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Teacher fired for teaching gender ideology

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10 hours ago, AURex said:

The article is blocked to anyone not subservient to APPLE! Repost the content please.


So you’re asking me to be subservient to you? 😉 JK

Here’s the key portion:

As CNN reported, the district sent Rinderle a letter in May signaling its intent to fire her for a lesson using “My Shadow Is Purple.” The book is written from the perspective of a child who likes both traditionally “boy” things like trains and “girl” things like glitter. Its conclusion is essentially that sometimes blue and pink don’t really capture kids’ full interests and personalities — and that everyone is unique and should just be themselves.

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I was not asking you to be subservient to ME, I was asking for a legit source. So thank you for providing that.


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1 hour ago, AURex said:

I was not asking you to be subservient to ME, I was asking for a legit source. So thank you for providing that.


Well, you were also saying anyone with access to Apple News is subservient to Apple which is a both a bit insulting and baffling.

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20 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Well, you were also saying anyone with access to Apple News is subservient to Apple which is a both a bit insulting and baffling.

NO, I said that anyone who is not subservient to APPLE cannot access Apple news stuff, so I asked for a post that included what was in the Apple news. I'm sorry if you confuse requests for news content with attacks on you. Not everything is about you.



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39 minutes ago, AURex said:

NO, I said that anyone who is not subservient to APPLE cannot access Apple news stuff, so I asked for a post that included what was in the Apple news. I'm sorry if you confuse requests for news content with attacks on you. Not everything is about you.



You’re clearly saying folks who can access it are subservient to Apple and added an exclamation point for emphasis. What did you intend that to mean? You didn’t merely ask for content. You didn’t say it’s behind a pay wall, please provide content. You said those not subservient couldn’t see it, logically meaning those who could were. I don’t really care and don’t take offense that easily, but couldn’t help but notice it was a damn weird thing to say.

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