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Threads you wont even open list?

DKW 86

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I'll start.

1) MTG whacko
2) Boebert whacko
3) Ted Cruz whacko
4) Mike Pence, religious whacko
5) Bush43 too stupid
6) Dick Cheney too corrupt
7) Anything to do with Q or the Alt-Right whackos
8.) Any thread that has gone over maybe 5 pages. They are almost always off the rails at that point.

I retain my rights to add more to this later.

Edited by DKW 86
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1) AOC - dumb as a box of rocks 


3) Pelosi-insider trading extraordinaire 

4)Swalwell-spy chasing sexual predator

5)Nadler- complete buffoon 

6)Harris-does anyone really need to say anything on her

7)Brandon-hahahaha.  He is the savior 

8)antifa- strong arm of democrats that no one acknowledges 

Edited by aubaseball
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I'll open most with the understanding the majority are opinions tethered to a leash. :gofig:

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Any thread started by Fifty and Icky.

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you boys get a nice erection picking on me and ichy? you people like to get sh*tty about stuff and cry so why single anyone out? it is like you guys are channeling your inner orange man...............feel better? jusat so you know bitching will not ger you anywhere. you people lost your mind protectinig captain bone spurs for years claiming everthing said about him was a lie. how is that holding up boys? damn right i will not let you forget. some of you christians acted very unchristian. well waity with all the hate in religion now maybe you were being perfect christians..........

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7 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

you people like to get sh*tty about stuff and cry so why single anyone out?

Good question; why do you singe people out?

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Good question; why do you singe people out?

i singe people because i am fire. and i hate stupid answers and stupid people. and some mof you never learn. how many years before you changed your mind about trump? 6? 7?

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I'll look and see who started a thread, and that usually tells me if it's worth opening or not.

There's some folks here who can manage to not be hyper-partisan, and if I see that they've posted on a thread, I'll check it out. 

There's a handful of folks that are insufferably sanctimonious, intentionally obtuse (I'm talking 179 degree angle obtuse) and/or one-trick ponies in what they post, and I'll just keep on scrolling. 

Although not the intent of this thread, I do want to give a positive shout-out to 85 for his news threads. I don't always post on them, but many of them are interesting reads.

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22 hours ago, aubaseball said:

1) AOC - dumb as a box of rocks 


3) Pelosi-insider trading extraordinaire 

4)Swalwell-spy chasing sexual predator

5)Nadler- complete buffoon 

6)Harris-does anyone really need to say anything on her

7)Brandon-hahahaha.  He is the savior 

8)antifa- strong arm of democrats that no one acknowledges 

Good list. I still open a few of those tho.

1) AOC - dumb as a box of rocks 
She will lead the DNC soon, so I do open these.


3) Pelosi-insider trading extraordinaire 

4)Swalwell-spy chasing sexual predator

5)Nadler- complete buffoon 

6)Harris-does anyone really need to say anything on her
Ditto, But she will be a presidential nominee in under 6 years.

7)Brandon-hahahaha.  He is the savior 
He is still President.

8)antifa- strong arm of democrats that no one acknowledges 
Too crazy not to watch.

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2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Good question; why do you singe people out?

why do you lie all the time and ignore the truth? i understand it takes a real man to admit when he is wrong so no surprise there. but the lies get old and you will catch hell for them when i have time.

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