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Marjorie Taylor Greene Shows Photos Of Naked Hunter Biden At IRS Whistleblower Hearing


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1 hour ago, NolaAuTiger said:

What about the guy (Hunter Biden) who recorded himself having sex with prostitutes and then paid the prostitutes with funds written off as tax deductible business expenses?

How would anyone know what money he used to pay the prostitutes? 

The point is that pulling that stunt does nothing but discredit even further any claims that were supposedly being investigated.  It was totally irrelevant to what the hearing was supposed to be about. 

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2 hours ago, NolaAuTiger said:

What about the guy (Hunter Biden) who recorded himself having sex with prostitutes and then paid the prostitutes with funds written off as tax deductible business expenses?

yeah, he's crazy too.

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6 hours ago, NolaAuTiger said:

What about the guy (Hunter Biden) who recorded himself having sex with prostitutes and then paid the prostitutes with funds written off as tax deductible business expenses?

He’s not an elected official. He’s a train wreck of a person. She’s a member of congress and should at least try to act like an adult. 

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8 hours ago, AUDub said:

Kids should learn about sex the normal way, like stumbling upon pornography without context.

(Hustler magazine circa 1999 lol)

Much better than an *admiral* shoving an ideology down their throats just to justify the *admiral’s*  choice in life when the child is 6 years old.  Is this what you are agreeing is sex education?

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8 hours ago, AU9377 said:

You are bought in hook line and sinker.  You can't actually believe that nonsense.

Do you believe gender identity is NOT being taught in grade school from K-3?  Is gender ideology now normal that you believe should be part of sex education in public schools at any age?  Is it the government’s responsibility to educate children or confuse children?

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do you believe gender identity is NOT being taught in grade school from K-3?  Is gender ideology now normal that you believe should be part of sex education in public schools at any age?  Is it the government’s responsibility to educate children or confuse children?

Is gender ideology just explaining to children some people prefer different pronouns?

I haven’t looked into it but if it doesn’t go beyond that then I have no problem with it.

Hell man, we were snotty little third and fourth graders grabbing the encyclopedias in the classrooms when the teacher was out and looking up stuff kids definitely shouldn’t be looking up. Im pretty sure one kid tried to steal the “S” encyclopedia at one point.

This was before smart phones existed around 2001-03. 

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9 minutes ago, Didba said:

Is gender ideology just explaining to children some people prefer different pronouns?

I haven’t looked into it but if it doesn’t go beyond that then I have no problem with it.

Hell man, we were snotty little third and fourth graders grabbing the encyclopedias in the classrooms when the teacher was out and looking up stuff kids definitely shouldn’t be looking up. Im pretty sure one kid tried to steal the “S” encyclopedia at one point.

This was before smart phones existed around 2001-03. 

think about this didba. iam is worried enough about kids might wanting to cross dress when he could care less about kids getting murdered in school while trying to get an education. that little girl with her face blow off still haunts me. i was accused of making it political when i wanted folks to see the havoc their choices make. i do speak out for that little girl. no more barbie. no sweet sixteen birthday. no senior prom. all because grown ups want to play with weapons that were banned in this country once..........

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1 minute ago, aubiefifty said:

think about this didba. iam is worried enough about kids might wanting to cross dress when he could care less about kids getting murdered in school while trying to get an education. that little girl with her face blow off still haunts me. i was accused of making it political when i wanted folks to see the havoc their choices make. i do speak out for that little girl. no more barbie. no sweet sixteen birthday. no senior prom. all because grown ups want to play with weapons that were banned in this country once..........

It’s not ideal. 

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2 minutes ago, Didba said:

It’s not ideal. 

maybe i am too hardline. folks will keep letting kids and folks get shotdown if it means they can keep their assault weapons............i go between mad and sad. time to go play some elder scrolls. sorry to disturb you.

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8 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

maybe i am too hardline. folks will keep letting kids and folks get shotdown if it means they can keep their assault weapons............i go between mad and sad. time to go play some elder scrolls. sorry to disturb you.

You didn’t disturb me, bud, my comment was laced with sarcasm. I agree with your original point. 

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2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do you believe gender identity is NOT being taught in grade school from K-3?  Is gender ideology now normal that you believe should be part of sex education in public schools at any age?  Is it the government’s responsibility to educate children or confuse children?

In 99% of k-3 classrooms I am certain the topic is the last thing that any teacher wants to dive into.  You may find some outlier and then exploit that outlier in order to portray this as a national emergency, but the topic is not on the syllabus at the vast vast majority of schools.  Does that mean that if a kid has 2 dads or 2 moms and a child asks the teacher why that they can't explain that to them?  That is another topic, but that isn't teaching gender identity.  That is teaching respect for others.

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4 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do you believe gender identity is NOT being taught in grade school from K-3?  Is gender ideology now normal that you believe should be part of sex education in public schools at any age?  Is it the government’s responsibility to educate children or confuse children?

Teaching children not to hate, not to bully is necessary. 

You are the one who is "confused".   Please, stop being hateful.  Stop spreading hate, prejudice, lies.

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2 hours ago, Didba said:

Is gender ideology just explaining to children some people prefer different pronouns?

I haven’t looked into it but if it doesn’t go beyond that then I have no problem with it.

Hell man, we were snotty little third and fourth graders grabbing the encyclopedias in the classrooms when the teacher was out and looking up stuff kids definitely shouldn’t be looking up. Im pretty sure one kid tried to steal the “S” encyclopedia at one point.

This was before smart phones existed around 2001-03. 

Let me try to break it down for you.  Dr. Rachel Levine is an activist that has been confirmed as the Assistant Secretary of Health.  During the Admiral’s confirmation hearing she was asked about puberty blockers for minors as well as *gender affirming* surgeries for minors.  Dr Rand Paul had some probative questions the Admiral refused to answer:

The Admiral was confirmed and in March of 2021 Biden started with his EOs that the education system should teach gender identity as a way to combat bullying.  There are other ways of combating bullying other than teaching gender identity.  One could even combat bullying by explaining why some parents have two moms or two dads without a talk about sex.  So the guise of teaching gender identity was and is a false flag.  When was the last time we taught the whole population a subject that only affects less than one percent of that population and treats it as normal?

Even before the Admiral was appointed, gender had become a social contagion as Dr Paul had pointed out in the above video.  Instead of combating this social contagion the government started teaching it to K-12 and, I believe, 20% of Gen Zers believe they are LBGTQ even before the Biden administration has the backs of LGBTQsjfjfoj kids.

If the teachers were to just confine their teachings to mentioning gender identity the subject would still morph into something that we have now.  Kids look up to people of authority and by nature that should be their parents.  When a parent hands their children over to the school system the person of authority, for the period of time they are in school, are the teacher.  The teachers have great influence over these kids, especially in the K-3 grade levels.  The seeds are being planted in these kids minds, whether true or not, as to how they well treat the world as they grow.  More tolerance is a good thing, not being able to distinguish between right and wrong because of being taught an ideology is not a good thing. A lot kids being abducted by pedophiles present themselves as a trusted authority figure.

In the Paul Rand video, the Admiral refused to answer the questions about puberty blockers and *gender affirming* surgeries for minors.  The Admiral is not so shy now.


Who among us knows if they are going through the wrong puberty unless someone tells us they are going through the wrong puberty?  The Admiral is disingenuous at best and a manipulative activist at worst.  By the way, the Admiral went through the transformation when he was 42 after fathering 2 children and promotes sterilizing children.  Dr. Rand Paul was right when he cited 80% of gender dysphoric children will grow out of the dysphoria by the time they go through puberty.  So why the rush.  Can you explain, no one on this board has cared to reply.  


The argument to teach gender identity is flawed.  It falls apart if people take the time to dive through it’s inconsistencies.

Parents are revolting from Virginia (Loudoun County) to California.  They realize appeasing a child is not the way to show them the way to adulthood.

It is interesting that when I ask people on this board if they approve of gender affirming care for minors no one has an opinion.  Do you approve of removing healthy body parts of minors that believe they are of the opposite sex?  Is it possible to change your sex and be a fully functional person of that sex?  Or is it just plastic surgery to appropriate the look of the opposite sex?

Hope this helps explain my position.  Fire away.


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12 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Teaching children not to hate, not to bully is necessary. 

You are the one who is "confused".   Please, stop being hateful.  Stop spreading hate, prejudice, lies.

Is it possible to teach children not to hate without bring up gender identity?

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9 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Is it possible to teach children not to hate without bring up gender identity?

Not when parents are teaching hate based on non conformity to gender norms.


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13 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Not when parents are teaching hate based on non conformity to gender norms.


I wonder when that started?  Are we to all conform to an ideology that is ridiculous on its face?  Or is resistance appropriate?

ETA: hate an emotion and is not specific to any gender identity, therefore to teach tolerance no specific subject is required.

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41 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Let me try to break it down for you.  Dr. Rachel Levine is an activist that has been confirmed as the Assistant Secretary of Health.  During the Admiral’s confirmation hearing she was asked about puberty blockers for minors as well as *gender affirming* surgeries for minors.  Dr Rand Paul had some probative questions the Admiral refused to answer:

The Admiral was confirmed and in March of 2021 Biden started with his EOs that the education system should teach gender identity as a way to combat bullying.  There are other ways of combating bullying other than teaching gender identity.  One could even combat bullying by explaining why some parents have two moms or two dads without a talk about sex.  So the guise of teaching gender identity was and is a false flag.  When was the last time we taught the whole population a subject that only affects less than one percent of that population and treats it as normal?

Even before the Admiral was appointed, gender had become a social contagion as Dr Paul had pointed out in the above video.  Instead of combating this social contagion the government started teaching it to K-12 and, I believe, 20% of Gen Zers believe they are LBGTQ even before the Biden administration has the backs of LGBTQsjfjfoj kids.

If the teachers were to just confine their teachings to mentioning gender identity the subject would still morph into something that we have now.  Kids look up to people of authority and by nature that should be their parents.  When a parent hands their children over to the school system the person of authority, for the period of time they are in school, are the teacher.  The teachers have great influence over these kids, especially in the K-3 grade levels.  The seeds are being planted in these kids minds, whether true or not, as to how they well treat the world as they grow.  More tolerance is a good thing, not being able to distinguish between right and wrong because of being taught an ideology is not a good thing. A lot kids being abducted by pedophiles present themselves as a trusted authority figure.

In the Paul Rand video, the Admiral refused to answer the questions about puberty blockers and *gender affirming* surgeries for minors.  The Admiral is not so shy now.


Who among us knows if they are going through the wrong puberty unless someone tells us they are going through the wrong puberty?  The Admiral is disingenuous at best and a manipulative activist at worst.  By the way, the Admiral went through the transformation when he was 42 after fathering 2 children and promotes sterilizing children.  Dr. Rand Paul was right when he cited 80% of gender dysphoric children will grow out of the dysphoria by the time they go through puberty.  So why the rush.  Can you explain, no one on this board has cared to reply.  


The argument to teach gender identity is flawed.  It falls apart if people take the time to dive through it’s inconsistencies.

Parents are revolting from Virginia (Loudoun County) to California.  They realize appeasing a child is not the way to show them the way to adulthood.

It is interesting that when I ask people on this board if they approve of gender affirming care for minors no one has an opinion.  Do you approve of removing healthy body parts of minors that believe they are of the opposite sex?  Is it possible to change your sex and be a fully functional person of that sex?  Or is it just plastic surgery to appropriate the look of the opposite sex?

Hope this helps explain my position.  Fire away.


Sure does, thanks. Also, in the future, save your time by not citing Rand Paul, I just gloss over anything he says out of habit lol, no harm no foul, just letting you know. 

It's like if I cited Hillary Clinton to you, ya know?

Edited by Didba
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12 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

I wonder when that started?  Are we to all conform to an ideology that is ridiculous on its face?  Or is resistance appropriate?

It is not prima facie ridiculous to many people. It might be to you but that is just your opinion and no you don't' have to conform. I just wish more people would go "does this affect me personally? no. Okay, let them do as they please. Not my business."

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12 minutes ago, Didba said:

It is not prima facie ridiculous to many people. It might be to you but that is just your opinion and no you don't' have to conform. I just wish more people would go "does this affect me personally? no. Okay, let them do as they please. Not my business."

Which is understandable…..until it does affect you.  That’s how this gender ideology has gotten so big, by people ignoring it because it didn’t affect them personally. The concept is insane.

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51 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Not when parents are teaching hate based on non conformity to gender norms.


Just curious…what is gender norms?

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4 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

Just curious…what is gender norms?

I would think male/female is gender norm. I guess ITCHY feels you are teaching young kids to hate if you do like teachers explain that a boy can be a girl. I get confused on sex vs gender. Did not seem so complicated in my early years.

My older brother was in the Brookwood hospital for Afib a few weeks ago. On check in they asked him if he identified as male or female. He got a bit loud with questioner. Crazy world.


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9 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do you believe gender identity is NOT being taught in grade school from K-3

It’s not being taught in the schools I attended in north Alabama or where I currently live in Hamilton County, Tennessee. I’ve also checked in with some colleagues from other parts of the country and it doesn’t seem to be happening there either. At least not in the dramatic context being presented. I can’t speak for all states or localities. Once again we’re being whipped into a frenzy about stuff that’s either not true or greatly exaggerated. 

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22 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

Once again we’re being whipped into a frenzy about stuff that’s either not true or greatly exaggerated. 

Agree. They’re elementary school teachers for goodness sakes. Half or more are moms.  There isn’t a secret school council scheming away. Theyre just trying to figure out how to get school supplies and be paid more.

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 Somebody is saving them to their desktop. ;D

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On 7/20/2023 at 12:07 PM, AuCivilEng1 said:

Gotta be illegal to distribute pornography of someone who didn't consent. I wonder what the MAGA crowd would do if Jaime Raskin put on display sex images of Ivanka Trump during a congressional hearing?

Ivanka? Post a few. 

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