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for those not  in the know he is threatening folks on truth social.................LOCK HIM UP!!!!!

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In general I don't think much of psychiatrists but your need may be one of the rare cases where one could help. This fixation you have on Trump is not healthy.

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9 hours ago, Mikey said:

In general I don't think much of psychiatrists but your need may be one of the rare cases where one could help. This fixation you have on Trump is not healthy.

the fixation you guys have thinking trump is not guilty tells me YOU and some of your allies need help.

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this post is dedicated to mickey.....................


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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

the fixation you guys have thinking trump is not guilty tells me YOU and some of your allies need help.

Respectfully, trump is irrelevant.  He simply is  a not too bright figurehead of the real problem. If he disappeared tomorrow another maga type would pop up immediately. One who might be brighter, therefore more dangerous,  and maybe could actually win an election - trump repulsiveness  is actually a blessing. The  real issue is growing government mistrust and the significant maga faction that this has spawned . Some are well meaning, and others are just unstable personality types  (ps John Hopkins has estimated 20-25% of the public has a diagnosable mental disorder…). But damn they all sure can vote. This is my problem with the never ending trump litigation  without conviction, and government over reach. It feeds raw meat to the maga conspiracy narrative.

Biden said he would heal the divisiveness. He completely failed at every level. Imo It’s critical  we elect someone who can speak to all sides and earn back trust in gov.

Edited by auburnatl1
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37 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

The  real issue is growing government mistrust and the significant maga faction that this has spawned . Some are well meaning, and others are just unstable personality types  (ps John Hopkins has estimated 20-25% of the public has a diagnosable mental disorder…). But damn they all sure can vote. This is my problem with the never ending trump litigation  without conviction, and government over reach. It feeds raw meat to the maga conspiracy narrative.

This quote seems to suggest that MAGA is the problem the nation faces.  You mention government mistrust and go one to say that the problem is never ending litigation without conviction.  That has been for the last 6 years on Trump. Approximately half the population voted for him in 2020.  It seems to be well founded.  Util the DOJ treats the Biden’s with as much enthusiasm as they have Trump this problem will still exist and will not be resolved.

I’m sure you are not implying that all those 20 - 25% of diagnosed mental disorders all voted for Trump, that would be incorrect I’m sure. Especially considering 52% of mothers that insist their children are of the opposite sex from which they were born are medically unstable.

47 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

Biden said he would heal the divisiveness. He completely failed at every level.

Not only has he failed he has deepened the divide.

48 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

It’s critical  we elect someone who can speak to all sides and earn back trust in gov.

That person (if there is such a leader) will not be a choice in this upcoming election I am sorry to say.

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17 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

This quote seems to suggest that MAGA is the problem the nation faces.  You mention government mistrust and go one to say that the problem is never ending litigation without conviction.  That has been for the last 6 years on Trump. Approximately half the population voted for him in 2020.  It seems to be well founded.  Util the DOJ treats the Biden’s with as much enthusiasm as they have Trump this problem will still exist and will not be resolved.

I’m sure you are not implying that all those 20 - 25% of diagnosed mental disorders all voted for Trump, that would be incorrect I’m sure. Especially considering 52% of mothers that insist their children are of the opposite sex from which they were born are medically unstable.

Not only has he failed he has deepened the divide.

That person (if there is such a leader) will not be a choice in this upcoming election I am sorry to say.

I am a conservative. But I believe trumps hard core base is something … else.  If the only Republican option is trump then I believe the least horrific outcome would be a democratic president and a Republican Congress. Which would result in 4 years of grid lock and the Republicans can try to get it right again in 4 years. Personally, I think people have to decide if trump is a disruptive, blow up the deep state patriot or a narcissist who  physiologically needs power at any cost - and in many ways has behaved like a traitor. I’ve made my choice.

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18 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

I am a conservative. But I believe trumps hard core base is something … else.  If the only Republican option is trump then I believe the least horrific outcome would be a democratic president and a Republican Congress. Which would result in 4 years of grid lock and the Republicans can try to get it right again in 4 years. Personally, I think people have to decide if trump is a disruptive, blow up the deep state patriot or a narcissist who  physiologically needs power at any cost - and in many ways has behaved like a traitor. I’ve made my choice.

I agree that if Trump is the nominee we are looking at 4 more years of Democratic rule.  I do believe Trump is a flawed individual, I just think Biden, or whoever may be the democratic nominee, will put the us in a weak position domestically and internationally.  I, too, have made my choice.

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4 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

the fixation you guys have thinking trump is not guilty tells me YOU and some of your allies need help.

I dont see people starting threads dedicated to trying to prove Trump innocent. You have a problem.

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1 hour ago, auburnatl1 said:

Respectfully, trump is irrelevant.  He simply is  a not too bright figurehead of the real problem. If he disappeared tomorrow another maga type would pop up immediately. One who might be brighter, therefore more dangerous,  and maybe could actually win an election - trump repulsiveness  is actually a blessing. The  real issue is growing government mistrust and the significant maga faction that this has spawned . Some are well meaning, and others are just unstable personality types  (ps John Hopkins has estimated 20-25% of the public has a diagnosable mental disorder…). But damn they all sure can vote. This is my problem with the never ending trump litigation  without conviction, and government over reach. It feeds raw meat to the maga conspiracy narrative.

Biden said he would heal the divisiveness. He completely failed at every level. Imo It’s critical  we elect someone who can speak to all sides and earn back trust in gov.

So if I understand your take here, we shouldn't mistrust the govt despite the growing evidence? It's just the appearance of never ending litigation that feeds this illusion if govt mistrust? Cause I can go through a long list of reasons why the govt shouldn't be trusted that doesn't include litigation of Trump. Govt mistrust might just be well founded, and your hatred of them is misfounded.

I dont recall if I've ever seen you mention a mental disorder and a desire not to have a certain segment of the left be able to vote, but you do for the MAGA side. A super left university writes some super generalized statement about 'deplorables' (cause let's face it, its what's they mean) suffering from mental disorders and you tack on a flippant (but they can sure vote). They should be able to vote. I think plenty on the left suffer from mental disorders, but they should always be able to vote.

Not a very conservative approach I've seen from you in several posts over the past few months.

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7 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

So if I understand your take here, we shouldn't mistrust the govt despite the growing evidence? It's just the appearance of never ending litigation that feeds this illusion if govt mistrust? Cause I can go through a long list of reasons why the govt shouldn't be trusted that doesn't include litigation of Trump. Govt mistrust might just be well founded, and your hatred of them is misfounded.

I dont recall if I've ever seen you mention a mental disorder and a desire not to have a certain segment of the left be able to vote, but you do for the MAGA side. A super left university writes some super generalized statement about 'deplorables' (cause let's face it, its what's they mean) suffering from mental disorders and you tack on a flippant (but they can sure vote). They should be able to vote. I think plenty on the left suffer from mental disorders, but they should always be able to vote.

Not a very conservative approach I've seen from you in several posts over the past few months.

By current definition standards you may be right i  am not a 2023 conservative. I’m simply balance the budget, nimble fed gov,  open markets oriented. To underscore how screwed up I am - I like Cheney and youngkin.

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2 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

By current definition standards you may be right i  am not a 2023 conservative. I’m simply balance the budget, nimble fed gov,  open markets oriented. To underscore how screwed up I am - I like Cheney and youngkin.

You move where the center is. Thats fine. But it involves you evolving your beliefs to where this new middle presides. Not simply standing still while both sides move to extremes.

Cause if we were to go over a list of beliefs of a typical conservative from 15 years ago, he'd be labeled an extremist today.

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45 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

You move where the center is. Thats fine. But it involves you evolving your beliefs to where this new middle presides. Not simply standing still while both sides move to extremes.

Cause if we were to go over a list of beliefs of a typical conservative from 15 years ago, he'd be labeled an extremist today.

Imo Ideology has 6 facets: 1) fiscal (size of taxes, budget discipline ), 2) fed gov role (individualism - small gov vs collectivism - big gov), 3) global role (isolationist vs globalist), 4) environmental (tree hugger vs burn baby burn), 5) cultural/societal (what most of this forum fixates on), 6) religious.

And this is way simplified. Point is good luck boxing up people into one title . And then there are the many paradox’s - ie individualism is all about self rule, leave me alone …. unless it’s social issues (abortion, lgtq, ect) - then they want to control the heck out of you (which bounces into the religious facet)

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1 hour ago, KansasTiger said:

I dont see people starting threads dedicated to trying to prove Trump innocent. You have a problem.

the problem is i see trump hurting this country on many levels. you have a worse problem than i do in my humble opinion. you say you will vote for trump if it is him and biden after all the crap trump has done to hurt this country. even on the pol stuff he raised the debt how many trillion? to vote for a man who tried like hell to defraud over half the country of their vote makes you just as suspect in my book. but you keep taking shots about me this or that but i am not going to change. i will let up on trump when he is no longer a threat to this country or when he is dead. he sh**s on everyone dude. nothing is sacred to him. stealing from charities is as low as you can go. treason. rape. a liar. a gas lighter releasing personal addresses to sick deranged people on folks like obama and a judge and his family. and if you vote for him after all that YOU are enabling him which means i got nothing for ya. you guys are not taking up for him but will vote for him again and this is all i need to know. and again when you guys come at me it just makes me dig my heels in and a promise to make you folks miserable with trump news. you can book it..............

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17 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

the problem is i see trump hurting this country on many levels. you have a worse problem than i do in my humble opinion. you say you will vote for trump if it is him and biden after all the crap trump has done to hurt this country. even on the pol stuff he raised the debt how many trillion? to vote for a man who tried like hell to defraud over half the country of their vote makes you just as suspect in my book. but you keep taking shots about me this or that but i am not going to change. i will let up on trump when he is no longer a threat to this country or when he is dead. he sh**s on everyone dude. nothing is sacred to him. stealing from charities is as low as you can go. treason. rape. a liar. a gas lighter releasing personal addresses to sick deranged people on folks like obama and a judge and his family. and if you vote for him after all that YOU are enabling him which means i got nothing for ya. you guys are not taking up for him but will vote for him again and this is all i need to know. and again when you guys come at me it just makes me dig my heels in and a promise to make you folks miserable with trump news. you can book it..............

Yeah im not going to have the argument for the 33rd time with you. I see both sides and have assessed personally that Biden does more harm to me and the country than Trump would in that undesirable situation of picking between the two. I'd love to see you explain the many ways Biden has hurt the country instead of a constant one sided diatribe against Trump with every thread you post. Then maybe it can turn into an actual discourse and not some ramblings from a one sided biased man that no one from the opposite side would ever take seriously.

If you approached this more balanced, you might get somewhere. But you just rail against us and call us names. So many of us write your opinion off and rail back. So I'm to conclude your goal isn't to actually convince us of anything. You just want to hate us. So be it.

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13 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

Yeah im not going to have the argument for the 33rd time with you. I see both sides and have assessed personally that Biden does more harm to me and the country than Trump would in that undesirable situation of picking between the two. I'd love to see you explain the many ways Biden has hurt the country instead of a constant one sided diatribe against Trump with every thread you post. Then maybe it can turn into an actual discourse and not some ramblings from a one sided biased man that no one from the opposite side would ever take seriously.

If you approached this more balanced, you might get somewhere. But you just rail against us and call us names. So many of us write your opinion off and rail back. So I'm to conclude your goal isn't to actually convince us of anything. You just want to hate us. So be it.

oh please....you guys call me every single thing under the sun. you have as well. this is a political board and trump is running for pres so he IS relevant regardless of what you guys say. as far as biden i have seen nothing he has done to alarm me. he is certainly not trying to get people hurt. it took a special man to come in behind trump but you guys will never give him a fair shake. lightbulbs is a huge example. yall are going crazy over old lightbulbs that were energy hawgs and yet he is shameful for doing away with the old.

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5 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

oh please....you guys call me every single thing under the sun. you have as well. this is a political board and trump is running for pres so he IS relevant regardless of what you guys say. as far as biden i have seen nothing he has done to alarm me. he is certainly not trying to get people hurt. it took a special man to come in behind trump but you guys will never give him a fair shake. lightbulbs is a huge example. yall are going crazy over old lightbulbs that were energy hawgs and yet he is shameful for doing away with the old.

I felt like you read half my comment. 

And if you have seen NOTHING that alarms you from Biden, that only reinforces my point. I didn't start railing against you until I came on this forum and saw your approach. How you approach this invites this confrontation, which makes me think YOU want this. That or eventually the one side of the forum you're trying to engage will just flat out ignore you, which is actually what I recommend for any conservatives going forward. Which I can't see accomplishing your goal if it's to try and show us the error of our ways.

I'm honestly trying to help you shape your arguments more effectively to the people you're trying to deliver them to. But I don't think you'll listen to me.


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5 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

I am a conservative. But I believe trumps hard core base is something … else.  If the only Republican option is trump then I believe the least horrific outcome would be a democratic president and a Republican Congress. Which would result in 4 years of grid lock and the Republicans can try to get it right again in 4 years. Personally, I think people have to decide if trump is a disruptive, blow up the deep state patriot or a narcissist who  physiologically needs power at any cost - and in many ways has behaved like a traitor. I’ve made my choice.

Sorry, but some of this is correct but some is misguided.   The left has just as many as the right.   What would you call BLM or Antifa?  What happened in the summer of love caused , in my opinion, just as much mistrust and suspicion as the extreme “MAGA” crowd.   If what happened in the summer of love continues to go on there won’t be a society left.   

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4 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

By current definition standards you may be right i  am not a 2023 conservative. I’m simply balance the budget, nimble fed gov,  open markets oriented. To underscore how screwed up I am - I like Cheney and youngkin.

Yep, you are screwed. There is no balance the budget, free market party.  And even if you got Cheney and Youngkin, you'd still be screwed. Bet on a weak dollar and inflation, and you won't be disappointed.

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3 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

Sorry, but some of this is correct but some is misguided.   The left has just as many as the right.   What would you call BLM or Antifa?  What happened in the summer of love caused , in my opinion, just as much mistrust and suspicion as the extreme “MAGA” crowd.   If what happened in the summer of love continues to go on there won’t be a society left.   

BLM and Antifa are extremest groups. Radicals exist on left and right. Though I’d suggest maga and the radical right are far far far more in number, have proven  they can organize into paramilitary groups, and have a viable presidential candidate that leads them and has implied he would weaponize again.

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7 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

Yep, you are screwed. There is no balance the budget, free market party.  And even if you got Cheney and Youngkin, you'd still be screwed. Bet on a weak dollar and inflation, and you won't be disappointed.

I didn’t understand that, except maybe a market tip and that I’m screwed. Which I agree with 

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1 hour ago, auburnatl1 said:

I didn’t understand that, except maybe a market tip and that I’m screwed. Which I agree with 

Ah, just bitching about the mess the fed's got us into. They have a no win situation. Raise rates and increase the deficit, triggering more inflation. Or interfere in the free market by buying treasuries and keeping rates low which is how they got us into the inflation mess in the first place. There is no fiscally responsible party.  When did investing become "guess what the fed is going to do". It's particularly disturbing when you know some insiders have that information.

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3 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

Ah, just bitching about the mess the fed's got us into. They have a no win situation. Raise rates and increase the deficit, triggering more inflation. Or interfere in the free market by buying treasuries and keeping rates low which is how they got us into the inflation mess in the first place. There is no fiscally responsible party.  When did investing become "guess what the fed is going to do". It's particularly disturbing when you know some insiders have that information.

I agree with you. In reality what’s holding this market together  is demographics. There’s proportionately less millennials  than baby boomers (who are aging out) and even less gen z’s.  So unemployment looks great on paper. The problem is the cost of paying social security for the boomers - there is a day of reckoning coming. Ps because of 30 yrs of Chinas 1 child policy - they’re heading into a much much worse problem

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43 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

Ah, just bitching about the mess the fed's got us into. They have a no win situation. Raise rates and increase the deficit, triggering more inflation. Or interfere in the free market by buying treasuries and keeping rates low which is how they got us into the inflation mess in the first place. There is no fiscally responsible party.  When did investing become "guess what the fed is going to do". It's particularly disturbing when you know some insiders have that information.

The fact that there is no fiscally responsible party is one of the many reasons we saw a rise of the Trump conservative. 

I'm not sure if @auburnatl1 would admit it or not, but the never trumpers and RINO's like himself had their time in power, and they screwed it up so badly they helped create Trump.

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