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Trump threats will only backfire on him — they prove Jack Smith's entire case


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Trump threats will only backfire on him — they prove Jack Smith's entire case

Amanda Marcotte
7–9 minutes

Donald Trump Mario Tama/Getty Images


Donald Trump Mario Tama/Getty Images


Last week, Donald Trump let loose with one of his tantrums disguised as a fundraising appeal on Truth Social, this time claiming that special prosecutor Jack Smith had sent him a letter indicating he's the target of a Justice Department investigation, this time related to Trump's attempted coup that resulted in the insurrection on January 6, 2021. Such letters are often preliminary to indictments. Most legal experts say it's a near-certainty in this case. Recent reporting suggests that Trump will likely face indictments for conspiracy to defraud the government and obstruction of an official proceeding. He may also be charged with conspiracy to deny people their civil rights, utilizing a law first passed to empower federal authorities to deal with the Klu Klux Klan.

Considering that his last round of indictments involved the Espionage Act, it's wild that these potential indictments are even more serious. Most experts believe Smith wouldn't do this if he didn't have the evidence for a conviction, and the possible charges are serious enough to put Trump away for the rest of his life. As the hearings of the House Select Committee on the January 6 attack showed, there's substantial evidence Trump knowingly led a conspiracy, and no doubt the grand jury investigation Smith is leading uncovered more.  All of which suggests Trump's regular meltdowns on social media aren't just fundraising gambits, but sincere displays of panic from a man who has no doubt been long worried if all his criming would eventually catch up to him.

Trump isn't just whining in his usual all-caps style, however. He's also escalating his violent threats, in an impotent bid to scare federal prosecutors into backing down. On Tuesday, Trump gave an interview on an Iowa-based talk show where, mob-style, he issued a "warning" that was actually a threat. When asked about the possibility of going to jail, the former president said, "I think it's a very dangerous thing to even talk about, because we do have a tremendously passionate group of voters, much more passion than they had in 2020 and much more passion than they had in 2016."

Then on Thursday, Trump posted a video on his Truth Social account that was even less subtle. In it, ominous music plays over a shot of Trump's eyes glaring, as his voiceover says, "If you **** around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before."

Probably not great news that Donald Trump is putting horrifying supervillain stuff like this on his TruthSocial account now. pic.twitter.com/ElqmEZt55D

— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) July 20, 2023

On Sunday, he went hard on Truth Social, winding up his supporters with unsubtly violent language. "IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE. WE MUST STOP THESE "MONSTERS" FROM FURTHER DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!" he raved in one post. He also repeatedly reposted threatening memes sent by his often QAnon-drunk followers.


This is part of a larger pattern of Trump trying, with intermittent success, to replicate the events of January 6 by inciting his followers to violence. He posted photos suggesting he'd like to beat District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is prosecuting him for fraud in New York, with a baseball bat. He implicitly celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Branch Davidians' self-immolation in Waco, TX, with a rally that also valorized the January 6 riot. He posted former president Barack Obama's address, which led to a follower allegedly trying to assassinate Obama. He shared information about prosecutors' families, another obvious threat. He posted threatening rhetoric after the feds searched Mar-a-Lago for missing classified documents, which led to one follower dying in an attack on an FBI office.

Trump loves hiding behind his security guards while telling his idiot followers to commit acts of violence for him. He does it more often than most people eat breakfast. This is why legal experts so often pity Trump's defense lawyers, even though they are making a fortune off his campaign donors. This stuff isn't just dangerous and a bad look. It also nukes what was Trump's strongest defense in any January 6 case. No longer can he argue that he wasn't trying to kick off a riot when he told his followers to "march" on the Capitol, and they just did that on their own. Instead, Trump is handing prosecutors a pattern of behavior they can point to.

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Trump's repeated efforts to make another January 6 happen don't just make it harder to argue his innocence in a court of law. It also makes a lot harder for Republicans who, foolishly, are still trying to defend Trump in the court of public opinion. Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., squealed that this is only happening because "Trump went up in the polls." This is the same McCarthy who, in the immediate aftermath of the insurrection, correctly stated that Trump "bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters." Other Republicans followed suit in pretending this is all ridiculous. House Minority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., for instance, complained about a "double standard."

These kinds of B.S. defenses depend on pretending that Trump didn't attempt a coup or incite an insurrection as if it was all just some weird coincidence. Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., offered a good example of how silly this gets, lamely saying on CNN that Trump "should have come out more forcefully" in telling rioters to go home on January 6. The clear implication is that the rioters were just acting on their own accord and Trump's only sin was in moving too slowly in response. In reality, Trump sent those rioters to the Capitol as part of a larger plot to block President Joe Biden's election certification so that a group of fake electors — some of whom are facing charges of their own — could come in and steal the election for him. The "Trump didn't want that riot" play is stupid on its face but becomes even more so every time Trump makes another threat.

Unsubtly begging his followers to use violence to block a legal proceeding is the standard operating procedure for Trump. Sure, it doesn't work most of the time. Mostly, his followers ignore his repeated entreaties that they go to prison in an ineffective bid to keep him out of it. Even when he can get his followers to act out violently, they've so far not achieved their goals, thankfully. Trump keeps returning to the well of violent threats because he's mean and not very bright, so can't accept that his favorite move just isn't working for him. But being bad at terrorism is no defense, especially for someone who keeps trying to instigate political violence.

"Stop saying I'm violent or I'll send people to murder your family" is an unpersuasive argument, of course. That Trump keeps going there, however, is a sign he is as desperate as he is stupid. He knows that he can't win the case on the merits, so his efforts are focused on trying to stop any case from going forward. The good news is that Smith is not going to be intimidated. The man has prosecuted violent gang members and war criminals. A coward like Trump is not going to rattle the nerves of the special prosecutor who has taken him on so forcefully.

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if you read this and still vote for trump you are a piece of trash. i dare any of you across the aisle to read it and say they are still voting for trump. you guys have already ramped up the excuses on why you will "have" to vote for him again.

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

if you read this and still vote for trump you are a piece of trash. i dare any of you across the aisle to read it and say they are still voting for trump. you guys have already ramped up the excuses on why you will "have" to vote for him again.

Well Fifty, we may have to decide on both candidates that has been impeached and one for bribery.  Who you got Fifty?

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

if you read this and still vote for trump you are a piece of trash.

I get your thinking and passion but I would suggest that personally attacking someones politics like this probably just further resolves them. Also you’re minimizing the depressing math many are having to do on the lesser of 2 evils. Biden has train wreaked the border, Afghanistan,  political/ racial/ cultural division (which he said he would improve), epic progressive big gov, ect. Oh, and probably he’s in early dementia.

Candidly I totally agree with the anyone but trump sentiment. But until there’s a viable 3rd party option, I would suggest that this is a tougher, more nightmarish decision than you’re implying.

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Well Fifty, we may have to decide on both candidates that has been impeached and one for bribery.  Who you got Fifty?

i will chose someone who is not trying to burn the country down. tell me who has biden hurt? how many addresses has he given out about families and families of judges has biden released? trump tried to steal the country. i am sorry but for anyone to pretend biden is as bad as trump is not thinking clearly. trump just threatened the country if he goes to prison for his crimes. the man has learned nothing and does not care. also how many years have you guys been after hunter with trumps on people in charge of it as well? this is just party crap as usual. trump did break a bunch of laws so instead of applauding the different law agencies you guys blame them and want revenge. i get it. and if biden is guilty then let the cards fall where they may. but it has to work both ways. you cannot say trump is not guilty when in fact he is with a bunch more coming. again. i like biden. everything he does? no. but unless something drastic happens i will vote for him again. hell i trust harris more than trump. but what kills me is you guys know how crooked he is and how much chaos and bull trump has caused this country and you will still vote for him. and i know most of you hoe he makes it so you can lie to yourself and say you had no choice.

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45 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

if biden is guilty then let the cards fall where they may.

That is why the House will likely bring up an impeachment of Biden.  You insinuate you don’t care about Biden’s miss deeds when you ask “who has he hurt?”  He will be accused of bribery by selling favor to at least one foreign government.  This isn’t the Steele Dossier promoted by Hillary Clinton, this is factual evidence gathered from Hunter Biden’s own laptop.


50 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

you cannot say trump is not guilty

Right now anybody can say Trump is not guilty of anything involving his time as President, because nothing has been proven.  Laughably, the first  impeachment was more of a projection of what Biden will be accused of; a quid pro quo for firing Shokin.


If you remember, when Trump started to investigate Biden’s firing of Shokin, Nancy jumped right in to impeach Trump on some pretty slim accusations.  If the Republicans didn’t take the House we wouldn’t have known about any of this.  Makes you wonder huh?  Whether it is true or not is yet to be seen, but I “don’t think if will end well for Biden” as this is a “bombshell” report that could have the “walls closing in” on the Biden administration.

There are two more indictments expected (classified documents trial has a trial date) to hit Trump; the one in Georgia and the Jan. 6th insurrection.  If Trump is found guilty of any these, I hope it knocks him out and in fact I hope the Republicans vote for someone else in the primaries.  We shall see.

The bottom line is there is nothing more despicable than a politician that sells favors to enhance his own wealth especially to a foreign government.

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34 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

That is why the House will likely bring up an impeachment of Biden.  You insinuate you don’t care about Biden’s miss deeds when you ask “who has he hurt?”  He will be accused of bribery by selling favor to at least one foreign government.  This isn’t the Steele Dossier promoted by Hillary Clinton, this is factual evidence gathered from Hunter Biden’s own laptop.


Right now anybody can say Trump is not guilty of anything involving his time as President, because nothing has been proven.  Laughably, the first  impeachment was more of a projection of what Biden will be accused of; a quid pro quo for firing Shokin.


If you remember, when Trump started to investigate Biden’s firing of Shokin, Nancy jumped right in to impeach Trump on some pretty slim accusations.  If the Republicans didn’t take the House we wouldn’t have known about any of this.  Makes you wonder huh?  Whether it is true or not is yet to be seen, but I “don’t think if will end well for Biden” as this is a “bombshell” report that could have the “walls closing in” on the Biden administration.

There are two more indictments expected (classified documents trial has a trial date) to hit Trump; the one in Georgia and the Jan. 6th insurrection.  If Trump is found guilty of any these, I hope it knocks him out and in fact I hope the Republicans vote for someone else in the primaries.  We shall see.

The bottom line is there is nothing more despicable than a politician that sells favors to enhance his own wealth especially to a foreign government.

you overlook so many things.did biden have his charity shut down for stealing from vets and children with cancer? why yes he did. it is not just breaking the law it is the laws he breaks iam and you i guess do not get that. releasing obama's address knowing some crazy would show up? putting federaljudges families addresses and names out there? i will give him credit he did not get us in any wars but with his temper i think we got lucky. i mean this guy and hi staff actually discussed gunning down anyone that tries to sneak across the border. but you keep thinking biden is evil.........

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5 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

you overlook so many things.did biden have his charity shut down for stealing from vets and children with cancer? why yes he did. it is not just breaking the law it is the laws he breaks iam and you i guess do not get that. releasing obama's address knowing some crazy would show up? putting federaljudges families addresses and names out there? i will give him credit he did not get us in any wars but with his temper i think we got lucky. i mean this guy and hi staff actually discussed gunning down anyone that tries to sneak across the border. but you keep thinking biden is evil.........

Do you ever have a link to any of your accusations?  And Biden is evil, IMO

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12 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do you ever have a link to any of your accusations?  And Biden is evil, IMO

see? i have posted the vets and childrens cancer articles at least twice on here. damn near his whole cabinet has been arrested and jailed o sent to prison and yet you think trump is innocent? lol  you guys have ignored every single bad thing he has done and YOU and others like you i feel are killing this country. you and i can cuss and fuss and raise hell but at the end of the day i am not going to get bad and put your family in danger. or you. see how that works? biden has never done that. and yall harping on hunter and the ukies but your boy trump was blackmailing them to turnover goods or get no monies already approved.

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23 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

If you read this and still vote for trump you are a piece of trash. i dare any of you across the aisle to read it and say they are still voting for trump.

Another ridiculous hit piece from the loony lefties at yahoo.com. Read it? If a voter doesn't believe it it won't affect his voting decision one way or the other. I don't believe it, therefore if the worst happens and we end up with a choice between Biden and Trump, I'll certainly vote for Trump.

I suspect by November of 2024 neither Bungling Biden nor Trump will be on the ballot.

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13 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Another ridiculous hit piece from the loony lefties at yahoo.com. Read it? If a voter doesn't believe it it won't affect his voting decision one way or the other. I don't believe it, therefore if the worst happens and we end up with a choice between Biden and Trump, I'll certainly vote for Trump.

I suspect by November of 2024 neither Bungling Biden nor Trump will be on the ballot.

Here's to hoping that. But if they are, and RFK isn't running third party, I'll vote for Trump. There, I said it. And the biggest reason is Fifty. I just want him to know that.

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2 hours ago, KansasTiger said:

Here's to hoping that. But if they are, and RFK isn't running third party, I'll vote for Trump. There, I said it. And the biggest reason is Fifty. I just want him to know that.

boo hoo  suck it up buttecop

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6 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

boo hoo  suck it up buttecop

Hey, I'm not the one posting biased articles and demanding people don't vote for a particular candidate otherwise they are trash. Sounds like someone else needs to suck it up.

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The violent obvious truth is that unless youre in purple swing state - who someone is voting for is at best mildly interesting.  Sad.

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21 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

The violent obvious truth is that unless youre in purple swing state - who someone is voting for is at best mildly interesting.  Sad.

What is this chart supposed to show?   There is no explanation.  

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3 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

What is this chart supposed to show?   There is no explanation.  

Looks like it is just highlighting the swing states and the color indicates how many electoral votes each state receives.

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3 minutes ago, arein0 said:

Looks like it is just highlighting the swing states and the color indicates how many electoral votes each state receives.

That’s part of it, but why different colors and what do they mean?  There is a color code but no explanation.  I just don’t want to guess.

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19 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

That’s part of it, but why different colors and what do they mean?  There is a color code but no explanation.  I just don’t want to guess.

The states with color are the swing states. The different colors try to highlight the most important swing states. The darker the blue, the more votes they get.

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11 minutes ago, arein0 said:

The states with color are the swing states. The different colors try to highlight the most important swing states. The darker the blue, the more votes they get.

Yes. Ps Just search for 2024 swing states.  Hundreds of charts and graphs - all saying it comes down to a very limited number of states.

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4 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

Yes. Ps Just search for 2024 swing states.  Hundreds of charts and graphs - all saying it comes down to a very limited number of states.

Would it have killed you to put an explanation in the original post?  Do you really consider Florida a swing state?  It was last presidential election, I don’t think it is now.  This is not shocking news, it will come down to swing states and independent voters in those states.

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34 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Would it have killed you to put an explanation in the original post?  Do you really consider Florida a swing state?  It was last presidential election, I don’t think it is now.  This is not shocking news, it will come down to swing states and independent voters in those states.

Didn’t say it was earth shattering. Thanks for the … coaching.

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Just now, auburnatl1 said:


Didn’t say it was earth shattering. Thanks for the coaching.

No problem.

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2 hours ago, KansasTiger said:

Hey, I'm not the one posting biased articles and demanding people don't vote for a particular candidate otherwise they are trash. Sounds like someone else needs to suck it up.

well you tracked me down to get sh*tty so pot meet kettle. you are not what you pretend....

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