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Another log on the Biden family fire


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Just curious as to how the liberal leaning crowd felt about this?   Dismiss it per the “Hunter acted alone”, “His dad didn’t know”, “this is all fake / Russian misinformation” or are people coming to the realization that there is more smoke here than the Canadian wildfires and perhaps there is actually fire?   

Question, and be truly honest, if the situation were reversed and this was Trump, would your answer be the same?   



Hunter Biden's attorney slams IRS whistleblower's 'illegal' release of WhatsApp message to Chinese businessman

Hunter Biden's attorney said the allegation is 'dangerously misleading'

Hunter Biden's attorney is responding to testimony from an IRS whistleblower who claims that the agency obtained a WhatsApp message in which the president's son invoked his father's name.

IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley Jr., who oversaw the agency's investigation into Hunter Biden, claims the agency obtained a message from WhatsApp dated July 30, 2017, from Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao, CEO of Harvest Fund Management, where the president's son claimed that he was with his father in an attempt to pressure Zhao to fulfill a commitment.

"I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight," Hunter Biden allegedly wrote

Christopher Clark, an attorney for Hunter Biden, said in a statement to Fox News Digital that the claims are very misleading.

"Biased and politically-motivated, selective leaks have plagued this matter for years. They are not only irresponsible, they are illegal. A close examination of the document released publicly yesterday by a very biased individual raises serious questions over whether it is what he claims it to be. It is dangerously misleading to make any conclusions or inferences based on this document," Clark said. "The DOJ investigation covered a period which was a time of turmoil and addiction for my client." 

Clark also said that "[a]ny verifiable words or actions of my client in the midst of a horrible addiction are solely his own and have no connection to anyone in his family."

"An extensive, five-year long investigation conducted by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) concluded this week, which resulted in my client taking responsibility for two instances of misdemeanor failure to file tax payments, as well as a firearm charge, which will be subject to a pretrial diversion agreement. As his attorney through this entire matter, I can say that any suggestion the investigation was not thorough, or cut corners, or cut my client any slack, is preposterous and deeply irresponsible," he added.

"And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction," the alleged WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden said. 

"I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father," he said.

Mark Lytle, an attorney for Shapley, told Fox News on Friday that his client "wanted to just bring this out to the public as a whistleblower in a protective fashion so that everybody could judge it."


Lytle also noted that according to Shapley, the WhatsApp messages were obtained through a search warrant.

"It's important to note that this WhatsApp message did not come from the laptop or any nefarious source. Gary Shapley testified that they did a search warrant. They got a hold of Hunter Biden's iCloud account and they did a search warrant to Apple, to the Apple Cloud, where they accessed Hunter Biden's WhatsApp messages, Imessages and other information. And so this is credible. This comes from a credible source, and it's information that's very relevant to the dealings with the Chinese energy company and the income that Hunter Biden received," Lytle said.

In response to the whistleblower allegations, Ian Sams, a spokesperson for the White HouseCounsel's Office, told Fox News that the president wasn't involved with his son in business.

"As we have said many times before, the President was not in business with his son. As we have also said many times before, the Justice Department makes decisions in its criminal investigations independently, and in this case, the White House has not been involved. As the President has said, he loves his son and is proud of him accepting responsibility for his actions and is proud of what he is doing to rebuild his life," Sams said.





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I’ve been on record here from the start saying Hunter Biden is a troubled individual and makes a lot of bad decisions and I’m thankful he hasn’t been given any kind of position in the US government. 

I think it’s well known at this point that Hunter was a druggie, sex addict, and was using his fathers name to try and make himself money. 

I support investigating Hunter Biden fully and throwing him in prison if he’s broken the law. 100% I have no desire to defend Hunter Biden in any way, shape, or form. 

however, what Republicans keep claiming, but have yet to show any evidence of, if that Joe Biden was actually involved in any of his sons activities. Hunter as a private citizen saying, ‘I’m an important person and I’m going to use my fathers influence to punish you if you don’t do what I want’ is not proof that Joe Biden was actually involved, knowledgeable, or participated in those threats or actions. 

We’ll see where the investigation goes, but all that has been shown or proven after 2 years of investigations by Republicans is the same thing we already knew before the election..that Hunter Biden is a troubled individual. 

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Appreciate the honest response.   I think this, taken with the SAR reports for multiple members of the family, the position Hunter had in Burisma, and the work the VP Biden did influencing the government there seem to be trending to more than circumstantial evidence.  The fact that the laptop was denied, and then tried to be swept under the rug and forgotten leads me to believe this is much bigger than just one crackhead running around on his own leveraging his dads name without the "Big Guy" knowing.  


I'd just like to have the ruling elite held to the same standards as the rest of us.

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24 minutes ago, GoAU said:

Appreciate the honest response.   I think this, taken with the SAR reports for multiple members of the family, the position Hunter had in Burisma, and the work the VP Biden did influencing the government there seem to be trending to more than circumstantial evidence.  The fact that the laptop was denied, and then tried to be swept under the rug and forgotten leads me to believe this is much bigger than just one crackhead running around on his own leveraging his dads name without the "Big Guy" knowing.  


I'd just like to have the ruling elite held to the same standards as the rest of us.

This is evidence Hunter claimed his Dad was there so don’t piss him off. He was probably doing coke off a hookers behind while drafting that. They desperately want to find a meaningful Joe link. They’ve utterly failed. They claim mystery witnesses who mysteriously disappear, but don’t name them, show video depositions/interviews, nada. You want to believe Joe’s utterly corrupt. With a 50 year record, that shouldn’t be hard to muster evidence if it exists.

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

This is evidence Hunter claimed his Dad was there so don’t piss him off. He was probably doing coke off a hookers behind while drafting that. They desperately want to find a meaningful Joe link. They’ve utterly failed. They claim mystery witnesses who mysteriously disappear, but don’t name them, show video depositions/interviews, nada. You want to believe Joe’s utterly corrupt. With a 50 year record, that shouldn’t be hard to muster evidence if it exists.

I would agree with you, except there sure seems to be a lot of people covering for them.  How do you explain all of the SAR activity?

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2 minutes ago, GoAU said:

I would agree with you, except there sure seems to be a lot of people covering for them.  How do you explain all of the SAR activity?

Gonna have to be more specific.

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5 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Gonna have to be more specific.

The HUGE sums of money paid to several members of Biden's family, clearly exceeding anything that could be considered routine, and work that is significantly beyond what Hunter would have been qualified to do.  Funny how law enforcement has been absent from any of this though.




Can provide more links if you'd like.


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5 minutes ago, GoAU said:

The HUGE sums of money paid to several members of Biden's family, clearly exceeding anything that could be considered routine, and work that is significantly beyond what Hunter would have been qualified to do.  Funny how law enforcement has been absent from any of this though.




Can provide more links if you'd like.


Joe’s brother and son took advantage of their name and people pay in hopes of influence. Unseemly and common. Not necessarily illegal if you dot your i’s cross your t’s. Be honest in paperwork & pay taxes, one can take advantage of a family name. Was there actual illegal influence? Did Joe profit? I’ve seen no real evidence of either.

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1 minute ago, TexasTiger said:

Joe’s brother and son took advantage of their name and people pay in hopes of influence. Unseemly and common. Not necessarily illegal if you dot your i’s cross your t’s. Be honest in paperwork & pay taxes, one can take advantage of a family name.

Sure - like registering as a Foreign Agent, which interestingly Hunter did not do, but was also never charged with.  Also interesting, is that Hunter's own business partner and laptop reference Joe's involvement - you know, "10% to the big guy" but it's odd to me how quick the media and the left are to give him the benefit of the doubt.  Show me Chineese, Romanian and Ukrainian funs getting passed along to Don jr & Ivanka and the left would have come unglued.  


Seems odd to me how you seem to be OK with this - I'm not saying you have to join the Republican party, but don't you think this stinks of a HUGE problem?

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9 minutes ago, GoAU said:

Sure - like registering as a Foreign Agent, which interestingly Hunter did not do, but was also never charged with.  Also interesting, is that Hunter's own business partner and laptop reference Joe's involvement - you know, "10% to the big guy" but it's odd to me how quick the media and the left are to give him the benefit of the doubt.  Show me Chineese, Romanian and Ukrainian funs getting passed along to Don jr & Ivanka and the left would have come unglued.  


Seems odd to me how you seem to be OK with this - I'm not saying you have to join the Republican party, but don't you think this stinks of a HUGE problem?

Treat Hunter like any suspect. Folks often get hit with a few, not every possible, charge(s) on a plea deal when they pay back taxes.

The big guy story assumes 1) Joe’s the “Big Guy”; 2) Hunter didn’t take an additional 10% for hookers and blow. If you’re using Daddy’s name to show connection, you probably claim he’s aware and involved. Can you think of many people less believable during that period of his life than Hunter? He was a total out of control mess.

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35 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

Treat Hunter like any suspect. Folks often get hit with a few, not every possible, charge(s) on a plea deal when they pay back taxes.

The big guy story assumes 1) Joe’s the “Big Guy”; 2) Hunter didn’t take an additional 10% for hookers and blow. If you’re using Daddy’s name to show connection, you probably claim he’s aware and involved. Can you think of many people less believable during that period of his life than Hunter? He was a total out of control mess.

And you can say you honestly would feel this way had the last name been Trump and not Biden?   

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4 minutes ago, GoAU said:

And you can say you honestly would feel this way had the last name been Trump and not Biden?   

I can speak for Tex here and yes he would. 

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11 minutes ago, GoAU said:

And you can say you honestly would feel this way had the last name been Trump and not Biden?   

Based on this evidence? Yes. If this were the biggest concern to have about Trump, I’d have felt much better about his presidency. 

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14 hours ago, GoAU said:

Appreciate the honest response.   I think this, taken with the SAR reports for multiple members of the family, the position Hunter had in Burisma, and the work the VP Biden did influencing the government there seem to be trending to more than circumstantial evidence.  The fact that the laptop was denied, and then tried to be swept under the rug ando  forgotten leads me to believe this is much bigger than just one crackhead running around on his own leveraging his dads name without the "Big Guy" knowing.  


I'd just like to have the ruling elite held to the same standards as the rest of us.

What work are you referring to VP Biden did "influencing the government" specifically?

Who denied the existence of the laptop?

How was it "swept under the rug"?

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14 hours ago, GoAU said:

Appreciate the honest response.   I think this, taken with the SAR reports for multiple members of the family, the position Hunter had in Burisma, and the work the VP Biden did influencing the government there seem to be trending to more than circumstantial evidence.  The fact that the laptop was denied, and then tried to be swept under the rug and forgotten leads me to believe this is much bigger than just one crackhead running around on his own leveraging his dads name without the "Big Guy" knowing.  


I'd just like to have the ruling elite held to the same standards as the rest of us.

When those whatsapp messages were sent, Biden wasn't in any public office at all.  The line about Biden influencing or demanding the firing of the Prosecutor in Ukraine is nothing more than a red herring.  The accusation holds no water because the entire U.S. government, including Republican Senators, had demanded the same action.  The U.K., EU and others had also demanded the same action.  Hunter has always had issues, but this constant barrage of vague he said and what might have happened nonsense is serving one purpose.  That is to feed more unprovable circumstantial fodder to people that already believe some grand crime has been committed.  The reason that Hunter was not charged with  more is that no evidence exists that a judge would allow to be presented at trial proving a crime has been committed.

You can't simply charge someone with a crime when you don't even know what the crime would be.  The reason the FBI doesn't release every claim or accusation it receives is to safeguard against being used as a vehicle by which someone can be accused of anything without the need of any proof of the act.   How many years have we heard the same loud mouths, like Jim Jordan and his elk, make baseless claims that fizzle to nothing and nobody on the right calls them out for it.  Instead, you latch on to whatever the next claim is and run with it.

Edited by AU9377
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12 hours ago, GoAU said:

Sure - like registering as a Foreign Agent, which interestingly Hunter did not do, but was also never charged with.  Also interesting, is that Hunter's own business partner and laptop reference Joe's involvement - you know, "10% to the big guy" but it's odd to me how quick the media and the left are to give him the benefit of the doubt.  Show me Chineese, Romanian and Ukrainian funs getting passed along to Don jr & Ivanka and the left would have come unglued.  


Seems odd to me how you seem to be OK with this - I'm not saying you have to join the Republican party, but don't you think this stinks of a HUGE problem?

There is a very good reason he was not charged under FARA.  He doesn't fit the definition of being a Foreign Agent.  You can have international business involvement and not be considered a foreign agent.  Should he have accepted the Bursima board position?  No.  However, that doesn't make it illegal. 



As a side note......  Do you think it is a good look that Saudi Arabia invested $2 billion with Jared Kushner?  That also smells, but there is nothing illegal about it, from what I have read.

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2 hours ago, AU9377 said:

There is a very good reason he was not charged under FARA.  He doesn't fit the definition of being a Foreign Agent.  You can have international business involvement and not be considered a foreign agent.  Should he have accepted the Bursima board position?  No.  However, that doesn't make it illegal. 



As a side note......  Do you think it is a good look that Saudi Arabia invested $2 billion with Jared Kushner?  That also smells, but there is nothing illegal about it, from what I have read.

Jared—Not that we know of. But he was at least in a position to deliver a quid pro quo and he clearly bent over backwards for the Saudis.

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20 hours ago, GoAU said:

Just curious as to how the liberal leaning crowd felt about this?   Dismiss it per the “Hunter acted alone”, “His dad didn’t know”, “this is all fake / Russian misinformation” or are people coming to the realization that there is more smoke here than the Canadian wildfires and perhaps there is actually fire?   

Question, and be truly honest, if the situation were reversed and this was Trump, would your answer be the same?   



Hunter Biden's attorney slams IRS whistleblower's 'illegal' release of WhatsApp message to Chinese businessman

Hunter Biden's attorney said the allegation is 'dangerously misleading'

Hunter Biden's attorney is responding to testimony from an IRS whistleblower who claims that the agency obtained a WhatsApp message in which the president's son invoked his father's name.

IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley Jr., who oversaw the agency's investigation into Hunter Biden, claims the agency obtained a message from WhatsApp dated July 30, 2017, from Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao, CEO of Harvest Fund Management, where the president's son claimed that he was with his father in an attempt to pressure Zhao to fulfill a commitment.

"I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight," Hunter Biden allegedly wrote

Christopher Clark, an attorney for Hunter Biden, said in a statement to Fox News Digital that the claims are very misleading.

"Biased and politically-motivated, selective leaks have plagued this matter for years. They are not only irresponsible, they are illegal. A close examination of the document released publicly yesterday by a very biased individual raises serious questions over whether it is what he claims it to be. It is dangerously misleading to make any conclusions or inferences based on this document," Clark said. "The DOJ investigation covered a period which was a time of turmoil and addiction for my client." 

Clark also said that "[a]ny verifiable words or actions of my client in the midst of a horrible addiction are solely his own and have no connection to anyone in his family."

"An extensive, five-year long investigation conducted by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) concluded this week, which resulted in my client taking responsibility for two instances of misdemeanor failure to file tax payments, as well as a firearm charge, which will be subject to a pretrial diversion agreement. As his attorney through this entire matter, I can say that any suggestion the investigation was not thorough, or cut corners, or cut my client any slack, is preposterous and deeply irresponsible," he added.

"And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction," the alleged WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden said. 

"I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father," he said.

Mark Lytle, an attorney for Shapley, told Fox News on Friday that his client "wanted to just bring this out to the public as a whistleblower in a protective fashion so that everybody could judge it."


Lytle also noted that according to Shapley, the WhatsApp messages were obtained through a search warrant.

"It's important to note that this WhatsApp message did not come from the laptop or any nefarious source. Gary Shapley testified that they did a search warrant. They got a hold of Hunter Biden's iCloud account and they did a search warrant to Apple, to the Apple Cloud, where they accessed Hunter Biden's WhatsApp messages, Imessages and other information. And so this is credible. This comes from a credible source, and it's information that's very relevant to the dealings with the Chinese energy company and the income that Hunter Biden received," Lytle said.

In response to the whistleblower allegations, Ian Sams, a spokesperson for the White HouseCounsel's Office, told Fox News that the president wasn't involved with his son in business.

"As we have said many times before, the President was not in business with his son. As we have also said many times before, the Justice Department makes decisions in its criminal investigations independently, and in this case, the White House has not been involved. As the President has said, he loves his son and is proud of him accepting responsibility for his actions and is proud of what he is doing to rebuild his life," Sams said.





lets look into the trump kids and ALL of trumps illegal activities. i bet we get enough logs to build a city and i am not joking. italy had the goods on trump illegal stuff and barr and durham refused to even here it. so spare us please. trump was ok for you guys a long time and all of sudden you are interested in the law?  that is hilarious..............

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For any dad who loves his son, as Joe Biden claims, it is an absolute LIE to say in 40 years I have NEVER ONCE talked to my son about any of his businesses.   If anyone believes that they are way past naive.    Joe could have said I never talked to my son about any of his business dealings with any of our foreign adversaries and that could have been believed.   But the blanket statement, repeated many times, simply does not pass muster.   The only reason you lie about it is because you are complicit.

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How can Hunter simultaneously be a reprobate, unable to make sound decisions and unworthy of belief and yet be uniquely qualified to sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy giant?   

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18 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Gonna have to be more specific.

How about on video tape bragging about getting a prosecutor fired who was looking into the company that was paying Hunter?  

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17 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

How about on video tape bragging about getting a prosecutor fired who was looking into the company that was paying Hunter?  

Educate yourself with better sources.

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2 hours ago, LPTiger said:

How can Hunter simultaneously be a reprobate, unable to make sound decisions and unworthy of belief and yet be uniquely qualified to sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy giant?   

Being gifted a position on a board of directors is not a criminal act.  Bursima likely assumed that it would get them the ear of someone close to American leadership.  They made that gamble.  There is obviously no evidence that Biden did anything to abuse the office of Vice President and the power that comes with that position to benefit Bursima.  If that evidence existed, it would have long ago been discovered.  Some want to harp on Biden insisting the prosecutor be dismissed.  That doesn't hold water.  Everyone, including Republicans in the U.S. Senate was demanding that be done.  There was also no evidence that Bursima was being investigated at the time.

As usual, a lot of vague narratives being constructed with nothing to back up a crime having been committed.

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29 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

How about on video tape bragging about getting a prosecutor fired who was looking into the company that was paying Hunter?  

The reason NATO, the UK, EU and U.S. Senate, including Republicans, wanted Shokin fired was that he wasn't prosecuting corruption at all.  Instead, he was taking bribes and doing very little.  The International Monetary Fund even demanded that he be fired and a prosecutor dedicated to investigating corruption be appointed.  This only became a talking point after Trump actually abused his power by threatening to withhold aid if Ukraine did not announce that it was investigating Joe Biden, his political rival.  The only person to benefit from that announcement would have been Trump and his campaign.

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23 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

The reason NATO, the UK, EU and U.S. Senate, including Republicans, wanted Shokin fired was that he wasn't prosecuting corruption at all.  Instead, he was taking bribes and doing very little.  The International Monetary Fund even demanded that he be fired and a prosecutor dedicated to investigating corruption be appointed.  This only became a talking point after Trump actually abused his power by threatening to withhold aid if Ukraine did not announce that it was investigating Joe Biden, his political rival.  The only person to benefit from that announcement would have been Trump and his campaign.

So Trump using foreign aid to leverage the Ukrainian government while gaining nothing personally and looking after US interests IS an issue, and Biden leveraging the Ukrainian government while HIS SON WAS MAKING MILLIONS of dollars for NOT influencing his father ISN’T an issue……yeah, right.

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