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Trump Extremists Demand Civil War, Mass Murder After New Indictment

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It is righteous to support those who marched in Charlottesville, those who attacked the capitol in order to stop the steal.  Those people are MAGA patriots.

If you support those who protested the police indiscriminately killing black people, you are the problem.  Real patriots always back the blue.

Onward christian MAGA patriots.

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Bring ‘em on! I’m ready and prepared to defend my country. 

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17 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

Bring ‘em on! I’m ready and prepared to defend my country. 

I'm scared to ask, but prepared to defend against whom?

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35 minutes ago, arein0 said:

I'm scared to ask, but prepared to defend against whom?

Anyone thinking a civil war is the answer. I have one for them. #americafirst 

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Best statement I've seen on this.  I am right with him.


"Will Trump diehards commit acts of violence? Maybe. But I’m going to wait to see them do it. I’m not going to pump up the psychic tenor of the moment based on what they hint they might do on Twitter. When a Freedom Caucus dead-ender like Clay Higgins hints at mobilizing a Trump guerrilla army I am going to properly refer to him as another terror-inciting degenerate and basically say, ‘Go for it.’ That’s not taunt or bravado. It’s just a refusal to get psyched out. If that’s what you need to do, do it and we’ll go from there. I will assume federal authorities are taking all necessary precautions. And that’s it. If there’s another version of those feral goons plotting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, federal authorities will arrest them."


I recommend the entire article.

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37 minutes ago, homersapien said:

When a Freedom Caucus dead-ender like Clay Higgins hints at mobilizing a Trump guerrilla army...

I refuse to believe Clay Higgins would ever resort to violence.

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12 hours ago, Leftfield said:

There were also two Republicans on the committee, though I'm sure you'll dismiss them as RINO's

It was nothing but a kangaroo court. Pelosi didn't even allow the Pubbies to select their own members, she picked.....wait for it....RHINOs. No Republican that I know of considered Liz Chaney a conservative. That's a joke.

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7 minutes ago, Mikey said:

It was nothing but a kangaroo court. Pelosi didn't even allow the Pubbies to select their own members, she picked.....wait for it....RHINOs.

So you're going to disregard, again, that the Republican leadership refused to cooperate? McCarthy picked five members. Pelosi would not accept two: Jim Banks and Jim Jordan. She observed, correctly, that they were too closely tied to Trump. McCarthy then took his ball and went home, pulling the three members Pelosi had accepted. She then selected Cheney and Kinzinger because they were the only Republicans that voted to establish the committee, and McCarthy had threatened anyone who supported the committee.

18 minutes ago, Mikey said:

No Republican that I know of considered Liz Chaney a conservative. That's a joke.

Show me any article, from before the impeachment vote, that said anything to the effect Cheney was a RINO. Look at her voting record. You are writing revisionist history.

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9 hours ago, Leftfield said:

So you're going to disregard, again, that the Republican leadership refused to cooperate? McCarthy picked five members. Pelosi would not accept two: Jim Banks and Jim Jordan. She observed, correctly, that they were too closely tied to Trump. McCarthy then took his ball and went home, pulling the three members Pelosi had accepted. She then selected Cheney and Kinzinger because they were the only Republicans that voted to establish the committee, and McCarthy had threatened anyone who supported the committee.

Show me any article, from before the impeachment vote, that said anything to the effect Cheney was a RINO. Look at her voting record. You are writing revisionist history.

You are exactly correct. Pelosi did not allow the Pubbies to select their own representatives. She selected two who were of her own choosing. As I've already noted, that commission was a joke, a kangaroo court. Nobody with a lick of sense puts any credence into their findings.

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12 minutes ago, Mikey said:

You are exactly correct. Pelosi did not allow the Pubbies to select their own representatives. She selected two who were of her own choosing. As I've already noted, that commission was a joke, a kangaroo court. Nobody with a lick of sense puts any credence into their findings.

Mikey, I'm trying to give you a chance here. If you're going to just ignore the facts of what happened, then what's the point of debate? 

As I said, Pelosi accepted three of McCarthy's picks, but rejected two. McCarthy could have selected two others, but instead withdrew the three that had been approved and refused to cooperate further. As Speaker of the House, it was perfectly acceptable for Pelosi to disagree with McCarthy's picks. I think we can all guess as to why McCarthy picked the Jims, especially Jordan, and Pelosi reasonably objected. Cheney and Kinzinger were the only two House Republicans to vote to establish the commission, and the only ones willing to serve on it.

Can you tell me why the commission was a joke? What about their actions and report do you consider to be inaccurate or unethical?

The irony is that if McCarthy had cooperated, the January 6 Committee would have had more legitimacy in the eyes of the far right. Had that been the case, Trump would have been disgraced and would not currently be the front-runner for the Republican nomination. That's what the vast majority of Republicans want, right?

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4 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

That's what the vast majority of Republicans want, right?

Seems like no one ever votes for Trump in the primaries yet somehow was the Republican Candidate / current front runner. 🤔 

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7 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

Can you tell me why the commission was a joke? What about their actions and report do you consider to be inaccurate or unethical?

An avowed Trump hater, Pelosi, hand picks commission members and her picks then come out with findings that are not favorable to Trump. Anyone who thinks that was anything but a kangaroo court has rocks in their head.

Pelosi didn't allow the Pubbies to put anybody on the committee that might give honest opposition. The commission and their findings are in no way legitimate.

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15 minutes ago, Mikey said:

An avowed Trump hater, Pelosi, hand picks commission members and her picks then come out with findings that are not favorable to Trump. Anyone who thinks that was anything but a kangaroo court has rocks in their head.

Pelosi didn't allow the Pubbies to put anybody on the committee that might give honest opposition. The commission and their findings are in no way legitimate.

So in your opinion, there wasn't a single person on the committee capable of being objective? 

Do you agree that a commission should have been formed to investigate what happened and who was responsible? Did you agree with McCarthy's decision to not cooperate?

Did you watch the hearings to see the evidence and judge for yourself?



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1 hour ago, Leftfield said:

So in your opinion, there wasn't a single person on the committee capable of being objective? 

Do you agree that a commission should have been formed to investigate what happened and who was responsible? Did you agree with McCarthy's decision to not cooperate?

Did you watch the hearings to see the evidence and judge for yourself?

Of course he didn't.  Fortunately, a good bit of the country did. 

The Republican party has become a cult and Mikey is a cultist.  Truth and facts don't exist with cultists.

America is better than that. Our majority will not stand for this know-nothing nonsense.

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13 hours ago, Mikey said:

It was nothing but a kangaroo court. Pelosi didn't even allow the Pubbies to select their own members, she picked.....wait for it....RHINOs. No Republican that I know of considered Liz Chaney a conservative. That's a joke.

imagine that. nancy appointing decet repubs instead of the fooking crazies yall have..............you are such an idiot mickey.

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26 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

imagine that. nancy appointing decet repubs instead of the fooking crazies yall have..............you are such an idiot mickey.

Well, at least he's acknowledging that "Republican" stand for cultish thinking. 

Saying Liz Cheney is not conservative and is a "RINO" does exactly that.

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14 hours ago, Leftfield said:

As Speaker of the House, it was perfectly acceptable for Pelosi to disagree with McCarthy's picks. I think we can all guess as to why McCarthy picked the Jims, especially Jordan, and Pelosi reasonably objected.

Lefties such as you are so delusional that you can't even understand what you have written yourself. You say it was unacceptable for McCarthy to put Trump supporters on the commission but Pelosi putting Trump haters on there is just fine. Then you claim that this fair, non-partisan politics. 

No wonder the nation is laughing at the findings of the Jan. 6 commission. Back before they were even done people were laughing and most everybody with any sense at all had quit wasting time looking at that cooked-up mess.


13 hours ago, Leftfield said:

Did you agree with McCarthy's decision to not cooperate?

I agree that when McCarthy's picks to represent the Trump side of things were denied a seat, he was correct walk away. That told him and everybody else that this was nothing but a railroading. When the controller doesn't allow a different viewpoint it's not a commission, it's a stacked jury that will only find one way. It's a laughing stock.

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9 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Lefties such as you are so delusional that you can't even understand what you have written yourself. You say it was unacceptable for McCarthy to put Trump supporters on the commission but Pelosi putting Trump haters on there is just fine.

Jordan and Banks weren't just Trump "supporters." They were Trump water carriers. They both amplified the "stolen election" claims and defended Trump at every turn. Why would Pelosi accept two people who kept loudly making claims that were demonstrably false? Claims that led to the very insurrection they were investigating? 

18 minutes ago, Mikey said:

No wonder the nation is laughing at the findings of the Jan. 6 commission. Back before they were even done people were laughing and most everybody with any sense at all had quit wasting time looking at that cooked-up mess.

Oh, I'm sure people who had their minds made up and refused to think further were laughing. I'm assuming this includes you. I'm guessing this means you didn't watch?

23 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I agree that when McCarthy's picks to represent the Trump side of things were denied a seat, he was correct walk away. That told him and everybody else that this was nothing but a railroading. When the controller doesn't allow a different viewpoint it's not a commission, it's a stacked jury that will only find one way. It's a laughing stock.

But Pelosi did allow a different viewpoint. She approved three other Republicans, but you ignore that. She didn't approve the two that continued to spout the stolen election claim. They didn't have a "different viewpoint," they were outright lying. They were trying to discredit our entire system in an attempt to hold power, and it was repeatedly proven wrong in court, which they knew.

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8 hours ago, Leftfield said:

Jordan and Banks weren't just Trump "supporters." They were Trump water carriers... (ETC blah blah blah)

So it was ok to load the commission with Trump haters but not ok to put Trump water carriers on it? That's ridiculous.

The Trump disassociate syndrome is so in control of many of you that you can't even see through the fog and recognize your own imbalance.

Either the Pubbies got to place their chosen reps on the commission or they did not. They did not. End of fairness, beginning of charade.

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2 minutes ago, Mikey said:

So it was ok to load the commission with Trump haters but not ok to put Trump water carriers on it? That's ridiculous.

The Trump disassociate syndrome is so in control of many of you that you can't even see through the fog and recognize your own imbalance.

Either the Pubbies got to place their chosen reps on the commission or they did not. They did not. End of fairness, beginning of charade.

Do you feel that anyone with a "D" in front of their name is a "Trump hater"?

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On 6/11/2023 at 10:52 PM, Mikey said:

It was nothing but a kangaroo court. Pelosi didn't even allow the Pubbies to select their own members, she picked.....wait for it....RHINOs. No Republican that I know of considered Liz Chaney a conservative. That's a joke.

Well, Forrest Gump was right: Stupid is as Stupid does.  Fits you quite well.

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3 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

Do you feel that anyone with a "D" in front of their name is a "Trump hater"?

Not necessarily, but Pelosi knew her group well enough that being a Trump hater was a prerequisite to getting appointed to her stacked jury.

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2 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Not necessarily, but Pelosi knew her group well enough that being a Trump hater was a prerequisite to getting appointed to her stacked jury.


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