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3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

or the pick 100 names out of the phone book. 98 would be better than trump.

!00% would be better than Biden. He is worse than Fetterman in his cognitive ability as he proves almost daily.

Edited by Son of A Tiger
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4 hours ago, Gowebb11 said:

I have one question for those who think the withdrawal was wrong: We were there 20 years. What was going to be different in year 21 or 22 or 28?

It wasn't getting out that was a disaster. Getting out while abandoning our allies and not a few Americans and leaving billions of dollars in military equipment to terrorists was the disaster. It ain't what Biden did, it's the blundering way he did it.

4 hours ago, Gowebb11 said:

Also, as I’ve said in another recent post, both parties use the border crisis as a political pawn. More power and money in having the problem than fixing it. It has been a mess for 40 years and neither party has fixed it  

The numbers are higher than ever. Way higher than ever. BS not withstanding, Biden's open border policy is a whole degree of disaster over what prior administrations suffered.


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24 minutes ago, Mikey said:

The numbers are higher than ever. Way higher than ever. BS not withstanding, Biden's open border policy is a whole degree of disaster over what prior administrations suffered.


Bidens border policies are a disaster. You’ll get no argument from me there. But I stand by my main point. Neither side is interested in fixing it or they would. It’s too valuable for political currency for both sides. Another poor reflection on the state of our union. 

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22 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Inflation was a global problem, and is coming down at a steady rate. It's almost like conservatives are in shock that a global pandemic that shut the entire world down would somehow affect the economy. Biden didnt exactly walk into a booming economic situation. The entire country was in the trash can.

Apparently you slept through the basic economics class that should have been required of all Auburn students. Anyone who thinks that Biden dumping trillions of $ into unnecessary projects didn't make America's inflation much worse simply doesn't understand what causes inflation.

The entire country was in the trash can? Due to COVID, yes. The policies of Biden and other Democrat officials made the situation worse. They insisted on prolonging the "crisis" so they could maintain unnecessary control. Biden & Co. made a bad situation worse.

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9 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Apparently you slept through the basic economics class that should have been required of all Auburn students. Anyone who thinks that Biden dumping trillions of $ into unnecessary projects didn't make America's inflation much worse simply doesn't understand what causes inflation.

The entire country was in the trash can? Due to COVID, yes. The policies of Biden and other Democrat officials made the situation worse. They insisted on prolonging the "crisis" so they could maintain unnecessary control. Biden & Co. made a bad situation worse.

You think COVID breaking supply side issues didn't have anything to do with inflation? What happens to pricing when the demand is suddenly higher than the supply?

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16 minutes ago, arein0 said:

You think COVID breaking supply side issues didn't have anything to do with inflation? What happens to pricing when the demand is suddenly higher than the supply?

I didn't say anything like that. Clean your reading glasses and start over.

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

The entire country was in the trash can? Due to COVID, yes. The policies of Biden and other Democrat officials made the situation worse. They insisted on prolonging the "crisis" so they could maintain unnecessary control. Biden & Co. made a bad situation worse.

Typical Republican bullsh** strategy. F*** everything up and then blame the next guy. Did the same thing with Obama after the 2008 recession. 

Talk about sleeping through stuff. Were you living in a cave during covid? It's insane to me that people like you are not willing to put any of the economic issues onto Donald Trump, who presided over one of the worst covid responses in the world, resulting in 6.2 million people being unable to work, due to their employers shutting down or closing their doors. You put none of that on the person who was in charge and all of it on the guy who came in and responded to it. You, my friend are a partisan hack. Now I know why nobody on this website likes you or takes you seriously. 

Your response to my question in the other thread tells me everything I need to know. You care nothing about the people of this country or the security. It's Donald Trump over everything. You'd rather vote for a guy that would show a reporter classified attack plans to impress her than not vote or vote for a democrat. 

Edited by AuCivilEng1
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2 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

You put none of that on the person who was in charge and all of it on the guy who came in and responded to it. You, my friend are a partisan hack. 

Responded? Biden responded by unnecessarily prolonging the restrictions and making a bad situation worse.  Trump's biggest failure was believing the CDC and Anthony Fauci. We don't know how much longer that would have continued under Trump but we do know that Biden did nothing to ease the restrictions in a timely manner.

We also know that in spite of campaign promises, more people died under Biden's term than died under Trump, and by the time Biden took over we had vaccines, thanks to Trump's fast tracking vaccine development with Operation Warp Speed.

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7 minutes ago, Mikey said:

We also know that in spite of campaign promises, more people died under Biden's term than died under Trump, and by the time Biden took over we had vaccines, thanks to Trump's fast tracking vaccine development with Operation Warp Speed.

Yea! Of course they did. By the time Biden took office Covid was freaking overrunning the country, because the a**hole before him thought the virus was a "hoax".

The 425,000 deaths  in Trump’s 10-plus months accounted for nearly 20 percent of all worldwide deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Since Biden took over, the world as a whole has seen more deaths in his 10 months (3.07 million) than the preceding 10 months (2.14 million), but the United States has seen fewer. In Biden’s 10-plus months, the United States has accounted for less than 12 percent of worldwide deaths, which is down from 19.9 percent under Trump. That’s a decline of more than 40 percent in our proportion of the worldwide death rate.

Do you want to really get down to who is responsible for the covid response and economic issues, resulting from it? Read the link. This is a timeline of the response of someone who criminally mishandled Covid. 


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21 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Trump's biggest failure was believing the CDC and Anthony Fauci.

Fauci and the CDC dropped the ball on a lot of things. But it was Trump who called it a hoax and was quoted as saying we had 15 cases and would soon be at zero. So according to Trump, there was no pandemic. It didn’t even exist. Right before it killed a million Americans. Nothing Fauci said or did can compare to Trumps denial of reality. The ball was dropped big time, again on both sides. 

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1 minute ago, Gowebb11 said:

The ball was dropped big time, again on both sides. 

One side is solely responsible for this thing getting to the point it got to. I am willing to concede a "both sides" argument on a lot of stuff. But the severity of the pandemic in the US is the responsibility of Trump and the people in his party who didn't get him under control. Fauci wasn't perfect, by any means. But it could have been a lot worse if he had the same "hoax" mindset as Trump. 

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trump had 432K deaths under him while in office for 9 months. Biden has been in office 17 months of Covid. He saw roughly 700K deaths. 


Total Deaths



And while Biden’s vaccination efforts could have affected vaccine uptake, the U.S. ranks 55th in the world in terms of the total number of vaccine doses administered per 100,000 population, according to the Washington Post. The percentage of the American population that has completed vaccination, 67%, lags behind most developed nations. By comparison, 83.6% and 81% of Canada’s and Japan’s populations, respectively, are fully vaccinated. The percentage of those in Britain, France, Germany and Italy who are fully vaccinated is in the mid-to-high 70s. It’s also worth noting that vaccination rates are lower in counties that voted for Trump, and whose residents are less likely to support Biden’s policies or heed his advice.

Overall, the U.S. has fared worse than most other countries in terms of COVID-19 deaths. Indeed, the U.S. ranks second worldwide in the number of deaths per 100,000 population, second only to Brazil, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

“I am dubious of all politicians taking credit for something like this,” Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert and a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told us via email. “When President Biden took office the vaccine campaign was in its infancy. It is the vaccines and the scientists and companies that created them, more than anything, that have been responsible for the decrease in deaths that we have seen.”

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

I didn't say anything like that. Clean your reading glasses and start over.

That was why I asked the question. You have put the blame of inflation solely on Biden for months. I was curious to see if you would acknowledge the cause for inflation, or if you would continue repeating what fox news told you.

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14 hours ago, Son of A Tiger said:

!00% would be better than Biden. He is worse than Fetterman in his cognitive ability as he proves almost daily.

The economy has created 13 million jobs, inflation has been more than cut in half, huge investments are being made in infrastructure and green energy, wage growth has begun to outpace inflation, the first drug price controls are going into effect and the biggest corporations will finally be forced to pay something in federal taxes. Yet polls show voters incorrectly think we are in a recession and remain negative about the economy.


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3 hours ago, Mikey said:

Apparently you slept through the basic economics class that should have been required of all Auburn students. Anyone who thinks that Biden dumping trillions of $ into unnecessary projects didn't make America's inflation much worse simply doesn't understand what causes inflation.

The entire country was in the trash can? Due to COVID, yes. The policies of Biden and other Democrat officials made the situation worse. They insisted on prolonging the "crisis" so they could maintain unnecessary control. Biden & Co. made a bad situation worse.

The economy has created 13 million jobs, inflation has been more than cut in half, huge investments are being made in infrastructure and green energy, wage growth has begun to outpace inflation, the first drug price controls are going into effect and the biggest corporations will finally be forced to pay something in federal taxes. Yet polls show voters incorrectly think we are in a recession and remain negative about the economy.

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3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

trump had 432K deaths under him while in office for 9 months. Biden has been in office 17 months of Covid. He saw roughly 700K deaths. 


That's a misleading "factoid" David.

When Trump took office, there were zero pandemic deaths.  When Biden took office, the pandemic was raging full bore.

You expect the course of the pandemic to suddenly reverse itself because we had a new president?  :-\

Edited by homersapien
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12 minutes ago, homersapien said:

That's a misleading - if not just stupid - "factoid" David.

When Trump took office, there were zero pandemic deaths.  When Biden took office, the pandemic was raging full bore.

You expect the course of the pandemic to suddenly reverse itself because we had a new president?  :-\

I'm not sure he wasn't pointing out how much worse Trump was on it. Even if you take those numbers at face value, Trump averaged more deaths. Accounting for the fact that the pandemic was rampant when Biden takes office makes it even worse for Trump. 

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24 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

I'm not sure he wasn't pointing out how much worse Trump was on it. Even if you take those numbers at face value, Trump averaged more deaths. Accounting for the fact that the pandemic was rampant when Biden takes office makes it even worse for Trump. 

Maybe, but not as a stand-alone statement.

A simple statistic without context is often misleading.  It came across like another pro-Trump/anti-Biden argument to me.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

The economy has created 13 million jobs, inflation has been more than cut in half, huge investments are being made in infrastructure and green energy, wage growth has begun to outpace inflation, the first drug price controls are going into effect and the biggest corporations will finally be forced to pay something in federal taxes. Yet polls show voters incorrectly think we are in a recession and remain negative about the economy.

You keep posting this and apparently think it is accurate. Fortunately, according to polls, the majority of Americans, including Democrats don't. But hey ole Jor thinks Putin is losing the war in Iraq. Go Brandon!

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3 minutes ago, Son of A Tiger said:

You keep posting this and apparently think it is accurate. Fortunately, according to polls, the majority of Americans, including Democrats don't. Go Brandon!

Which one of those things do you not believe is true? 

You know the internet is a funny thing. You do realize that all of those gray underlines words are links, to cite the words, right?

Edited by AuCivilEng1
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15 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Which one of those things do you not believe is true? 

You know the internet is a funny thing. You do realize that all of those gray underlines words are links, to cite the words, right?

For example the claim of creating 13M new jobs is very misleading. A lot of those "new" jobs existed before covid hit and business are now filling them now. I could go on but I will leave it there for folks to decide for themselves, The majority opinions are expressed in recent polls.

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4 minutes ago, Son of A Tiger said:

For example the claim of creating 13M new jobs is very misleading. A lot of those "new" jobs existed before covid hit and business are now filling them now. I could go on but I will leave it there for folks to decide for themselves, The majority opinions are expressed in recent polls.


Employment — The U.S. economy added 12,600,000 jobs between Biden’s inauguration and March, the latest month for which data are available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The March figure is 3,198,000 higher than the February 2020 peak of employment before COVID-19 forced massive shutdowns and layoffs.

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5 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Typical Republican bullsh** strategy. F*** everything up and then blame the next guy. Did the same thing with Obama after the 2008 recession. 

Talk about sleeping through stuff. Were you living in a cave during covid? It's insane to me that people like you are not willing to put any of the economic issues onto Donald Trump, who presided over one of the worst covid responses in the world, resulting in 6.2 million people being unable to work, due to their employers shutting down or closing their doors. You put none of that on the person who was in charge and all of it on the guy who came in and responded to it. You, my friend are a partisan hack. Now I know why nobody on this website likes you or takes you seriously. 

Your response to my question in the other thread tells me everything I need to know. You care nothing about the people of this country or the security. It's Donald Trump over everything. You'd rather vote for a guy that would show a reporter classified attack plans to impress her than not vote or vote for a democrat. 

This just seems mean spirited. I know politics is a frustrating thing, but cmon man.

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