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Biden criticism


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24 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

You’re a liar with zero integrity. Not name calling, just calling out the obvious facts. You’re stuck on a narrative and you insist on plugging others into it. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt and treat you like a decent person one could have discourse with. You blew that up pretty quickly. Lesson learned.

My man TexasTiger, just a mere six hours ago you said you "were done" with me because "you needed fewer, not more, a**holes in your life."  Brother, to be clear, I'm not "in your life." I don't know you and what little I see here isn't very flattering.  If you are going through something and you need a friend who isn't an a**hole and you have the guts to apologize like a man,  DM me.  If you really need fewer a**holes in your life,, maybe it is YOU.   Here is a suggestion quit calling people names.  Even people you dislike.   Children, not men, call people names.   Let's test your calling me a liar.   Question, on 2/9/20 did your President claim there would be "no more drilling on federal lands" or not?  Question, on 8/19/22 did Judge Doughty rule your President had exceeded his authority when he attempted to stop drilling on federal land?   These aren't lies I made up.    These are what litigators call "undisputed facts."  Your President simply made yet another promise he couldn't keep.  All politicians do it.  Here, is the unmitigated truth, your President went way too far left trying to please the nuts in your party to get elected.    Once he realized his war on fossil fuels was creating the unmitigated disaster that is inflation, he backed off some.  He still has only approved 1 off-shore lease.   Your favorite president approved 29.   It makes no sense for you to lose your mind and start slinging names when someone disagrees with you on an online forum.   Also, since when in your mind is being better than Trump at something worth bragging about?

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28 minutes ago, LPTiger said:

My man TexasTiger, just a mere six hours ago you said you "were done" with me because "you needed fewer, not more, a**holes in your life."  Brother, to be clear, I'm not "in your life." I don't know you and what little I see here isn't very flattering.  If you are going through something and you need a friend who isn't an a**hole and you have the guts to apologize like a man,  DM me.  If you really need fewer a**holes in your life,, maybe it is YOU.   Here is a suggestion quit calling people names.  Even people you dislike.   Children, not men, call people names.   Let's test you’re calling me a liar.   Question, on 2/9/20 did your President claim there would be "no more drilling on federal lands" or not?  Question, on 8/19/22 did Judge Doughty rule your President had exceeded his authority when he attempted to stop drilling on federal land?   These aren't lies I made up.    These are what litigators call "undisputed facts."  Your President simply made yet another promise he couldn't keep.  All politicians do it.  Here, is the unmitigated truth, your President went way too far left trying to please the nuts in your party to get elected.    Once he realized his war on fossil fuels was creating the unmitigated disaster that is inflation, he backed off some.  He still has only approved 1 off-shore lease.   Your favorite president approved 29.   It makes no sense for you to lose your mind and start slinging names when someone disagrees with you on an online forum.   Also, since when in your mind is being better than Trump at something worth bragging about?

Thanks for making my case for me, counselor. The most mediocre attorneys often do that. Their limited skill set catches up with them.

I am done with you. Done pretending you’re capable of anything but this crap. Done wasting my time trying to engage you in a meaningful exchange. I’ll save myself that effort. Had a good sense of who you were early on, but thought I’d give you another chance. Thanks for confirmation. I’ll treat you accordingly from here on out. 

Citing what OUR president said on a given day doesn’t in any way mean I was cheering it on as you dishonestly claimed. And it doesn’t mean he has in fact crippled production as you’ve claimed. There’s ample evidence to the contrary that you ignore and instead act like a petty child. All the arrogance in the world doesn’t change facts. Ignoring the facts that don’t fit your narrative doesn’t make them go away, either.

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35 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:


 There’s ample evidence to the contrary that you ignore and instead act like a petty child. 

Tex when you are the only one calling people names and then you surmise the other party is acting like a child, that is telling.  I hope you find some peace.  

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9 minutes ago, LPTiger said:

Tex when you are the only one calling people names and then you surmise the other party is acting like a child, that is telling.  I hope you find some peace.  

You argue like a child. That’s my point. An attorney who argues like a child. Sad really. 

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17 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Keystone not closed. Keystone takes oil from… Canada. There’s more oil permits under Biden than Trump:


You’re being an a**hole.

Biden blocked completion of the Keystone2 pipeline. Keystone1 was already operating and Biden could hardly shut down an operating business, as much as he would have liked to kow-tow to his Green New Deal handlers. You probably know that and are being disingenuous with your "Keystone not closed" ploy.

Or, did you not know that and are commenting on a subject upon which you are ignorant?

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6 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Biden blocked completion of the Keystone2 pipeline. Keystone1 was already operating and Biden could hardly shut down an operating business, as much as he would have liked to kow-tow to his Green New Deal handlers. You probably know that and are being disingenuous with your "Keystone not closed" ploy.

Or, did you not know that and are commenting on a subject upon which you are ignorant?

I knew it. Technically, he stopped the development Keystone XL which would have taken years to finish and has had zero impact on current prices. The person I was responding to seemed not to know it, which was why he then deflected and went on the attack instead of answering. Plus he listed it as example of Biden shutting down USA extraction of fossil fuels. It wasn’t. It was about transporting CANADIAN fossil fuels. It was just one more thing in a list of mindlessly parroted talking points repeated by right wing folks who share one brain and rarely have an original thought.

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10 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

You argue like a child. That’s my point. An attorney who argues like a child. Sad really. 

My man Tex, like Peter, you deny me thrice but you still can't stay away.   BTW, the whole "you argue like a child bit" = very original, kudos.

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

Biden blocked completion of the Keystone2 pipeline. Keystone1 was already operating and Biden could hardly shut down an operating business, as much as he would have liked to kow-tow to his Green New Deal handlers. You probably know that and are being disingenuous with your "Keystone not closed" ploy.

Or, did you not know that and are commenting on a subject upon which you are ignorant?

Tread carefully Mikey.   My man Tex is about to cal you a name and claim to be "done with you."

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1 minute ago, LPTiger said:

My man Tex, like Peter, you deny me thrice but you still can't stay away.   BTW, the whole "you argue like a child bit" = very original, kudos.

Didn’t say I wouldn’t respond, just that I’m done assuming you’ll be a reasonable person and I’ll treat you accordingly. It’s very telling that you see yourself as Jesus. 

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10 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Didn’t say I wouldn’t respond, just that I’m done assuming you’ll be a reasonable person and I’ll treat you accordingly. It’s very telling that you see yourself as Jesus. 

Tex, you can really twist things.   I'll give you that much.

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36 minutes ago, LPTiger said:

Tex, you can really twist things.   I'll give you that much.

Don’t have to twist a thing. You just have a stunning lack of self awareness. 

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5 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Don’t have to twist a thing. You just have a stunning lack of self awareness. 

Tex my man, I just tried to ignore you using the procedure TitanTiger laid out, and it will not let me do it.   Can you use some Mod magic and make that happen?   I feel sure by now that the others on the board would appreciate it. 

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4 minutes ago, LPTiger said:

Tex my man, I just tried to ignore you using the procedure TitanTiger laid out, and it will not let me do it.   Can you use some Mod magic and make that happen?   I feel sure by now that the others on the board would appreciate it. 

Use your willpower.

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22 hours ago, LPTiger said:

193 countries make up the UN.   China alone has twice the carbon emissions as the US.   But hey, let's wreck our economy today and hope that in the future others will follow us.   ICANT people are guessing at what an alternative energy of tomorrow economy looks like.   For example, the IEA estimates that an electrified economy will need between 250,000 and 450,000 tons of lithium.    That is quite the spread.    In 2021 the WORLD produced 105 tons, not 105,000 but 105 tons of lithium.    The amount of earth needed to be excavated to produce a ton of lithium is mind boggling.  And all that heavy equipment excavating all that earth -- they run on diesel.    Two of the critical minerals needed for EV batteries are not even being mined in the US.   Should we be utilizing alternative energy sources?   Certainly.    Does that mean day 1 in office our President should declare a war on fossil fuels?   Hardly.

I agree with your thinking.  The violent truth is that we’re still at least 15-25 years from having large scale viable alternative sources. And for all the wonders of electric , where does most  the electricity actually come from? There aren’t pixies making it. 60% fossil fuel generation (20% nuclear. 20% alternative). Tesla basically just moves .the location of the pollution source.

The biggest way to lower carbon emissions is to continue to support and subsidize alternative energy technology (solar, fusion, ect ) and for the west to lead with emission regulations. However, that will not make up for China pumping out coal power plants like pancakes and 3rd world population growth. The UN has to prioritize those being 2 major existential issues.

All that being said, cancelling keystone and similar decisions were stylish progressive policy - but it  didn’t lower pollution and materially weakened the us in several ways. Plus it ended up helping Russia remain economically viable and therefore prolonged the Ukrainian war.  It was childish problem solving - I want to feel better now and this shiny toy will do that. There are real solutions to carbon emissions, but imo it’s LP’s fact-based thinking versus just being happy land whimsical that will be the basis for getting us there.

Edited by auburnatl1
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2 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Please explain how canceling Keystone XL, which would not be completed yet, prolonged the war in Ukraine. And btw, I had no strong feelings on canceling the pipeline, but I hear a broad range of claims around it that seem more visceral than factual.

Keystone was a strategic decision but there were other tactical policies that lowered us production . We were one  biggest global exporters and within 12 months of Biden we dropped dramatically. Which impacted global oil prices (which are production speculation based) and assisted Russia in generating revenue. 

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2 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

Keystone was a strategic decision but there were other tactical policies that lowered us production . We were one  biggest global exporters and within 12 months of Biden we dropped dramatically. Which impacted global oil prices (which are production speculation based) and assisted Russia in generating revenue. 

Thanks. And it appears Keystone XL was targeted to be operational by 2023, although there may have been delays.

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16 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

We were one  biggest global exporters and within 12 months of Biden we dropped dramatically.

This is a lie.

COVID created a drop in demand.  Since the end of the pandemic, exports are up,,, biggly (the graph is virtually a vertical climb).

This year, we are on pace to shatter previous years total exports.  Our lowest monthly export total this year is more than any month in the prior administration (month to month).


Facts, not propaganda.


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10 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

This is a lie.

COVID created a drop in demand.  Since the end of the pandemic, exports are up,,, biggly (the graph is virtually a vertical climb).

This year, we are on pace to shatter previous years total exports.  Our lowest monthly export total this year is more than any month in the prior administration (month to month).


Facts, not propaganda.


A lie. Damn you run quickly to conspiracy and just being silly provocative.  Sometimes people just make mistakes. In this case it was neither. Yes production went back up after Biden moderated early policies. But Russia generated massive revenue during that time. Again, what drives oil price is speculation and post covid did impact - but also the us initially sent a very negative production message to the market.

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4 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

Well I appreciate you trying to accept me. My 2 cents - take your meds and please, please give up on me.

Dude. I wasn’t responding to you. Check again.

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2 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

I agree with your thinking.  The violent truth is that we’re still at least 15-25 years from having large scale viable alternative sources. And for all the wonders of electric , where does most  the electricity actually come from? There aren’t pixies making it. 60% fossil fuel generation (20% nuclear. 20% alternative). Tesla basically just moves .the location of the pollution source.

The biggest way to lower carbon emissions is to continue to support and subsidize alternative energy technology (solar, fusion, ect ) and for the west to lead with emission regulations. However, that will not make up for China pumping out coal power plants like pancakes and 3rd world population growth. The UN has to prioritize those being 2 major existential issues.

All that being said, cancelling keystone and similar decisions were stylish progressive policy - but it  didn’t lower pollution and materially weakened the us in several ways. Plus it ended up helping Russia remain economically viable and therefore prolonged the Ukrainian war.  It was childish problem solving - I want to feel better now and this shiny toy will do that. There are real solutions to carbon emissions, but imo it’s LP’s fact-based thinking versus just being happy land whimsical that will be the basis for getting us there.

I grew up next to Farley nuclear plant, a Southern Company asset.  The construction phase created lots of opportunities for people.   Once completed everyone wanted to work there, and it still employs lots of folks.   People who work there make a solid middle class wage.   I think the nuclear plant they just finished in GA, Vogtle,  is the first one So Co has built since Farley.   The construction of that  project took a lot longer than projected and their cost turned out to be a 2x or 3x original budget.  That may answer my question -- why are we not building more nuclear plants?

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4 minutes ago, LPTiger said:

I grew up next to Farley nuclear plant, a Southern Company asset.  The construction phase created lots of opportunities for people.   Once completed everyone wanted to work there, and it still employs lots of folks.   People who work there make a solid middle class wage.   I think the nuclear plant they just finished in GA, Vogtle,  is the first one So Co has built since Farley.   The construction of that  project took a lot longer than projected and their cost turned out to be a 2x or 3x original budget.  That may answer my question -- why are we not building more nuclear plants?

Storage of the radioactive waste material. Nobody wants to take it. Plus after  Chornobyl and other lesser incidents, no one wants one even built in their area. Fusion is obviously superior (by-product is helium instead of plutonium or other nasty isotopes) and would literally solve the entire energy problem - but the technology is minimally decades away.

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3 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

Storage of the radioactive waste material. Nobody wants to take it. Plus after  Chornobyl and other lesser incidents, no one wants one even built in their area. Fusion is obviously superior (by-product is helium instead of plutonium or other nasty isotopes) and would literally solve the entire energy problem - but the technology is minimally decades away.

True, but somehow nuclear needs to be part of the discussion in the mean time, imo.

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