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Adam Schiff Gets John Durham to Admit Russia Helped Trump


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Adam Schiff Gets John Durham to Admit Russia Helped Trump

Ursula Perano
4–5 minutes

REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz


REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz


When Republicans brought Special Counsel John Durham to the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, they thought it’d be an opportunity to score points on Democrats—particularly Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who spent years hyping up Donald Trump’s connections to Russia.

What they got instead was a viral moment when Schiff got Durham—the man tasked with concluding whether the FBI’s investigation of Russia’s connections to the 2016 Trump campaign was appropriate—took Durham to task.

Schiff, a former impeachment manager against Trump, questioned Durham about whether President Trump flaunted information that was released by Russian hackers during the 2016 election. Durham repeatedly insisted he had no knowledge of the matter. But in the midst of the exchange, Durham clearly stated he doesn’t doubt the validity of evidence showing Russia was trying to help Trump—something many Republicans have vehemently denied.

“I don’t think there’s any question that Russians intruded into—hacked into the systems, they released information,” Durham said.

“And that was helpful to the Trump campaign, right?” Schiff asked.

After trying to deflect the question, Durham agreed the Russians had been helpful to the Trump campaign.

“And Trump made use of that, as I said, didn’t he, by touting those stolen documents on the campaign trail over a hundred times,” Schiff said.

Durham said he didn’t “really read the newspapers, or listen to the news.”

“So I don’t know that,” he said.

“Were you totally oblivious to Donald Trump’s use of the stolen emails on the campaign trail more than a hundred times?” Schiff asked. “Did that escape your attention?”

Durham responded that he wasn’t aware of that.

The exchange was one of multiple tense moments between Schiff and Durham throughout the day as Republicans looked to prop up Durham’s report insisting the FBI should not have investigated possible collusion between Trump and Russia in the 2016 election.

Durham repeatedly tried to downplay the seriousness of Russia offering the Trump campaign help—and the Trump campaign’s eagerness to accept that help.

Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler Tries to Embarrass John Durham

At one point, Schiff asked Durham whether he was aware that Robert Mueller’s investigation revealed that Donald Trump Jr. “was informed that a Russian official was offering the Trump campaign 'very high-level and sensitive information" that would be incriminating of Hillary Clinton.”

“Sure, people get phone calls all the time from individuals who claim to have information like that,” Durham claimed.

"Really? The son of a presidential candidate gets calls all the time from a foreign government offering dirt on their opponent. Is that what you're saying?" Schiff replied.

"I don't think this is unique in your experience,” Durham said.

At another point in the hearing, Schiff compared Durham and Mueller’s investigations.

“The only distinguishing thing between [Mueller's] investigation and yours is he refused to bring charges where he couldn't prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and you did,” Schiff said.

Durham brought three charges forward, went to trial with two, and won convictions on zero—a point Democrats repeatedly brought up during the hearing.

Mueller’s investigation concluded that there were “multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government.”

“Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the Campaign. In some instances, the Campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the Campaign officials shied way," the Mueller report said.

The Mueller investigation ultimately brought forward roughly three dozen charges and about a half-dozen convictions.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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The Mueller investigation ultimately brought forward roughly three dozen charges and about a half-dozen convictions.


Thats a lot of convictions for an investigation that Republicans consider a "Russia Hoax" 

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:



His actions were NOT something that should have made him subject to the absolute circus of a s*** show that the House Republicans undertook in passing a censure yesterday.  If anything, that censure will help him politically and help make him the next Senator from California.  How is it not embarrassing to Republicans to see their representatives behave like that?

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21 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

His actions were NOT something that should have made him subject to the absolute circus of a s*** show that the House Republicans undertook in passing a censure yesterday.  If anything, that censure will help him politically and help make him the next Senator from California.  How is it not embarrassing to Republicans to see their representatives behave like that?

I agree that this censure will likely help Adam Schiff in this political career just like the 2 highly political impeachments helped Trump.  It shouldn’t, but it did.  Are you, as a Democrat, embarrassed how your party started all this mess out?

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

I agree that this censure will likely help Adam Schiff in this political career just like the 2 highly political impeachments helped Trump.  It shouldn’t, but it did.  Are you, as a Democrat, embarrassed how your party started all this mess out?

are you embarrassed you voted for trump?

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1 minute ago, aubiefifty said:

are you embarrassed you voted for trump?

No, not at all and I hope I don’t have to vote for him again.  The alternative is just too depressing to think about.

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20 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

No, not at all and I hope I don’t have to vote for him again.  The alternative is just too depressing to think about.

Just choose not to vote or go 3rd party if it comes down to it then? 


It's not like you're forced to vote for a guy you don't like and don't think would be a good president JUST because he is the one on the ballot that has an 'R' by his name. 

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36 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Just choose not to vote or go 3rd party if it comes down to it then? 


It's not like you're forced to vote for a guy you don't like and don't think would be a good president JUST because he is the one on the ballot that has an 'R' by his name. 

It a two party system; the only reason you would vote for a 3rd party is so you can come on a political board to boast of you virtue by not voting one of the parties.  A vote for the 3rd party does not help keep the worst president in American history out of office.  You can apply that both ways.

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23 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

It a two party system; the only reason you would vote for a 3rd party is so you can come on a political board to boast of you virtue by not voting one of the parties.  A vote for the 3rd party does not help keep the worst president in American history out of office.  You can apply that both ways.


Depends on where you live. I'm in Alabama so my vote for President literally doesn't matter because the Republican candidate is already  guaranteed to win Alabama's electoral delegates from day 1 anyway. 

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6 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:


Depends on where you live. I'm in Alabama so my vote for President literally doesn't matter because the Republican candidate is already  guaranteed to win Alabama's electoral delegates from day 1 anyway. 

So you won’t vote in the next presidential election?  I live in North Carolina and we are up for grabs.

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Just now, I_M4_AU said:

So you won’t vote in the next presidential election?  I live in North Carolina and we are up for grabs.

No, I will because i'll be there to vote for other races on the ballot anyway, but I also know that because of the Electoral College that my Presidential vote has no meaning or impact because of the State I live in. 


Despite being mostly liberal I vote in the Republican primary because thats the race that really decides who my representative (federal, state, and usually local) will end up being anyway. 

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1 minute ago, CoffeeTiger said:



Here's Shiff's response. 

Yeah, just like Trump.

I’m not sure this is a correct quote; you misspelled *Schiff*.

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39 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Yeah, just like Trump.

I’m not sure this is a correct quote; you misspelled *Schiff*.

I like to call him Shiff. Like Shiffty Shiffy Shiff. 

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4 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

I agree that this censure will likely help Adam Schiff in this political career just like the 2 highly political impeachments helped Trump.  It shouldn’t, but it did.  Are you, as a Democrat, embarrassed how your party started all this mess out?

The Russia investigation was started by a Republican, Devin Nunes.  Trump's Attorney General, Sessions, recused himself due to ethical conflicts and the assistant AG appointed former Republican FBI director, appointed by George W. Bush to be Special Counsel.  Those are just facts.  I don't consider myself to be a Democrat, but if my choices are authoritarian lies and the Democrats, then give me the donkey tag all day long.

Trump couldn't stop at that.  He was impeached for something he definitely had a part in.  In fact, there was detailed testimony from Trump appointed ambassadors and NSA professionals that proved his conduct beyond any doubt.

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36 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

I like to call him Shiff. Like Shiffty Shiffy Shiff. 

Hes so dam shifty, he makes that George Santos look like honest Abe Lincoln.  Why cant them Demorats get them no morol folks like Gaetz, Boerbart, Greene, Trump, Jordon, Gomert, Graham, Cotton, Alito?

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17 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

It a two party system; the only reason you would vote for a 3rd party is so you can come on a political board to boast of you virtue by not voting one of the parties.  A vote for the 3rd party does not help keep the worst president in American history out of office.  You can apply that both ways.

Guilty. At least I dont have the guilt of voting for either of two failed, incompetent men that are too old and too partisan to o incompetent to ever sit in the WH.

I don't support the failed political system that nominated them either.

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3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:


Wall Street Journal: 'No one should ever believe another word' from Schiff

what is it going to take to make the third party viable and mean something david? not picking i am serious. you guys never gain any traction. you need a name you can live with to make a splash. but with todays politics it baffles me why you guys are not taking advantage?

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19 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

what is it going to take to make the third party viable and mean something david? not picking i am serious. you guys never gain any traction. you need a name you can live with to make a splash. but with todays politics it baffles me why you guys are not taking advantage?

If I had the money I would be donating and maybe behind-the-scenes leading. The political reality is that, locally, we don't even have two parties in this state. We have only one. They dominate everything. It is all but useless to support an ADP candidate in Alabama. I know, I have supported several. Doug Jones was a gift from a total sleazoid Moore. We won because the Republican was truly horrendous. He did a very good job as Senator but never had a real chance to win a second time.

In CA, same thing but for the Democrats. They have citizens fleeing the state with how bad Guv Hairgel is doing.  The man is a Member's Only jacket away from being a villain in a Nerds! movie and still would win as many elections as he can run. He is the real next front-runner for the Dems. Kamala will never beat him in the primaries.

I say all that to say this: Our Dual-Party Hell has-is-will fail us. These parties are so fundamentally corrupt to the core that they can never recover. The billionaires own both of them. They own one about a nickel less than the other. We are screwed as a nation. We really do need a real political apocalypse to wake up enough American Voters to toss both into the waste bin. 

I don't have any other answer but that. Right now we live in a time where we fight about the insignificant crap and let the real issues pass right by. We cant even conduct an audit on the Pentagon. There is so much money swirling around the MIC we cant even get an accounting of it. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. And one party cant do that folks.

The two third parties trying right now both have the same issue. MONEY. Just spent some time over the last two days talking about the latest third party. They have already seen the reality and in American Politics it is that $$$ rules. To get money, they end up acting and talking exactly like Dem-Lite or Rep-lite. The two parties trying to launch right now are already owned by their donors, and folks, they are the same donors that run the other two. The extremes in wealth in America have built a political trap that we cannot get out of. We have boxed ourselves in where those that have the money literally own so much that the Middle Class are totally outflanked politically. We are on the road to basically the American Caste System.


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2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

If I had the money I would be donating and maybe behind-the-scenes leading. The political reality is that, locally, we don't even have two parties in this state. We have only one. They dominate everything. It is all but useless to support an ADP candidate in Alabama. I know, I have supported several. Doug Jones was a gift from a total sleazoid Moore. We won because the Republican was truly horrendous. He did a very good job as Senator but never had a real chance to win a second time.

In CA, same thing but for the Democrats. They have citizens fleeing the state with how bad Guv Hairgel is doing.  The man is a Member's Only jacket away from being a villain in a Nerds! movie and still would win as many elections as he can run. He is the real next front-runner for the Dems. Kamala will never beat him in the primaries.

I say all that to say this: Our Dual-Party Hell has-is-will fail us. These parties are so fundamentally corrupt to the core that they can never recover. The billionaires own both of them. They own one about a nickel less than the other. We are screwed as a nation. We really do need a real political apocalypse to wake up enough American Voters to toss both into the waste bin. 

I don't have any other answer but that. Right now we live in a time where we fight about the insignificant crap and let the real issues pass right by. We cant even conduct an audit on the Pentagon. There is so much money swirling around the MIC we cant even get an accounting of it. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. And one party cant do that folks.

The two third parties trying right now both have the same issue. MONEY. Just spent some time over the last two days talking about the latest third party. They have already seen the reality and in American Politics it is that $$$ rules. To get money, they end up acting and talking exactly like Dem-Lite or Rep-lite. The two parties trying to launch right now are already owned by their donors, and folks, they are the same donors that run the other two. The extremes in wealth in America have built a political trap that we cannot get out of. We have boxed ourselves in where those that have the money literally own so much that the Middle Class are totally outflanked politically. We are on the road to basically the American Caste System.


thanx for replying. i will say i wish we had a better 3 party platform and maybe it would wise up some folks in office and make them do better because of it. i have little faith in government.

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