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Why Am I not Suprised?


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I'm really curious. Year after year, case after case after case, we have conservatives and especially the ones spouting religion caught up in child pornography, child sexual assault, child abuse. Yet the extremists are ranting with zero evidence about how Democrats are trafficking and grooming and abusing children. Why do people accept that?

This is the tactic of Trump and all criminals -- if you blame others first for a wrongdoing/crime and pound it into the public mind, when YOU do it, it will be passed off as the other innocent ones attacking the "holy ones."

Having worked in the field of child abuse for 20 years, I have never once encountered a "liberal" or a LGBTQ+ person assaulting or grooming or enticing a child. But I have encountered endless cases in the news and the scholarly research literature, in the hundreds, maybe thousands, of conservative, religious, self-righteous, adamant extreme right people, who assault, groom, molest, sodomize, and traffic children. The research and the news are incontrovertible evidence. Yet the "true believers" refuse to process, accept or believe the truth.

The latest example from Alabama. He is not an isolated exception. He just another in the endless list.



Edited by AURex
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On cue, an automatic right wingnut "what aboutism" that has absolutely nothing to do with the original post. hahaha



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