2 percentage points compared with 2020 — more than double the average annual gains at big and mid-sized US companies in previous years.


For years, companies have blamed the lack of a sufficient recruiting pipeline for why their workplaces don’t reflect the country’s racial and ethnic makeup. White men tend to disproportionately hold the highest-paying roles, and hiring managers have long said that qualified candidates from other backgrounds for elite jobs were few and far between. The latest findings show that when under pressure to hire and promote qualified diverse talent, organizations find a way to do it.

But even such big one-time gains — and losses — represent a relatively small slice of the full picture. The share of executive, managerial and professional roles held by people of color increased by about 2 percentage points compared with 2020. That still leaves most companies in our dataset lopsided, with White people holding a disproportionate share of high-paying jobs at S&P 100 companies.


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2 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

I’m not complaining about the military. You’re an embarrassment to the military, though. Equal opportunity is simply that. One still is required to have the skills necessary for the job to be in the job. You’re simply not denied the opportunity due to race, as much as you would like to do that.

Yeah you are a real dolt. I’m not against “race” being a factor at all. Never have. No one is being denied. Please try to understand the issue before commenting. 

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4 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Tell Tuberville that. Nobody attacks our military more than he does. He's the one constantly complaining that our military is too woke, too weak, doesn't have the right people, etc. 



He is right. We are too woke (any woke us too much woke), too weak,  physical standards are being lowered that will hinder our performance should we enter a world wide war. (which seems more likely every day), getting a lot of the wrong people, too fat, drug users, physically inept, mentally flimsy(can’t be yelled out without going to therapy). Notice no mention from me of race. This is not confined to a race, it includes white people too. All inclusive. 

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3 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

I’m not complaining about the military. You’re an embarrassment to the military, though. Equal opportunity is simply that. One still is required to have the skills necessary for the job to be in the job. You’re simply not denied the opportunity due to race, as much as you would like to do that.

I’m not denying any one the opportunity. You have to perform to succeed and be employed as a warfighter. Some people just don’t. When you eliminate that person they quickly claim some form of discrimination. You have to possess the drive to excel and succeed. A lot of people who apply and enlist don’t have that when they get to boot camp.

Don’t ever insult me like that again. I served faithfully and honestly for 20 years. You know nothing but your own pathetic life. Keep it to yourself.

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2 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

You can see from the data that a large majority of those new hires (and the ones that went to majority of minority candidates) were low level jobs like labor, retail, sales, etc) White people still were the large majority beneficiary of high level and high paying jobs in those companies, although minorities did see a modest 2% gain in executive position. 

Admittedly the time frame was specific and misleading.  A modest 2% gain in 2 and a half years really isn’t that modest.  We shall see if the diversity is equaled out as we go forward.

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Is my memory screwed up? If so, correct me.

We must remember who Tuberville's Republican adversary was in his election -- a child molesting perp. Tuberville is dumb as a rock and evil to his core, but Alabama voters decided he was a better choice than Jones. Which tells us a LOT about Alabama voters.

As to his obstinance in the Senate confirmation procedure, the Senate has finally said FU and moved on to a process that will confirm military leadership. He blocked a process used for a very long time that enabled quick appointment of groups of officers. He blocked that process. So now the Senate will take up the painstaking task of voting on every single appointment individually. It makes his obstruction irrelevant, but it does require a lot of additional time for the Senate to approve each appointment.

Hopefully, Tuberville will be voted out of office in his next election. He has not presented a positive image of the state.


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