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Lauren Boebert Caught Fondling Date’s Genitals During Family-Friendly Musical


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34 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i applaud your change sir. i know trump let you down and this is not a dig.

I haven’t changed one bit.  I never liked Trump but didn’t like Hillary more than him.   Same with Biden.   They are all two faced and will say anything to get elected.   The media is left leaning and portrays everything negative when it comes to republicans.   Think about it, when was the last time something positive was said about any republican other than some going after Trump?   Are telling me there is not one good thing about any republican?  Not asking you, it’s directed towards media.  

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1 minute ago, aubaseball said:

I haven’t changed one bit.  I never liked Trump but didn’t like Hillary more than him.   Same with Biden.   They are all two faced and will say anything to get elected.   The media is left leaning and portrays everything negative when it comes to republicans.   Think about it, when was the last time something positive was said about any republican other than some going after Trump?   Are telling me there is not one good thing about any republican?  Not asking you, it’s directed towards media.  

get back to me when your side does something good.................

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6 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

  The media is left leaning and portrays everything negative when it comes to republicans.   Think about it, when was the last time something positive was said about any republican other than some going after Trump?   Are telling me there is not one good thing about any republican?  Not asking you, it’s directed towards media.  

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Fox News is pretty pro Trump and anti democrat. Fox News is also the most watched cable news channel in the country, by a long shot. The numbers paint a different picture than what you’re saying. In fact, when you take out independent the outliers and just look at the “big 3”, it’s actually pretty even. MSNBC and CNN combined have only a little more viewership than Fox by itself. But there are also more left of center minded people living in this country. 



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13 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

  Think about it, when was the last time something positive was said about any republican other than some going after Trump?   Are telling me there is not one good thing about any republican?

What have they done, lately, other than obstruct and provide defense for Trump’s tomfoolery? That’s a genuine question. The current group of republicans isn’t getting respect and admiration because they’re all acting like hypocritical cult members. 

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24 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

The media is left leaning and portrays everything negative when it comes to republicans.

The media that’s not Fox News is left leaning. But Fox News is right leaning and is the most popular news source with more viewers and listeners than the rest in America. (TV and Digital) I don’t recall them doing segments to put  democrats in a positive light. So it kind of balances out, right?


What would be extremely healthy for all of us is if there were at least one unbiased source but there’s not. At least no that I can find. 

Edited by Gowebb11
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1 hour ago, aubaseball said:

I haven’t changed one bit.  I never liked Trump but didn’t like Hillary more than him.   Same with Biden.   They are all two faced and will say anything to get elected.   The media is left leaning and portrays everything negative when it comes to republicans.   Think about it, when was the last time something positive was said about any republican other than some going after Trump?   Are telling me there is not one good thing about any republican?  Not asking you, it’s directed towards media.  

Anytime they do, you all call them RINOs and throw them to the curb. Think Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, etc.

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41 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

The media that’s not Fox News is left leaning. But Fox News is right leaning and is the most popular news source with more viewers and listeners than the rest in America. (TV and Digital) I don’t recall them doing segments to put  democrats in a positive light. So it kind of balances out, right?


What would be extremely healthy for all of us is if there were at least one unbiased source but there’s not. At least no that I can find. 

You throw in ABC, NBC, CBS and most of the major news paper outlets and it’s not close.   FOX news is so popular because people got tired of seeing everything slanted to the left.  

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1 minute ago, aubaseball said:

I said that already.   Follow along 

Also, Matt Gaetz and AOC working together trying remove conflicts of interest got heavy praise.

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53 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

What have they done, lately, other than obstruct and provide defense for Trump’s tomfoolery? That’s a genuine question. The current group of republicans isn’t getting respect and admiration because they’re all acting like hypocritical cult members. 

This has been going on way before Trump.   The news covered Bush way differently than Obama.   Bush got some favorable coverage after 9/11

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53 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

You throw in ABC, NBC, CBS and most of the major news paper outlets and it’s not close.   FOX news is so popular because people got tired of seeing everything slanted to the left.  

So it’s okay for Fox to slant everything to the right but not okay for the other outlets to slant to the left? Fox News is popular because they have more viewers than the others and it is the voice for Conservatives. Google it. Fox incessantly brags about having more viewers and their moniker is ‘the number one name in news’. They release monthly updates to boast of how badly they beat the other new services. They also mock the other networks for how poor their ratings are. The break it down by daytime news, nighttime hosts, digital and even radio. Not sure about newspapers because they are dinosaurs now. Most days in most towns you’re lucky if you see a new paper vending machine. This is not my opinion. It is fact. This narrative that all media is liberal died years ago with the birth of Fox and the likes of Rush Limbaugh. The conservatives have as big a voice in news now as the liberal outlets. My opinion: Fox is an arm of the Republican Party and CNN/ABC/MSNBC/etc… are an arm of the Democratic Party. And I think that’s very unhealthy for our nation. 


One recent example


Edited by Gowebb11
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15 hours ago, aubaseball said:

what sexual stuff are you talking about?  A little groping?  Please !!!

Groping a man's genitals and a woman's breasts *IS* sexual stuff.  You sound like Bill Clinton straining gnats over what the meaning of the word "is" is, and trying to tell us that "sexual relations" doesn't include oral sex.

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15 hours ago, aubaseball said:

You throw in ABC, NBC, CBS and most of the major news paper outlets and it’s not close.   FOX news is so popular because people got tired of seeing everything slanted to the left.  

Fiction usually does better than nonfiction in entertainment.

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Too many Americans choose their news based on the question "Do I politically like and agree with the news and information this source is giving me?" 

when they should be asking themselves more of:

"Is the news and information this source giving me true and accurate?" 





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32 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Too many Americans choose their news based on the question "Do I politically like and agree with the news and information this source is giving me?" 

when they should be asking themselves more of:

"Is the news and information this source giving me true and accurate?" 

I wish this was so. It is, sadly, not true. Confirmation Bias is the Business Model these days. I hope that the few of us here would be able to see past it. But we don't. This is the end result of 30+ years of Rush and Hannity and others. It is the new business model for the media. I takes no skill and is easily pulled off these days. Look at Fox and their coverage of 2020 election versus their own text messages.

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21 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

let me point out to you sir that woman helps make policy and laws.......many of them stupid that hurt this country. the more she is ridiculed the more people see her for what she is and maybe......just maybe she loses her seat and someone smarter gets it. there is a method to my madness but i am surprised you threw me under the bus ichie. maybe she will shut up about gays and trans.if it saves one person from being hurt mentally or physically it is a good thing. sounds like you have an axe to grind. i mean come on this bag is racist as hell. how can you not see all that bro? or maybe we are not bro's. iam will sign you up for the fiddy haters club if you are interested..........

I apologize Fitty.  I did not intend to offend you.


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2 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

I apologize Fitty.  I did not intend to offend you.


tis all good ichie i calmed down. i suspected it was probably more innocent than i allowed.

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On 9/18/2023 at 9:17 AM, CoffeeTiger said:


So we have a Republican who is performing sex acts on her boyfriend in a public theater during a family friendly play that children are attending. 

On the other side we have a Democrat who is performing sex acts with her actual husband on a porn website for consenting adults who are looking for porn. 


You can't see a difference between these two situations? 



Not a Bobert fan. She needs to go. Period.

But to imply we should look the other way when a congresswoman begs for $$$ to watch her husband urinate on her is somehow acceptable? Shut up.

 I think it was @Gowebb11 who said it best, I remember a time in our society when people were actually ashamed of bad behavior. Those days are long gone. 

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1 hour ago, AUFAN78 said:


But to imply we should look the other way when a congresswoman begs for $$$ to watch her husband urinate on her is somehow acceptable? Shut up.

#1. only one of these 2 incidents happened when the woman involved was actually an elected congresswoman.

#2. I don't care if you don't want to look away from the golden shower vids. Watch all you want. 



Edited by CoffeeTiger
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2 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

#1. only one of these 2 incidents happened when the woman involved was actually an elected congresswoman.

#2. I don't care if you don't want to look away from the golden shower vids. Watch all you want. 



#1. Should that matter? Obviously not to any reasonable person.

#2. To the shock of no one, our proclivities differ. But you let your freak flag fly.

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