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this is for you IAM......................


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These are the words of a Bureaucrat that is an activist, yet in the real world of California where they practice the Bureaucrat’s ideology we have youth committing suicide after being given testosterone.  Who’s mental health are they talking about?



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20 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:



god you are a dumbass. no way around it. this is from satire dude.SATIRE. do you know what it means? it means it is not true and you are posting lies because your hate is so strong. why else would you post it? you think trans are not funny so i am curious......

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

god you are a dumbass. no way around it. this is from satire dude.SATIRE. do you know what it means? it means it is not true and you are posting lies because your hate is so strong. why else would you post it? you think trans are not funny so i am curious......

You have lost your ever loving mind if you think I don’t know the Babylon Bee is satire. That is why it’s funny.  If he would have exposed himself at a pride parade, no arrest.  He didn’t so he’s behind bars.  I post it for a laugh, something you have forgotten about.

ETA:  The trans movement is so ridiculous it took most conservatives too much time to realize they were being serious that men can become women and women can become men.  When it showed up in the classroom is when most parents said this has got to stop, but by that time the fringe insane left made it their cause du jour.  Now people actually believe they have a right to butcher their own children.

ETA:  This doesn’t mean I hate trans or their parents, I just believe they are miss guided.

Edited by I_M4_AU
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On 6/26/2023 at 7:30 AM, aubiefifty said:

they were chanting that as a screw you dude chant. they are not coming for your children. you cannot be that stupid............

I have to be honest, and I love you fifty, but this feels like some gaslighting. You're essentially asking us to ignore what they're saying and believe a narrative instead, all while we are seeing trans influence targeted at kids pick up on tik tok, pick up in schools, teachers admitting they want to help kids transition in secret without parents' knowledge, trans pushes to include kids in drag performances etc. By their actions and their words, it seems to me that kids are a priority for the movement. And if it's simply their concern for trans kids and not the desire to influence them, why are we simply seeing a sudden surge in trans youth regionally? Why isn't this happening in other countries where there happens to be much less influence and less push for minor gender affirming care? It's hard to prove cause and effect, (i.e. are they influencing kids or just concerned about including trans kids) but to flat out deny that it could be happening while they chant thats what they want to do seems nonintuitive.

This is my biggest fear. As I've said before, I'm done trying to influence society, it's going to do what it's going to do. Its too exhausting and in the end of the day ill probably be called every name under the sun and cancelled. I just want to stop society from influencing my children at this point.

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2 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

I have to be honest, and I love you fifty, but this feels like some gaslighting. You're essentially asking us to ignore what they're saying and believe a narrative instead, all while we are seeing trans influence targeted at kids pick up on tik tok, pick up in schools, teachers admitting they want to help kids transition in secret without parents' knowledge, trans pushes to include kids in drag performances etc. By their actions and their words, it seems to me that kids are a priority for the movement. And if it's simply their concern for trans kids and not the desire to influence them, why are we simply seeing a sudden surge in trans youth regionally? Why isn't this happening in other countries where there happens to be much less influence and less push for minor gender affirming care? It's hard to prove cause and effect, (i.e. are they influencing kids or just concerned about including trans kids) but to flat out deny that it could be happening while they chant thats what they want to do seems nonintuitive.

This is my biggest fear. As I've said before, I'm done trying to influence society, it's going to do what it's going to do. Its too exhausting and in the end of the day ill probably be called every name under the sun and cancelled. I just want to stop society from influencing my children at this point.

my point is i have no tolerance for hate. everyone counts or no one counts. these are not cartoons we are talking about here we are talking about real people. remember when trump told the world pence would hang gays if he could? these words have meanings. the gas lighting is mostly done on the other side i am just giving it back. people talk about how trans and gays are less than human or NOT human and they get beat up and or murdered because those on the right. how about asking others on here besides me if ol iam is not full of hate and posts fake crap all the time to try and prove his point. and he is not being part of the solution he is part of the problem. the hate is out there and it is mostly from the right.again it is getting people hurt. you and iam and others all say we are doing it wrong. you teach your kids and let them tech their kids. it is their right. you do not want anyone influencing your kids right? then why if it is legal and all the crap flying around claiming we are doing them wrong. i told iam and i will tell you i know a family very well that had a girl that is now a man. they had her checked over and over and she went to shrinks and doctors. it was not done overnight. he is very well adjusted and super happy. she has a genius IQ. she is now an asset to society as a whole. but religion has mostly let them down evangelicals anyway. these same people want to send all gays to camp to straighten them out. everyone counts or no one counts. i really like you and would hate to be at odds with you. you know who the evangelicals number one guy is tight now in politics? trump. we all know he is a crook and a conman. so you guys have some work to do on your own. you cannot tell people how to live their lies but you can try and show them the error of their ways. this is all i am doing. if a gay or a tranny walked into church and sat down byiam he better have depends on.

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24 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

my point is i have no tolerance for hate. everyone counts or no one counts. these are not cartoons we are talking about here we are talking about real people. remember when trump told the world pence would hang gays if he could? these words have meanings. the gas lighting is mostly done on the other side i am just giving it back. people talk about how trans and gays are less than human or NOT human and they get beat up and or murdered because those on the right. how about asking others on here besides me if ol iam is not full of hate and posts fake crap all the time to try and prove his point. and he is not being part of the solution he is part of the problem. the hate is out there and it is mostly from the right.again it is getting people hurt. you and iam and others all say we are doing it wrong. you teach your kids and let them tech their kids. it is their right. you do not want anyone influencing your kids right? then why if it is legal and all the crap flying around claiming we are doing them wrong. i told iam and i will tell you i know a family very well that had a girl that is now a man. they had her checked over and over and she went to shrinks and doctors. it was not done overnight. he is very well adjusted and super happy. she has a genius IQ. she is now an asset to society as a whole. but religion has mostly let them down evangelicals anyway. these same people want to send all gays to camp to straighten them out. everyone counts or no one counts. i really like you and would hate to be at odds with you. you know who the evangelicals number one guy is tight now in politics? trump. we all know he is a crook and a conman. so you guys have some work to do on your own. you cannot tell people how to live their lies but you can try and show them the error of their ways. this is all i am doing. if a gay or a tranny walked into church and sat down byiam he better have depends on.

I dont have much issue with what you've said, other than I'm not sure most of it pertained to my response. But thats OK, I get where your concern is coming from. Violence and blind hate against a group isn't a good thing. Disagreement, disapproval, defending our children and our beliefs, and not affirming other people's beliefs is not hate and violence. As long we understand this distinction. Having this discussion doesn't have to mean we are at odds or hate each other.

The middle part I'm not sure I follow entirely. Why is what legal? Trans movement influencing our kids? That's kind of hard to legislate, and as we've seen, doing so leads to lots of questions, pushbacks, etc. I've never been a huge fan of legislating your way to solutions unless there's no other way.

As for who the right supports? I'm not strictly on the right, but I'll say again. I won't vote for trump unless this broken election system makes me. He's not my pick, but the more the system targets him (rightfully or not, not relevant to my argument), it's going to increase his support in his base because people that see our system as corrupt and broken just want someone who is outside the system's influence. Nothing else to them matters. Indicting trump would only drive him to the top of the nomination list further imo. I'm convinced that is what the DNC wants anyway. Good of the country be damned, both parties will play game theory here to increase their odds of victory. Now I went on a tangent...sorry.

Edited by KansasTiger
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1 minute ago, KansasTiger said:

I dont have much issue with what you've said, other than I'm not sure most of it pertained to my response. But thats OK, I get where your concern is coming from. Violence and blind hate against a group isn't a good thing. Disagreement, disapproval, defending our children and our beliefs, and not affirming other people's beliefs us not hate and violence. As long we understand this distinction. Having this discussion doesn't have to mean we are at odds or hate each other.

The middle part I'm not sure I follow entirely. Why is what legal? Trans movement influencing our kids? That's kind of hard to legislate, and as we've seen, doing so leads to lots of questions, pushbacks, etc. I've never been a huge fan of legislating your way to solutions unless there's no other way.

As for who the right supports? I'm not strictly on the right, but I'll say again. I won't vote for trump unless this broken election system makes me. He's not my pick, but the more the system targets him (rightfully or not, not relevant to my argument), it's going to increase his support because people that see our system as corrupt and broken just want someone who is outside the system's influence. Nothing else to them matters. Indicting trump would only drive him to the top of the nomination list further imo. I'm convinced that is what the DNC wants anyway. Good of the country be damned, both parties will play game theory here to increase their odds of victory. Now I went on a tangent...sorry.

my point is all the hysteria concerning this mess. what about their rights? the hate is real against these people. you want to raise your kids you way and i stand by that. but you have to trust parents who look into the tranny thing to do the right thing as well. the sad part is you can get molested pretty quick in church. it happens more than people think. they pop up all the time on al.com. then, when i point this out i am a church hater. but i am mad. love should be the higher law period and any form of hate in church should never be allowed. these folks are often beatup. killed. kicked out of homes. made fun of in school.murdered on playgrounds. so they go looking for the love of jesus and what do they get? my way or the highway. some of these kids have no where to turn to and i personally feel like folks like iam make it wors. if he is not smearing them he is posting bad jokes. i do believe peoples genes get mixed up at times. look at retarded children. they came out of the womb with issues because they are not "right"? and i do not mean this mean. my point is i believe trannys have the same problem. i got to run pick up meds so i can terrorize you guys more. by the way i am sorry you missed all the hate i received on this very board when trump was running and even after he won. excuse after excuse was given for him knowing it was lie. hell they tried to get me banned. this is a fact. two mods have told me this.two. but i will not out them so believe it or not. this is why i am blunt and to the point. and i am sad to hear you would vote for him again. he tried to steal the election. good grief. anyway i shall return..................

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9 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

my point is all the hysteria concerning this mess. what about their rights? the hate is real against these people. you want to raise your kids you way and i stand by that. but you have to trust parents who look into the tranny thing to do the right thing as well. the sad part is you can get molested pretty quick in church. it happens more than people think. they pop up all the time on al.com. then, when i point this out i am a church hater. but i am mad. love should be the higher law period and any form of hate in church should never be allowed. these folks are often beatup. killed. kicked out of homes. made fun of in school.murdered on playgrounds. so they go looking for the love of jesus and what do they get? my way or the highway. some of these kids have no where to turn to and i personally feel like folks like iam make it wors. if he is not smearing them he is posting bad jokes. i do believe peoples genes get mixed up at times. look at retarded children. they came out of the womb with issues because they are not "right"? and i do not mean this mean. my point is i believe trannys have the same problem. i got to run pick up meds so i can terrorize you guys more. by the way i am sorry you missed all the hate i received on this very board when trump was running and even after he won. excuse after excuse was given for him knowing it was lie. hell they tried to get me banned. this is a fact. two mods have told me this.two. but i will not out them so believe it or not. this is why i am blunt and to the point. and i am sad to hear you would vote for him again. he tried to steal the election. good grief. anyway i shall return..................

There is a fine line. I dont know that I can agree with the line 'any form of hate in church should never be allowed'. Now I know where you're coming from and dont disagree for the most part, but hatred of the sin is required. That doesn't mean you hate the person, or can abuse or be violent toward that person. But telling a trans person who comes to your church or to you personally that their actions and choices are sinful and unacceptable isn't hate of the person (I would even argue its love for that person). I don't think that these churches or people need to go seek out and tell trans people this to their faces if they arent seeking out the church or you about it. That's just stupid and asking for trouble these days.

Fifty, I'm glad you're here. We don't always agree, especially on this side of the forum, but that's ok.

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1 hour ago, KansasTiger said:

There is a fine line. I dont know that I can agree with the line 'any form of hate in church should never be allowed'. Now I know where you're coming from and dont disagree for the most part, but hatred of the sin is required. That doesn't mean you hate the person, or can abuse or be violent toward that person. But telling a trans person who comes to your church or to you personally that their actions and choices are sinful and unacceptable isn't hate of the person (I would even argue its love for that person). I don't think that these churches or people need to go seek out and tell trans people this to their faces if they arent seeking out the church or you about it. That's just stupid and asking for trouble these days.

Fifty, I'm glad you're here. We don't always agree, especially on this side of the forum, but that's ok.

you and grea8ght with an 8 could probably talk about my mama and things would be cool. no one else tho......

Edited by aubiefifty
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