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Brett Baier with the haymaker…

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13 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Accountable for what? What has he done that he deserves to be held accountable for? Just because conservatives don't like his policies doesn't mean he's doing illegal stuff. Biden also doesn't pick fights with the media. Trump goes at them and they go right back at Trump. Brett Baier literally could not sit down with Biden and have that kind of interview, because there isn't enough drama there to use. The treat Biden how they treated Obama, Clinton, Bush, W, etc. Trump is a completely different animal. 

biden the boogie monster.................lol. somone should start a thread and compare ALL of bidens evils and ALL of trump evils just to get a clear picture. then they would bitch about picking on trump. i cannot help it on my end if he is the gift that keeps on giving.

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6 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

biden the boogie monster.................lol. somone should start a thread and compare ALL of bidens evils and ALL of trump evils just to get a clear picture. then they would bitch about picking on trump. i cannot help it on my end if he is the gift that keeps on giving.

It would be a waste of time. Everyone with any sense knows that the two guys are cut from a completely different cloth. In a fair world, to them, Trump acts like a narcissistic buffoon and Biden who doesn't gets the same media treatment, in the interest of "fairness". 

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20 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

Accountable for what? What has he done that he deserves to be held accountable for? Just because conservatives don't like his policies doesn't mean he's doing illegal stuff. Biden also doesn't pick fights with the media. Trump goes at them and they go right back at Trump. Brett Baier literally could not sit down with Biden and have that kind of interview, because there isn't enough drama there to use. The treat Biden how they treated Obama, Clinton, Bush, W, etc. Trump is a completely different animal. 

Thank you for proving my point. HB is a crackhead, tax deadbeat, deadbeat dad, with a laptop that has damaged his dad's reputation forever. And what does he get? Less than a slap on the wrist. 

$50K/Month for a no-show job that he is totally unqualified for with a Ukrainian oil company and only the biggest partisan hacks cant SEE & KNOW that that is total corruption from 6K miles away. 

$10Ms for a Chinese investment company that doesn't invest in anything but the Biden name.....

There is a plain and simple two-tiered law structure in this nation and you have no problem with it at all because you think it benefits you at this moment. When trump gets off for the umpteenth time, please don't complain on this forum. You love the two-tiered law system, but only when it suits your side. 

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On 6/20/2023 at 8:13 AM, Mikey said:

I won't be voting for Trump in the primary. Should it come down to Trump vs. Bungling Biden, I'll put a Mega-MAGA bumper sticker on the car and certainly vote for Trump. At least Trump's policies favor America and honest citizens, not foreign interests and criminals.

Well said Mikey!  This is exactly how I feel, too!

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On 6/19/2023 at 10:58 PM, Mikey said:

Nice to compare news sources. Fox News asks Trump a bunch of tough questions. MSNBC & the like toss Biden slow pitch softball thoughts, then have to show him the way to exit the stage.

Looks like the momentium is on our side.


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The Latest from API | 06.23.23





Across the nation and even in the state of Alabama, the traditional family unit is increasingly under attack. Public funding and public institutions are being used as a tool to subvert family values and erode parental rights to raise their children as they see fit. Fortunately, the tide seems to be shifting as the specific targeting of young children in both the public and private sector has brought the issue to the forefront of people's attention. Time will tell if that attention will serve as a breaking point toward social conservative policy initiatives nationwide.

A recent Gallup poll indicates that there has been a significant shift in the past year regarding those who identify themselves as social conservatives. Gallup recently released a poll that found that Americans who call themselves social conservatives leapt from 33 percent in 2022 to 38 percent this year, while those who identify as liberal dipped from 34 percent to just 29 percent.


Gallup asserted in its report:

Greater social conservatism may be fostering an environment more favorable to passing conservative-leaning social legislation, especially in Republican-dominated states. Indeed, in the past year, many Republican states have passed stricter constraints on abortions, limited choices for transgender youth in sports participation and healthcare, and placed prohibitions on what topics can be discussed in classroom settings.

In addition to the shift regarding social issues, Americans remain more likely to identify as economically conservative rather than liberal because Republicans overwhelmingly say they are conservative, but Democrats are not overwhelmingly liberal. In 2023, 79% of Republicans identify as conservative on economic issues, while 48% of Democrats say they are liberal. Additionally, more independents identify as economic conservatives (36%) than liberals (16%). About half of independents say they are moderate on economic matters.


In Alabama, many of the pieces of legislation mentioned by Gallup are already law. The protection of children from gender reassignment and puberty blockers legislation (VCAP) was passed in 2022, though it is still in litigation. Thanks to our Human Life Protection Act, passed in 2019 and reinforced by the amendment to the Alabama Constitution in 2018, Alabama remains one of the strongest anti-abortion states in the nation. The Alabama legislature passed a bill to protect young children from being taught inappropriate material in public school classrooms in 2022. The Protection of Women in Sports bill passed and was signed into law following the recent 2023 regular session.

However, there is more work to be done to be sure that families are valued and children are protected from being intentionally targeted. Parents and grandparents are asserting themselves on behalf of their children and grandchildren and becoming more active in both the political process and public meetings, especially on the local level. We applaud and support those who have been bold enough to stand up to the hostile crowds. As our society increasingly embraces disorder and chaos, it is incumbent upon us to continually assert the principles of order, representative government, and peace. 

API has served as both a leader and resource for the public and state elected officials on matters of social conservatism since our founding in 1989. Now, more than ever, we will remain true to our mission of doing all we can to protect and promote strong families. The Alabama Policy Institute will continue standing up for family values and we won't back down. We appreciate your faithful support.








Alabama Policy Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan educational and research institution dedicated to ensuring limited government, free markets, and strong families.




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