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Trump Extremists Demand Civil War, Mass Murder After New Indictment

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Trump Extremists Demand Civil War, Mass Murder After New Indictment

Tim Dickinson
6–8 minutes


Extreme supporters of Donald Trump have met news of his federal indictment with visions of violence and retribution.

At The Donald, a forum for ultra-MAGA Trump supporters, users demanded public executions and other forms of lynching to avenge the federal prosecution of Trump, for the alleged mishandling of state secrets at Mar a Lago after he was no longer president.

The calls for violence appeared in comment threads, responding to posts on the front page of the forum Thursday night, after news broke of Trump’s latest legal troubles. The most extreme comments were written in response to a fanciful post insisting “the only solution” to DOJ’s efforts to lock up Trump would be to vote him back into the presidency, so Trump could “pardon himself and begin arresting those guilty of insurrection and sedition.”

A user named “Belac186” offered a far deadlier fix: “The only way this country ever becomes anything like the Constitution says this country should be is if thousands of traitorous rats are publicly executed.” Commenter “DogFaceKilla” quickly chimed in to offer supplies: “I got some rope somewhere in the garage…” And “Heavy_Metal_Patriot” added: “Hans says we can borrow the flammenwerfer” — a reference to a battlefield flame thrower used to by German soldiers in World War II.

The proposal for mass killing struck user “BlackPilledMAGA” as going too far: “Doesn’t have to be thousands, just a few dozen would do. s*** would STOP immediately.” But user “Nerdrem1” insisted taking out a few elites wouldn’t make the difference, suggesting the number of dead required was on a genocidal scale: “Millions. The real problem is the people that vote for them, as long as they exist the problem can’t be solved.” A user named “Heavy_Metal_Patriot” concurred: “Correct.”

It might be tempting to dismiss these calls for mass murder as loose talk among angry MAGAdonians. Yet there is dark history here. In a previous iteration, The Donald was used to help plot and promote the violence at the Capitol in 2021, as detailed in the final report of the House Jan. 6 Committee, including by users who “openly discussed surrounding and occupying the U.S. Capitol.”

On The Donald, users can post a headline or a meme with hopes that others will “upvote” to the front page. Clicking on a post then brings up a comment section, where the most popular comments similarly rise to the top. The forum is rightly notorious as a place for bad Internet behavior. It began on Reddit, before getting banned for upvoting “rule-breaking content” and for moderators who “refused to meet our most basic expectations.” The forum then launched as a standalone site at TheDonald.win, but a top moderator pulled the plug on that site following the havoc of Jan. 6. Finally it was rebooted for third time at Patriots.win, where it continues to connect the Trump faithful — and offer the rest of us a disturbing window into the psyche of the MAGA fever swamps.

The Donald still bills itself as “a high-energy rally for supporters of President Trump” and the forum’s rules include exhortations to “Follow the Law” and to “Be Vigilant” because “your posts and comments may become news.” The forum did not respond to questions emailed to its press line about its moderation practices or how it handles open calls to violence.

As Rolling Stone has reported, The Donald has lately gravitated away from hero worship of the 45th president and toward noxious culture-war issues, particularly promoting hate toward LGBTQ people. (To wit: the top “Hot” post by Friday morning was a post bemoaning the endorsement of Pride month by a fast-casual restaurant chain: “Cracker Barrel went woke.”)

But big news events involving Trump still stoke the passions of extremist users. Katie McCarthy is an investigative researcher with the Anti-Defamation League who monitors The Donald closely. She recalls that users were also ”very angry” about Trump’s first indictment in New York, making posts that included “calls for civil war, violence, and retribution.”

In fact, the threat of civil war was on the minds of The Donald again on Thursday. Under a meme post showing Donald Trump with laser eyes and the text “YUGE MISTAKE,” forum posters wrote of preparing for violence.

User “horsepaste420” wrote: “I just feel like we’re going through the motions until all hell breaks loose.” A commenter named “Blackrider” concurred: “Same here dude. Stacking bags and loading mags. Just waiting for the calm to end, and the chaos to begin.” A responding to another user’s prediction of “civil war,” a commenter named ”pushbackv2” called such a conflict “inevitable” and predicted “it’s right around the corner.”

Elsewhere in the same comments section, user “vax_was_a_bioweapon” posted about the indictment as though it were interference in the democratic process — a development that would demand a deadly response: “If they steal the election again why are we talking about anything but dragging the political elite out of their homes and setting them on fire?” User “HawkTheSlayer” suggested a somewhat different lynching strategy: “I prefer tying them to vehicles and dragging them across concrete until they are ground down to nothing.”

A user whose handle is “-jjjjjjjjjj-” then appeared to reference a famous revolutionary quote from Thomas Jefferson about the “the tree of liberty” needing to be “refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants,” suggesting that Trump could jumpstart hostilities with a single phrase:

“The only thing that’s going to change the course of this country from its present heading of a Marxist dictatorship,” the commenter wrote, “is if Trump stands up in Court and says ‘to all of my supporters, the tree needs watering and now is the time.’”

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Everything that is on the internet, social media or any other platform is 100 % accurate.     There has never been people that would go on a site just to stir the pot.   Nah, that would never happen.   

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1 minute ago, aubaseball said:

Everything that is on the internet, social media or any other platform is 100 % accurate.     There has never been people that would go on a site just to stir the pot.   Nah, that would never happen.   

You say that in jest, but there are a few on here that share Tweets as "proof" 

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6 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

Everything that is on the internet, social media or any other platform is 100 % accurate.     There has never been people that would go on a site just to stir the pot.   Nah, that would never happen.   

And as the article points out, this same type of thing happened in the leadup to the January 6 attack. Have you learned nothing?

Wait, you were the one who said January 6 was less of a problem than the George Floyd protests. Never mind....question answered.

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14 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

Wait, you were the one who said January 6 was less of a problem than the George Floyd protests. Never mind....question answered.

He was correct about that.

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9 hours ago, arein0 said:

You say that in jest, but there are a few on here that share Tweets as "proof" 

You’re right …it was mostly in jest but also who actually knows who is making any statement on the internet.   But you still have people on here who believe that everything they read or see on the internet is the truth or 100% accurate.  

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9 hours ago, Leftfield said:

And as the article points out, this same type of thing happened in the leadup to the January 6 attack. Have you learned nothing?

Wait, you were the one who said January 6 was less of a problem than the George Floyd protests. Never mind....question answered.

You are one clueless individual.   You probably are a person that believes no one ever goes on any site or forum just to troll.  
As a matter of fact, just go to the sport forums on here and watch the trolls come out when Auburn loses in any sport.   
I’m not saying that some of those people making those statements aren’t extreme republicans but I’m not going to say they all were because I take everything on the internet with a grain of salt.  

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9 hours ago, Leftfield said:

And as the article points out, this same type of thing happened in the leadup to the January 6 attack. Have you learned nothing?

Wait, you were the one who said January 6 was less of a problem than the George Floyd protests. Never mind....question answered.

Since you brought it up…let’s see…one day of people storming the capitol with some damage done to the capitol vs  5 or 6 cities with billions of dollars worth of damage.   I would say the 2020 summer of love was much worse in destruction.   

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48 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

Since you brought it up…let’s see…one day of people storming the capitol with some damage done to the capitol vs  5 or 6 cities with billions of dollars worth of damage.   I would say the 2020 summer of love was much worse in destruction.   

So you think the damage was just financial?

Am I'm the one that's clueless?

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1 hour ago, aubaseball said:

You are one clueless individual.   You probably are a person that believes no one ever goes on any site or forum just to troll.  
As a matter of fact, just go to the sport forums on here and watch the trolls come out when Auburn loses in any sport.   
I’m not saying that some of those people making those statements aren’t extreme republicans but I’m not going to say they all were because I take everything on the internet with a grain of salt.  

You're comparing trolls on a sports board to violent rhetoric fomenting an insurrection? 

Aside from that, it was shown that some of the coordination and planning was done on social media. Are you just refusing to read anything about how it happened, or have you already dismissed the entire situation?

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I'm pretty sure a bunch of 3 letters agencies are balls deep in such forums lol. 

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11 minutes ago, AUDub said:

I'm pretty sure a bunch of 3 letters agencies are balls deep in such forums lol. 

Would not surprise me to learn that ICHY and Fiddy are followed by 3 letter group.

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1 hour ago, SaltyTiger said:

Would not surprise me to learn that ICHY and Fiddy are followed by 3 letter group.

Hey Fitty,

I found the rat who turned us in to DHS.  Salty is why you are on the no fly list.

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5 hours ago, aubaseball said:

You’re right …it was mostly in jest but also who actually knows who is making any statement on the internet.   But you still have people on here who believe that everything they read or see on the internet is the truth or 100% accurate.  

What a stupid thing to say. :no:


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On 6/10/2023 at 8:43 AM, aubaseball said:

Since you brought it up…let’s see…one day of people storming the capitol with some damage done to the capitol vs  5 or 6 cities with billions of dollars worth of damage.   I would say the 2020 summer of love was much worse in destruction.   

What an idiotic comparison.

This country has experienced racial riots for decades and decades.  Often far far worse than that followed George Floyd's murder.  The monetary damage is irrelevant. (And it's millions, not "billions").  Compared to our history of such riots - and I was old enough to remember them - 2020 was a drop in the bucket.  Such riots come and go - and will likely continue to do so - until the country becomes less racist. 

We've never experienced anything like Jan. 6.  It was an insurrection.  A direct assault on the rule of law and our democracy.  There's no comparison in significance, whatsoever.


Edited by homersapien
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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

What an idiotic comparison. (You'd have to be an idiot to make it.)

This country has experienced racial riots for decades and decades.  Often far far worse than that followed George Floyd's murder.  The monetary damage is irrelevant. (And it's millions, not "billions").  Compared to our history of such riots - and I was old enough to remember them - 2020 was a drop in the bucket.  Such riots come and go - and will likely continue to do so - until the country becomes less racist. 

We've never experienced anything like Jan. 6.  It was an insurrection.  A direct assault on the rule of law and our democracy.  There's no comparison in significance, whatsoever.


Whatever dude!  Typical. You’re always right in your own mind.   Go to your fall back, racism, when justifying what happened in your summer of love.   Comparing that to other riots,  what a laugh.   You are a total imbecile!!!!    Whatever sh@t comes out of your mouth is not even worth reading because it will eventually go to a couple of things, Trump and racism.   You are a fool and a mouth piece for the liberal BS that is spewed out of every main stream news network.   

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1 hour ago, aubaseball said:

Whatever dude!  Typical. You’re always right in your own mind.   Go to your fall back, racism, when justifying what happened in your summer of love.   Comparing that to other riots,  what a laugh.   You are a total imbecile!!!!    Whatever sh@t comes out of your mouth is not even worth reading because it will eventually go to a couple of things, Trump and racism.   You are a fool and a mouth piece for the liberal BS that is spewed out of every main stream news network.   

Actually the other riots I was comparing it to - race riots of the 60's - were far, far worse.   (Look it up kid. :-\)

It's an idiotic comparison. 

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4 hours ago, homersapien said:

We've never experienced anything like Jan. 6.  It was an insurrection.  A direct assault on the rule of law and our democracy.

Hysterical bloviation.

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9 hours ago, Leftfield said:

You're comparing trolls on a sports board to violent rhetoric fomenting an insurrection? 

Aside from that, it was shown that some of the coordination and planning was done on social media. Are you just refusing to read anything about how it happened, or have you already dismissed the entire situation?

Your reading comprehension is very poor.   I didn’t compare trolls to violent rhetoric.   I said trolls are everywhere.   You have a problem believing that someone could be trolling on the other site trying to get a rise out of someone.   Is that difficult to understand or are you really that ignorant?   You people act like everything that is said on the internet is genuine and couldn’t possibly be something that is put out there just to see what kind of reaction they can get.  

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5 hours ago, aubaseball said:

Your reading comprehension is very poor.   I didn’t compare trolls to violent rhetoric.   I said trolls are everywhere.   You have a problem believing that someone could be trolling on the other site trying to get a rise out of someone.   Is that difficult to understand or are you really that ignorant?   You people act like everything that is said on the internet is genuine and couldn’t possibly be something that is put out there just to see what kind of reaction they can get.  

When I said "violent rhetoric fomenting an insurrection," I assumed you would understand I was referring to what your hypothetical trolls were posting.

I never said every single post like that was someone who was actually planning on committing a violent act, and for you to imply so suggests you see things only in extremes. Or it was intentional just so you could get in a childish insult.

I have no problem believing someone could be trolling, and I'm sure there are a few. Most are almost certainly just idiots venting their frustrations, but you can bet there are some who would be perfectly willing to act if given an opportunity, just as some did on January 6. It's not an "all are trolls" or "all are violent criminals" situation, and for you to push the former and accuse me of the latter is absurd. The simple fact is, however, that more rhetoric increases the likelihood that more people will join in action when the time comes.

It just can't understand how, with all the information that came out about January 6, you can still dismiss the severity of it. Did you watch the Commission hearings, or read transcripts or descriptions of what happened? You say it had no lasting impact, but the images of people swarming the Capitol and smoke billowing in the air next to a gallows will forever be part of our history, and we can no longer call ourselves a beacon of democracy for the rest of the world. There is a huge portion of our population that has no trust in the election process, and because of that more and more people are saying the only way to effect change is through force. These are things that will potentially take decades to change.


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16 hours ago, homersapien said:

What an idiotic comparison. (You'd have to be an idiot to make it.)

This country has experienced racial riots for decades and decades.  Often far far worse than that followed George Floyd's murder.  The monetary damage is irrelevant. (And it's millions, not "billions").  Compared to our history of such riots - and I was old enough to remember them - 2020 was a drop in the bucket.  Such riots come and go - and will likely continue to do so - until the country becomes less racist. 

We've never experienced anything like Jan. 6.  It was an insurrection.  A direct assault on the rule of law and our democracy.  There's no comparison in significance, whatsoever.


and mickey comes in to show his stupidity as usual

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11 hours ago, Mikey said:

Hysterical bloviation.

yes mickey your opinion blows. just keep showing your true self

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7 hours ago, Leftfield said:

It just can't understand how, with all the information that came out about January 6, you can still dismiss the severity of it. Did you watch the Commission hearings,

Lets just look at the commission hearings. They were nothing but a bunch of liberal democrats grabbing an opportunity to gain political credits.  Laughable!

Jan. 6 was a minor blowup, nothing compared to the burning and looting that criminals and gangsters used to rob and wreck cities the entire summer of 2020.

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1 hour ago, Mikey said:

Lets just look at the commission hearings. They were nothing but a bunch of liberal democrats grabbing an opportunity to gain political credits.  Laughable!

Jan. 6 was a minor blowup, nothing compared to the burning and looting that criminals and gangsters used to rob and wreck cities the entire summer of 2020.

There were also two Republicans on the committee, though I'm sure you'll dismiss them as RINO's, even though until that point even Republicans considered them solidly conservative. Four of the Democrats were from states that were hardly Democratic strongholds. And you fail to acknowledge that the Republican leadership refused to cooperate by choosing members to serve on the committee. 

You're correct in that there was a large amount of destruction and many despicable acts during the George Floyd protests, but you also correctly point out that it was criminals who used the protests as cover to do it. The vast majority of the protests, and the people in them, were peaceful. More importantly, they were there to effect a positive change, the fair and equal treatment of black people and the end of systemic racism, rather than a negative, the overthrow of the legitimately elected leader of our country. 


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