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They always knew what he was


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16 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

And bow down to him anyway:


I've said it a thousand times - he's everything they claimed to hate and said made Bill Clinton unfit for the highest office in the country.

And their hypocrisy - especially among evangelical Christians - has damaged the witness of the church for a generation and all but destroyed the Republican Party.

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39 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I've said it a thousand times - he's everything they claimed to hate and said made Bill Clinton unfit for the highest office in the country.

And their hypocrisy - especially among evangelical Christians - has damaged the witness of the church for a generation and all but destroyed the Republican Party.


These so-called Christians have damaged themselves and Christ for far longer IMHO. 

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17 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

And bow down to him anyway:


Some actually tried to stop trump early on. Then, they betrayed themselves and the American People and the party for his popularity. SHAME ON THEM.

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1 hour ago, TitanTiger said:

I've said it a thousand times - he's everything they claimed to hate and said made Bill Clinton unfit for the highest office in the country.

And their hypocrisy - especially among evangelical Christians - has damaged the witness of the church for a generation and all but destroyed the Republican Party.

Everything but much more and much worse in every way.

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And yet, if Biden is his opponent, Trump will be the better choice for America. Neither one has any morals but Biden also lacks any sense. Look at what his policy on the border has caused, and it's just now reached critical mass. The big cities are currently reaping what Biden sowed 18+ months ago. The mess was ok with the Democrats as long as Texas was doing the suffering. Now it's reached New York, Washington DC and similar places and they can't deal with it.

This is not in support of Trump. It's a statement that as bad as Trump is, Biden and his handlers are worse. In previous elections I have voted for Democrats four different times because I believed they were better for America than was their Republican opponent. If it's Trump vs. Biden part two, Trump is the clear choice.

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33 minutes ago, Mikey said:

And yet, if Biden is his opponent, Trump will be the better choice for America. Neither one has any morals but Biden also lacks any sense. Look at what his policy on the border has caused, and it's just now reached critical mass. The big cities are currently reaping what Biden sowed 18+ months ago. The mess was ok with the Democrats as long as Texas was doing the suffering. Now it's reached New York, Washington DC and similar places and they can't deal with it.

This is not in support of Trump. It's a statement that as bad as Trump is, Biden and his handlers are worse. In previous elections I have voted for Democrats four different times because I believed they were better for America than was their Republican opponent. If it's Trump vs. Biden part two, Trump is the clear choice.

You have to support Trump not to see him as he is. You will convince yourself almost any Democrat is far worse. You did it with Hillary, did it with Joe. Republicans thought Joe was a great guy until he became President, now he’s an amoral criminal mastermind despite not knowing where he is. That’s first rate delusion.

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2 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

You have to support Trump not to see him as he is.

Here's what you cannot seem to grasp: For the Nth time I DO NOT CARE what he is as long as his opponent is just as bad. I'm not voting for a fishing buddy or a tailgating partner. If I have to choose between two amoral crooks, then I'll vote for the candidate who will be best for America. If the sorry choice is between Trump and Biden, then Trump wins hands down.

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58 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Here's what you cannot seem to grasp: For the Nth time I DO NOT CARE what he is as long as his opponent is just as bad. I'm not voting for a fishing buddy or a tailgating partner. If I have to choose between two amoral crooks, then I'll vote for the candidate who will be best for America. If the sorry choice is between Trump and Biden, then Trump wins hands down.

The goal of right wing Republicans is to achieve exactly what you describe.  This was the same goal when it was Benghazi, Hillary's emails, the Clinton Foundation etc etc etc.  Muddy the water.  You don't need proof of wrongdoing.  Just accuse someone enough, with the help of Fox and right wing media and do it consistently until enough accept it as truth. 

I call them all Tranny Republicans.  They spoke truth about who Trump is at one time.  They later transitioned.

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20 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

And bow down to him anyway:

Hard to understand isn’t it.


In The Wall Street Journal’s latest poll of the 2024 election, President Biden and former president Donald Trump are locked at 46% each. Other recent polls have shown essentially the same thing. While there will be many twists and turns before next November, at this point the race is a toss-up.

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

Here's what you cannot seem to grasp: For the Nth time I DO NOT CARE what he is as long as his opponent is just as bad. I'm not voting for a fishing buddy or a tailgating partner. If I have to choose between two amoral crooks, then I'll vote for the candidate who will be best for America. If the sorry choice is between Trump and Biden, then Trump wins hands down.

You don’t grasp what I’m saying — you’ll always convince yourself his Dem opponent is worse in part because you can’t see him for what he is. He’s not just boorish. He’s a narcissist incapable of giving a damn about America. 

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7 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Hard to understand isn’t it.


In The Wall Street Journal’s latest poll of the 2024 election, President Biden and former president Donald Trump are locked at 46% each. Other recent polls have shown essentially the same thing. While there will be many twists and turns before next November, at this point the race is a toss-up.


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11 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Washington as a whole is considered immoral. So be it if your guy has a few more notches in the handle. 

It’s not merely a morality question, although Trump has demonstrated his amorality his entire life. 

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It's not just Trump, it's the Republican party:



2. Goalposts

Sarah and I just finished taping The Secret Podcast. The show will be out in a few hours but I want to address a great point Sarah made about the weirdness of obsessing over whether or not Republicans will support a Trump who is convicted of crimes.

Because think about how far these goalposts have already moved.

We’ve spent the last seven years asking Republicans, Would you support a candidate who:

  • Was caught on tape bragging about sexual assaults?

  • Has been impeached?

  • Refuses to promise a peaceful transfer of power?

  • Failed to concede his election loss?

  • Attempted to overturn a lawful election?

  • Incited a violent insurrection?

  • Was impeached a second time?

  • Has been indicted on 91 criminal charges?

With Trump, we’ve been posing hypothetical “would you support a guy who has done Bad Thing X” since 2016 and the answer from both elite and rank-and-file Republicans has been “Hells, yeah!” Every. Single. Time.

Why would “Has been convicted of crimes” suddenly produce a different response?

Let me tell you what will happen if Trump is convicted: The goalposts will move to “Is in jail.”

Because if Trump is convicted, he won’t go directly to jail. He’ll be released on bail pending appeal and Republicans will say:

  • The legal process is still at work!

  • There were a number of irregularities in the trial!

  • His case is under appeal and he’ll be vindicated!

  • The jury was rigged!

  • He’s not even in jail yet, so he hasn’t really been convicted!

And if, by some miracle, Trump does wind up in jail, they’ll move the goalposts again. For people like Nikki Haley, there is no hypothetical scenario in which Trump can do something so awful that they refuse to bend the knee to him.

Because these Quislings understand very clearly what their people demand of them. And they would die before they took sides against their tribe.

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3 hours ago, Mikey said:

If the sorry choice is between Trump and Biden, then Trump wins hands down.

Because Joe Biden doesn't have the guts to attempt the destruction of democracy.

Because Joe Biden hasn't given the extremely wealthy a tax cut.

Because Joe Biden has not enabled Putin.

Because Joe Biden has not taken billions from the House of Saud.

Yes, Texas has been completely destroyed (by Joe Biden and the criminal immigrants) and,,, the rest of the country is next.

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i want to know what makes biden worse than trump. we all know trump is a crook and most of us knew it before he ran for office. butjhow anyone can vote for someone that spit on this country by trying to steal an election baffles the crap out of me. it is completely unamerican and my question is what will he do next time? it will be more of the same and probably worse since he thinks he is entitled to do anything he wants with no repercussions. i mean he has already said he is not guilty of anything and he is going to clean house with those that dared make him toe the line?

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10 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

You have to support Trump not to see him as he is. You will convince yourself almost any Democrat is far worse. You did it with Hillary, did it with Joe. Republicans thought Joe was a great guy until he became President, now he’s an amoral criminal mastermind despite not knowing where he is. That’s first rate delusion.

Their moral compass is nonexistent at this point.

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21 hours ago, AU9377 said:

They spoke truth about who Trump is at one time. 

Sigh.... Many of us still speak the truth about who Trump is and will still vote for him if his opponent is Biden. If you wonder why, look no farther than today's New York.


20 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

You don’t grasp what I’m saying — you’ll always convince yourself his Dem opponent is worse in part because you can’t see him for what he is

Wrong! I don't care about Party as much as you Dems on this forum do. I've voted for Democrats in the past. When is the last time you voted for a Republican candidate?

18 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i want to know what makes biden worse than trump.

Immigration policy, energy policy, Afghanistan disaster, said Afghanistan disaster emboldens Putin to invade Ukraine, the weak, slow response to which emboldens china to be more aggressive towards Taiwan, inability to remember where he is or what he's supposed to do at appearances. I could go on but that will suffice for now.


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20 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

It’s not merely a morality question, although Trump has demonstrated his amorality his entire life. 

Then why was trump so infuriatingly popular with the media for decades prior to 2015? He was lauded, celebrated, heralded, placed into movies, at Chelsea's wedding, and given a TV show by ABC. How did all that happen if trump was as bad as all that? It happened because we have a celebrity-worshipping culture in America that even the media participate in. If trump had been taken down in 1990 like Barbara Walters tried to do, we wouldn't have him now. He is the Media's Frankenstein Monster...


Remember folks, the Media LOVED trump. 

Edited by DKW 86
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2 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Then why was trump so infuriatingly popular with the media for decades prior to 2015? He was lauded, celebrated, heralded, placed into movies, at Chelsea's wedding, and given a TV show by ABC. How did all that happen if trump was as bad as all that? It happened because we have a celebrity-worshipping culture in America that even the media participate in. If trump had been taken down in 1990 like Barbara Walters tried to do, we wouldn't have him now. He is the Media's Frankenstein Monster...

He was a carnival side show. No one took him seriously as a political leader.

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6 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

He was a carnival side show. No one took him seriously as a political leader.

They were blowing off all his misogyny etc because he wasn't a political threat? Why not just be a mensch and stare him down when we all knew he was a bastard and a bad business man.

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2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Then why was trump so infuriatingly popular with the media for decades prior to 2015? He was lauded, celebrated, heralded, placed into movies, at Chelsea's wedding, and given a TV show by ABC. How did all that happen if trump was as bad as all that? It happened because we have a celebrity-worshipping culture in America that even the media participate in. If trump had been taken down in 1990 like Barbara Walters tried to do, we wouldn't have him now. He is the Media's Frankenstein Monster...


Remember folks, the Media LOVED trump. 

You answered your own question.

Media follows popular fads/trends. It doesn't create them, it just amplifies them.  Trump understands that completely and is expert at attracting attention.

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