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‘A deranged ploy’: how Republicans are fueling the disinformation wars


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17 hours ago, AU9377 said:

Misinformation, at its core, is the fault of the American public that is so eager to buy self affirming nonsense that many are so willing to sell.  That is different from opinion driven programming.  I have no issue with people looking at the same set of facts and concluding different paths as being the best way to proceed.  The danger comes about when some entity, like Fox, reports something like an election being stolen, although they knew that nothing of the sort had occurred.  That kind of purposeful misrepresentation is powerful enough to destroy everything.

Yes. Truth from 77. 
Self affirming nonsense being sold to confused people. What is my gender (today)?
MSM trumpeting Russian collusion story when they knew it was false. As did the three letter agencies. 
Mask mandates, vaccine mandates, effectiveness of social distancing.
Glad you are coming around.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

words count and they always have. racist violence has gone up since trump first started running and here we are. hate speech is not free  speech and it it gets people hurt and or killed. this is fact so i will not agree with what you said. dog whistles and misimformation {gas Lighting} get people killed all the time. remember iraq? we lost what almost sixty thousand and it was over a damn lie.go look at the civilian deaths for that was as well and tell me we should allow anything to be said anywhere. do not tell me or lecture me about freedom. i served my country with honor. you cannot gewt careless with words and claim they mean something. and you have a lot of nerve with whacko's like greene who have absolutely no business in politics period. it is a changing world. you guys claim freedom of speech but your side has started the anti woke bull**** which means you guys are lying about this countries past. so which is it kansas? if the truth means so much why is your party destroying it? i tried to slide by a few days to get a break and you guys one as well but it is not working out very well so it is on you. and your party is now using misinformation on a scale not seen in forever to pass on line and hurt people with stupid stuff.

I like you fifty, and I didnt have an attacking tone in my initial response. I just thought the article was garbage. But you seem to have taken it personally.

So racist violence didn't go up with Obama? Or were all those race riots not violence because of the color of their skin? With the left redefining what racist talk is every few months, no I'm not comfortable with giving the govt carte blanche ability to determine what my speech is then censor it. You can't blanket blame trump for things and not biden, since I assume you think he and his policies have nothing to do with with the transgender boom in adolescence in this country. I served this country too, so congrats.

Let's talk about Iraq. That was indeed misinformation, but by who? The government? The CIA? Is the CIA aligned with a party only when the GOP is in power, or all the time. Can't be both. Or more likely, the CIA is one of the real power brokers that push policy and action, but that's a different discussion.

The left has as many wacko's as the right. Unless AOC, Omar, Maxine waters calling for violence against GOP reps, and Tlaib are all just sane in your book.

I. Don't. Have. A. Party. Thats because I recognize the issues with both. However, you have a hard time seeing the problems in the liberals, and all the ones in the GOP.

The point is, neither of these parties should have the door opened so they can censor speech. They would both abuse it.


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48 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

Yes. Truth from 77. 
Self affirming nonsense being sold to confused people. What is my gender (today)?
MSM trumpeting Russian collusion story when they knew it was false. As did the three letter agencies. 
Mask mandates, vaccine mandates, effectiveness of social distancing.
Glad you are coming around.

If someone only watched that poison, those would be the only topics important in America today. 

At what point do YOU ALL stop going on and on about Russian collusion?  You clearly don't recognize the entire impeachment trial that took place after that was long concluded.  The same impeachment trial that proved beyond any doubt that the man was guilty as hell of what he was charged with doing.

As for the Covid matters, you can trust your Youtube experts and I will trust the CDC and the NIH, in addition to the medical professionals in my family and network of friends.  The things you mention really aren't controversial to them at all.


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6 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

If someone only watched that poison, those would be the only topics important in America today. 

At what point do YOU ALL stop going on and on about Russian collusion?  You clearly don't recognize the entire impeachment trial that took place after that was long concluded.  The same impeachment trial that proved beyond any doubt that the man was guilty as hell of what he was charged with doing.

As for the Covid matters, you can trust your Youtube experts and I will trust the CDC and the NIH, in addition to the medical professionals in my family and network of friends.  The things you mention really aren't controversial to them at all.


I don't understand the Russian exoneration nonsense. There have been multiple Trump  campaign aides who pled guilty and are convicted of the thing that Mueller was investigating. Just because Trump feels exonerated, doesn't mean that he is. Mueller was very explicit to not exonerate him. 

The covid deniers are slapping every person who lost a loved one in the face. It's disgusting. The government came up with ways to attempt to slow down the spread of the virus, because there was nothing that could stop it and hundred of people were getting it and getting sick every day. The people who b*tched about the masks non stop obviously have no regard for the health and safety of their fellow citizens. But we knew that. They act like every other country in the world wasn't doing the exact same things to stop the spread. Its all the American Democtratic party's fault. 

I recall seeing Donald Trump walk around wearing a mask on numerous occasions. And oh look. Anti woke Ron wore a mask as well.



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5 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

I don't understand the Russian exoneration nonsense. There have been multiple Trump  campaign aides who pled guilty and are convicted of the thing that Mueller was investigating. Just because Trump feels exonerated, doesn't mean that he is. Mueller was very explicit to not exonerate him. 

The covid deniers are slapping every person who lost a loved one in the face. It's disgusting. The government came up with ways to attempt to slow down the spread of the virus, because there was nothing that could stop it and hundred of people were getting it and getting sick every day. The people who b*tched about the masks non stop obviously have no regard for the health and safety of their fellow citizens. But we knew that. They act like every other country in the world wasn't doing the exact same things to stop the spread. Its all the American Democtratic party's fault. 

I recall seeing Donald Trump walk around wearing a mask on numerous occasions. And oh look. Anti woke Ron wore a mask as well.




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10 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

I don't understand the Russian exoneration nonsense. There have been multiple Trump  campaign aides who pled guilty and are convicted of the thing that Mueller was investigating. Just because Trump feels exonerated, doesn't mean that he is. Mueller was very explicit to not exonerate him. 

The covid deniers are slapping every person who lost a loved one in the face. It's disgusting. The government came up with ways to attempt to slow down the spread of the virus, because there was nothing that could stop it and hundred of people were getting it and getting sick every day. The people who b*tched about the masks non stop obviously have no regard for the health and safety of their fellow citizens. But we knew that. They act like every other country in the world wasn't doing the exact same things to stop the spread. Its all the American Democtratic party's fault. 

I recall seeing Donald Trump walk around wearing a mask on numerous occasions. And oh look. Anti woke Ron wore a mask as well.



Ok. I think ive had it with your two faced delivery here. Im personally attacking you yesterday and i apologize, but now you say people with COVID doubts are disgusting and slapping people in the face that lost loved ones and have no regard for health and safety. Ive seen you do this a few times now. Demand decency then the next day dole out vitriol on people you dont agree with because you feel morally justified.

Masks didnt help. Get over it:


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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

you do not get the right to tell me what i can or cannot say. i have made this clear. quit crying about trump and man up you bought his bull sink,line, and hooker. trump is running and is fair game.YOU are not supposed to like it. you got really sh*tty taking up for trump in the past. you are one i do remember well. so you can iggie me or you can make your peace with it. i will rub your face in it and maybe you guys might learn something. you guys were thrilled when he was touting his hit em again and lock them up stuff. this is the part that never goes away in a decent america. he mad fun of a handicapped reporter and you guys lied about that. so i will continue to do me and you do you. but you never get to tell me what i can and cannot discuss on here.

You must not have hit the bong yet white 50 cent.   No one told you that you can’t post.  It was a suggestion and I knew would fall on deaf ears.   You literally deranged over the guy.   
I guess that you probably believe that HC is squeaky clean and has no shady past?   That’s pretty rich if you think that.   Making fun of a handicapped reporter?   It’s called a joke my man.   Poor taste, absolutely!   Not something befitting of a presidential candidate, but I didn’t say it.   You act like everyone that voted for the guy agrees with everything he does.   You are a complete fool if you do.  What you fail to understand is that someone can vote for the guy, but not have to agree with everything the guy does.   
Also, you responded to something that I didn’t even say and didn’t respond to the other things mentioned.   That lets everyone know exactly that you are a deranged person.   

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45 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

Ok. I think ive had it with your two faced delivery here. Im personally attacking you yesterday and i apologize, but now you say people with COVID doubts are disgusting and slapping people in the face that lost loved ones and have no regard for health and safety. Ive seen you do this a few times now. Demand decency then the next day dole out vitriol on people you dont agree with because you feel morally justified.

Masks didnt help. Get over it:


I didn’t say people with covid doubts are disgusting. I I said covid denying is disgusting. And I stand by it. Distrusting the accuracy of the media is one thing. But calling the virus a hoax and denying its severity absolutely is a slap in the face to the victims. 

I guess I should just take the high road and be kind to the crowd that casually calls the left abusers, groomers, and pedo’s, though. So not to offend them.

Whether masks helped or not is not the point. People encouraged you to wear a mask during a pandemic and you found out they didn’t work as well. Boo hoo. That doesn’t invalidate the severity of the virus. 

“The meteorologist said that you should take shelter in your basement and I know a guy who got killed by a tornado in his basement” “So now I can’t trust meteorologists anymore, because they are part of a conspiracy to keep people in their basements”

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55 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

I didn’t say people with covid doubts are disgusting. I I said covid denying is disgusting. And I stand by it. Distrusting the accuracy of the media is one thing. But calling the virus a hoax and denying its severity absolutely is a slap in the face to the victims. 

I guess I should just take the high road and be kind to the crowd that casually calls the left abusers, groomers, and pedo’s, though. So not to offend them.

Whether masks helped or not is not the point. People encouraged you to wear a mask during a pandemic and you found out they didn’t work as well. Boo hoo. That doesn’t invalidate the severity of the virus. 

“The meteorologist said that you should take shelter in your basement and I know a guy who got killed by a tornado in his basement” “So now I can’t trust meteorologists anymore, because they are part of a conspiracy to keep people in their basements”

Right. You feel morally justified. Its ok. I'll just remember next time you cry for decency that maybe the person debating you felt morally justified as well. COVID wasn't as severe as they said. That's a fact. Guess I'm a disgusting denier now.

What a terrible analogy. When the meteorologist starts restricting me from buying specific things at the store but not other things, closing my local stores/restaurants and putting them out of business, closing my school and my church, disbanding my constitutional right to assembly, all while using data that has been found to be exaggerated and fabricated, maybe I'll give him the same scrutiny. 

Liberal stalwart Dr. Leanna Wen on overcounting of COVID deaths 2.5 years late:


Gov Whitmer admitting her random covid restrictions made no sense:


Multiple studies that show lockdowns didnt make a difference.



This on top of the link I already gave you that masks don't work, and the govt doesn't get to tell me what to wear, especially since we started finding out halfway through the pandemic the masks weren't helping but were called crazy conspiracy theorists with misinformation.

So yeah, if the meteorologist used manipulated, fabricated, or unsubstantiated data to restrict or remove my rights, I'd push back against him too. Covid was real, it wasn't as bad as people thought, and it didn't justify the reaction it created. It was all misinformation from the beginning.

Edit: forgot to mention if the meteorologist also mandated that I inject myself with an experimental barely tested vaccine or be fired. Yeah...this analogy is falling apart. 

Edited by KansasTiger
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38 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

Right. You feel morally justified. Its ok. I'll just remember next time you cry for decency that maybe the person debating you felt morally justified as well. COVID wasn't as severe as they said. That's a fact. Guess I'm a disgusting denier now.

What a terrible analogy. When the meteorologist starts restricting me from buying specific things at the store but not other things, closing my local stores/restaurants and putting them out of business, closing my school and my church, disbanding my constitutional right to assembly, all while using data that has been found to be exaggerated and fabricated, maybe I'll give him the same scrutiny. 

Liberal stalwart Dr. Leanna Wen on overcounting of COVID deaths 2.5 years late:


Gov Whitmer admitting her random covid restrictions made no sense:


Multiple studies that show lockdowns didnt make a difference.



This on top of the link I already gave you that masks don't work, and the govt doesn't get to tell me what to wear, especially since we started finding out halfway through the pandemic the masks weren't helping but were called crazy conspiracy theorists with misinformation.

So yeah, if the meteorologist used manipulated, fabricated, or unsubstantiated data to restrict or remove my rights, I'd push back against him too. Covid was real, it wasn't as bad as people thought, and it didn't justify the reaction it created. It was all misinformation from the beginning.

Edit: forgot to mention if the meteorologist also mandated that I inject myself with an experimental barely tested vaccine or be fired. Yeah...this analogy is falling apart. 

Sounds like you’re a denier and I struck a nerve. But hey at least I didn’t call you a child abuser or groomer. 

As far as the other stuff, going down the rabbit hole of debating the severity of covid is going to end up being a waste of both our times. You probably agree. 

Sorry I used the word disgusting. 

Now that I’ve apologized you have to forgive what I said and be nice to me and everyone who you disagree with. Rules is rules. 

Have a nice day. WDE!

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2 hours ago, AU9377 said:

I will trust the CDC and the NIH, in addition to the medical professionals in my family and network of friends.

The CDC has issued guidelines for transgender women to breast feed.  Here is some pushback from a Senator:

“As a physician who has delivered over 5,000 babies and encouraged every mom to breastfeed, it is evident the CDC has placed politics and its social agenda ahead of science and the health of newborns,” Senator Marshall said. “In my opinion, the CDC has lost all credibility and is in direct conflict with the FDA for marketing a non-FDA approved drug. A biological male filled with hormones and a concoction of other drugs that have not been studied that could harm a baby should NEVER be encouraged. When will the Woke Left wake up and realize what they are doing to our country?”

The CDC fails to acknowledge the safety concerns and risks to the infant due to ‘chestfeeding’ and the chemicals and hormones required for the ‘gender reassignment’ surgeries that can be catastrophic when passed on to newborns. 

“This guidance is irresponsible from this federal agency and defies science and safety,” Senator Marshall said.“In order to enhance lactation, the CDC is encouraging these individuals to use Domperidone, a risky drug not legally approved or sold in the U.S. This dangerous medication has serious side effects that could pose life-threatening complications for adults and more so the infant. None of this has been thoroughly studied, but we know that when you start mixing drugs, the risk of the drugs impacting the newborn baby increases exponentially. How can this possibly be considered a good idea, let alone safe for the baby?”


The man was a doctor and has some knowledge.  Does your family and network of friends agree with everything the CDC puts out?

How about the NIH?  They certainly are not being political about this; are they?


Introduction: Induction of lactation in a non-gestational parent has numerous potential benefits including parent-child bonding, optimal nutrition, and health benefits to the child and breast- or chest-feeding parent. For transgender women and nonbinary people on estrogen-based, gender-affirming hormone therapy, the ability to nourish their infants through production of their own milk may also be a profoundly gender-affirming experience. Two prior case studies have been published describing induced lactation in transgender women, but analysis of the nutritional quality of the milk produced has not been previously described.

Main issue: Here we describe the experience of a transgender woman who underwent successful induction of lactation in order to breastfeed her infant, who was gestated by her partner.

Management: Through modification of exogenous hormone therapy, use of domperidone as a galactogogue, breast pumping, and ultimately direct breastfeeding, the participant was able to co-feed her infant for the first 4 months of life. We provide a detailed description and timeline of the medications used, laboratory and electrocardiographic measurements, results of the participant's milk analysis showing robust macronutrient content, and description of the participant's experience in her own words.

Conclusion: These findings provide reassurance about the adequacy of nutrition from human milk produced by non-gestational transgender female and nonbinary parents on estrogen-based, gender-affirming hormone therapy, and support the importance of this experience on a personal level.


Does this sound responsible to you and your network of friends in the medical field?

I know it is a different subject from COVID, but if these institutions are so easily swayed by the social construct when do you believe they are telling you straight up?

Someone had an analogy of a weather man telling you about restricting your life because of a possible weather threat.  When was the last time you relied on a weather man to be accurate other than the temperature?  What most people do is listen to the weather man telling you it’s going to rain and then look outside for conformation.  It’s all based on your observance, trust but verify.  

Even the weather guy is pushing climate change and he/she is only looking at thing day to day.

You scoff at people with common sense.  You should try some.


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1 hour ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Sounds like you’re a denier and I struck a nerve. But hey at least I didn’t call you a child abuser or groomer. 

As far as the other stuff, going down the rabbit hole of debating the severity of covid is going to end up being a waste of both our times. You probably agree. 

Sorry I used the word disgusting. 

Now that I’ve apologized you have to forgive what I said and be nice to me and everyone who you disagree with. Rules is rules. 

Have a nice day. WDE!

Oh stop. Now you just sound like someone who lost an argument, tried to elicit an emotional response, and then bailed faster than I can say 'Prosecute Fauci'. 

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Just now, KansasTiger said:

Oh stop. Now you just sound like someone who lost an argument, tried to elicit an emotional response, and then bailed faster than I can say 'Prosecute Fauci'. 

Lol. Ok you win, brother. Covid was a hoax specifically designed to bring down Donald Trump and make everyone wear masks and get poison computer chips. 

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Just now, AuCivilEng1 said:

Lol. Ok you win, brother. Covid was a hoax specifically designed to bring down Donald Trump and make everyone wear masks and get poison computer chips. 

Poison nanobots. It's all apart of the transhumanist movement. I have detailed reports...

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Just now, KansasTiger said:

Poison nanobots. It's all apart of the transhumanist movement. I have detailed reports...

I'm sure you do, big dog. 

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3 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

I'm sure you do, big dog. 

I was joking. Trying to lighten the mood despite your insults. Anyway...Have a good day...

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1 minute ago, KansasTiger said:

I was joking. Trying to lighten the mood despite your insults. Anyway...Have a good day...

Same to you, brother.  

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2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

The CDC has issued guidelines for transgender women to breast feed.  Here is some pushback from a Senator:

“As a physician who has delivered over 5,000 babies and encouraged every mom to breastfeed, it is evident the CDC has placed politics and its social agenda ahead of science and the health of newborns,” Senator Marshall said. “In my opinion, the CDC has lost all credibility and is in direct conflict with the FDA for marketing a non-FDA approved drug. A biological male filled with hormones and a concoction of other drugs that have not been studied that could harm a baby should NEVER be encouraged. When will the Woke Left wake up and realize what they are doing to our country?”

The CDC fails to acknowledge the safety concerns and risks to the infant due to ‘chestfeeding’ and the chemicals and hormones required for the ‘gender reassignment’ surgeries that can be catastrophic when passed on to newborns. 

“This guidance is irresponsible from this federal agency and defies science and safety,” Senator Marshall said.“In order to enhance lactation, the CDC is encouraging these individuals to use Domperidone, a risky drug not legally approved or sold in the U.S. This dangerous medication has serious side effects that could pose life-threatening complications for adults and more so the infant. None of this has been thoroughly studied, but we know that when you start mixing drugs, the risk of the drugs impacting the newborn baby increases exponentially. How can this possibly be considered a good idea, let alone safe for the baby?”


The man was a doctor and has some knowledge.  Does your family and network of friends agree with everything the CDC puts out?

How about the NIH?  They certainly are not being political about this; are they?


Introduction: Induction of lactation in a non-gestational parent has numerous potential benefits including parent-child bonding, optimal nutrition, and health benefits to the child and breast- or chest-feeding parent. For transgender women and nonbinary people on estrogen-based, gender-affirming hormone therapy, the ability to nourish their infants through production of their own milk may also be a profoundly gender-affirming experience. Two prior case studies have been published describing induced lactation in transgender women, but analysis of the nutritional quality of the milk produced has not been previously described.

Main issue: Here we describe the experience of a transgender woman who underwent successful induction of lactation in order to breastfeed her infant, who was gestated by her partner.

Management: Through modification of exogenous hormone therapy, use of domperidone as a galactogogue, breast pumping, and ultimately direct breastfeeding, the participant was able to co-feed her infant for the first 4 months of life. We provide a detailed description and timeline of the medications used, laboratory and electrocardiographic measurements, results of the participant's milk analysis showing robust macronutrient content, and description of the participant's experience in her own words.

Conclusion: These findings provide reassurance about the adequacy of nutrition from human milk produced by non-gestational transgender female and nonbinary parents on estrogen-based, gender-affirming hormone therapy, and support the importance of this experience on a personal level.


Does this sound responsible to you and your network of friends in the medical field?

I know it is a different subject from COVID, but if these institutions are so easily swayed by the social construct when do you believe they are telling you straight up?

Someone had an analogy of a weather man telling you about restricting your life because of a possible weather threat.  When was the last time you relied on a weather man to be accurate other than the temperature?  What most people do is listen to the weather man telling you it’s going to rain and then look outside for conformation.  It’s all based on your observance, trust but verify.  

Even the weather guy is pushing climate change and he/she is only looking at thing day to day.

You scoff at people with common sense.  You should try some.


Yes, that is some crazy s***.  Like you said, it isn't the same as Covid.

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6 hours ago, aubaseball said:

You must not have hit the bong yet white 50 cent.   No one told you that you can’t post.  It was a suggestion and I knew would fall on deaf ears.   You literally deranged over the guy.   
I guess that you probably believe that HC is squeaky clean and has no shady past?   That’s pretty rich if you think that.   Making fun of a handicapped reporter?   It’s called a joke my man.   Poor taste, absolutely!   Not something befitting of a presidential candidate, but I didn’t say it.   You act like everyone that voted for the guy agrees with everything he does.   You are a complete fool if you do.  What you fail to understand is that someone can vote for the guy, but not have to agree with everything the guy does.   
Also, you responded to something that I didn’t even say and didn’t respond to the other things mentioned.   That lets everyone know exactly that you are a deranged person.   

YOU voted for him unless you lied about it. many of you are even saying you will vote for the biggest crook in politics again so spare me the tears of butthurtedness. you folks got nasty with me for a fact but none of you apologized to me for it. and trump is a turd and he is your guys.YOU guys enabled him and now you want us to act like it did not happen? no sir. that will not happen. this is a political board and trump IS politics and with you guys will he get back in office or go to jail? lol and i am not deranged i am tired as hell of the rights lies and hate that is just getting worse and worse. you damn right i wil stay on it. quit wasting mine and your time because you will not get me to change my opinions or my posting style. i am your reminder of how screwed up your side has been. the guys tried to steal the election for gods sake. he got people hurt and killed over it. screw him and anyone that wants to silence those calling the lies out. funny you guys call me deranged and everything else but i never voted for trump.hell i knew better. and i still do. and the worse of allthis is elected members on your side calling for war to destroy the lib commies................lol.

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On 7/10/2023 at 5:20 PM, AuCivilEng1 said:

Their defining LGBT sexuality (not all sexuality) as porn. 

Also, that still doesn’t explain why race relations books are getting banned.

It’s pretty obvious that the conservative strategy is to fight these culture wars against things they’ve deemed woke (LGBT acceptance as a norm and the increased recognition of America’s rascist past in academia) and they are going to fight them using children as their reasoning. It’s a sound strategy. 

Anyone who takes the time to realize that children are no more affected by “grooming” today than they were during the Trump administration Is going to see right through it, though. That’s why meatball Ron is underperforming.

I think Ron is overplaying his hand.  His tactics don't have all that much support among the general populace.


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