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Lauren Boebert Caught Fondling Date’s Genitals During Family-Friendly Musical


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7 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

The sexual morality of an individual is hardly worth discussing.

Fiddy was clear with the thread title. The woman “fondling dates genitals”. 

Why bother to open and chime in ITCHY?

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

No commitments— she’ll only do one night stands with Democrats because even right wingers need an occasional break from each other.


So based on her recent history of twisting the truth, he really dumped her because she’s batshit. 

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She was dating a Dem? Maybe all the MAGAs will now turn on her. I mean, if you are going to get felt up by someone in a public situation he better be of the same party...lol

I laugh because the only alternative is to cry. 

Boebert is exactly as Crowder says: Whiskey Tango (White Trash)

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Well, thank GOD!

I mean, after all I think all of our main issue with this was that she was allowing a dirty liberal to honk her hooters in a crowded theater.  Had it been a rock ribbed conservative, hell, strip down and give us a full show.  

Just no liberals for the love of all that's holy.

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On 9/18/2023 at 12:02 AM, aubaseball said:

You have a little trouble with following what you write.   Must be the gummies.   Family values was a reference to the Democratic lady that does porn.   Everything anyone does reflects family values.   Surely you can’t be that naive.    So, let me get this straight….one woman is single and messes around in a theater and she is the bad person, while one does online porn for money is the good person?!  Gotcha, makes perfect sense in your upside down world.    When are you and rest going to understand that politics is game of bullsh$t.   They will say and do whatever is needed to get elected.   It’s not hard to see if you just look.   Happens on both sides.  

there were kids in the audience. in porn there are age limits. that is the difference. just like you can drink a beer but not if you are a minor. but you are very correct on the game part so we have agreed on something after all this time.

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On 9/18/2023 at 12:02 AM, aubaseball said:

You have a little trouble with following what you write.   Must be the gummies.   Family values was a reference to the Democratic lady that does porn.   Everything anyone does reflects family values.   Surely you can’t be that naive.    So, let me get this straight….one woman is single and messes around in a theater and she is the bad person, while one does online porn for money is the good person?!  Gotcha, makes perfect sense in your upside down world.    When are you and rest going to understand that politics is game of bullsh$t.   They will say and do whatever is needed to get elected.   It’s not hard to see if you just look.   Happens on both sides.  

do you drink?

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On 9/18/2023 at 3:55 PM, SaltyTiger said:

Was not cool with me baseball and I am certainly no Clinton fan. Never voted democrat on anything. Granted she was intern but she was an adult and they did not put on a public display.

i think she chased clinton as well. and i am not excusing clinton of anything.

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20 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

Juanita Broaddrick was probably the main one.  I don't think Paula Jones was lying about him either.  A good writeup reflecting on his accusers is below.  I'm not saying Kathleen Willey or Leslie Millwee's accusations are lies, but it's harder to gauge those.


In the end, taking it all together - him getting a hummer from an intern in the Oval Office, the affair with Gennifer Flowers, the lying under oath about all of it...he doesn't come off as a man to believe when he says he didn't commit sexual assault.  His behavior reads like a licencious, entitled man who doesn't really care as long as he gets what he wants from women sexually.  He doesn't have the requisite track record of character to believe him when he says there were lines he wouldn't cross such as groping women or pressuring subordinates for sex. 


he went to epsteins island as well. i doubt he was down there to smell the flowers...........

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19 hours ago, autigeremt said:

It's valid, aubie50. Just shows there's no out of bounds for humanity. 

i guess i am a hypocite as i have had sex in the back seat of a car a few times when funds were low as a young man...........

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18 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

I'm not redefining anything.  Monica herself is reassessing it, as are a lot of people in the wake of #MeToo:

Can a 22-year-old authentically consent to a sexual and romantic relationship with a boss who wields power over her career and is decades her senior? Monica Lewinsky used to think so, but now she isn't sure. I'm not either.

In a recent essay, Monica Lewinsky reassesses what she had previously maintained was a consensual relationship with Bill Clinton. Due to their vast power differential, she writes "I'm beginning to entertain the notion that in such a circumstance the idea of consent might well be rendered moot."



(Although power imbalances—and the ability to abuse them—do exist even when the sex has been consensual.)

But it’s also complicated. Very, very complicated. The dictionary definition of “consent”? “To give permission for something to happen.” And yet what did the “something” mean in this instance, given the power dynamics, his position, and my age? Was the “something” just about crossing a line of sexual (and later emotional) intimacy? (An intimacy I wanted—with a 22-year-old’s limited understanding of the consequences.) He was my boss. He was the most powerful man on the planet. He was 27 years my senior, with enough life experience to know better. He was, at the time, at the pinnacle of his career, while I was in my first job out of college. (Note to the trolls, both Democratic and Republican: none of the above excuses me for my responsibility for what happened. I meet Regret every day.)





I’ll point out she didn’t firmly seem to reach a conclusion on this, but she’s leaning toward one that gets her off the hook of accountability and makes her a victim instead. The timing of her reassessment aligned with a #metoo movement and moves her into a spokesperson role for the movement. Such a trend isn’t healthy for us as a society and it plays out in more scenarios than this one. It’s dangerous for us to move away from personal responsibility for choices, as tempting as it may be. She was a 22 year old young adult who admittedly pursued a married man. She made a big mistake. Now, at 22 she was an adult, but like most people that age lacked more mature judgment. She’s paid a price for her mistake as young adults often do when they do things they might not at 40 or 50. Ideally, a person in Clinton’s role would have made a better decision that would have gotten her off the hook for her bad decision. Had he rejected her pursuit, we’d have likely never known her name or be debating her responsibility. He’s responsible for his choices. She’s responsible for hers. All adults are responsible for their decisions, but it’s reasonable to expect better decision making from folks who are older and in positions of greater power.

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i guess i am a hypocite as i have had sex in the back seat of a car a few times when funds were low as a young man...........

Dammit, are you admitting you cheated on me in public...lol

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14 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

Fiddy was clear with the thread title. The woman “fondling dates genitals”. 

Why bother to open and chime in ITCHY?

Sorry.  Merely pointing out that there are much larger problems.  We need to get back to being issue driven, not party or, personalities.

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I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread. It’s been a real rollercoaster of sighs and laughs.

We have people throwing around the word slut. Which is pretty ****ed up to be honest. Loco Lolo is a lot of things, and should be called a lot of things. Trashy is one of them. But the act of getting felt up itself is something everyone in here has experienced (well maybe everyone). I don’t think calling her a slut is warranted. 

I saw a comment of a guy defending Boebert, because….checks notes…Bill Clinton had consensual sexual activity in 1997. That person should be embarrassed. 

The real issue with her whole situation is she lied about everything, until the video surfaced, she seems to have no regard for respecting others, and she isn’t even remorseful or apologetic about it. 

I’d also like to point out that one of the best senators in the senate (Al Franken) was forced out of a job, because he PRETENDED to grab a woman’s breasts who was wearing like 4 layers, including a Kevlar vest. Republicans like to b*tch a lot about there being a different set of rules for them. There sure are.

Edited by AuCivilEng1
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Let’s clarify a few things from here.   I’m not trying to justify LB’s actions.   She lied and didn’t come out and take responsibility for her actions which I believe was stupid.   It’s not like people don’t lie about doing something if they think that it was caught on camera.    Most people do this and I’m not trying to say it’s okay.   
My point about Clinton was that it’s way worse than what she did because she was getting groped and fondling the man.  Was it the right place and time, of course not, but people touch others all the time in different settings.  He was in the Oval Office, a position at the time of great reverence, and treated it like a teenage bedroom.    

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20 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

Let’s clarify a few things from here.   I’m not trying to justify LB’s actions.   She lied and didn’t come out and take responsibility for her actions which I believe was stupid.   It’s not like people don’t lie about doing something if they think that it was caught on camera.    Most people do this and I’m not trying to say it’s okay.   
My point about Clinton was that it’s way worse than what she did because she was getting groped and fondling the man.  Was it the right place and time, of course not, but people touch others all the time in different settings.  He was in the Oval Office, a position at the time of great reverence, and treated it like a teenage bedroom.    

And if a democratic congresswoman had been groping someone in a theater you’d have a different reaction.

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2 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

Sorry.  Merely pointing out that there are much larger problems.  We need to get back to being issue driven, not party or, personalities.

let me point out to you sir that woman helps make policy and laws.......many of them stupid that hurt this country. the more she is ridiculed the more people see her for what she is and maybe......just maybe she loses her seat and someone smarter gets it. there is a method to my madness but i am surprised you threw me under the bus ichie. maybe she will shut up about gays and trans.if it saves one person from being hurt mentally or physically it is a good thing. sounds like you have an axe to grind. i mean come on this bag is racist as hell. how can you not see all that bro? or maybe we are not bro's. iam will sign you up for the fiddy haters club if you are interested..........

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here is something i believe people have missed about all this. it was alluded to this being their first date.

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24 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

And if a democratic congresswoman had been groping someone in a theater you’d have a different reaction.

Yeah…sure man.   I’m not sure how many times I need to say it, I don’t care about either side.   It’s politics… everyone gets their panties in bunch over this crap.   And believe me, it’s all crap.   

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20 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

Yeah…sure man.   I’m not sure how many times I need to say it, I don’t care about either side.   It’s politics… everyone gets their panties in bunch over this crap.   And believe me, it’s all crap.   

i applaud your change sir. i know trump let you down and this is not a dig.

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1 hour ago, aubaseball said:  
My point about Clinton was that it’s way worse than what she did because she was getting groped and fondling the man.  Was it the right place and time, of course not, but people touch others all the time in different settings.  He was in the Oval Office, a position at the time of great reverence, and treated it like a teenage bedroom.    

I’d almost argue that doing sexual stuff in front of children and blowing vape smoke into a pregnant woman’s face is more heinous than getting dome in your office and then lying about it. Would you not?

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31 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

here is something i believe people have missed about all this. it was alluded to this being their first date.

You’re like one of those puritans in the 1600’s that hung women for farting. Lol. People do sexual stuff on the first date, fifty. She shouldn’t have been doing it in public, in front of families. But the fact that she went to second base on the first date isn’t in itself the issue. 

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30 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

I’d almost argue that doing sexual stuff in front of children and blowing vape smoke into a pregnant woman’s face is more heinous than getting dome in your office and then lying about it. Would you not?

Well, the only video I saw it wasn’t blown in her face and correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it dark and what sexual stuff are you talking about?  A little groping?  Please !!!

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