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**** these ******* ***** who should have told the truth about Trump back when it mattered

we don’t need your honesty now. we needed your honesty back then.

Jeff Tiedrich

Jun 23




oh look, the Bill Barr Rehabilitation Tour continues, and oh boy does he suddenly have a lot of negative things to say about his former boss.

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“He's like a 9-year-old, a defiant 9-year-old kid who is always pushing the glass toward the edge of the table, defying his parents to stop him from doing it. It's a means of self-assertion and exerting his dominance over other people. And he's a very petty individual who will always put his interests ahead of the country's, his personal gratification of ... his ego.”

Barr described Trump as "a man who, when he's told something he doesn't want to hear, he immediately throws a tantrum and attacks the person personally."

wait, you’re telling us this now?

hey Bill, **** straight off.

remember the Mueller Report? did you level with the American people then about the naked criminality of your boss? no, you issued your own misleading summary full of lies and distortions, and to this day half the public mistakenly believes that Mueller exonerated Trump.

remember when you put pressure on the Southern District of New York to go after Trump’s personal and political enemies? where was your integrity then?

remember when you and that buffoonish walrus John Durham traveled to Italy in order to discredit the Russia investigation? remember how that blew up in your face when Italian officials told you they had evidence that Donald Trump had committed financial crimes? what did you do with that evidence? did you show it to the American people? no, you ******* buried it.

we don’t need your honesty now. we needed your honesty back then. when it would have mattered.

you’re useless to us now. **** off.

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hey over here, it’s Christopher ******* Christie. look at that, you found your voice. now that you’re a presidential candidate, you can’t stop criticizing Donald Trump.

…. his description last week of the former president as “a lonely, self-consumed, self-serving mirror hog.” He also called Trump “a child,” “completely self-centered, completely self-consumed,” “a three-time loser,” a “loser, loser, loser,” and “victim me, poor me.”

how bluntly honest and refreshing. now piss off.

where was your blunt honesty back in 2016, when you were bowing and scraping and tugging your forelock before Trump, in hopes of being appointed Attorney General?

where was it in 2020 when you were helping Trump do debate prep, and you almost died of covid as a result?

death’s door couldn’t loosen your tongue back then, but now you can’t stop talking.

useless. ******* useless.

go join Bill Barr in ****offistan.

Mike Pompeo. John Kelly. John Bolton. Mark Esper. the list goes on.

I’m ******* fed up to here with the cowards and opportunists who witnessed Donald Trump’s crimes and pathologies and chose to stay silent in order to further their careers and agendas.

shut the **** up. go away. the damage is done. we don’t forgive you and we don’t need you.

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remember when you and that buffoonish walrus John Durham traveled to Italy in order to discredit the Russia investigation? remember how that blew up in your face when Italian officials told you they had evidence that Donald Trump had committed financial crimes? what did you do with that evidence? did you show it to the American people? no, you ******* buried it.


Boy trump just keeps on giving..............

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